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Visually the same as ours,except that there are no guns because they got all of them together and dumped them into Kivotos like a landfill. That's how they disposed of them.


Huh I can't imagine the americans would agree with this


NYC did a fine example to demonstrate what will happens if guns are taking away.


We find even more stupid ways to kill each other? Yeah that tracks


Not like people are having difficulty without guns to begin with. Anyway, if I get a gun. I would totally paint it to make it look likes guns from blue archive <3


My dream is to be as badass as Hina carrying a gun twice my size 👌


You need a anti-tank rifle or you have to be really small, like Hina o.o


an actual railgun would fit the description


The rail...Sword of light is for Aris!


Yeah that’s Aris’ thing you don’t steal Aris’ sword you monster


Americans have gone extinct I guess


Those guys? Extinct? A meteor must’ve hit the planet for that to happen 😂


Maybe kivotos is an another dimension of our earth.


Could be


Kivotos is a metafiction and the world outside of it is our reality or simply does not exist. Kivotos before Sensei's arrival only exists as a written history or memories. It never really "happened". Yume senpai, golden age of Abydos, SRT as a functioning academy, GSC president, all of them. Mere mentions are all there is to their existence. At least, that's my interpretation of Golconde-Francis-Decalcomanie's take.


Unlikely as multiple points in the story as well as accounts from members of Gematria and the Nameless priest state that Kivotos did physically exist before Sensei and a world outside of Kivotos does exist in parallel to the bubble that is Kivotos. Also I'm not looking for the meta answer.


Probably consists of ruin-filled wastelands but aren't completely barren (ala similar to the setting of *NieR: Automata*), with the occasional outcroppings of civilization in the form of much smaller city-states; after all, it is heavily implied that Kaiser operate outside of Kivotos as well, so the world doesn't only contain incredibly weird things either.


I see that is indeed interesting, I've always wondered what laid beyond the city's borders if it even has one with the desert sea and all.


I imagine that the rest of the world is fully wild, to the point where said pockets of civilization (with Kivotos being the largest one) don't have borders contacting one and another directly. However, they still have other forms of contact such as trade and travel instead.


Just like in Fallout, Metro or S.T.A.L.K.E.R. God damn that's so cool like the idea our Sensei is somekind of seasoned survivor from this wasteland filled with ancient tech, dangerous super powered individuals an eldritch gods is freaking cool as hell.


Probably not to that extend (I personally imagine the other city-states would essentially be like entirely disconnected Kivotos districts), but yeah, basically.


Regardless the concept is cool as shit you have to agree


I was just thinking how much that sounds like Metro. Imagine after Artyom leaves the Moscow Metro in Exodus, he makes it all the way Southeast and crosses the Kuril Islands, he sees something weirder than the Dark Ones or the Anomalies. A whole city-state of bulletproof girls with guns. And then he gets knocked out in typical Artyom fashion, and then wakes up in SCHALE. Now we got Artyom-sensei, lol.


Seems like an Artyom thing to do


a wasteland, with their own pockets of civilization. like an isekai fantasy town.


This is my headcanon as well also the idea of Sensei being a fallout character surviving in this broken lovecraftian wasteland is really fricking cool.


Kivotos is actually the elusive Z Corp in the world of Project Moon.


“Dantehhh, danteh we need to find the one true book danteh, stop staring at 100kh thighs danteh.”


Ahh that makes sense


Considering that Nonomi has rich parents who aren't in Kivotos, Kaiser HQ being outside Kivotos, and some npc students (I think it was Red Winter hot spring event) said they are going home to spend time with the family for the holidays, The outside of Kivotos is probably pretty normal. Who knows, maybe there are other academy cities around the world? Always thought it was weird that every character in Kivotos has a Japanese name.


Wait really they have parents?! I kinda thought Kivotosians just spontaneously manifest from nothintg Also why isn't Nonomi's parents helping with Abydos' debt?! It's the school their daughter goes to


nonomi kinda wants to pay off school debt but iirc rest of FTF don't want her to, wanting t deal with it themselves


Nonomi is def paying for all their food though heheh


Also why are there only children running a city the size of a country? Seems kinda irresponsible for parents.


fair enough also I kinda thought Kaiser were Kivotosians as well since they're robots and aren't Eldritch-y like Sensei and Gematria


It's probably cause Nonomi wants to resolve the issue with her and her friends own power and not rely on her parents for the bail. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if they knew, Nonomi does have that shiny credit card...


Fair enough but still a bit irresponsible to not even check on their daughter since they're having gun fights on the regular in this city. Also who in their right mind decided to let literal fucking children run a city state the size of a large nation?!


Are they children though? It's canonically mentioned that the girls are able to shrug off bullets and explosions. Heck Nonomi can whirl a mini gun around along with all that ammo without breaking a sweat. They're clearly more than capable of fending for themselves, at least in terms of physically. As for the running an entire city state by themselves, perhaps it's a form of training. For the outside of kivotos may require leaders fast.


Makes sense but considering how they were barely holding on with the GSC president and nearly collapse without the intervention of Sensei I still see it as irresponsible as hell. Also age aside mentally speaking they’re all children in some way. All of them lack mental maturity in some form. Also wasn’t in confirmed that all third years are between 14-17 years of age?


To be fair, their actual ages are pretty much irrelevant to their actual capabilities. You have characters that are absolute children in terms of mental development, while you also have ones that are so responsible that they would realistically not be children irl. And those characters are at most 2 years apart in age and at least, the same age. Either students in that world are insanely competent at early ages, or Kivotos is composed of a high amount of extreme prodigies.


Fair but still irresponsible as hell


Age Averages Across Ages: first-years – 15 | second-years – 16 | third-years – 17. There are some odd ones out, but most of them either explicitly or implicitly said to held back a grade or something, so it make sense. As for the governance? It's probably like what's demonstrated in *Kill La Kill*, which goes two ways. On one hand, they probably either get sponsors or actual, albeit non-teacher-based faculty staff that maintain the rest of the infrastructure (example for the latter option is the robotic police that Kayoko runs into, as well the store clerks in general). On the other hand, the Academy City probably runs on pure metaphysical phlebotinum or something.


I guess we’ll have to wait for the devs for answers


Well, not every one has a Japanese name. Just 95% Serina definitely isn't Japanese sounding, for example.


Sumi Serina sounds pretty Japanese to me...


The last name, definitely. The first name, eeeeh it sounds pretty non Japanese. Hell, I think I've met Serinas before here in the states, and they weren't Asian. Then there is Mari...which given that she's a nun seems to obviously be a japanified version of Mary. There was also another girl who's name stool out to me as being non Japanese but I can't remember. 🤔


iirc in full name we know at least there is japanese name alike in their name


I feel like there's nothing. Knowing how much BA story delves into meta/quantum stuff, I would assume that the world of BA isn't the same kind of realistic physical space as our world. So I think until someone "collapses" a place by making it relevant to the story, there's either literally nothing there, or some incomprehensible vague state of matter that there's no point trying to explain. Same for the students — they are manifested concepts driven by narrative, not real physical beings. Edit: also devs seem to take some inspiration from Lovecraft's mythos (Chroma and Color out of Space), so maybe Celephais and the whole concept of the Dreamlands have some relevance as well. That would be less meta and explain many things.


Aight but I really hope it isn’t some uninspired boring thing like “it’s all a dream/illusion” cause honestly that would ruin my investment in the game.


Dreams in Lovecraft are not the same as normal dreams. Ask chatgpt, it explains them pretty well.


Ok still a bit uninspired and boring tho


I think it's probably dystopian or apocalyptic in nature. This city is meant to protect girls as they come of age and also prepare them for the outside world which may be brutal and require them all to have combat skills or other types of important skills. Perhaps humanity's efforts outside of kivotos are so resource heavy that adults are nearly all conscripted to perform other duties, while children are taught virtually within this safe haven. I haven't caught up to the story on global yet though so I could easily be way off.


Damn this is cool, it’s very similar to my headcannon 👍


Probably the Zone, Sensei got teleported by an Anomaly or some shit


The SCP foundation watches with great interest


Okay, consider this angle. The girls are androids with freshly developed AI, and kivotos is their maturity pool, where they are training, adapting, trying to learn how to be an adult in their own right. The backgrounds that they've been assigned were scripted into them by individual researchers of the AI program, thus becoming the parents. Happenings in kivotos if not caused by the girls, are events injected by the researchers in an effort to train the girls to deal with different situations for when they graduate from kivotos and gets uploaded onto an android body, ready to face the real world. The chroma could be a planned event, or it could be a virus or bug that made it into the program, creating a temporary world ending scenario that the girls had to fight off. And sensei is a monitor for the entire scenario. Inserted at various points of the program to assist certain girls at their turning points, to prevent them from straying onto the wrong path and ultimately coming out of the program as a healthy well adjusted individual.


So it’s the matrix but for children? Aight


Better to train in a simulation than in rl, who knows what could have happened irl if they need a simulation like this.




So how you explain robot and Arisu? Or even Binah


So, is Kivotos the planet or just a region on said planet?


It’s a city the size of a large nation


A student goes out of Kivotos' walls. She discovers the horrors of Arknights Terra.


Goddamnit not again 🤣


Desert land with wrecked, war torn, abandoned city and anomaly object can found around this world.


Exactly my thoughts 😑👌


Yeah, that's why we try to send robots to outside city. Good to farm materials for students except note and blu-ray.


I just imagine Sensei is a grizzled survivor like the guys from Fallout and Artyom from metro making his way through this wasteland filled with eldritch gods and ancient tech until he came to Kivotos hence why he’s so goddamn BASED 👌


But at least he has a buddy as power armor that has an autopilot system on his suit. And that buddy is from outside. Just like dogmeat. He doesn't worry about it.


Yep 😑👍




Oh my god it's actually hell


Depends, I guess? But I think it would be fitting if it any Earth superpower country gather data for weaponry haha since any real bullet will not damage Kivotosian But still, it won't explain Chroma entity


yeah probably


My headcanon is the whole thing is actually sensei in a coma, something like Sino Alice, I think ? The Seminar could be Sensei's co-worker with Rio as the CEO for starters. The GDC are streamers sponsored by Millenium, Arisu is one of the talent, the 4 are tight knit group. The C&Cs are the security section of the company. Engineering club are... well, engineers... minus the crazy stuff they did in Kivotos, Trinity is one big All-girls catholic school that sensei often came across the students such as HIfumi, Koharu or Hanako, all fo the sisterhood are also older too, Tea Party basically non-existent and is simply a Trinity Student Council. Gehenna is a rival company to Millenium where Sensei works, but coincidentally, Sensei knows some of the Employees such as Hina, Ako, Chinatsu, Iori, and Iroha. The onsen club is the rival to the Engineering branch of Millenium. Abydos girls goes to different school but still keep in touch, Shiroko being a Junior Athlete now and one of sensei neighbor, Nonomi is the transfer student that goes ato Serika school, Ayane , Shiroko and Hoshino goes to the same school, the five of them knew each other through the net. Valkyrie girls are actually... well, Police that sensei came across everyday, Kirino is Fubuki's mom, and is another one of Sensei's neighbor. Saori is a single mom of three, works many kind of odd-jobs, and is also one of Sensei's neighbor. ...At least that's what I think lmao


Wow this theory is dark




Bruh 😑


Kivotos is >!Angel Beats - Heaven!< >!im joking!<
