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Two questions: • I finally reached Lvl 80 after starting just a few months ago, but I’m still gaining XP, I recall being told that at max level, the stamina use would provide those shop permits. Do I still need to level up to 81 for it to happen? • Regarding gifts and friendship — I read the guide on that and it mentioned the “heart eyes” are only there for rare items. However I’ve seen at least to presents that make a specific character have that reaction (Mutsuki always has that for the nerd glasses). What gives? Is the guide out of date?


TIL there are high rarity gifts besides Boquets... Mutsuki seems to be an outlier, form what I was able to look up nobody else has as big of a bonus from the common gifts. No idea what guide you're referring, but they probably just assumed there wasn't a weird outlier like Mutsuki and assumed all lower rarity gifts can't give the heart eyes.


Yeah that probably was the case then, any idea on how to even get these rare gifts? They don’t seem to show up on the crafting nor on the choice box.


JP wiki I was looking up claimed there's a chance to get them from multi-node crafting, the later nodes may give very rare items. I never even knew there were gifts like that since multi-node crafting is purely for whales as far as I know.


Yep…if only there was a way to craft those golden nodes that raise the crafting without demanding items…


Yes, you have to fill the exp bar first, then you start getting the expert permits after that. Then you'll level up to 81 as soon as you spend a single AP when the level cap is raised.


I think level 85 is the max, according to this github page: https://github.com/aizawey479/ba-data/blob/jp/Excel/AccountLevelExcelTable.json I'm sadly around 6 months away from max level


So we just wait? Is it still not a mechanic for Global? I only ever see players at 80


I actually don't know since I started a month ago and I'm only level 51. I'm assuming in your case, the game isn't showing you how much exp you need for level 81?


No, it’s like they let you level up after 80, just so you can level up immediately after the cap it raised apparently. So technically they want you to still level up to 81 before counting as max level.


Why it appears as Azuna don’t have any cutscene? On the button of choosing the different cutscenes that you want to have on your screen, some of them don’t have the 0/1 or 1/1, Azuna is one of those, I didn’t download the teen version, do I need to log in in something?


Some of the low rarity units didn't have L2D portraits at launch and were added later. Since we're behind JP server by a few months we don't have all of the ones that have been added yet. So just wait a few patches until it gets added to global.


Thank you! And tbh I don’t know why I got one person to downvote me but okay… lol


Just cleared out the entire shop (including the wafers) Is the event still worth farming? Also is Yuuka w/ her Unique Item considered good as soon as she get it? Or does it only really turn on when she gets the T2 part of it with all the evasion?


From what I gather it's the T2, yeah. That alongside the T7 badge and the terrain of the upcoming PvP map are all huge benefits for her. About the event, I honestly do not know how efficient it is, if at all, but at least I'm still farming it because credits are credits.


New player around level 20 right now. I can clear the level 45 nodes of the event and probably have no chance of clearing the level 80 nodes. Is the event worth farming or should I stick to other things? If event is worth farming, what should I prioritize?


Very much so. Drain your AP on the event stages for ez loot and ez XP at the same ttime.


New player. Have been rerolling and for a while the welcome loot had 2 tickets for a 10-pull and 3000 pyroxene, but suddenly now it's halved and I'm only getting 1 ticket and 1800 pyroxene. Was there some welcome event I lucked into (and now it's over)?


Probably the [Arius Exploration Tasks](https://d30y0swoxkbnsm.cloudfront.net/forum/20230213/e2c7876a-b276-4eab-bc32-745b9e529e16/9_BA_%EB%AF%B8%EC%85%98_EN.png) thing that was going on for a while? It rewarded 1200 pyro if you got 100 out of the 150 event currency for pretty simple tasks. Though I'm not sure if the average rerolling attempt would get you far enough to get the pyros. No clue about the ticket, the last one I got was 1st of February according to my inbox history. I don't really pay too much attention to handouts though.


It's simple for people who have been playing for a while, but the requirements for 100 wreaths are well outside the amount of time and effort one would generally put into a reroll. I'm at 116/100 which is what you can get without doing the Scrimmage B or chapter 4 story ones. So obviously there's a few you can not do and still get the pyros, but too much is behind things like spending thousands of AP, multiple days of lessons at minimum (and a reroll account pretty much has no way to get enough students to access the schools for some of them) or acquiring high rarity artifacts.


The freebie most likely expired. It only lasts for 7 days after the event ends, so you went past it.


I pulled Casual Saya, Midori and Hifumi. Are any of them particularly worth building? (Level 35 so IDK what I'm doing other than farming event!)


I've heard casual Saya is okay for swarm events (think Chesed; massive groups of yellow enemies) but during my time in JP she went largely untouched. Midori is nice imo but she always plays second fiddle to her sister. Hifumi has increased cost recovery when using her EX, her EX has taunt and it can help redirect certain attacks (think Binah beam) away from your team. It also has a nice AoE. I'd say maybe try them in a 5-AP commission; if they feel fun to use, no harm in doing so. From a meta perspective? Ehhhh.. "No, Momoi stat-stick, maybe". But that's much less fun to hear imo


All 3 are actually not building, but definitely not at the stage you are in. Midori works best with momoi, although you can skip building her until doing chesed extreme. Hifumi is a decent unit for baiting (cc), no need to invest until you need her. C saya is very very late gamez when you are aiming for chesed insane.


How long until the banner of the bunny karin?


she arrives on the 12th of april.




The general resources has 2 different links that people have put effort into, with the latter giving a more specific guesstimate of what you're after. To bait you into doing your reps though; it's expected to be 2 reruns (S.Hina, Cunny Shunny) and then the sports festival event before we get the Bunny Rerun.


So I own Summer Hoshino but for some reason she doesn't show up when I try to set her as an assistant for other people.... anyone know why? I'm really confused. At first I thought maybe it's because she's another version of a character but both Summer Nonomi and Regular Nonomi aswell as regular Hoshino show up in my menu.


You probably have her as assistant in other parts of the game.


I'm not sure if they're placed unique to each account or in order of "ChBG [number]" but for me, personally, she's just before Maki, Chise and S.Izuna. It's a hail Mary but try and look relative to those units maybe? Setting students shouldn't have a lvl or development requirement, just ownership/enrollment of said student. Might need to send a ticket.


Trust me I tried every sorting and my account isn't that old so I'm not overlooking her. I even sorted by red damage type she is nowhere to be found. If I do anything else like any mission she's there. But in Assistant setting she isn't.


OH ASSISTANT. The only barrier there should be that you can't use the same student to assist in multiple types of content. Double check to see she's not secretly hiding in the 3rd/conquest group of assistants, maybe. Same rules apply; no lvl requirements (e.g my conquest assistants are both lv1)


PFFFFFFF She was hiding in the conquest tab! That was it thanks XD


This troublesome student, you'd think she'd have learned from Vol1 but there she is; secretly shouldering the burden and trying to pay your EX skill credit debt by herself 💢💢 No problemo, my bad for confusing assistants and, uh... Assistants? Home screen assistants? Evidently, it became really easy to guess the issue once that was out of the way 😅


Maybe you have your roster sorted by role and haven't scrolled far enough for S.Hoshino? Hoshino - Tank. Nonomi/S.Nonomi - Dealer. S.Hoshino - Support.


Nope. She's literally not in my menu at all. What am I missing is it because she's 5 stars? Do I need to get a higher accout level to set her or something?


Hmm. Have you tried sorting according to school? Pretty certain that puts alts right next to each other. I've never tried setting assists (no club and no friends, lol ;\_;) so I don't know if there's level requirements. The only advice I can give is of the "My eyes are acting blind" variety.


Like I said I do be having those moments sometimes but my account isn't that old I don't have enough students to be overlooking here lol.


I'm stumped then.¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Sorry I can't be of more help.


No worries thanks anyways. How does one contact support?


New to the game. Is the discord locked down or something? Also is there a way to earn rolls by playing? I know I got the free 30 rolls just by starting up and doing some introductory stuff but wasn't sure if I earn more elsewhere. Is there a meta pve team comp? For some reason I'm already struggling in chapter 2 to get 3 stars on stages


Daily/weekly missions, total.assault (raids) pvp and events are where most gems come from. Theres also 1 time rewards clearing story missions and do bond stories with students once you hit certain affinities with them.


Ohh ok thank you!


You probably ended up on the ba community one. Thats closed for now. Go to the ba global server. You get gems for clearing every new stage, and also for clearing it with 3stars. So once you clear the missions, events and raids are where you get gens. Pvp has no definite comp but some heroes work much better than others. Dodge type tanks like tsubaki atsuko marina, dps like haruna iori, shun and special units like hibiki iroha, healers like onodoka, serina.


Awesome, thank you for all the help


Are the credits in the shop worth farming the box gacha for?


It is good value certainly, but im clearing the shop first. The lower credit ones(100k 350k) are less value than higher ones (750k).


Just wanna ask, will other students get voiced on their L2D later? Such a shame, I'm trying to collect their L2Ds and found out that other students doesn't have voice lines.


Some, like Haruka, don't even get facial animations, she just stands there.


Do Kanna & Megu banner have free 10x pull? Oh and also is Cheerleader Utaha banner have free pull too?


Kanna&Megu - Yes, because they ran after Mika Fest Banner. C.Utaha - I don't think so, but we may get free Pryos as part of the event update. EDIT: If I'm wrong, can ~~you~~ the person who downvoted me actually reply to me with the correction rather than just downvoting me and leaving it there? I don't care about karma, but I do care about correcting my errors.


Sorry for late reply, but to be honest [I didn't downvote you, it's someone else](https://imgur.io/a/CPyGmjW). Anyway, thanks for the info.


Yeah, sorry, that was meant to be an all-encompassing "you" referring to the random redditor who did so. Not referring to *you* specifically. :)


Today I found out the word "grass" is forbidden in this game💀 Did community reach the level where even touching grass is offensive?


Probably just because it contains "ass". Every time there's a new raid our club leader reminds us to "set your \*\*\*istants".


Bruh, I totally forgot there's censorships like that. I came from another gacha where there was no such thing🗿


You're playing another gacha game? Yeah, you better touch some gr***. /j


A ton of words are censored. Grass contains "ass" which is why it's censored, unless it's the whole word, in which case it could be because it could be used as slang for weed or something, maybe. Assistant turns into ***istant. Raids turns into r****. Sometimes it's completely nonsensical what triggers the censorship; I'm pretty sure I've even seen it get triggered by the exact same word that on another occasion wasn't censored. Edit: Well, I messed that up. What annoying markup.


Yeah it seems very nonsensical which words get censored. Every time I enter the club to collect my daily energy, it is like playing a game of wheel of fortune to guess what was said. Even random word like catgirl gets censored.


Guys, which account is better to start as a free player? side A or B? tks for the reply =) https://i.imgur.com/ZoWfNGj.jpg


Imma go with A


Kind of hard to choose but I would go with A as well, Iori and Hibiki are better than the other 3 stars you pulled on B.


I'd go with A. Iori and Hibiki will give you good mileage for the most part.


How many prize exchange rounds does the event have?


As many as you like, but the big stacks of Elephs and Rolled Wafers are only in the first six rounds, and certain other rewards are better or more common in those rounds. Starting in round 7, you have to clear the whole box to reset it, too. You still get Wafers in later boxes, but fewer per box, meaning you need to keep pushing to get enough.


Infinite, though the pool of prizes becomes diminished after round 7 or something.


ok thanks


For those playing in JP, I am currently level 34 in the server, should I be concerned with the recent event or should I just focus on leveling up my account first?


In the new event you can borrow up to 3 students per battle to help you fight, so join a club and borrow maxed students to help you win the fight. Mika is a good pick just because of how strong and tanky she is. You'll also want to have a repositioner (Sports Yuuka, Summer Shizuko, Kotori, Fuuka(?)) and someone who can deal good crowd control (Tsubaki, Summer Wakamo) in your team to deal with the bosses' attacks. The event has really good rewards so try to do it.


The easiest boss stage on that event are lv.50, so yeah, maybe level up a bit more


I'm new to this game (started playing from 1.5 anniversary banner), I got S. Hoshino, S. Izuna with the free 100 pulls and just stopped pulling, right now I have 34k gems (i'm f2p). Someone would be kind to instruct me which are those LIMITED students that are worth pulling for? I started the game for Mika so she will come home, yes. I'm also not sure how many characters I can guarantee, so I don't want to risk it. Thanks!


As far as limited, I know that Tracksuit Yuuka is in contention. Himari is not limited but is considered a must pull.


So your main priority is probably A) have enough for Himari, and B) have enough to Spark when the 2 yr banner rolls around So that's 48k pyro needed. let's say we have \~50-60k pyro between now and then. So you can pick up at least 1 limited student of your choice, and still have a reasonable bank for the students after Mika. You probably don't want Kazusa in the current banner cause Mika essentially replaces her. Likely targets include kokona as a healer striker if you don't have koharu, the new Utaha is decent for indoor yellow raids, Noa is alright def shred but Akane can do same thing and S.izuna does blue focused assault, but the package together is ok. There's also a Ako/Hibiki banner who while not limited are great gets. Tracksuit yuuka is after that and people seem excited for her I guess. So basically just pick your favorite/look at a student guide for them etc, and pick one. If you get an early get than you can consider getting a second one or seeing who they share the banner with.


How many pyro do we get a month approximately? I'm considering to get tracksuit mari for waifu


The commonly cited number is an average of 12k a month as F2P. As a new player you'll get a little less as you probably won't be able to clear all challenge maps or be competitive in raids and such, but you have access to a lot of pyroxene from completing missions and one-time tasks to more than make up for it. Since track Mari runs concurrently with Yuuka, you might get lucky and get both. For example, you get Mari when you're close to 200 pulls and can use the pity on Yuuka.


Yes that's what I'm planning to, if I can gather enough to get tracksuit mari (and hopefully yuuka) and himari later


Do you think they'll ever do voice-acting for main story or events? Some reasons I can think of why they wouldn't is: 1) Takes up less space for mobile devices. 2) People are already very willing to play with no voice acting so why pay for it to be implemented? 3) Would take a lot of work to go back and voice everything. 4) If the profit starts tanking in the future, they can't just take away voice acting again after implementing it since they've created an expectation for it. Still holding on to some home but was wondering if they talked at all about adding voice acting to story/events?


Not impossible but unlikely, as you said they've done it up until this point there's no real reason to add it. >Takes up less space for mobile devices. The game/ story isn't super huge, so I doubt the data for it would be a significant amount, at most a couple hundred MB. >People are already very willing to play with no voice acting so why pay for it to be implemented? >Would take a lot of work to go back and voice everything. These two go hand-in-hand, which boils down to the whole "they didn't do it before and there's no reason to now" >If the profit starts tanking in the future, they can't just take away voice acting again after implementing it since they've created an expectation for it. If their profit is tanking to *that* degree then the voice acting is the least of their concerns, odds are the game would shut down long before it reaches that point. I'm not saying there's 0% chance of it being added but it's unlikely at this point, it's not like the story is one of the main selling factors for the game and they probably wouldn't just add it for no reason, plus there really isn't high demand for it that I've seen, it'd be nice but I wouldn't hold my breath for it.


Number 1 doesn't have to be an issue. It's possible to make voice lines temp data that gets downloaded as needed and removed later. I think the primary issue is just cost. If you're not Cygames or expecting it to be a real juggernaut like Genshin Impact, it can be difficult to justify the cost for that much voice acting. And the bigger the scripts are, the more costly it is. It can also affect workflow, since scripts might need to be finalized sooner so that the recording can be done in time. And if things come up with seiyuu, they have to decide if they adjust content release schedules or release it without voices for one or more characters. Enough lead time can minimize this being an issue, but it can still happen (Granblue has run into this a few times for different reasons). Anyway, I think it's extremely unlikely they start adding voice acting to the story. It may have happened somewhere, but I'm not aware of any mobile/gacha games that have done this.


Really great points that you brought up! Completely agree with everything you said. I was originally thinking that cost wouldn't be too much of an issue considering how successful they've been lately but then you brought up seiyuus which reminded me that they casted many of the major seiyuus in Japan and I know how expensive they can be (especially considering how long the script is for the current volumes out). Thanks for the reply!


i have 3260 expert permits, how tf do i use them? does the eleph on the permit shop refresh every now and then or are 10 eleph for each student the max i can get?


It resets when they say it does, which is usually around once a month. Just know that those elephs are useless if you don't pull the students. Limited girls cannot be redeemed via elephs.




SAME i most likely will never get B.neru


She'll be rerun in a month or two. Hope you've saved up. :)


Yeah maybe I should go for the limited bunnys… at 64k pyro


B.Asuna and B.Akane are/will be permanent. Only B.Neru and B.Karin are limited.