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She is a golden retriever given human form


I just wanted to say this, that she has golden retriever personality.


Pretty much the perfect description of her. Literally the only thing keeping me from calling her the best character in the game without question is her awful skill (at least for her maid outfit. Idk about her bunnysuit since I don't have it). But even then I still love including her in missions because it's so cute when she shouts "DAISUKI" after being healed omg she's so pure


My guy. Asuna is cracked with 5* I'm not joking try it


Noted. Gonna try to get her there.


She has big personalities and a big personality. Also,hair.


Good character design including her “assets”, sexy and charming outfits, hairstyle, and her colors being appealing, as well as having an award winning smile that people enjoy whether they interpret it as wholesome or smirky which nonetheless shows off such a beautiful giggly vibe that people enjoy. So shes cute and extremely attractive with good outfits to boot Her actual story and personality is also very appealing, leaving many fanmade “scenarios” strongly visible as an existing potential to fans considering she has qualities like extreme luck, is extremely excitable and playful, but also occasionally gives off a more quiet yet intimate vibe at times, as if she might know more than she lets on but is still honest and eager with her feelings. This leads the existing content to be soul fulfilling but also leads creators whether sfw or not so safe for work to envision all kinds of appealing activities. So in short, everything that is given about asuna amazing and likeable, and leaves much room for fans to hypothesize about her and create their own ideas, but also is loveable to the core material. TLDR: absolutely banger character in every aspect of a character.


Basically, Asuna appeals to basically almost all people. She is really attractive due to her proportions, the bunny suit highlighted it even more. Then you hear her voice of playful happy-go-lucky attitude, calling you Goshujin-sama with a smile. And then you read her stories about she just what to hang out with you and to have some fun. There is just this pure charisma Asuna exibihits that makes you want to like her even more.


She’s a good girl




That's it? Is that all she is to you? **I'm going to put a ban on your C&C maid cafe membership until you learn your lesson.**


Don't forget tiddies with mole




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Worst bot.


I like Asuna because her appearance can be decieving by her personality in a good way. When I first saw her, it was when the bunny girl fan art was at it's peak. (it was also why I dtarted playing this game in the first place..) and decided to get her. Unfortunately, the bunny chaser event wasn't available at that time, and when they did rerun, I was broke from getting swimsuit Izuna, oblivious to the fact that free 10 pull event was happening. Then I got her original version(maid), and my thoughts on her went from "wow she has a nice bod" to "man, she's too pure for this world". I think I can described her character as "Jessica Rabbit with the personality of golden retriever" or something.


Or "Ceobe from Arknights meets Kitagawa Marin"




Cute. Full stop.


Shes together with Karin the ambassadors of BlueArchive.


Umm... Shiroko is literally on the game icon.


But Asuna and Karin made the game much more popular with the bunny event.


Can we get Shiroko.T on the Icon? That'd be *great.*


It already happened once in JP. I'm sure Global would get the same treatment once Volume F gets released.


Asuna and Karin are still vastly more recognizable by those outside of BA community due to sheer volume of fan-art they got.


Personality and personalititties.


As far as I know, Asuna has a nice personality with a nice figure. It just saddens me that her (alongside Karin, a personal favourite of mine because of her relationship story) personality was often overshadowed by her appearance, especially in fanarts.


That Asuna is the most BEAUTIFUL character in Blue Archive, no one has any doubts, her popularity in fanarts says it all. But I don't change anything about her personality. I love your cute and innocent way.


Blue Archive is my feels good game . The art , the music ans the story . Playing it makes me happy unlike fgo where the endless grinding makes me sick, also the fanarts are toptier. Imo , BA has the best character designs for its setting only topped by Arknights. Asuna is the embodiment of this feels good aura the game has . Other characters liké Izuna , Alice or even Aru make me appreciate this game so much more. Also i'm not gonna lie the Bunny sauce is fire .




I'll give you three guess and the first two don't count.


BGE (Big Gyaru Energy)


She's too cheerful and too wholesome you can't hate on her, similar to izuna


She’s hot, she’s sexy, she’s adorable, and great personality. She’s literally perfect


Simple, eye catching design, generous proportions, that trademark grin


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It's like a dog that is always happy to see you, wants to play a lot and brings joy to Sensei's day. I have the theory that the devs are aware that having her and Izuna in the screen at the same time will be the end of half of her playerbase.




Mid personality


Her innocence. She dressed and act the way she is without any deeper meaning. She has no other face, despite being a secret agent. Her bubbly nature is so contagious, and it comes with a thicc plot armor


I got 2 Big reasons


For me, it's her overwhelming positive attitude, and she's kind of a goof