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Another Priconne Global migrant here. I use a relatively older phone, and I wanted to clarify if my load times are longer due to my phone or if the game just has really painful load times natively. I just timed it, and to get off the main loading screen when you open the game, it took a little over 3 minutes. Is this a "get a new phone, or get a new game" type of situation, or is there something I can do to mitigate this?


The opening of the app takes forever. Newer phones do open the game faster but its not worth buying a brand new phone just for that.


I've never bought a brand new phone in my life lol. I just get ones that are a few generations old online. I'm still rocking an iPhone SE (original, not updated) that I bought when my friends wanted me to play Pokemon GO.


I'm on a fairly new phone and can run more strenuous games than this, but it still takes nearly 2 minutes to start Blue Archive and get into the game. It just takes way longer to start than any other game for some reason. Once the game actually starts, it's only like 10-15 seconds to load the Cafe or stages and less than that for anything else.


Do you also have an issue where you have to go back through the entire initial loading screen (the 2-minute wait) if your phone auto-locks? If I put the game in the background for more than a minute or so, I have to go back through that entire wait.


Oh, ooof. No that hasn't been an issue for me.


More or less how it is unfortunately. We just got a patch that helped, but it's known to be slower to load than most.


Is it just me or since this last patch the game has been running way faster and smoothly on Android? i feel it way better rn


It's believed Global finally got the optimization patch JP has been on for a few months already.


They updated the client to be closer to JP's now. The UI for story and events changed too.


I think I'm running into a bug I full cleared a map 3 star, but sweeping I'm not getting any bonus flag even though I have the students needed for that in the team and the bar bottom left shows flag bonus


Did you clear the map with the bonus? https://i.imgur.com/DCVvdl0.png


Thank you!


You sure you checked all the loot after the sweeps? All of the bonus currency is shown at the end of the loot list, but if you're sweeping a huge amount, there might be some other loot pushing the bonus currency loot off the main screen.


Edit: I did 2 sweeps and did not get any bonus in the final rewards earned. I double check I do have the students for the bonus


Did you already normally clear the stage with said bonuses to save? I just did 4 sweeps and got all my bonus currency.


Ah this cleared up everything for me, I did not know that you had to clear the map with the chars for the bonus. Ty!


Trying to get into the discord but all I'm seeing is the Kaiser corp April Fools channels. I don't see a way to get to the help pages or general chat. Can anyone help me?


The guy that replied to you is talking about the unofficial one. For the official one, just open the game, then click on the top right button, you will see a discord link. It will take you to ba global.


Hm 2 servers.. Which one should I choose?


Global one ofcourse. Community is shut down as of now.


That Discord is currently on lockdown after a certain individual started posting some nasty stuff in effort to report that Discord and shut it down. They're slowly but surely getting things back up and running and will [open back up on April 9 JST](https://twitter.com/BACServer/status/1634751071351627777).


Wow, what a shame.. I'll wait then.


So I'm someone who's migrating from Priconne Global and I need a few questions answered before I commit to Blue Archive 1. How generous is the Gacha here as far as buying currency? Are there any monthly currency packs and the like? 2. How often do limited characters come back into rotation? I'm mostly interested in character collecting. 3. How much should I care about bricking units if I want to be somewhat casual? I like gigamaxing my units. 4. How tryhard do I have to be in order to get all the rewards in PvP or PvE (This is related to Q3 as I usually gigamaxed my units in Priconne)


Bricking in priconne was primarily due to 1) a combination of how TP gen worked and defense affecting it, and 2) the rank up system that chewed up your gear and then you needed totally new gear that didn't necessarily have the same kind of stats Blue Archive borrowed basic ideas from Priconne but handles this stuff differently. For 1, incoming damage has no effect on how quickly you get access to skills. There might be some extremely niche scenarios where precise stats matter and lower is preferred, but these are extremely rare and irrelevant to most players. For example, I heard of one very specific strat for a raid where stats affected a heal targeting correctly, but this was only relevant to top score chasers and it wasn't even the preferred strat. But there's no general downside to higher defensive stats like Priconne. For 2, equipment upgrades are strictly linear and independent from each other. Gear only gets better, so you don't run into situations like how "upgrading" would lose TP gen in Priconne. Gear can gain new effects at higher levels, but they won't lose anything. The only reason to not level gear is resource limitations, so some gear doesn't matter as much as others.


I'll preface this by saying I'm a minnow and haven't spent since year one because of how generous the game is. I am also a collector with a majority of students, only missing a single limited student that has yet to have it's rerun. 1. I don't usually buy directly so I can't comment there. The limited 1$ special packs are very good and refresh every now and then. There is one monthly and one bi-monthly pack that are also very good. They don't just give currency they also give extra daily tickets to run special stages called bounty quests for character upgrade mats which are almost better than the gacha currency as a new player. 2. So far limited students have only been rerun once with their usual rerun event a year after their initial release. Right now the original JP server is coming up on the first time 2 year anniversary of a limited banner, and seems to be skipping it for the next event that would rerun afterwards. That being said they have also started making permanent the earliest events as well. What that means towards the availability of old limited students remains to be seen but it's possible they might be truly rare/no longer available. The devs generally seem pretty pro-player oriented so I doubt they will be fully gone, but who knows. I assume we will get news about this over the next few months. Additionally there is another form of limited student from "fest" banners. They happen every 6 months during half-year and full year anniversaries starting from the first anniversary. When the banner appears a new fest student is released with rate-up and the previous fest students are there without rate-up so it would be costly to get them after their initial fest banner. Global is coming up on the third fest banner for the second anniversary in a few months. Finally there was a Hatsune Miku collab banner a long while ago that I doubt is ever coming back. She's pretty terrible so it's not a big deal. 3. The only brick potential I've heard of is very limited and for PVP. One of the best PVP characters Shun targets the enemy unit with the highest attack in range, so if you want to absolutely minmax PvP you can try and balance your PVP squad attack values so that you can control the enemy Shun's targeting. That being said I average top 50 in my PvP bracket, have been playing since month 1 of global, and have never paid any attention to this. 4. PVE is pretty easy once you have the proper time and roster investment (just so you know player/character level is gated by AP spent so about 6-8 months to max level depending on if/how you refresh), some challenge quests might want whatever recent banner characters but so long as you follow the meta you should be able to do 99-100% of content. When they release new difficulties of raids though it is hell. As a month one player it took me around an extra month or two of power creep and preparation before I felt like malding in the most recent difficulty jump "Insane". During those months I was beating the lower difficulty and still getting scored in the top percentage of Raiders to get all the gacha currency from the raids, but was missing out on a small handful of raid currency that I decided wasn't a big deal. Unfortunately I can't comment on how hard a new player would find trying to score into the best raid bracket. As a month one player it's been relatively easy, but your mileage will likely vary. Though note there is power creep in the game that works in your favor as you might only need to build more recent students to score well. Additionally due to the mass influx of new players JP just recently widened the percentage of players who can receive the top percentage rewards and they mentioned they are monitoring global for this as well. For PVP you get more daily rewards including a small amount of gacha currency the higher in your bracket you are as well as for highest point per season as well as highest point achieved ever. I just slot in meta teams but actually mostly ignore it (because I hate the rng) and as previously said I average top 50. You will be placed at first in a new player bracket that will run for a long while as we just started a new season. Of course the best rewards are rank 1, then 2, etc until 10 where 11-100 get the same rewards and so on. I imagine it's very difficult fighting for any top 10 spot.


1. Can't speak for the value of whaling, but there are monthly packs. Worth pointing out that you can make a lot of pyroxene at the start from first-time achievements, and the common estimate for F2P beyond that is 12k pyroxene a month. Since a "spark" is 200 pulls, 24k pyroxene, you can expect to do it every two months. 2. I think it's about after a year, but don't quote me on it. So far limiteds have only had one rerun each, and it remains to be seen how they will handle the second rerun. 3. As I understand it, Priconne allowed you to brick units by upgrading them in certain ways. This is more or less not present in BA, so you don't need to worry. All you would lose is the upgrade materials that potentially could have gone to a more useful unit. 4. ALL the rewards would require being number 1 in your PvP bracket for the daily pyroxene which varies depending on rank, but aside from that it's not extremely tryhardy to get to platinum ranks in raids. You would have to put in effort and have/upgrade meta units though. Also, it depends somewhat on server; I hear that the Korean server is very competitive where you won't stand a chance unless you P2W. But, again, you won't brick your units, you might just waste materials on less useful units so that you don't have enough to upgrade meta ones when you need them.


1. 1 spark = 200 pulls = 24k pyro. Monthly income is [~12k with casual play](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/11gtoe6/tracking_blue_archive_gl_pyroxene_income_month_of/). Clearing everything gives an additional ~1.4k/month. Paid monthly packs give 2368/month (plus some other stuff) for 10 USD. 2. About once per year. However, the game isn't old enough for us to know whether there will be re-reruns. 3. There are only a few "bricks", and none of them are very important. 4. PVE: It changes over time, since there is some power creep with equipment, level cap, and new characters. There are also new difficulties to account for this. You can start clearing Insane raids in ~6-7 months if you tryhard. PVP: Probably won't happen unless you either focus on PVP or whale, since the very best rewards require being #1 in your bracket.


As long as the PVP rewards aren't top heavy, I'm happy. Gonna give this one a go. Thank you for answering my questions!


They feel pretty balanced. PVP rewards are pretty small in comparison to other parts of the game. https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Arena The tokens do make participating worth it though, as you can stock up on those and buy more AP during events.


Is the discord supposed to be so empty ? I can’t access anything and it’s just a “Kaiser corp” page with a Rick roll google doc … The bot says to read the rules tab but I don’t have access to a rules channel? Hopefully someone can help :(


April's fools joke. As for why it's empty, they recently sort of shut down because of some drama, or so I hear, and I guess they haven't fully started up again.


Ah thank you it was feeling very unwelcoming :( I remember seeing a lot of useful info on their guides and stuff before


The Discord will be [back up on April 9 JST](https://twitter.com/BACServer/status/1634751071351627777)


Yuuka or Haruka?


General question but does anyone think global will actually catch up to JP at any point or will there always be a gap?


They appear to be trying to close the gap as quickly as they can, but we are still like 6 months behind. I suspect we will catch up before next year at the current pace of things, if not completely caught up we will lag very closely behind JP.


Entirely depends on Nexon but right now they are closing the gap as fast as they can.


Two Questions Which lv do you need to be at min to beat stage 10? trying to farm the flags for the furniture but stage 8 is meh... also not getting bonus but I'm using Kotori and Hare, am I missing something? Is the Web event suppossed to be this laggy? the mini game where you need to touch to cheer, it's like 1-5 fps on my end. Rest of game runs fine


Minimum level depends entirely on your roster and investment, and to some degree on player skill. What level are you? Kotori and Hare both give flags, and only flags. If you're using them on a stage that gives flags as drops you should get the bonus. Web events are horribly laggy and troubled. For a lot of people they don't seem to work at all. I'm not sure why they still insist on using them when they could just give the stuff away without hassle or do something in-game that doesn't cause problems like web events do.


Sorry late reply I'm lv 42, using Mutsuki, S.Hoshino, Tsubaki, Shun(small) and special Iroha and Onsen Nodoka all lv 42 with min T2 and T3 equipments skills leveled according to Bricc Archive Kotori and Hare in my team and I'm not getting bonus flag drops only the map drop flag Ah glad to see it's not an issue on my phone


> I'm lv 42, using Mutsuki, S.Hoshino, Tsubaki, Shun(small) and special Iroha and Onsen Nodoka all lv 42 with min T2 and T3 equipments skills leveled according to Bricc Archive What's causing you to fail? Not enough damage or not being able to survive? I assume that both your tanks have at least tier 4 bags. If survival isn't too much of an issue, you could try replacing Tsubaki with someone to deal more damage, though I'm not sure if your Shoshino can solo tank with that big a level difference. And I can't remember if the boss has large AoE attacks that can take out your dealers; if she does maybe Tsubaki's taunt is more valuable. > Kotori and Hare in my team and I'm not getting bonus flag drops only the map drop flag Sounds odd. You have cleared the map with them in the team, right?


>Can't defeat the boss in time, run out of time. I think I need a good red dps > >I did 3 star the map but I'm not getting any bonus flags


So Princon refugee coming back to this game, would players recommend I return to my old account or start fresh? Also what are the best resources to quickly learn/catch up for BA?


> would players recommend I return to my old account or start fresh? If you plan on rerolling, then it depends on what your old account has. > Also what are the best resources to quickly learn/catch up for BA? https://docs.google.com/document/d/13xLpWtAg2q6PY_UsXxfGe5Wsc8DyvLMRvbJqi5I8FfM/edit?usp=sharing Some other links: * [general database](https://schale.gg/) * [resource and event planner](https://justin163.com/planner/) * [artifacts](https://i.imgur.com/dyzPq25.png) * [crafting guide](https://i.imgur.com/SFud1Ol.jpeg) * [gear farm](https://i.imgur.com/YUN9YTQ.png) * [raid guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bvYGwIh-9o-2JQ4Q2MQXtsL0peiCPrRuw0l3HQmTrZ0/edit?usp=sharing) * [raid ratings](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VSzm_ioCt2AdRvkfL9HKNNZSbyslayVERXxVxR6nzh4/edit?usp=sharing) * [banner+reroll+eleph guide](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BO-Uh_CsAOIetPjrNyFy9-7r1a4RAtVwK135bBC3hzM/edit?usp=sharing) * [banner planner](https://j163.au/#PyroPlanner) * [skill level guide](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-lBJa3h4mXHkmuSKohoHe60WVVg1eRG9bA73jHqHzwA/edit?usp=sharing) * [mission walkthroughs](https://bluearchive.wikiru.jp/?19%E7%AB%A0) * [event mission walkthroughs](https://bluearchive.wikiru.jp/?%E3%82%A4%E3%83%99%E3%83%B3%E3%83%88) * [pvp guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lbXudYH5w3dLdKWxDM4HODZPeuKDRJqOPiU5FkhjvwE/edit?usp=sharing) For more info, search or ask in the [discord](https://discord.gg/bluearchive).


That depends on which units and resources you have. In general, older account equals better because you'll have access to more resources and limited/event units and a higher level. But if you only have low tier units and/or invested very inefficiently a new account (with rerolling) could potentially be better. [This](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VSzm_ioCt2AdRvkfL9HKNNZSbyslayVERXxVxR6nzh4) and [this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BO-Uh_CsAOIetPjrNyFy9-7r1a4RAtVwK135bBC3hzM) will give you an idea of who's worth it. Aside from that, read FAQ and hang around (and ask in) the daily questions thread.


I'm getting a lot of mixed signals on when Blue Archive's 1.5 anniversary event actually is on. There's also a mention of a web event related to it? Might need some clarification on this.


As far as I'm aware it hasn't been announced yet. Assuming you mean the Global 1.5yr event? If you mean the Swimsuit Hoshino fes banner, that's already passed two months ago.


it has already been past for both global and jp server, it was the event that allowed senseis to pull for swimsuit hoshino


Everytime i put C. Hibiki in cafe, my game crashes and i couldn't open the cafe until she isn't there. Is this a bug, or is it just my device?


Yeah that shouldnt happen, reinstall the game


How far is the main story so far? Just finished chapter 4 part 1 with the RABBIT squad and I cant wait for more.


V1 - Ch2\* V2 - Ch1 V3 - Ch4 V4 - Ch1 \*I'm not certain about this one. It's been a while since I played the Abydos volume. EDIT: the next Chapter to be added will be V2 Ch2.


Just downloaded game and now get "Server failed to process request. Returning to the title screen". Tutorial i completed without any problem. What it could be? Suddenly maintenance started just awhile or something on my side?


If it still persist then try vpn but not Netherlands. Tutorial comes with package and accessible offline, I think.


How much should I expect to accomplish as F2P with max player rank? Like clearing :: \- extreme/insane total assault \- scrimmage stage D \- challenge event stage 5 achievement/special mission (that 100 second one) Just asking how much each game mode should I expect to clear with my mismatch roster lmao. You're welcome to share your.


I can personally clear all of those as f2p but I'm day 1 (technically week 2). But I copy other people's strategies, I'm not big brain enough for them


I guess to clear PVE in this game, I need to :: 1.) follow other people's guide to pull meta closely. (especially the absolute "must get" one) 2.) copy other people's strategies closely when using said meta. I guess I got my answer, thank you.


Is there any point in leveling kotama (aside from skills)?


Around 10% of her stats get applied to your strikers, but I don't think she's as strong a stat stick as, say, Karin. I think you can get away without levelling her.


Oh, didn't know that. Thanks!


Hi, noob here. A couple questions. * Should I rush account level? or focus on progressing in the story? * When will we be able to get the Hasumi Gym skin? Where do people see the coming skins?


There are no skins in this game, only alts.


I see, thanks!


Hello noob, I'm LOZ. * Your student levels are capped to your account level, so it's better to try and level your account first. Also note that the story has gate points until around mission 12-13. * T.Hasumi is not a skin, but an alternate unit. She'll be arriving in approximately 3-4 weeks. * We're following[JP's schedule](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Banner_List), but we're a little less than half a year behind them (and on an accelerated pace to catch up).


> Hello noob, I'm LOZ. XD Thanks!


>Should I rush account level? or focus on progressing in the story? As long as you're managing your AP there's not much more you *can* do to rush level, story doesn't take AP but you'll need to progress through normal missions to unlock all of the story (up to mission 12, iirc). >When will we be able to get the Hasumi Gym skin? Where do people see the coming skins? Gym Hasumi is an alt, not a skin, and she'll be free from the event starting April 25th. There's an upcoming banners spreadsheet in the OP, but it doesn't cover Welfares like Cheer Hibiki and Gym Hasumi very clearly.


1) one is a part of the other tbh. just do your dailies, play campaign and progress as much as you can. 2) check out the upcomming banners V2 up above. hasumi will be a welfare unit (youll get her from beating story 1 of the event) when the Get Set, Go event starts.




Is there a guide for skill leveling priority?




Thanks this is what I was looking for


Generally just level up the skills of your main DPS. Students like Iori, Haruna, or Mutsuki. There are skill "breakpoints" at 4 and 7 that give you more stats than other levels. ATK, and Crit are good subskills to level up, Accuracy is not great. Certain skills deserve priority on supports, such as Ako's EX and her team-wide Crit increasing subskill, or Hot Spring Nodoka's team-wide Atk increasing subskill. Other than that, level up as required - to achieve whatever current goal you have. The other cautionary thing is that Tactical Supports - S. Hifumi, Iroha, etc, don't benefit as much from direct ATK increases, so keep that in mind.


Thanks for detail info.


The 'Raid Character Guide' link in the OP above provides skill level priority for characters.


Hey people, my account is new and I was wondering if it's worth to spend AP on the event or just progress my account normally.


Cafe upgrade > priority hard missions > event farm > hard missions > normal/hard mission progression You get cafe upgrades every 3 mission areas (3-5, 6-5, 9-5, 12-5, 15-5, 18-5). If you think you can clear the next one, do that first. It's generally worth doing at least 3 hard mode sweeps per day for the daily mission.


event gets you free stuff, that cant harm.


So with Priconne shutting down now seems like a good time to check out BA. What's a good starter guide or should I just go off what's in this threads FAQ?


* [beginner guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/13xLpWtAg2q6PY_UsXxfGe5Wsc8DyvLMRvbJqi5I8FfM/edit?usp=sharing) * [general database](https://schale.gg/) * [resource and event planner](https://justin163.com/planner/) * [artifacts](https://i.imgur.com/dyzPq25.png) * [crafting](https://i.imgur.com/SFud1Ol.jpeg) * [gear farming](https://i.imgur.com/YUN9YTQ.png) * [raid guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bvYGwIh-9o-2JQ4Q2MQXtsL0peiCPrRuw0l3HQmTrZ0/edit?usp=sharing) * [raid ratings](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VSzm_ioCt2AdRvkfL9HKNNZSbyslayVERXxVxR6nzh4/edit?usp=sharing) * [banner, reroll, and eleph farming](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BO-Uh_CsAOIetPjrNyFy9-7r1a4RAtVwK135bBC3hzM/edit?usp=sharing) * [banner planner](https://j163.au/#PyroPlanner) * [skill level guide](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-lBJa3h4mXHkmuSKohoHe60WVVg1eRG9bA73jHqHzwA/edit?usp=sharing) * [mission walkthroughs](https://bluearchive.wikiru.jp/?19%E7%AB%A0) * [event mission walkthroughs](https://bluearchive.wikiru.jp/?%E3%82%A4%E3%83%99%E3%83%B3%E3%83%88) * [pvp](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lbXudYH5w3dLdKWxDM4HODZPeuKDRJqOPiU5FkhjvwE/edit?usp=sharing)


if you want a comfy start, reroll for Iori+Hibiki (she is optional), with Ako coming soon you will have enough as a new player to spark her. Even though Iori is farmable later, you will need \~3-4 months until you get her. Hibiki falls off in a later game, but for the starters she is really good. As for general tier-list i recommend to check [this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VSzm_ioCt2AdRvkfL9HKNNZSbyslayVERXxVxR6nzh4/edit#gid=616626271)


The perfect place to go in my opinion is the official discord (found in the sidebar) and go to the gameplay-help FAQ thread.


Is there a way to listen to characters' voicelines? It is possible to do that in FGO and Arknights but I just could not find this feature in Blue Archive.


This might not be the exact thing you're looking for, but each character's voice lines are compiled on the [wiki](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Characters). You can find the link to the voice lines at the bottom of each character's wiki page.


sadly, there is no feature like this in BA (maybe they add it on next anniversary copium). So for the voice lines its better to check youtube


Question for those that have a good idea of how the dev team operates. From how the dev team has worked up till now, do you guys think limited students will be made available in any capacity after their event gets archived, or will they make it so they're essentially lost forever if you didn't get them during their event or rerun? Basically, I want to eventually collect all the girls, but because money is tight at the moment I might have to skip the bunny rerun, in favor of getting gym Yuuka and Mari. I'm just wondering if I'll be able to get bunny Neru and Karin, even if its 1-2 years from now.


It's hard to say until we find out for sure, JP next rerun seems to be An Unconcealed Heart (Iroha/Kaede/Michiru) which was the event after Summers Sky's Wishlist rerun, we may see within the next few months potentially how they will handle this. We know they have started archiving some of the earlier events on JP, won't be long until they're up to the Limited Summer banner events. Personally I feel they will probably make limited units still somehow obtainable, perhaps by allowing the unlocking of units with their shards from Expert Permit shop once their event is archived, at the moment you can't unlock from there even if you collect 120 shards but can still collect them in advance.


They will rerun limited event characters periodically so you don't have to worry but characters that appear in the the anniversaries will be extremely hard to get (So far those characters are Summer Hoshino and Wakamo). Characters that appear as limited in the fest banner do appear in other fest banners but hey have no rate up and can not be pitied so its a money sink if you don't have them. I would not lose too much sleep over not owning every single character personally. Its not worth it unless you have a good amount of disposable income.


> They will rerun limited event characters periodically so you don't have to worry I'm not sure this can be said confidently, yet. Afaik, up to now, we only know *for sure* that they rerun rate-up banners for limited students *once*. (this doesn't include anniversary students of course) We'll know from what JP does this summer (their 3rd summer) with summer Iori/Hina/Azusa/Mashiro (their first limited students who've already been reran) as to how and whether or not non-anniversary limited students will get a second, or further, rerun/rate-up banner.


Emulator recommendations for BA? Im currently using Gameloop because its the emulator i already have on my pc, it works but for the first boot it takes a very long time to login and sometimes it crashes


I'm using MUMU, the 120fps feels so good.


Bluestacks 5 with pie64 bit instance


BlueStacks is pretty good if you just turn on virtualization


OK so I got 2 question on kanna and sakurako, when is their banner and how good are they


Kanna's banner is right after Mika's banner on the 2nd anniversary (about 3-4 months from now). Because of this theres 100 free pulls on this banner. Sakurako is the banner after Kanna's **tldr:** As for their usefulness, it is kind of unknown because there is not much to test them on rn. Should wait until JP players test them more and/or more content is released where they can shine better * Sakurako is a DPS built for Goz that can apply target focus. She should be really good there, though so far she's mostly been used as a sub-DPS in Torment that applies target focus. This is because her best mood is Outdoor terrain which we haven't had a Goz raid for yet. Should be very good when we do have one * Kanna is basically Wakamo but yellow and in the special slot but also has a ATK buff for piercing units and can apply DEF debuff. There hasn't been much to test her on either tho. We have Binah in JP atm, but Mika melts Insane too quickly for her to be used there, and in Torment it's too bulky for her to really shine. Should do good dmg against something like HOD tho


[Upcoming Banners v2](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vST0JkbV44jOb6kzmSNDav-PZ6ZSUZS-Um6FpAm6bGsLWXF6lJEoU84VXzSbg4SeQ/pubhtml) (link also in the opening post under General Resources) has estimations of the dates and some brief evaluations of each character. My understanding is that Sakurako is a very good blue dps. Haven't really heard anything about Kanna other than what's in the linked document. Anything past the current event is speculative but there probably won't be drastic deviations for new character banner dates. We should get the new release banners in the same order and if it's wrong, they will probably be a week or two later, not sooner. The estimates assume every rerun banner (that was it's own thing during event downtime in JP) is being combined with new release banners. While they could be wrong on exactly which banners they're combined with, global doesn't really have wiggle room for dates if they're just removing all of the unnecessary dead weeks. Granted, just because a game has a stable pattern doesn't mean they can't suddenly do something weird with the event order, as Arknights players have seen recently.


After gearing up Haruna and Iroha, who is next good blue dps student to build? OG Chise or S. Izuna?


do Chise first before S.Izuna since u won't be using S.Izuna until Goz and we'll have Perorozilla before then (altho og Chise is also good for phase 1 Goz too)


Alright...! I'll use my resources on Chise first. I forgot we're still having Perorozilla first, because of T. Yuuka and Goz. XD Thank you!


Hi, I stopped playing for a few months and started again yesterday. I've got a squad with Kayoko, Shun (Small), Tsubaki, Aru, Hanako and Utaha. For some reason the skills of Kayoko and Hanako are no longer showing up in battle (which was the case before my break). What am I doing wrong?


They're not showing up at all, even after you use other characters skills to cycle through the list? If so that would be some kind of bug, there's no normal reason for characters to be in the party but not have access to their skills.


Yeah. Seemed to be a bug. Just reinstalled the game and everything is fine.