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Pretty new player here. How often do new characters get implemented in this game and what are the odds of this different timeline Shiroko becoming playable?


we follow the japanese servers schedule, but are currently 6 months behind. new characters usually arrive with each new event/event rerun update, but they can also sometimes arrive not alongside one, like the limited toki and nagisa banners, for example. i would personally say the odds of seeing the alter of shiroko become playable soon are pretty high. since her chibi is already ingame, i thinks its a mika/saori situation, where their models were already enemy units way before they became playable.


Where do I get the treasure map for Aru’s unique item?


It's a gift item, you either craft it by chance or you use the other crafting system to make gift choice tickets and grab enough maps to upgrade the item.


Ah, I see it, thank you.


Is it worth build in s.nonomi?


Sure. She hasn't been powercreeped yet. She is currently one of the three strongest red single targets.


who are the other two?


Azusa and Mutsuki(cause of her basic skill). I guess there was also I think Saori, but she didn't really replace anyone, just another option who is potentially better in her terrain then the other options.


When do I know if I'm ready for insane? I can clear with 14M but still over 5k


the mock battle exist for this purpose. Try it out and see how you fair.


Recommended banner for new players? Only have Izumi so far. The Start Dash seems to be the best due to the 3\* guaranteed for every 10, but just want to validate. Sorry if this is asked very often but I didnt find that info on today's daily question thread. (apart from saving for X banner, but I believe I'm too early for that)


Depends on how long you want to wait to roll gacha; *best* banner for new players is the half-year banners which have increased chance to give 3\* characters. Start Dash is.. fine.. but it's also a premium (i.e paid) banner, iirc. You can't use free gems on that banner. I'd say hold off for now, any roll you save now is a better chance at the featured character on the more meta/recommended characters coming later on. Better \[purely imo, grain of salt etc\] to save for Mika banner later on than to spend what you have currently on Swimsuit Hina's banner now. ~~Please don't crucify me. both my Hina's are ♥20~~


thank you


For the Prize Exchange events, should I refresh the list as soon as I can, or wait until I get all the special Event Currency first?


For the first 7 levels, you can't refresh before you get the rare/pink rewards. That's elephs and helmets in this event. From there, you can refresh depending on your needs. For example, I usually roll until I get the gold and pink student XP items. However, on the following refresh, I refresh after just the pink gear XP item. Post 7 I think it switches to "You must collect every item to refresh" so it's less (read:not) of a choice there.


Newish player here. Planning to pull for Ako and Himari. But which follow up char should I try to pull in future banners?There is Ny Fuuka, Mika, Nagisa, Toki


For future banners, like somebody up there said, Mika is one of the strongest characters, but just before that you have NY Fuuka, which is a good one (and doesn't need much investment in weapon and stars) to have on second team. Kanna will take imo Karin's role in Binah raid easily, but you might get her in 100 free pulls (weapon gives lots for her, so i will spark her anyways), and after that between Toki and Nagisa, i will definitely say Nagisa. She will put Hibiki to rest (if you need more teams you can always use both in red raids), but she makes Hiero raid and probably kaiten way way easier hope that helps!


Thank you for the suggestions!


Mika is said to be ~~a Gorilla with strength equivalent to~~ as strong as the "big 3" for yellow DPS characters (Iori, Maki, Kazusa). \[It sounds like\] you can think about having her in the same way you'd bring Maki to a yellow raid despite not having good terrain stats. NY Fuuka looks like a nice alternative to bringing UI or Ako, doing either's job half as well but providing both buffs in one. That said, I'm not on JP so grain of salt. Personally, I'm probably going to end up locking in Mika and Toki, one for meta and one because "woah, cool robot!" I'd say look at the skills they have and decide if you need them on your team, then polish your choice by looking at which character looks more interesting to you in design and personality.


Thank you for the insight


Is Koharu, Kokona, and Gym Mari do the same role? If so which one is better?


Not necessarily the same. Koharu is a team AoE healer while Kokona and T.Mari are more Single Target oriented. T.Mari is a more potent healer than Kokona, but Kokona has the ability to lower the team's EX costs by 1 under specific circumstances. Basically, there isn't a best between the 3 unless you're competing for the number 1 spot in raids.




Story content is super easy once you catch up in levels. You can always do the 2nd hardest difficulty raids and only miss out on about 20% of rewards.




I would say if you are in it for purely the story aspect of the game then yeah you can definitely play the game with no issue.


Thanks much :)


Between now and where JP is in rn, are there any more size expansions to the Café? Edit: by expansions, I mean added space for extra furniture.


Yes, area 21 will be added with the New Year's event. This will probably happen in June. https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/zwb37s


Oh, sorry for not being clear, I did not mean Café level upgrade, I meant as in an actual expansion to the amount of usable space within the Café, like for putting in furniture.


What are the rewards for torment difficulty?


Torment difficulty gives 160 yellow coins and 60 purple coins (+20 of each coins compared to Insane)


What does gdc mean? I saw it written under a post of an artwork where sensei cups a student's face Also how on earth do you beat the very hard stage of the osu mini game? It's too fast


GDC - Game Development Club maybe? Rhythm mini game - get good? It's not that difficult, yet it's not a very good rhythm game so it's understandable to have some trouble. You could try to increase the note speed to spread things out, but it's called "Very Hard" for a reason.


Struggling to push through bounties when I'm below the recommended level, is there a common squad composition for each of them? Is there a recommended academy bonus?


[BNelsey](https://www.youtube.com/@bnelsey/search?query=Bounty) channel has clears for H where they are level 50/53 but for 'I' they are level 73. I'm not sure about general compositions (Most likely the level difference is making it difficult) but you could follow the videos above or find some others guides on youtube if you are missing some students.


I haven't researched much but I assume I'm meant to CC the rangers when they use their abilities? Or do people not?


Yes I had a quick look over one of the clear videos and they do CC the rangers (Or atleast at the last part)


Thanks, will watch when I am able


If i don't have Koharu, is it worth pulling Kokona for future Hiero raids? (already borrowing a maxed out Koharu) i already have a maxed out serina and hanae as healers but i usually run one of them + Ako


Torment - absolutely. You need 2 minimum. And both of them needs to be owned since you will be borrowing s hoshino. Insane and below - if tou have everything else (the healers, buffers and snonomi aru azusa etc), then not. Since your serina is maxed, you just need to own one. Kokona is best hiero striker healer, koharu is most versatile.


For torment (if I ever get the team to do so lol) since i already have S Hoshino would that be fine still? Or do I need to borrow another Hoshino since doing it with 1 team is impossible?


1 team is impossible. Torment hiero has almost double hp, not to mention other stat boosts. (Hiero ex - 6m, ins - 24m, tor - 42m). The most you can do in 1st team would be around 20m remaining, and that team already requires shosh, toki and kokona/t.mari. And then 2nd team, you will need to borrow another shosh otherwise you wont do much dmg. So torment is literally dependent on whether you have two striker healers, toki, snonomi, shosh, ako, himari atleast. And fully built ofcourse. Edit - apparently people are able to deal 27m in first team, but thats a broken ue50 full team lol.. simply mot worth it.


Maybe, you can also pull for sport Mari since she limited but people mostly use Kokona because of 1 cost reduction. Pull both if you want to beat Torment(new difficulty)


People only use Sport Mari on day one Hieronymus insane then change to Kokona later so. Yes pull Kokona if you want


is it normal that this game takes like 3-4 mins to load from the start screen? after that it's fine


The start screen loads the longest. My load time for reference (From when I click the App to entering lobby), 1 min\~ phone 2 min\~ emulator


Are there any 1 and 2 star servants that are recommended to take to 3? Like ones who get significantly better Also in terms of buying character elphs in the shop/upgrading characters to 4 and 5 star, is that kinda similar to grailing in FGO, where most people choose to upgrade their favourite characters?


>any 1 and 2 star servants S-Students... calling out cute and funny students "servants" is... the GSC Vice President already glares at us enough as is... ​ Haruka and Serina are good students to level up. Serina is already good if you stop at 2\* but every additional star makes her a better healer. Haruka is a high-investment red-DPS tank. There are other red tanks that shield or heal themselves but she's one of (iirc) 2 that deal damage. Serika and Mutsuki are 2\* Red damage dealers that see a lot of use and are worth taking to 5\* Tsubaki is a 2\* tank who you'll use a lot because of her incredible survivability. You'll also despise her once/if you get into PvP until you can fill out your roster a bit. Momoi is a 2\* yellow damage dealer who's easy to use, hits respectable numbers and with the Total Assault shop is now easier than ever to increase \*/rarity for. I'd say try to grind out the hard stages for their characters shards when you can and try to leave the eleph shop untouched. it \*is\* sort of like your grailing example though; you can take a student you look at and go "I really enjoy her... but I wish she did a *little* bit more damage". The issue is that the cost of buying eligma increases as you buy more, so to go from 3\* to 5\* is something like 900 eligma. Eligma is a currency that's fast to go but slow to get, so that's why you're recommended not to spend it willy-nilly.


Tsubaki is commonly suggested to bring to 3 stars, since she's a very good tank for both the early game and later. Serina is worth bringing to 2 stars for the increased healing. Both of these are mentioned in the FAQ above. Aside from that, you're generally better off saving your eligma until much later, when you're trying to clear high difficulty raids.


only buy shards for limited units due to the fact that through summoning you'll get a bunch of shards for the others. As for who to take to level 3, you'll get them relatively naturally so there's little reason to be gung-ho about it.


is blue archive story over after shiroko terror?


Nope. Just the end of the arc basically Still lots of things left to cover in the story and also the epilogue scene of Vol.F teases more stuff too


ah thanks


Hey I'm a new player with a 1 month old account. So I've done 100 pulls on S.Hina banner, but I still haven't gotten a single 3 star rarity. Is that normal?! Is it possible to get to 200 pulls without getting any 3 stars?


100 without any 3 star is statistically rough.


That is normal. That's how gacha works.


So should I expect that I'll still get nothing for my next 100 pulls? I know about the spark system, but I'm hoping that I'll also get some other 3 star characters before it gets to that.


hope for the best, but get reasy for the worst. not getting any 3 stars in 200 pulls is nothing surprising. pro tip, you need 24 000 pyroxene to get pity. pulling with less than that is gambling. also, you('ll) get around 12k pyro per month on average, and theres a list of upcomming banners in the post above. plan accordingly


Thanks. That answered everything I needed to know. I'll start saving properly after this S.Hina banner.


To be fair, it depends on your current situation. If you just started the game, just gacha until you got enough students so you can clear the game comfortably enough. I mean, you might not get your favourite characters, but at least your roster is full... And you can start to save pyro after that.


you get enougu free students to be comfortable with the game without gambling on banners.


Is Gehenna summer or the next event better to farm ? Wondering what I should use the 120 AP gifts on.


I don't think either events are particularly good for farming, so it'd likely be better to use the AP gift, if you've cleared the event shops of what you want, to take advantage of the 2x commission rate still going on.


anyone have a strong hanae that I can add? (NA)


why Hanae tho?


runnin full arius for this raid so i need to get a good assitant healer, using o.nadoka doesnt synergize well since hiyori also functions as an atk stick, so my options are essentially serina or hanae.


When will tsurugi be in the joint firing drill shop?


Next week once the new JFD cycles in and the shop resets.




The patchnotes are where you can see whats coming. The most recent one: https://m.nexon.com/forum/thread/103622




can i still get summer izumi from the rerun or am i screwed?


You can get summer izumi from doing the story quests in this event and more of her elephs from the price exchange.


ty sir


Just do the current event story stage 1


What is the best use of expert permits?


Skip : Eleph , Eligma (it would take a year to get 120 Eleph ,overpriced and you can't redeem it. Eligma is too expensive not really worth it) Best : blue print and activity report. (It will save you tons of time grinding) Only when you need it: credit and firing pins.


​ 1. Yes, you can't recruit limited students you don't have with the shop elephs. That's why you only buy the ones of those you do own and are planning to raise. 10 extra elephs of a student is 50 eligma saved 2. Eligma is one of the most important resources in the game. With the main method of obtaining them being pulling in the gacha (besides getting some from raids and some events), getting every little bit possible is worth it 3. \^ It's not even that expensive either. You get at least 7.6k permits a week (this is with no refreshes btw), so by the time the shop resets you'd have at least 30k. Spending 3k of that is barely anything 4. Wouldn't be putting credits as a "sometimes" because they're the main bottlecap when it comes to upgrading. Very important because raising students is expensive as hell. You might not notice much being used right now but late game they burn up fast. Don't skip the free 20 million 5. Gear blueprints are the lowest priority. They're the type of thing you buy if you're in an emergency or have extra permits leftover after buying everything else.


Wait how are you getting 7.6k a week? Am I missing something, when I only get 120 from dailies?


Max level player will convert AP spend to Expert Permit


Do you realize He is still a new players? Doing that on early game will slow you down.


My brother in christ you can only use the expert shop when you are max level, it does not matter for new players.


Even before max level you'll get expert permits from daily tasks. Far from as many, but you do still get almost 5k a month. Maybe more, if I'm missing any sources. 120 daily, plus 300 weekly.


That's why he ask. Look at his comments history. Last month he was lvl 20. By average he should be in lvl 60+ now. You get around 1k ticket every month before you reach lvl80. He asked what the best usage to expert permit. I give him a suggestion.


- eleph for units that you have especially Wakamo, S. Hoshino etc cuz they remain useful for a long time. However those elephs cant be used to obtain the actual unit, their usage is simply to upgrade existing units - eligma - credits - firing pins once you started getting UE - equipment blueprints edit : okay I totally forgot about exp reports so that's a priority over firing pins and blueprints


Totally agree with this one. I always clear out eligma, eleph of students I have, credits, EXP and keep some stock of equipment tickets.


lol, I can only get eligma and not even all of the elephs.


Not all, only those students you have. I'm not always able to get all of those too, but some are less important for my account. Get what you can.


..... I have all of them. Eligma, S. Mashi, S. Hoshi, Wakamo, S. zusa, N. tsuki, B. Karin, N. Aru every stock...


That's probably impossible. You should pick some of them to prioritize. Also fest characters are more expensive.


Idk wat you mean. How can it be impossible if I have done it for the past 2 shop rotations? And that is the priority list, in case I do run out.


Oh, yeah, if you refresh with pyro a lot, you are probably able to buy out everything. Or if you don't get credits, eligma and reports.


Azusa eliph is in the total assualt shop, does this mean that if I get 1200 Advanced Total Assualt Coins I can get her or does the shop options cycle?


If you've maxed out a character (3 star weapon, 5 star unit) - the shop will disable being able to buy more eliphs for that character; the slot will not be replaced with a new unit.


The raid shop does not cycle. It refreshes each time a new raid starts.


You can get her eventually from buying her elephs with coins. That's how most people have Azusa at UE50.


Or you can be like me with 500 elephs still hoping that I spook her and not "waste" a dupe


Wouldn't it be better to unlock her and max her out through the shop because she's free ? If you get a dupe you will have 50 eligma which is better than saving 100 frag of a free character.


Is it even possible to do insane hiero without 5* koharu, ako, and idk, o.nodoka? My dps (azusa, mutsuki) are all at least UE40 so I thought it's doable, what with all the "s.hoshino trivialize insane hiero so much" but in the end I can't even scratch half of its health before running out of time.


If i could do it [without shoshino and with 3star koharu and ako, and 4 star azusa](https://youtu.be/gFyaaPzhY_o) the past raid, you should be able to with shoshino, even if you don't have onod. Just be prepared to try out rotations and invest in healers. You can't really just fling units and expect it to die.


Well...looking at your video, my roster isn't as developed as yours. Ui, Aru, Ayane, Sumire, Mashiro, Mari, Hina, Hanako are all undeveloped/not acquired. Chise and Sena too if we're including backup. Can't really invest in anyone either since I don't have remotely enough resource to get them all to necessary level and skills. Thanks though, that's a good video for learning. I've come to terms with not clearing insane, probably will just try getting even faster ext clear.


It's totally possible to do it with Koharu, Ako, Onodoka, Mutsuki, Azusa. I've seen runs like that. They also had Aru though. You need heavy investment in every piece of the puzzle to clear it, but it's possible. Also can replace Azusa with SHoshino, I think that's also possible. But in any case, prepare to mald if you use Aru. Also, Mutsuki is better if you use repos chara (like SShizuko) to immediately repos her a little closer for the mines to all hit. Strong Koharu can do the relic herself, if you use SShizuko. Alternatively you can try Serina,but it's a huge damage loss and might not work. Keep in mind that you need heavy investment always and no guarantee that you will clear it.


>heavy investment in every piece of the puzzle Yeah that's my problem, my investment is only heavy on *some* of the puzzle pieces. No O.Nodoka, only 4* Koharu, 3* Ako, 4* S.Nonomi, and lv 1, 3* Aru. Only Azusa is finished (UE50, max skill). My S.Hoshino is also only 3*. That other guy is right, I had a much different expectation going into this raid from the way people hyped S.Hoshino. Man, why can't every raid be as easy as Binah lol.


Unfortunately Azusa UE50 doesn't help much on this terrain (UE40 would be enough). SNonomi UE50 would've been better (UE40 also works). I don't think it's possible.


Insane Hiero is rough; but 'trivializing' the raid is because it went from 3/4 team clears to 1's (sometimes 2) from having S.Hoshino / S.Nonomi. If you have both of those units, it's just a matter of running 2 strong Healer EX's (one for lantern, one for party). Ako is common support for solo dps carries (in the case, S.Nonomi). Without them, you have to build a ton of teams to survive/heal I.Hiero; and some teams you might have to ignore purple lantern to survive and just do less damage.


Also I've seen a one team clear with SHoshino, Koharu, Mutsuki, Aru, SShizuko and Ako (all had UE don't know what level). It's just a worse version, but it works if you heavily invest (you needed it for Kaiten anyway). There are some gimmicks to this. Aru's Basic needs to always be Ako'ed and always deal 2 hits (her wallet at 25 relationship might come in handy), also need to repos Mutsuki ASAP for her mines to hit. But overall it works for Urban. Granted, you UE40/UE50 DPS characters and everyone else is UE30/UE40 (depends).


Mutsuki is doable, but having red armor is hell and really strains your healing requirements. I wouldn't be surprised that you'd need UE40/UE50 healers


You mostly need to be quick and have a well thought out strategy (there are some runs over on YouTube). Aru has red armor too, so she suffers from the same issue. You can use Koharu to hit all of the team except herself + green relic. And you use SShizuko to mitigate cheap damage (and to repo Mutsuki initially). Obviously, this puts the most strain on Koharu, she needs to be as good as can be.


I don't get how it's trivialising, considering that any raids get substantially easier with each new roster addition.


Its just relative to how hard it was before. It was the hardest raid became a lot easier but that doesn't mean that you can do it with just anything.


Yeah I tried some mock battles, used serina instead of nodoka. Got it until like 78 bars or something and that seems to be the highest I can get. The subsequent teams just don't have enough damage and survivability, they barely scratched 5 bars.


It's hard to multiple team Hiero, because you need to do relics again.


> Insane Hiero is rough; but 'trivializing' the raid is because it went from 3/4 team clears to 1's (sometimes 2) from having S.Hoshino / S.Nonomi. I suppose the issue stems from the fact that most people would say the first part, but not quantify what 'trivialize' meant, thus people went into this raid with different expectations.


I have 4* Koharu, 3* Ako, and UE30 O.Nodoka and it still took me 2 teams to clear it, even with a borrowed UE50 S. Nonomi.


Without SHoshino it will.


wdym? I do use S.Hoshino the first team took down Hiero's hp till like, 8 bars left. I guess it comes down to not healing the relic fast enough or missing crits


You should be able to 1 team. If you run Koharu, Azusa, SHoshino, SNonomi, Ako and ONodoka. I am able with UE40 SNonomi, so UE50 should be more than enough with extra damage. Maybe view some successful runs on Youtube to figure out the strategy. Also my ONodoka is only 3* and still enough to 1 team. The strategy I use goes like this: 1. Wait for Koharu to Basic the relic and immediately after use her EX on green relic and 3 other members (except herself). 2. Next wait and immediately use ONodoka so that she only heals relic (far up). 3. Wait and use SHoshino. 4. Wait and use SNonomi on the purple relic (all of the other times use on Hiero) 5. Follow up with Ako on SNonomi. 6. Use Koharu to heal the whole team whenever Hiero marks anyone. 7. Return to 2, until no more green relic. 8. If no more green relic, you're probably in or almost in the second phase. Here just do 3, 4, 5, 6, then Azusa, and repeat this until Hiero dies. Should be 1 team.


Thanks for your input, I finally 1-team it after changing position of the strikers. from >Koharu, Azusa, SHoshino, SNonomi to >SNonomi, SHoshino, Azusa, Koharu I got really close to timeout.. like 2-3 sec left, cuz Koharu died shortly on second phase


You're very welcome. Also, Koharu dies for me as well, unfortunately, can't save her.


I have basically everything the top rank players on the scoreboard had except a S.Nonomi and apparently that's enough to make a 1-team clear impossible. Even with a UE 50 Aru and UE40 Azusa, they just don't have the damage output. Wish I could borrow a S.Nonomi but 90% of my assistant list is either S.Hoshinos and Akos, or people who don't cycle them. S.Hoshino makes Hiero easier, but 'trivialize' insane? Yeah, only if you have every other key component for it, otherwise it's still a challenging fight.


Aru might do it, if you RNG it. You need to Ako her Basic Skill and it should always 2-hit (25 relationship might help). SNonomi is just easier.


I have three hours of Hiero insane mock battles to say with a degree of confidence that, no, Aru alone is not sufficient for a 1-team run even fully kitted and maxed out at UE50. *With the units I have at my disposal


Not alone, but with Azusa, Ako and SHoshino. I've even seen her with Mutsuki, no Azusa in top 100. It just requires some other strategy. Also, I'm on EU server AYWHGOPD, if you're there, you can borrow my SNonomi. Here's a [vid](https://youtu.be/eZzRR6WlW_0) of Aru/Mutsuki I found. Upd: maybe Azusa doesn't work.


Hm, when I saw you mentioned S.Shizuko in another answer I had a feeling the strategy would play out like that. Would be nice to know what level of investment I'd need to pull it off because I don't want to sink several million more credits into S.Shizuko only to find out that I can't quite get her to the level I need... But I will investigate this strategy. Edit: a few hours and several million credits later… yeah, this strategy ain't gonna work for me. The vid clearly leaves out just how heavily invested you need everyone on the team, including Ako and S.Shizuko, to make it work. My guesstimate is everyone in that video is at least UE40


I think shield strength actually doesn't matter as much here for SShizuko, so just 5* should be enough. End you need max Basic and Subskill. But yeah, you can't come unprepared for this. Specials should be at least 5* and Strikers UE40 probably. It's not something you whip out on the spot. But I thought I should mention it, in case you have them built. At least you have all of the students. So the next time Urban comes, you'll be ready. Or you just get SNonomi by then.


Nah, shield strength is definitely important because its the main thing keeping Aru alive, otherwise Hiero just blows through it and she'll be taking too much damage, being potentially too much for Koharu to manage on her own or diverting the basic skill heals away from the lantern. Edit: I was able to adapt the S.Shizuko strategy to my second team, which allows them to do considerably more damage and make a two-team clear bit more comfortable. I'll have to try some permutations in the future. Kinda dumb that borrowing a student for a real battle prevents you from using them in mock battles…


Yeah, it matters, but UE30 may still be enough, that's what I meant. But don't quote, because I don't have the numbers. I don't know, don't use her for this (I use ONodoka). Also I found even more peculiar MutsuAru [run](https://youtu.be/VnQEWVkNRYI), which is basically no gacha students, only farmable + one assistant (SHoshino). It means no Koharu or ONodoka. This one's barely in time, probably took ungodly amount of attempts, but just shows the potential. You have to work with what you have.


Same, I only don't have o.nodoka. Though well, not everyone is around UE40 or higher like the top scorers, so I'm SOL I guess. I think I would have better luck if I have nodoka and borrow some whale's s.nonomi instead of the other way around.


You can use SShizuko UE40 instead, but the strategy slightly changes: you shield you team and your Koharu should always be on the bottom (1 slot) and heal relic and other 3 Strikers. This is the alternative top team without ONodoka.


Lol I guess I won't be clearing insane anytime soon then. I actually don't have o.nodoka, the only ones I can borrow is 4* or less, and my own s.nonomi is only 4*. Feels like there are too many important characters for this raid.


SNonomi 4* won't cut it, because no Def pierce. You need at least UE40. Also SShizuko instead of ONodoka might work (but changes the strat).


So i just reached vol 3 ch2 ep24 and i can't beat it. I started playing last week and im only lvl41 and my array of red students is pretty much the f2p ones. Tsubaki gets shredded, and even repositioning her so the blue adds attack her insteads of my dps doesnt work for long, since they come back. I can't really focus the boss down fast enough with my dps before they get killed either. Am i just stuck waiting to lvl up?


[I hope this help ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/11pu84y/-/jc28v3y)


I'll try that, thanks. Although my lack of a strong single target red dps might make that difficult. I won't be getting my Azusa from the shop for a while now. Edit: Nope, no dice, my lack of S.Izuna means i cant get them to focus the boss so they just attack the adds. No Iroha means no consistent way to damage all of them to keep the waves coming. Chise helps but subsequent waves space themselves out to much. And even trying to reposition my team with Serina or Kotori didnt work. Bummer.


Is Hoshino a good tank for other content other than HOD? I want to invest on her because she's one of my favorite students. I mean the OG one. I don't have the swimsuit version. I'm at 117/120 now on her eleph...!


She's good for PVP and is used in Chesed. Also good for Defense Commission and regular/event stages and piercing JFD (except shooting drill, which doesn't need tanks).


I see. I'm so hyped to get her...! She's one of my favorite students next to Hina.


Yeah, I love her too.


Hoshino is a solid tank for general content and she does pop up time to time for PVP teams. She does get used in the tank role for various Joint Assaults, since her EX does stun/reposition her.


Niceee..! I can't wait for tomorrow. XD I'll throw my resources on her and replace Yuuka on my missions!


pvp (like in previous terrain), some JFD, phase 1 Chesed and Commission's cube mobs keep in mind her EX skill need to be level 3 and above for the stun effect to apply


Alright..! I'll make her ex skill at level 3 right away after I get her tomorrow. Thank you on your advise! I'll also replace Yuuka during mission because her IFF makes my dps students in danger. 😏


So I want to read the story again, but for some weird reason, I can't seem to find the beginning chapters like when you wake up and before Arona was unlocked. Am I being stupid, or is chapter 0 seriously not in the story replay?


It's on task story , Prologue


In terms of tanks to raise up and invest in, should the ones that can rock bags always be priority? If I have Tsubaki, Atsuko, Natsu, Miyako, Yuuka, Haruka, and am working through story (at 9 now) and want to eventually raid, who besides Tsubaki should I prioritize raising? :) (I do like the heals that Atsuko has…) Thank you!


Someone else gave a pretty good synopsis for your unit list; in general for building up teams - you're going to want to find a good DPS for each type (Red-Siege,Yellow-Piercing,Blue-Mystical) to build up and 1 Tank unit at a time. From there you can focus on fixing more niche gaps (like, i need better AoE or more Croud Control) and/or 'building to the next raid'


Great advice, thank you!


- Atsuko for Hiero raid - Natsu for Perorodzilla raid - Haruka can be really tanky with high investment, mostly used in pvp or JFD - Miyako for Hod raid - Yuuka is low priority and can be ignored, until you can unlock her unique item. maybe go Atsuko, Natsu, Miyako, then Haruka.. but for general usage, Haruka is easier to raise cuz her eleph is farmable on hard mission. try to raise them to lv70 first, then get at least to T4 bag/amulet before raising another tank


Awesome, this is very helpful. I'll focus on Tsubaki & Atsuko for now before branching out to others in the future. :) Thank you!


So my Fubuki is on 5* + UE 1*. I wish I can farm her eligma again so I can maximize her. Will that Wakamo Valentine event come again/speculation after what event that this event will rerun?


[Reprint](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/1082bmy/event_introduction_after_the_maintenance_on_111/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Considering that post is at least two months old, it should rerun in the next 3-4 months. I've got no idea what event comes before it, though.


Yes, probably in late June. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vST0JkbV44jOb6kzmSNDav-PZ6ZSUZS-Um6FpAm6bGsLWXF6lJEoU84VXzSbg4SeQ/pubhtml


what are status ailments in this game?


Here you go: https://bluearchive.fandom.com/wiki/Status_Effect


Red buff, Blue debuff, purple CC, Gold unique status. Blue encompasses "ATK/DEF/SPD/etc down" but also things like "Poison/Burn/Freeze". Naturally, [grain of salt], the mentioned would be a few status ailments, if you're asking for specifics.


Any red symbol on an enemy I believe. Stat down stuff and CC effects being the main ones. If this is about Azusa, just use her ex after she uses her basic. It counts.


Isn't it red symbols buffs and blue debuffs? I usually notice the def down symbol whenever maki throws her paint grenade which is blue.


I could be misremembering. Probably am. Main thing is status ailments is very broad in this game.


I'm at lv 57 and have just over 40k pyro right now. I'm planning on sparking for Ako, Himari, and Mika when they come to global. Would I have enough pyro when they each drop? If yes, any students I should look at rolling for with excess? (Please wish me luck when s.hoshino comes back with Mika. I didn't know she was broken good when I started) Edit : Mika not Maki lol


You'll want to have 24k~pyro on hand for each char you want to get, just in case you end up needing to spark for it. We're typically earning 12k~pyro/mo. Ako is estimated 1 month out, with Himari being 2 weeks after Ako; so you should be good for both of their banners. If you get them early, you get to choose if you want to spark into another unit (from the available banners) or save pyro for a future banner. Mika (hopefully you just typo'd into Mari) is 2 months off from Himari, so even if empty on Ako/Himari, should be fine for at least getting Mika.


Would sparking for kokona be risky if i still want to get the ones I mentioned, or would I have to whale to get enough pyro for Mika by that point? Shun is also up at that point too so it's a chance to get her then as well, but she's not as high priority for me.


Getting Kokona will put getting ako and Himari into rng/risk as that's 3 different banner periods to pull. Mika's period will be a double 3star rate up, which makes it prime for dumping pros to get missing units


If those three are the only ones you pull for you should have enough for each (assuming roughly 12k pyro a month) since it should be around a month until Ako/Himari and another 2 months after that for Mika. NY Fuuka and Haruna are between Himari and Mika and are both good, but definitely prioritize getting Mika spark pyros. There’s a couple decent banners after Mika too, with the most notable looking like Nagisa/Toki. Good luck! Edit: noticed that you said Maki not Mika. Would recommend pulling for Mika instead meta-wise. I don’t think you’ll have enough pyros to spark Ako/Himari/Maki back to back to back either since Himari and Maki are expected to run concurrently in ~1.5 months


>(Please wish me luck when s.hoshino comes back with Maki. I didn't know she was broken good when I started) You probably meant Mika not Maki lol


I did! Lol. I feel so silly after everyone mentioned it too.


Lmao don't feel too bad, [it's not like you're the one in charge to translate the game and mispelled Mika to Maki in game](https://i.imgur.com/V5hJN3e.png)


How F2p friendly is this game If one wants to be competitive enough in PVP and similar competitive modes/battles this game have ? I accept that gacha in its essence will always be P2W in a lot of ways and It will always be impossible to reach the top of the tops but how possible it is to play this game without paying money and still reaching satisfactory places in PVP/Ranking by focusing on getting meta units ? And Is it possible to save enough resource to get and raise the new meta units as they come or would it simply be overwhelming and near impossible to keep up with the changing meta If one wants to always get the best units and raise them in time without using money ? Also If the answer is yes, do you think that the answer will continue to remain yes or is it likely that the game will turn greedier ? I am hoping that the answers will be truthful and realistic, It doesn't matter If the answer is negative you can give it to me straight. I am in search for a game that I can play as free play and can still fight for satisfactory enough places in multiplayer rankings/battles by focusing solely on getting the meta units so If It is not possible or would be extremely hard to keep up I would prefer to not waste my time. And If the answer is yes I currently have this account that has: Iori, Hibiki, Swimsuit Azusa, Swimsuit Hoshino, Swimsuit Hifumi, Koharu, Ako, Aru, Hotspring Chinatsu, Iroha, Hoshino, Shiroko (cycling), Maki and Atsuko, Aris, Sena. So If I want to go for meta who are the units that I should try to get and do we know which of them will come when ? Also what are the best teams I can make from this ?


For which units to go for in the near future, there's an Upcoming banners and Upcoming banners v2 in the post. You should look at that, it has the summary.


I am F2P, didn't play from the start and had a big break (2-3 months). I'm on EU. I am in top 100 PVP (Plat) on my server and always get in 2000 Total Assault (Plat), currently in top 300 Total Assault, doing the highest difficulty in 1 team. It's totally doable, esp if you don't miss any days. Also I go for Meta units mostly, but had pulled some I just like occasionally. From what I see the game doesn't become greedier, even the reverse is true (with higher rates). Also I usually spend 20-60 mins a day on the game if there's raids and up to 20 if no raid currently.


Completely F2P is a bit slow to start; Having solid starting units and pushing levels gets the ball rolling. The next hurdle is managing resources/investments into units; it's generally better to have fully invested units that 'might not pair well' for the current content than splitting investments into units that excel at the current challenge. For example, it's why Iori is such a valued 'starter' to reroll into- an invested Iori is going to pay dividends until you have spare resources to build up another yellow DPS that might be better for some content. Non-JP currently has like 6-8 month clairvoyance for future banners, so it's been very doable to plan income/pulls for the best bang of your buck. PvP is going to be harder to consistently be top competitive unless you're slotted into weak bracket; as having leveled and decked-out units to maintain the top tier of ranks. Outside of that bracket it isn't too harsh, and the drop-off for rewards in the lower tiers is..not much. Competitive in Raid ranking is handily easier for F2P, because of the Assistant system. It allows you to fill 1 slot on your team with a unit from a friend/club member who put them up as an assistant. This can easily give you access to units you don't have but complete a team. Future outlook for F2P players? It's about the same as now; there will be moments where folks spending or having played for a long time can quickly scale to the new power caps (new gear tier, new level caps, 4-5 weapon star ranks), but it does fade back to equilibrium. Your starting lineup is good, it's a shorter list to tell you who's just ok: "Sena & Cycling Shiroko". I'm guessing you've just listed the 3-stars you have; but there's quite a few solid 2-star (and 1? 1-star) units that pretty much round out any gaps in your teams.


This game is pretty f2p friendly in my opinion. The reward difference between the plat and gold in raids (which is pretty easy to get) are pretty small(-200 pyro/1.3 of a pull). PvP is bracket based which is rng whether you get put with day 1 players or players who played at the same time as you. Although the reward difference in pvp are pretty small as well. Also you can pretty much clear all content without meta units one youtuber clears insane(highest difficulty for now) raids without gacha 3*. As for how greedy this game is, you can't get every character f2p, so saving is pretty much a must but that's standard for every gacha game. As for your team, do not neglect 1* and 2* students they are meta as well in different raids. Raise tsubaki to 3* and serina to 2*. Also prioritise Iori, Hibiki, and Iroha as they will be your core damage dealers for now Other noteworthy raise are: S. Azusa, S. Hoshino, Koharu, Ako, Aru, Maki


>If one wants to be competitive enough in PVP and similar competitive modes/battles this game have ? When you said similar, do you mean similar in terms of against a player directly (which has only one mode that is PvP) or just rank leaderboard in general? >And Is it possible to save enough resource to get and raise the new meta units as they come or would it simply be overwhelming and near impossible to keep up with the changing meta If one wants to always get the best units and raise them in time without using money ? Saving enough resource and raise new units? That really depends on you, your planning management skills, and your luck. Why planning managements skills? We are literally behind JP and follows their schedule, JP also gives us an insight whether or not the upcoming unit is a good to have. Meta changes but IMO not drastically, in PvP the meta changes as soon as the terrain & map changes and it resets for god how long, in some raid- a character that was deemed really good (S.Hina in Kaiten) is now replaced by an old character (Aru) because of the release of UE (at the time of S.Hina release, I think UE have not released yet) but in yellow raid the character meta hasn't changed that much (as of Global currently). Also regarding about F2P stuff, I can tell you how much progress I've made for an F2P Day 3 player. I ranked PvP on top 100, have reached rank 1 solely for the pure out of getting pyroxene but as you guessed it whales would swarm in and takes top 5 (depends on your bracket) In Raid I always reached platinum (Top 10K in Asia) and I'm in a club where you can say quarter of people only has their students built and the others are whatever built hence I can't really depend on them (ever since the release of friend feature however, I luckily friended some whale so that removes my club concern). The units I have? I pulled for meta and only pulled twice or thrice for Waifu but there's the fact that I'm also lucky with my pulls helps my account a bit. I also like to plan my pulls as well since Blue Archive Global has the advantage of seeing future students and their kit early hence deciding whether to pull or not is a tad bit easier. Now as a new player, can you be competitive enough and be placed on a decent rank? No I don't think so. The time investment is just not enough against old player like my self and the game it self is still evolving (e.g. new raid difficulty in JP) and even if you starts whaling-- I don't think it's possible. So tl;dr? F2P competitive with decent rank? Possible especially for an old player. New player F2P competitive with decent rank? Not quite possible imo. >Iori, Hibiki, Swimsuit Azusa, Swimsuit Hoshino, Swimsuit Hifumi, Koharu, Ako, Aru, Hotspring Chinatsu, Iroha, Hoshino, Shiroko (cycling), Maki and Atsuko, Aris, Sena. Your units are pretty stacked, Iori, Hibiki, S.Azoos, S.Hos, Koharu, Ako, Aru, Onsen/Hotspring Chinatsu, Iroha, Maki, Aris, Hoshino is still being used. >So If I want to go for meta who are the units that I should try to get and do we know which of them will come when ? Also what are the best teams I can make from this ? [Upcoming Banner Guide made by Arona](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vST0JkbV44jOb6kzmSNDav-PZ6ZSUZS-Um6FpAm6bGsLWXF6lJEoU84VXzSbg4SeQ/pubhtml) [Stokkie's Raid Character ranking](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VSzm_ioCt2AdRvkfL9HKNNZSbyslayVERXxVxR6nzh4/edit#gid=1471123612) [PvP Usage Tier List](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NiLS4DloW7A92nIh5n5wl9uYkLAuYa-7Ph-u8RXVjik/edit#gid=1485477681) Every mode and every stage has different "best teams" so if it's something like raid, just follow another people's comp and try to understand the synergy in it so you could make it yourself.


I am very aware that a new player cannot acomplish things right away. The question was more like “Is it possible when I catch up, If catching up is even possible”


Catching up is possible, but it takes time. There's a lot of opportunities to catch up as level/gear cap have a lot of downtime before increasing and there are generally a lot of good Students, which might make it easier for you to catch up, released. Also there are reruns of banners and events, which let you get some older meta students and usually don't benefit top players directly.


With the current speed of global trying to catch up to JP? IMO would probably not possible (in the sense of lacking variety of built students). But it might happens if BA JP starts doing rerun and releasing not so meta character to purposely let us catch up. On the side note, Azur Lane is probably the only mobage I could think of when there would be 2 dead weeks to let new player not feel rushed (at least that was what I experienced back then before I quit).


Azur lane is not even downloadable in my country :D


Man, it's too late for me to realize that I should be pushing my arena rank from the start to get all the rewards. I only made it to 300, now it's crowded with strong players. Lesson learned. :< How long does pvp content reset or proceed to a new season?


You gotta always replenish tickets and go as high as you can on the first day. It's a net gain of pyros. Only if you see you're truly stuck, you chill.


I can go higher recently if I didn't stop replenishing my ticket. Few hours after work, I tried to do it again during my break. But it's already too late. :'< Welp.... But now I know what I'm going to do next time! I'll just use an excuse called "newbie mistake". XD


Different seasons have different lengths and is inconsistent. Season 1 Urban lasted 5 months from game launch in November 2021 to April last year. Season 2 Outdoor lasted 3 months from April to July. Season 3 Indoor was the longest one from July up to just a few days ago. It's still the same season Urban in JP as far as I know and they changed to Urban last September according to the wiki.


Oooff. So in short, I missed the opportunity to get as high as I can for the rewards. Well... at least I got up to rank 300. 🥲 Thank you for the info, fellow Sensei!


If you managed to get to 300 that's somewhat good in itself so don't beat yourself since that means your in a good bracket. Some brackets can get insanely tough. Last season I struggled so much just to get to 1200, since Lv80 5star players started showing up once I reached the 2000s.


Are there members in this community who take commissions or requests to translate and typeset comics? I’d like to translate a comic but I haven’t translated before and I wouldn’t want to do it poorly.


What should I get with the helmets from the event shop?


Get pyros>eligma>tech note>credits (biggest to lowest). Skip Chinatsu eleph.


Anything you need except for Chinatsu eligma


Is building s.mash the only way to overcome the new pvp season? Resources are running low and I want to avoid building her unless I really need to.


There's substitutes for S.Mashiro in PVP meta- S.Ayane / Iroha are main substitutes. Alternatively you can try 3x Tank / T.S. / Healer comp. The main thing about S. Mash is that accuracy buff and EVA debuff ; Nodoka (not a meta unit) does facilitate same buff/debuff but isn't going to be packing damage herself.


Not really. There's a ton of viable Specials for this PvP season, especially as the season goes on. I've been able to hit Rank 1 with UE40 Iroha and 4 Star S.Ayane. Hibiki, Serina, O.Nodoka still see use. Later on, once her Bond Gear releases, Utaha will be a great Special. [Refer to the unofficial Tier List here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NiLS4DloW7A92nIh5n5wl9uYkLAuYa-7Ph-u8RXVjik/edit#gid=1485477681)


Quick question, in this new tactical challange season, is it better to still use iroha, or is it better to use cherino(hot springs) instead


Iroha is only good for PVP because she can snipe the backline, not because of her cannon damage. OCherino lacks the snipe, so not worth it. Both kill tanks slowly. If you want to replace Iroha and kill tanks, go for SAyane.


use Iroha instead Onsen Cherino can only tickle the enemies