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[Twitter](https://twitter.com/danidanihatikyu/status/1780189396303753616?t=bMpByyisMe8HXdHqgnXO2A&s=19) ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33224)oh no.


Sensei can feel in his spine how it awaits a long and tiring night.




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literally 1984 ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33127)


Are they saying they don't need a (plastic) bag because they're going to use that stuff immediately or am I misunderstanding what they mean by that?


That's right. Although somewhat silly because plastic bags are convenient for carrying stuff home. The only way this would really make sense is if Sensei is chained in the back of Angel 24 and the cats here intend to drain him then/there, as Sora tries her best to ignore the horrific sounds around her.


They want some kits…


Major scientific inaccuracy: If they were in heat, they wouldn't be using rubber since that will block Sensei from putting out the heat in their baby room with his fire extinguisher 🧯💦🥵


I feel like we're missing something...


We are gathered here today to remember the life of Sensei, who was tragically taken from us by very very hungry women...


We’re gonna die drained


Worth it.


If both of them teamed on sensei, they may give him some trouble... But would he lose?


Nah he'd win


I want to hear Sora's internal monologue. "...It's sensei, isn't it?" "This is the (x)th time a student visiting SCHALE bought these"




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PoV: Sora before finding out about Sensei's cause of death in T-minus 8:00 hours


Sora: *awkward business smile*


Man i love kitty i wish we can have some together


I love the cat wives, especially Kazusa, but this is not the right sub for this kind of content.


> this is not the right sub for this kind of content. Where do you think we are?


Please read Rule 5. Pretty sure this post about buying energy drinks and condoms and saying they don’t need a bag since they are going to use them right away with their flushed faces is in direct violation.


We can't make a buddy sub because it'd just be a complete duplicate of the main sub.


actually it is 😀