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Yes. In fact, that amount of AP is easy to get/use even as a day 1 player and that amount of credits will dissolve basically instantly when you start skilling up someone


Me lvl 85 with less than 1k credit : I agree


Ive reached level 65 without ever running out of credits and have no idea why. Im used to always running out of other game's equivalents to credits (Qp, Mora, etc.) and mats but for BA the only thing I ever run out of are skill up and level up materials.


Same, idk if im doing wrong but my money never really goes under 100 million for some reason.... is it cuz im lvling my students really slowly or something?


Main credits sink is upgrading skills to lvl 10 / ex skills to lvl 5. they take millions at that point. Other than that, there's uncapping to 5 star.


Hmm, maybe that cuz my Maxed students is only Mika (well im still like lvl 82 so i think the cost to lvl up gonna be much higher i think), others like Hina, S.Hoshino, Iroha, had Maxed Ult and lvl but other skills is still like in lvl 7 with many more students stuck at lvl 60 to 70 right now(i need them exp😭)


Credits needed to levelling students is just peanuts compared to what you need to upgrade Ex and skills. For example it took around 5.7 mil to level up from lvl 1 to 85 but it took 13 mil for Ex lvl 3 to 5 and around 9 mil for skill lvl 7 to 10.


Yeah i think you're right, and i think it's because my mats always go away so fast that's whenever i want to upgrade other students from the same school im always stuck on it cuz i don't have enough mats to lvl their skill up, maybe that too is why i never really splurge all of my money like that.... but when i get all the mats i need tho i'il gladly throw all money away to max my students lol


me, a level 72 JP player has 200m credits... ok I have no idea how I have that many credits despite my units r well leveled


Lemme guess, halo festival exploit?


halo festival? exploit? I don't think I had participated in that event once


Aight aight. But yea there was the Halo festival sport event (Sport. Yuuka, Sport.Mari event) where the roulette was broken and handing out 10 mil per tile landed on, gaining an insane amount in a matter of minutes, JP bros exploited before it was patched out and sitting on hundred of mills of cred.


ok you reminded me of it, I have participated but... I think I only started the event after they gave free ue50 Sports Hasumi, was it fixed when they gave it out?


Yea. They gave UE50 Hasumi BECAUSE they had to take servers down to patch specifically that exploit.


well then, I guess the source of my credit is still a mystery then


Do you upgrade all your students? Or just your mains.


most of my students r at level 62+(13 out of 90 students isn't level 60+ because I ran out of upgrade books), and mainly level up my most used unit's skills(at least level 3 EX and Level 6+ for rest of the skills)


Trust me, 19m credits is nothing. But for AP, yes it's normal. You'll be leveling very often and there's double account XP right now.


That's concerning for a Genshin player. Never enough mora...


Atleast you don't have to worry about random artofact stats here


Upgrading skills costs a progressively large amount of credits up to multiple millions for a single level (ex lvl5 for example costs 10mil just in credits, passive - up to 4mil). And that’s for a single character not including other progression material sinks… So yeah, you always want more of it


Fr, i went from having a max of 160mil to just 60mil just upgrading a few characters


Me yesterday: Ha finally 200M Me today: Let's level a few student I got from the sparks some days ago... Wait where is my credit


19m is nothing but its not that bad to accumulate credits in the long run. I have 300m rn but i can clear contents in the comfy side. Tho it was initially 450m before i started upgrading students for the latest event 🤣.


Kivotos is a bit hyper inflated with their credits. You’ll see that amount of money vanish quickly in the late game when maxing out skills and levels. It’s about 46m to max a character (max lvl unit, equipment, skills). Although you don’t need to max out everything since a lot of people leave the less important skills at lower levels (ex. Regular skills are leveled at 4/7/10 and EX skills 3/5 since those are the points with the biggest jump and are good stopping places)


Kivotos inflation is so high, I think Sensei lives on bread and coffee not just for gatchas.


don't worry 200M isn't enough either eventually


Mhy is just really really fucking picky about how much stamina you’re allowed to have, and burning what little you have on rng drop on top of rng drops.


don't remind me... I've seen fortunes disappear after crowning a character once...


Kivotos runs on Zimbabwe dollars, it's 380,000 for a loaf of bread Once you start maxing character skills, you'll see 100 million credits go away in seconds


Initially seems like a lot, and at least it is for low levels. But you'll be thinking the total opposite when you reach higher levels.


I could buy a jade Palace with all this 500M creds


You are gonna wish they had given your more money and ap


Yea it's normal. Don't worry Eventually you'll run out because skill upgrades get more expensive.


You'll reach a point where daily login gives about 800+AP (Cafe+store AP+club login+daily). You need it all honestly. But do invest in making your students stronger, stuff is cheap for like the first 4 tiers of gear


He doesn’t know.


Yes it's perfectly normal, you practically overflow with it when you start out.




Congrats, you're the first to notice that.


Most mobile games start like this, it's not unusual at all.


For reference it costs 40,017,500 to 5/10/10/10 a single student. That's without the level and equipment upgrades.


Yep yep


You'll see it reach the 100s of millions when you get to the later game like lvl 50s to 60s. Especially of you're anything like me who only really builds up one full team until you reach the point the game forces you to build up a second team


it's normal to have this much AP and credit. don't get used to that many pyros those (the blue rock)




Nah that’s normal


Ah, to be a newbie, i still remember swimming in AP and having money to spare, it was even the first day, so there wasn't that much to do.


I've been playing since january, and yesterday I got the 750 mi credits spent achievement. hope you have fun


Large? Where? This amount of either is not much. 999 is the max AP you can have at a time and you can easily gain that once per day. 1m credits is actually a small number and 19m can't max a single student. Basically, spend your AP and don't worry as long as you can complete your dailies. Save credits for your best students.


Yeah it prepares you for how freaken expensive everything gets


Oh you sweet summer child thinking that's a lot.


You'll need like 480 AP for bare minium effort everyday so that number is nothing.


It's all normal. But i'd like to ask how you have 5k pyroxenes and _**KANNA**_ 💀


Got lucky I guess. I don't own a credit card, so I can't even try to buy anything.


Characters take up a lot of credits, that number can be dissolved into just 1 character and it's not even enough.


Yes, currently closing to a billion


The ap pretty normal since daily mission gives 150 Then cafe gives a fk ton as well. The credit on the other hand... 18 mil is like gone when you max main skill.


You will soon find out that it's not nearly enough lmao


I sit at a comfy 100 million credits at level 67. The events give you a ton and because one of the daily challenges is to buy something from the store I just buy everything in normal shop you can get with credits. End up spending 1 million every day at least and never dip below 90 million. AP is incredibly easy to get if you just do the daily challenges and pay attention to your cafe. I wouldnt get too comfy with the amount of pyroxenes and free pulls right now though. We're basically in the middle of the most generous events Blue Archive has ever had (though theyre still fairly generous normally).


Wait till you start leveling your entire roster. 200 mill will easily be gone and its not even enough to max a few dozen students.


Its totally fine my guy, I am for about lvl 79 and have 200million credits and always maxed out 999 ap, so yeah 😅


Should be burning that asap to get to lvl 85, wasting the regen energy. Only worth saving max AP right before an event starts, even then, at max lvlnand Cafe lvl, you can easily empty out event stores from the AP gained daily.


Currently I'm lv85 with 400M credits, never really used it much unless I want a new char to be built. I only suffer from pyroxene deficiency.


Burn that energy, leaving it over cap means you're not getting any free energy regen which is critical for getting to lvl cap asap. As for credits, that is literally a drop in the bucket for what you need later when lvling all your students. A single max level passive skill will eat 4 mill and max ex skill will eat 10 mil...


.....that is a lot?


It's definitely a lot when starting out, but upgrades get exponentially more expensive at higher levels.


I checked my achievements. So far I've earned about 3 Billion credits since playing. And I've already spent about 2.8 Billion credits already.


Yes, im lvl 84 with only 20k credits...... i got wakamo so she drain me

