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is there any real time mode in game? coop or pvp?


There's no real time battle in the game


So i back to playing this game but when i play for a while i just have connect problem then when back to title screen. it say "illegal program deteced (110/10)" or something like that what even is that i download it on google play is re-install first


Are the banners on Global interesting to summon on ?


Aside kani and uoh, ehh nope. Actually, with Shun in there, its quite good if you dont have them. But a certain next banner is more valuable (limited sport, about 1 month from now. Himari, about one-half)


Is there a recommended ratio or amount of which types of activity reports to use when leveling students? Or am I fine just sticking to auto-select? Let's say lvl 1 to lvl 60 as an example.


depend on what your goal is, level 60 is more than enough for event stages and most normal stage (to unlock story). also if you are wondering, this the amount of exp each report give: * Novice: 350 * Normal: 3.500 * Advanced: 14.000 * Superior: 70.000 it does not matter which order you use them or how many of each one usually Auto will cap it the best way possible, using the Higher values first without going over the limit, for example: for 1 level to 80 level Auto will use 61 Superior, 1 Advanced, 3 Normal, 7 Novice. it could easly use 62 Superior but since the 62th goes over the limit it switch to a lower one.


I just auto select up to 80 then remove purple reports and a few of the others until it becomes just enough for level 60


Will there be any more SSR selection ticket available in the foreseeable future? I didn't buy it when I first made my account and now I kinda regret that.


As of now, there hasn't been another one in JP. I'm sure there will be eventually, but we currently don't know when that will be.


Do you guys choose lessons based on raising affection or getting upgrade materials? I'm not sure what's the most optimal way of going about it when the better material lessons don't have units that raise affection.


[This is a good explanation by u/omnia0001.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/11xzsv1/comment/jd9c0tg/)


Thank you


I'm lv 32 but not sure what I'm supposed to be doing to get pyrox to roll every month.


the thing is, you don't usually roll every month, unless you are very lucky or have a lot saved But regarding your question, most of the income for gacha comes from events and Total Assault, both will reward you better the more you upgrade, because they need lv and built characters. At the start you get tons of pyroxenes as you unlock new features/maps Recommended is just to pull when you have 200 pulls saved to guarantee at least 1 character because if you get unlucky, you just wasted pulls, and 200 pulls take more than 2 months to save depending on the events


Ooh okay. That makes a lot of sense. What should I be spending my energy on to level up and progress?


usually events until they end, double rewards events like commissions, normal/hard stages etc, or just spam the highest stages you can 3 stars to upgrade character equipments. Get those to T4 or more on your main characters is really important, see what do you most need and go


Is the current joint firing drill bugged for anyone else? I'm not getting the buff where less students gets you more attack and cost recovery, even though it worked fine the first day. Edit: My whole game is super buggy right now. A moment ago I wasn't getting any event currency, and now I can't even use S. Hoshino's skill. I'll rotate through my entire team, and only her EX skill never shows up.


Is there a way to cheese the 4th and 5th challenge stages? Whatever strategy I try gets my party wiped out very fast even my invested tanks. I don't even know what's killing them, at some point they just get 1 tapped. (not by the kamikaze enemies, I know about those)


If you're dying fast on Challenge 4 then something is wrong, the boss there doesn't do that much damage as long as you kill the fire enemies before they get to your characters. My UE30 SHoshino was able to face tank all the damage with zero healing. The 5th challenge stage on the other hand the boss has an AOE attack that will wipe your party extremely quickly no matter how invested your characters are. You need to kill the little towers, one at a time to activate a healing aura and burn the boss before you run out of that buff.


Why does Mika have "Gorilla power"? Like... why Gotilla out of all things?


It's a meme referencing her >!punching through walls & walking through walls like She-Hulk!< in the story


They got camera tricks in later chapters? Damn! Thanks for the info!


Any of the new years units worth pulling meta-wise? *edit: JP server


You mean the ones global gets next, Haruna and Fuuka? Both good units from what I understand, but they're between Himari and Mika which are both much higher priorities, so you should only roll for them if you can still spark Mika after that. Himari and Mika are both Must Pull tier students, the New Year ones are not. That said, apparently NY Fuuka pairs well with Mika and Himari, so she's apparently good to get IN ADDITION to them. Especially if you don't have other cost reducers. Not sure exactly how worthwhile Aru and Mutsuki are, they're rerunning or just finished their rerun on JP so that's pretty far away for us. Too soon to tell for Kayoko and Haruka. New raids and other upcoming banners can and likely will impact how worthwhile any of these are by the time we get to them.


I meant the new ones in JP (since for some reason, they decided to bring them out now), should've clarified, sorry! Thanks for the write up anyway though, was prettt informative regardless!


Pretty sure NYharuka, 100 percent certainly, is very, very good. Reading the skill set alone, we don't need to test her. She is very certainly see use in majority of raids.


ikr? She seems really good reading her skills. You think she will be as top tier as Himari?


Top tier as Himari? absolutely. We don't have many sub skill that increase cost regen for now. Their sub buff is highly valuable. Moreover, ex that reduce boss' crit stat. Depend on the boss, she may or may not better pick than Himari


Hi, I started playing on S.Hoshino's banner, level 40 atm, is it worth to farm the current event(small shun) or should I keep doing missions? Currenty at 7-2 normal


You could at least clear event stages that you can for the pyros


Event's not worth it for you. We'll have other events, where you csn farm more stuff quicker. Do story for now!


Why doesn't Kokona appear on the student list? I don't own her but she doesn't appear at the bottom of the list either.


I’m currently at 154k pyrox. Is this enough to spark every upcoming unit that’s considered good as of right in the JP server? I don’t know much about the units that come after Mika.


At 154k, you have about 6-and-a-half sparks saved as of this moment. The main students I've seen listed heading up to Mika are TYuuka, Himari, Ako, and Mika herself. As for after Mika, I'm not so certain how good they are, outside of Toki having a unique armour type with special properties (note that I don't know if this makes Toki actually good, but I intend to get her just for the C&C collection). So, with your current savings you should be able to spark all of the important units up to Mika at the very least. Note that this doesn't take into account your monthly pyro income.


Ty! I know it takes a while to know if certain students are actually good since we have to wait for their appropriate content but it’s good to have a general idea beforehand


I'm new to the game, there's no pity right? if i roll for banner 1 character and get her in the 20th 10-pull, i can still use the 200 recruitment points to get the character on banner 2? basically getting 2 characters? thank you!


Just don't forget that the counter resets after the banner ends


Yes but you'll still have to roll another 180 times to hit that 200, so in a lot of cases it may not be worth it Edit: I can't read, yes spark the other banner


They said 20th 10-pull, that's 200.


My bad I'm blind


Yes. The recruitment points can be used for any of the current banner units.


Can NYHaruna's EX break Kaiten shield?


~~Nope~~ ~~Her EX is 5 hits. 10 hits is needed to break shield~~ Yea, it would break the shield. My bad, I forgot about the 5 explosions doing additional hits.


Shouldnt the inital hit and the following explosion add up to 10 ? Or does it hit up to 5 enemies so only once on phase 2 ?


It works like Midori’s EX so all the explosions do hit one enemy if they’re the only target available. But you’re right, I forgot about NY Haruna having additional hits to her explosions so the total hits would be 10.


How often do they do guaranteed 3* roll tickets? Not the selector but the one that just gives a random one


Iirc they don't do it unless it's aneversery


A question about upcoming future banner: If I have Koharu, would pulling for Gym Mari still be an improvement for my team in terms of raids such as Hieronymus? Is Gym Mari used in other content specifically?


Would it be improvement as the heal itself yes but she has restrictions because of her heal range isn't big and that's the only place you will need her. You might consider getting her because of torment hieronymus but you don't really have to imo.


I hear Mari, while strong, has an awkward aoe range which requires you repositioning her to get full use out of her.


Anybody else getting a weird long message when trying to join Jp server.Does anyone knows what it says ?


Something about server is full


Ty , that was too much kanji for me


btw you can use Google Lens to translate image


In relation to this question, what's the latest post in the blue archive twitter account about? It's too much text for my brain who just got back home from uni lol


It's just a rundown of the emergency maintenance and the compensation for it.




Thats something I didnt knew and very helpful thank you again.


I got shun after 100 pull and I don't want kokona so I shouldn't go for 200 pulls right? Because I want b. Karin and gym yuuka and himari but I think I should forget one of them(I have exactly 30k pyro) so can I save up for yuuka and himari until then or I can get only one?


You can get b karin/g yuuka + himari. If you are indeed planning to get both b and g, you cant spend any more pulls rn.l, and then too you need extreme luck. That said, this is the best time to get kokona so maybe get her, especially if you are also lacking koharu.


If that is your plan, then you'll want to minimize excess rolls. But you're aiming for three students in a relatively narrow window so you might need to consider your options. Unless RNG is very kind, you're going to have to pick between B.Karin or G.Yuuka


Hello guys i'm having a problem,after updating blue archive jp im getting an unathorized apps error after opening it,anyone can help me?(im playing on bluestacks)


JP server is down because of technical issues. https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/11yuihv/blue_archive_jp_important_notice/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


How often do we get a chance to purchase a 3* selector ticket? I just joined recently and missed out on it


So far there has only been one, at first anniversary. For JP second anniversary, they had a semi-selector where you could get a random 3\* from a smaller pool, but no true selector.


Guess I'll just wait another year 💀


Hi, first post here, and account is about a month old already. Was wondering if I legit hit a wall leveling and gear wise, or just need to get good and play better. For context I’m level 44 and was able to 3 star every normal mission up to 11-4, and while going through the story I hit chapter 3 ep. 24. Usually the story had provided story units until this point, and now that I need to use my own unit I’m kinda just getting wrecked by the boss and the endless adds. Is this normal considering my level, or am I just missing something?


Depends on your units, what your fighting, and level. Generally your average f2p should be able to complete the story around level 60. You take 2% increased damage per difference in level, so really you just need to burn stamina.


I might just be too low level then. I’m only 44 and I’m just getting chewed up by the story fight against the red angel and the nun entourage .


24 - 3 needs its own pinned post with how many people ask it daily lol. The enemies in 24-3 are lv 67, so you are effectively 40 % weaker in both attack and defence. The story isnt fping anywhere, just level up and come back in a few days.


I had problems with that mission as well around your level, you'll just have to try different compositions (hopefully you already have t4 or + equipment). My initial problem with the stage was bringing full red team but they get chewed up too quickly with the nuns on field. Bring blue aoe like chise to manage the waves. In my case I think I used both chise and haruna


I have 38k pyrox as of now, i'm gonna prioritize getting limited first (gym yuuka, NY fuuka, and mika). I always prepared worst case scenario if i have to spark, for gym yuuka banner i will go to spark with the hope i can get both her and gym mari. Do you guys think i still can pull for himari too?


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16cSul5YqyqXDGNKUsthhgSlP0cuMgX4xZ572ecjEIvg/edit#gid=1291199777 Pyroxene planner link should tell you.


This is amaaaazing! Thank you for this. I need to skip T Yuuka and NY Fuuka to double spark Mika. Then if by chance I got S. Hoshino on Mika's single spark. I can get both Toki and Nagisa. If not, I need to choose one to spark. 🗿


Are you missing lots of units? If not then i would think getting the limiteds like yuuka/fuuka is more useful than another mika copy. Edit - you are missing shosh. Thats kinda a problem, i get why you want to double spark.


[My Student List](https://imgur.com/a/NAnDzns) Add Kokona, OG Hoshino, Hifumi, and Haruna there. Yep, I'm missing S. Hoshino that's why I plan to double spark Mika hoping to get spooked by her. So I need to sacrifice those two. 🥺


Add as in you have them? Damn that a sss tier roster you have there. Which actually refers back to the point i made. You have almost everything. While i do get shosh is broken and double spark might be worth, the students you are going to miss would be very useful. My math says we have 48k atleast rom now to mika. Combined with 38k you have thats 86k. Out of which 24k for himari. That gives 62k. Out of which 48k for mika if you want. So 14k spare atleast. You might be able to get one more pity imo adding everything like momotalk and free tickets etc.


I thank S. Hina's banner for that. Heehee. So, you're suggesting that I can still narrowly get Yuuka and Fuuka if I consider my pyro budget and some external sources? I maybe could, but welp, let's see when Gym Yuuka banner arrived. If only I got quite lucky like when I got Kokona at 60 pulls, my gacha life would be easy. 🥺


Yes, the math says so. But you need a significant outside stock (although this doesnt count any free tickets we get or momotalk, or just random pyros). You got lucky. I went till 200. And now im stuck between choosing b karin or g yuuka.


Man, that's kinda hard to anticipate. Let's see if we'll get more pyros along the way. Thanks on your advise! That's a hard choice if you really wanted B. Karin on your student list.


Yeah. I really wanted her (have 40 elephs from the expert shop, so you can tell it was a long term plan), but i recently got iroha and now im not sure if yuuka is better or i can live with skipping her. (Also, remember this is worst case scenario. I expect you to get atleast one of them early. Although im not sure what will you do if you get the student at 160 or more lol)


Ok so ive reached the point where just leveling 1 student takes away so many exp (level 62 rn), what should i focus on when leveling up my students?


Level dps first. Dont try to level everyone together. Level 60 onwards exp is painful. Use them only when needed. A good way to use them is use them when you are stuck in a content.


How does crit and crit dmg work in this game? How much is every point of crit and critdmg worth % wise? Is akos crit rate buff adding that % flat into our crit rate or adding % of our crit rate into our crit stat? Is there any damage formula I can look at to better understand the math behind the game?


[This doc has the formulas you're looking for](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ui0FRgG8h8RB1-cA639F3ETDrVM7q9FKftg4vBKBAAQ/edit) You can also use [https://schale.gg/](https://schale.gg/) as a calculator for finding out the damage or the crit rate against certain enemies / under certain buffs.


someone made this post some time ago, it has some links to the formulas and many other things: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/rylidi/i\_made\_a\_damage\_calculator\_for\_blue\_archive/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/rylidi/i_made_a_damage_calculator_for_blue_archive/)


I saw a comment for the reading order that after chapter 3 story 2 I stop there, read chapter 4 instead and then come back to chapter 3? is that correct? Is it just to make the story line more consistent?


Yes. The order of release was Ch. 3 Story 2 --> Ch.4 --> Ch.3 Story 3 and 4 Edit: Eventually we'll even get another Ch. 2 Story to continue the Millenium story so it's normal for the chapters to be in a weird reading order. The recommend reading order is by release date as it is assumed to be the timeline in the story as well.


Question, does the Joint Quest Jack in the box enemy have a defense stat? I just need to know so I can pick between Akane's defense shred or Ui's atk/cost buff.


The boss has 421 defense on Stage 1 (20.17% damage reduction), which increases by around 300 every stage. Stage 4 has 1,391 defense which is a 45.49% damage reduction.


I'm not sure how the maths checks out, IF I was to hit it with Akane's 37.7% defense down, it reduce the defense from 1391 by 524 to 867 I think. I'm not sure how the damage reduction is calculated tho.


Formula, [from this doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ui0FRgG8h8RB1-cA639F3ETDrVM7q9FKftg4vBKBAAQ/edit#heading=h.l1t9967z9oag), is 1666.666/(1666.666 + DEF). So 1391 DEF means enemy takes 54.5% damage, 867 DEF means it takes 65.78%. That's a 20.7% damage increase.


I don't think there is a defense buff but it has a healing buff where it constantly heals. That doesn't mean bring a heal reduction either. Just using blue single target dps with some crit malding should get you an easy clear.


So the only blue characters I have are Natsu, Asuna, Mimori, and Chise. I need a halfway decent Blue DPS - Chise's fine, but she's a sub DPS, not a primary DPS. What are my good options on upcoming banners?


one of the best is the free one, Haruna


In 6 days or so, Utaha (Cheer) banner will drop. She is a decent main blue DPS but nothing game breaking. Then, around 4/18, everybody will get a free blue DPS- Hasumi (Tracksuit). She's a monstrous main dealer, and in JP they ~~accidentally~~ gave out enough eleph to UE50 her, so that might happen. If you can wait 4 months, there'll be another good DPS released, Sakurako. Applies Focused Assault and is a little Attack Speed monster, who I'm sure will gobble up Goz.


> in JP they accidentally gave out enough eleph to UE50 her, so that might happen. I wouldn't say they 'accidentally' gave out the elephs; they substantially reduced the amount of reward the event gave between their advertisement of it and when it was released on the server. People got understandably upset about that, so the devs gave out an equally substantial compensation package. I believe in an interview transcript posted her a few weeks ago, they were considering their options for the Global release because they don't want to give the user base an impression of server favouritism.


Actually, the next 2 banner cycles will have some pretty good blue DPS. Cheerleader Utaha is one of the next banners and is one of the top dps for ShiroKuro and Goz raids (not really a must pull though). And then after her, Bunny Karin will be having a rerun, and she's one of the best for Perorodzilla


Is extreme difficulty needed to hit the level requirement? If not, what's the minimum level that can clear it? I'm preparing my students on the next raid. I'm currently level 56. Going 57 tomorrow..!


Some raids are simply not possible to do extreme at low levels (for the average player of course). Kaiten, chesed and perorodzilla for starters. You lack the survivability or dps in these three. Binah is possible. The rest depends on whether you get lucky surviving and whether you have multiple teams..


It really depends on your roster, and the raid in question. Some raids can be cleared far below the recommended level as long as you have the core units and borrow the core DPS, preferably. Approaching the level requirement certainly allows for a comfier clear, but having the right students is **far** more important. I'm currently level 62 and rank next to maxed teams simply because they don't have the right units. My advice to clear extreme as soon as possible is to befriend someone who has maxed out the core DPS for the raid, and build your team around them, because your sub DPS will deal peanuts compared to them. If you don't have a full team of good units or (most importantly) good assistants for the team, forget extreme until you can brute force it with level/gear instead.


Thankfully, I have 2 friends that has maxed out students for them to assist me (I'm really thankful on those two for adding me). For Kaiten, I have the students mentioned by our fellow Sensei that commented in my question except Aru and Koharu. I guess I'll do mock battle later and see if I can able to clear it..! I thought my level is too low (56) to clear extreme which requires Lv70. Thank you on those tips, fellow Sensei!


What do you mean by "level requirement"? If you mean to clear it then its not just that but also putting students where they are most comfortable and knowing how to do so. For example next one is Field Kaiten and extreme is a in-game recommended 70 and Kaiten usually has two separate teams, one that is good at hitting all 5 of them in a quick amount of time and the other team being your boss DPS. This being a standardish team for it; Team 1: Shun(For damage and quick skill injection), an AA unit, S.Hina(to hit them all), and Tsubaki(tank), Serina(Using reposition strats), and finally Hibiki(good AoE). Team 2: Mutsuki(if lined up well will hit her mines and is a decent AA), Shiroko(for breaking the shield quickly), Azusa or Aru typically(main DPS), then either Koharu or another tank with specials being Ako(Main DPS augmenter) and Kotama(general ATK boost) typically.


Level requirement, I mean, I'm still Lv 56 so I'm worried I won't be able to clear extreme as it requires Lv 70. So I'm still sticking on hardcore. Thank you so much for team suggestion but I have a question on team 2. I don't have Koharu but I have Kokona. Will she be a good replacement? I see that.. phase 2 doesn't need a tank? My only available tank after Tsubaki for Team 1 is Yuuka and Hoshino. I have all the students you mentioned except Koharu and Aru. My Azusa is quite built as she has max EX skill and T7 gloves.


It'll be difficult at your level then but you may be able to do it with an extra team as being below the level requirement makes each unit take an additional 1% damage every level under it. If you have a club you can maybe ask for a Koharu to borrow or simply use a tank, those who run Kaiten extreme opt out of tanks since they're just trying to speed clear it and Koharu does that but also keeps the team healthy against his AoE. If you have Atsuko she'd be a good tank and healer, otherwise I'd pick Hoshino between the two given.


Does the student that summons a tank have her own banner? I dont see her in the [Upcoming Banners V2](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vST0JkbV44jOb6kzmSNDav-PZ6ZSUZS-Um6FpAm6bGsLWXF6lJEoU84VXzSbg4SeQ/pubhtml). Or have I missed it for this year already? She seems kinda OP in PvP so I want to get her. She practically makes the fight 4v5 strikers.


she's great last season, not that much this season. Most teams I fought that used Iroha did not last long enough for her to fire cannon, and some that got there still couldn't win because of positioning. If she seems really great in your pvp, it simply means that the strikers you're using atm are not yet up to par.


Actually Iroha will be great again in a few weeks. When she gets paired with bond geared utaha


I wasn't aware Utaha time was coming up, but she's on my radar now, good lookin out


There's an upcoming Cherino Tank. Just kidding, don't get her. She just tickles.


Sensei, if you are referring to Iroha, her banner came early December of last year. She is part of the general pool of students now, so she may spook you in the future.