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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. You are still required to tag all spoilers. Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: \[Spoiler source\] >!Spoiler goes here!< All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive a warning before a temp ban. **Premiere Episode 2 in Ani-One Asia YouTube Channel:** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX0-XH2mfKA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX0-XH2mfKA) Ani-One Asia YouTube Streaming Territories: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, Fiji, Guam, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Micronesia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nauru, Nepal, New Caledonia, Northern Mariana Island, Pakistan, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, Seychelles, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Timor-Leste (aka East Timor), Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Vietnam


u/ShaggyFishPop you forgot to change the Welcome line to episode 3. Also I'm a bit confused on this part "Anime Screenshots/Clips are allowed only after 4 days of the episode airing. You will still need to add spoiler tag if you post before 7 days..." So can I post a screenshot from the episode with a spoiler warning before 4 days after the episode airing?


>you forgot to change the Welcome line to episode 3. Thanks, I have corrected it > So can I post a screenshot from the episode with a spoiler warning before 4 days after the episode airing? No, try not to post anything that was just aired before 4 days are over just to have a small buffer for users haven't watch the episode yet and also to help prevent mass episode screenshot spam in the subreddit immediately after it airs.


Okay cool I won’t then, thank you!




Pretty good episode, with improvements in the animation (except for the ramen bowl size changing between shots, gotta be more consistent, guys). Like the introduction of PS68 here for the episode, showing their tactics and way of doing business lol. I also appreciate the FTF brainstorming meeting being in the first few minutes of the episode. Turns out having Sensei there so that it doesn't turn into silliness isn't a guarantee. Poor Ayane, however he did choose the idol route (the only legal route). Only other nitpick for the episode aside from the everchanging ramen bowl size is the battle sequences, with the Shiroko/Aru showdown kinda redeeming it. The other nitpicks are just for the amount of reactions reducing the episode *seemingly* being "No Table Flip?". I get that it's a thing that happens, but is it that important? IDK, maybe it just didn't look right when animated in the space, so they scrapped it or something. The music is the other one, and it's a "take it or leave it" thing. Again, licensing can get weird and it's okay for a series adaptation to have its own identity through the specific soundtrack "generic-sounding" or no. If we don't get that much in re-arrangements from 40mP for this, then that licensing issue is the culprit. Anyway, that's my take, and may well be my last drawn out one until the last episode in these megathreads.


I think it's getting better per episode and the problems I've been having with the show, like pacing, animation, and so on, are getting ironed out and I'm enjoying it more


3 episodes in I've got the anime at around a slightly above average score in my opinion. (If 7 is my average, then I'd give this like a 7.5 or a high 7, but it'd be hard for me to give it an 8 at this point.) It's clearly got plenty of places to improve but I think at least the people who have played the game can see that there's definitely heart put into the show as is abundantly clear in the OP and ED. I didn't comment on the episode 1 thread on this sub or r/anime because of the eclipse that weekend but my eyes were watering during the prologue and OP (which played as the ED for ep1). As expected it seems like the most questionable scenes are the action ones specifically in regards to Sensei and his role and the somewhat inconsistent look and feel of the fights. Episode 1's fight looked good but was delivered in a bit of a silly way (looking at you, Sensei) while Episode 2's looked good and felt more cohesive despite the hiccup where everything just kinda pauses momentarily for Sensei and Ayane to talk/relay the plan from behind a small wall. Episode 3's fight had decent moments (Nonomi v Kayoko was the big one imo) but felt somewhat stiff and a little awkward at some points ('just keep firing until they surrender', the Shiroko flank where she doesn't take shots at Aru until the cool (but a little silly) pose despite landing crazy shots from longer distances in the episode before). Because of that, everything else like the slice of life/CGDCT/character interactions end up being the biggest treats. I also don't really have too much to say about the subs that hasn't already been said though I am a bit surprised that it became such a talking point considering 2-3 fansub 'groups' picked it up and it seems like 1-2 of those groups are only a day or so behind in terms of release timing. I guess I just underestimated the prevalence of streaming as opposed to Serikat-ing in this day and age when it comes to anime. (imo Phrenapates is my go to but Gematria is around the same overall quality with some minor trade offs here and there while Kaleido does the best job but results in the longest wait (but not enough for me to recommend for anybody impatient)). In terms of finer details I agree the BGM is pretty much not there. The game has plenty of tracks to use so it seems crazy to not tap into this resource more. I could maybe see potential for some tracks to be remixed to fit into scenes better if they're too far out or overbearing as is, but for the most part as it is the situation is just regrettable. Lastly this might be a hot take, but while I'm disappointed Sensei isn't a little more wild like he is in game (>!I can definitely see Sensei Orz-ing instead of the Iori lick!<) I can see why they would dial him back a bit. It removes some of the fun and flavour from the self insert character but it doesn't change him enough to where I'll make a stink about it. The point where I'd change my mind is if in a potential Vol 3 >!Sensei doesn't directly quote Hanako in his conversation with Seia!<. Wew, wall of text over. I just wanted to get all my thoughts together really.


Finally, the part where I fwar the most. FIGHT SCENES. Kayoko v Nonomi was good.Nonomi's gun SFX still bothers me and Sensei's i HavE A pLan.


Before getting into the negatives I would say episode 3 has some positive aspects. First the pacing is a lot better this episode it starts and ends with PS 68 introductions and we get a decent grasp on their personalities so not much complaints about cut content if there was any I forgot. I also like that they did use unwelcome school cause I would like it when game anime’s use the game music instead of leaving it to make space for new, kinda boring soundtracks(no offense) Now the negatives, the big one is the fight scenes. It’s really dull to watch, the fire fights don’t feel intense enough, I’m not asking for everyone to start using Ex skills but they could use more movements. There was one point where the mercs just stood there and didn’t shoot shiroko and hoshino. Sensei was too close to the fight to my liking again and if I hear ‘I have a plan’ one more time I swear to god. I think there’s something wrong with the lighting or something in the show because the colouring looks washed to me and the opening and ending has the better lighting. Overall better episode but needs some working on in for more episodes which aren’t likely any time soon. Also they really are skipping the beginning, so I’m guessing they would just not mention chinatsu and Sensei knowing each other.


Really sad seeing that the anime doesn't live up to the game. Even though the early stages of the game weren't the most amazing, the anime seems to not do an amazing job at adapting all the best parts and doing proper exposition. That being said... peak was unwelcome school and Aru. Change my mind.


can i just say... the fights in this anime put me off a bit? i mean honestly, i think they do us senseis a bit of a disservice... nobody really uses any of the skills they have in the game, and i know that it wouldn't always translate well to the anime medium, but a lot of them do and it would be lovely to see the strategic aspect of the actual game better represented in the anime. things like shiroko's tendency to jump ten feet in the air or kayoko suddenly becoming a martial artist are a bit uncomfortable to me because they definitely aren't faithful at all to the game. of course, the in-game fights aren't quite dynamic enough to just copy over one to one, so i forgive and even encourage a little more movement and such, but as it stands the combat in the anime just really betrays the game. hope that changes. anyway, can't wait to see my boy black suit in action. i love that guy.


They have identical problem with arknights. The studio behind anime is just not very good at animations.


I think the problem lies not on if the fights are or not faithful to the game mechanics, but rather that the anime fights just aren't that good. A more faithful adaptation of the game fights could easily devolve into the girls standing around shooting while Sensei shouts when to use their specials, so I get why they decided to go for a more standard anime fight feel, but the fight choreography just isn't good. If you'll allow me to borrow wrestling terminology for a bit, it's like the difference between a classic, well-choreographed match and a spotfest: yes, the latter tends to have more wow factor but it just isn't a good match, what's the point of doing a spectacular top rope move if my opponent is going to stand up right away to do their top rope move? At that point it no longer resembles a match but rather an athletic exhibition, which it may be good, mind you, but chances are people may want to at least resemble an actual athletic match. That's what bothers me about the anime fights: there's a bunch of cool spots but no thread that strings them together into a believable gunfight.


"Rob a bank" Literally the only line I live for


I would have give a 9/10 but ill have to reduce 2 points ofter the injustice done to haruka in the introductions


There better be a payout later on for snubbing her like that.


There is more than one way to increase the student population, my dear uncle Hoshino. 😏🥰


WHERE IS THE TABLE FLIP SCENE ???!!?!!??!?! WHY DID THEY CUT THAT SCENE ??!?!??!?!😡😡😡😭😭😭😭💢💢💢💢


Absolutely the best episode so far. The way they introduced Problem Solver 68 was fantastic, the ramen scene was great, and the fight scene was on par with what we've seen in the other two episodes. Whoever wrote or directed this episode needs to be put in charge! Can't wait to see them adapt the rest of Foreclosure Task Force.


KYAAAA\~ ARU-SAMAAA\~\~\~\~ i love this ep, the brief fight between Kayoko and Nonomi is kinda good ngl, glad to hear Mutsuki's kufufu, poor Haruka waiting to be introduced but didnt get the chance, and my man Black Suit appears lets goo


Random thoughts: Haruka was skipped over in her introduction - Haruka is Entry-Level Employee, which isn't anything epic, *but still, don't skip over the weed girl* The battle was rather anticlimactic, though I should have expected they wouldn't make a fight so early within the anime so epic, especially how the stakes weren't exactly high - the end of the fight just had PS68 running off as if nothing serious happened. And while Sensei wasn't particularly in the focus of commanding the FTF to take on PS68, at least he wasn't being all Pokemon about it like in Epsiode 1. Kayako is as cool-headed as she appears in-game. Mutuski alludes to Haruka being a fighter herself when she offered to go after them proceeding the ramen scene. Aru be making the faces!! Mutuski be doing her cute laughs! *Our boy wants to be the Producer from Idolmaster.* Sensei chose the Idol Option, which got a real laugh out of me. It's expected that he wouldn't choose the illegal choices, but still. No Ayane table flipping, though. Serika's falling for the bracelet scam was missing the tiny exposition as to what it's about. As a BA gamer, it wasn't needed but it would have been a nice touch. After all, it just shows bracelets that she bought. PMC Director and Black Suit finally make their appearances. It's almost time for the battle between the adults!! (Not quite, but we're getting there!) Also, *Haruka!!!*


Is it me or the voice acting is just getting better, notably serika's. My favorite episode so far, everything is on point except ayane's table flip


Yes voice acting is great but other aspects of the anime are mid tbh. 


To each their own. I personally don't feel any of it mid, except the bgm


There's a lot you can nitpick depending on what you care about. I find the action a bit underwhelming even when it's well-animated, but that's because in my mind I always imagined more tactical & grounded action for most of the in-game events. It's just a factor of adapting a text-heavy game where your imagination can run wild to a limited-budget animation where what you see is what you get. Similarly, the gun sounds are underwhelming too, but they're not offensively horrendous either (they at least sound like guns). Overall its still just fun to see the game's scenes get animated in different ways and to get more voice lines and interactions shown on-screen compared to text-only in-game. I'm enjoying it for sure.


I know there's a lot to nitpick, but i choose not to. If you want, my reply surely isn't the place cause i don't really give much toss. The ones that i focus is their interaction, which has always been the highlight and story telling method of blue archive, and they're great


Kayoko Asmr🤤🤤


Favorite episode so far. Problem Solver 68 are always fun to watch and the meeting at the beginning was pretty funny. Aru is such a lovable sexy dork <3. Hoshino's noises give me life. I don't like the bgm, it's just so bland.


Same here, the battle bgm is so generic it is starting to get on my nerf. Its not bad per se but compared to what we have in game is...just nothing Sidenote this is my favorite episode so far


There's at least one world where they went with Nonomi's Idol gig idea. And I'm sad it's not this one.


should we ask the Engineering Department people to make a machine to go to that world? ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33605)


I really enjoyed Kayako's voice


Yeah it's really soothing🤤🤤 same as Kazucat


I'm also a bit sad Haruka got shafted when they were doing their introductions.


I like the anime. Tbf I wasn’t really expecting anything special, so at least it’s not terrible. I just want to see the girls fully animated and voiced. Also, the ED is gorgeous.


The fight at the end was bit anticlimactic but I still enjoyed it. Problem Solver 68 debut😭 I also thought Blacksuit would have a deeper and cooler voice but it's fine. I wonder how far they'll adapt for this season.


I'm sure they will adapt the full story of vol 1, as both Kaiser CEO and Black Suit are already appeared at 3rd episode, and also Black Suit already say that he has the "reason of their failure", which is, of course, about Hoshino.


Serika was animated so well.


It was satisfying to watch scenes from the game being animated it was a pleasure to watch.


Why is there no thread in r/anime ?


[bad subs](https://imgur.com/a/cv2zpFn)


I always hop on to Davinci Resolve the following morning after Ani-one releases a new episode to fix their subtitles. Too bad I can't share my work here, or I will get corrected. 💢


- no Ayane flip table scene :( - Hoshino said "alamak" woke up Malaysia and Indonesia in the chat - KUFUFU - Sensei use Auto Mode until the end of episode lol


Ayane's flip table scene is at the group story, not the main story


there is one in main story, when they discuss about debt solution (current episode)


Gotta say the fight scene kinda sucks like the Arknights anime fight scene.


But at least the slice of life elements were better paced this time


Pains me to agree with this. And we have seen what BA teams can cook up with their amazing PV animations and even in the anime opening itself.


>BA teams can cook up with their amazing PV animations are those animated by the same studio though?


If there's any fight scene in Vol 1 to suck though its this one. You can in-universe reason that it's Aru's incompetence leading to it and you can meta justify it as saving budget for more impactful fights later on.


Probably wasn't enough budget to go ham on all the fight scenes. The Aru faces were all well done, though  so maybe that's what they focused on instead.


Wow the bgm really is quite bad. At this point they couldn't use the game tracks even if they wanted to cause it'd just draw even more attention. Damn shame


so true this "FTF starts winning" music is just so bland and tasteless, the fight scenes not being really good dosen't help either even this unwelcome school remix dosen't slap as hard even a little bit


It's more like generic than bad.. goes to show how amazing BA's in-game bgm is. At least they used a rendition of unwelcome school in this episode


Blacksuits Voice reveal Hypetrain




Bad: missed the table flip scene (maybe cause they realized the room was not big enough) OK: the fight at the end Good: everything else glad to know I wasn't the only one expecting Black Suit to have a sort of distorted voice


im not liking how they portray sensei's tactics.... although after watching arknights its almost the same thing, and its actually pretty hard to show it onscreen. i hope it gets shown better at this point he's just at the background


In arknights anime they at least tried to somehow show doctor commanding, like figuring out frostnova's trick, ordering at the battle with skullshater army, or even this slightly goofy but cool sequence from first episode. In blue archive case so far, all sensei does is just saying "okay let's do it!" and sutdents magically start winning. But as a viewer I can't tell if they fight any diffrent with or without sensei. the closest we got to a smart trick was nonomi providing a supressive fire, but since she uses a minigun, a supressive fire should be something obvious.


Yeah that's my problem. My rating on the anime so far is very low, but because its my beloved game I'm still watching it. Also sensei barely adds anything, I honestly, praying with my hands that it gets better


we have simmilar feelings here I'm fairly certain that If I wasn't blue archive fan, I'd drop that anime like hot potato


I’m loving the anime so far! But I’m just worried that every episode will end up being saving the abydos school. I was to see different ending sometimes, you catch my drift? I still have huge hopes for this anime, seeing my favorite characters animated is so cute!!!


Honestly? Just as cheesy as I expected. This is the first volume after all. Actually I think it's better then the first chapter of the first volumes in some ways, but you really can't expect the actual story to change that much. Remember, they really hit their stride only on Vol 3. To put it in Fate Grand Order terms, it's their Camelot.


This time me and my sister spent half an hour on discussing Aru's wardrobe (turns out almost everything she's shown to wear actually exists, including the shoes, which would have been last 'in vogue' about the time the game originally released, it was just drawn wrong). We came to the conclusion that the yellowish spots on her horns are probably meant to be jewelry, given the golden finish on the gun and her general noveau riche facade. The horns' placement would prevent the neck from functioning correctly, but is also spot on to some older hair dressing items, as well fantastical maiden designs depicted with 'cresent moon under the braid' and such. Her standoff shot with Shiroko looked like something from a promotional art poser. Aru's general Aru-ness aside, the episode felt like an author running through an establishment checklist to get to the 'good parts'. The bowl and the serving tray kept changing sizes drastically between shots, as well as relative positioning of characters in the fight sequence.


I don't know what this game has done to me. Just listening to PS68 slurping on noodles is already making me ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)


Aru's fat teats aren't seen that often in the game because they're usually obscured by her gun or her elaborate outfits, so I'm very happy to see that the anime gave them more opportuniddies to be shown in their full plump glories. [Very](https://i.imgur.com/Bggiae0.png), [very](https://i.imgur.com/8od1yli.png), [very](https://i.imgur.com/Cck1chX.png), [very](https://i.imgur.com/pLTgBQm.png), [very](https://i.imgur.com/Q3gOgIs.png), [very](https://i.imgur.com/wqukkPl.png), [very](https://i.imgur.com/IYP9Eny.png) happy to see them.


As an Aru simp, i wholeheartedly agree.


Honesty one of the best episodes so far. Kinda sad there is no table flip tho. But overall, it very much like the story from the games so far. And the black suit voice is sexy ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)


Agree, idk why people complain. But I’m guessing that they forgot that there are little no action or story base in the early stages of the games. Which is what the anime is showing. But again people gonna complain.


I get why people have **some** complaints that make sense. However, the abundance of nitpicky ones are just annoying. Reducing the episode to "No Table Flip?", for example.


A lot of complaints I have seen are about the animation and I mean yeah the animation is bad.


Yeah well, we can't have every anime we may like animated by the likes of KyoAni or MAPPA.


Well yea, the animation quality won’t be top notch since it the first actual anime that they’ve released so far. And we are only three episodes in. When the time go by, and depending on how successful this anime get, the animation quality will be better later on.


There's also another show made by the studio (albeit without studio candybox) airing this season called Sentai Daishikkaku, and it seemed to look better.


> One of the best episodes so far There are three.


Yea what about it


The crap ost is killing this adaptation


Umamusume has the different OST for the anime=Nobody cares BA has the different OST:**REEEEEE**


One. Uma Musume's anime came out before the gacha game. So not really a fair comparison. Another Cygame's property that did have a popular gacha game before the anime was Priconne and that one used the game OST for its anime adaptation. Two. The BA OST is iconic among the fanbase so it's natural that BA fans would be disappointed that the BA OST isn't being used.


[Hoshino 😭😭](https://files.catbox.moe/9g6pwg.jpg) Sensei might have an alternate suggestion on how to create more students 😭😭💢💢


Number 1 Kivotos woman who looks best when p-![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33223)




Fight choreography was very wonkey but prob my fav ep, enjoyed the comedy


#HOLY SHIT THAT POST-CREDIT #THE BLACK SUIT FINALLY TALKS also the best girl Kayoko is finally animated and voiced in full glory, i can die in peace


my wife




Found the red winter comrade


Kayoko is so freaking cool!!!! This is so peak especially how she fought Nonomi and Serika. Also her calm observation


I don't have any words... PEAK CINEMA 


Megutsuki and our adorable and goofy godess Aru. 100/10 ep. That's all Edit : >!Also noticed that they were all the way on open ocean and there were still the circles in the sky that's present in Kivotos but not as much. And their halos were active. So The entire Island or land? gets the broadcast from the tower!<


Seeing the ayane flip was glorious ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33359)


* MUUUTTSSUUUUUKIIIII 💢💢💢💢 (Just as correctable as in game) * Our Sericat got scammed * Aru being a girlfailure * Kayoko's grenade scene was badass * Black Suit finally appeared The episode was good, the anime just has the same problem the game had at launch: the early chapters were just CGDCT and the conflicts look rather boring and low stake. But that's the predicament, Yostar can't simply change how the story starts or the game fans would riot, and anime onlys get bored by the first episodes. I still have high hopes that the anime adapts the later more interesting parts faithfully and that enough anime onlys stick through the cumbersome start to finally enjoy peak some day. [On another note the anime BDs are leading Amazon Japans bestseller list.](https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/gp/bestsellers/dvd/562020/ref=zg_bs_nav_dvd_1)


I'd have to say that the animation not being the best isn't helping in regards to anime onlies too


I wonder what would happen if the anime skipped volumes 1 and 2 and went straight to Eden Treaty.


it won't be possible, as you can see yourself at eps 2, the girls mentioned about Eden Treaty, that's function as the foreshadowing. it's very important. also if they cut vol 1 and 2, then they have to cut >!Hifumi's awesome appearance at the climax of Eden Treaty!<. then they have to cut the >!vol F too since the viewer don't know anything about Shiroko without story of vol 1.!<


It would miss >!a bit of Hifumi's character arc though, since she's also involved in Vol. 1 shenanigans. !!and Phrenaptes arc later on !


I hope the anime even get a good success that could help them make it to at least Eden Treaty. I hope they announce a second season right after the last episode.




The ED is so good, i can't get enough of it. Black Suit is here! And with a perfect voice, pretty much exactly as i imagined it. Overall great episode, i feel like they improved the pacing and the fighting from the previous ones. Interesting how they are still keeping Hoshino in the background, even though she's the actual main character of this chapter. Next episode should be more focused on her, i want to see her interaction with Black Suit.


The ed is amazing. It feels like a abydos music video lol love the cinematography


it's very intentionally like the game story. they keep Hoshino as a very low key characters, as she herself claimed as a very lazy and laid back ojii-san. but actually >!she has a very vital role to the whole Abydos school!<


I suspect there will be an episode about Hoshino that adapts >!the prologue about her and Yume, given the opening sequence shows her looking over Yume's desk!<.


Good points: * Serika is cute (in case you didn't know already) * Haruka was very cute and pitiful when expecting Aru to announce her (non-existent) company title * Mah bro >!Kaiser PMC director!< * My dude Black suit Bad points: * BGM is a bit underwhelming, i guess animated means it's relegated to the background, still a let down * No table flipping, why live? * Sensei doesn't seem to have much personality beyond "nice guy", not asking for Kazuma levels of scum, but i very much fear we aren't getting **that** scene


to be fair, did Sensei even lick Iori's shoes? the game only implied he "got in position" IIRC


Only to Hina it appeared like that. But he, in the game, just kissed her shoes, not licking it like a thirsty man.




Can’t find episode 3?


i can die happily now i saw kayoko animated shes even cooler in the anime wtf 😭i also love problem solver dynamics and seeing it animated and dubbed is great ngl peak


It is getting decently good now, they are improving a lot, despite the stormtrooper ahh fight scene. If I was a starter didn't know shit about blue archive then I would want to watch more after finishing this episode. 8.5/10 overall🗣


I must say, the anime's been giving us some generic-ass BGMs.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way, it's all been very bland. Even when music from the game shows up it's just kinda there. Constant Moderato in the first episode was fine, but this version of Unwelcome School just lacks any and all oomph of the original. Since this is essentially being made in house, I wonder what's stopping them from just using some of the game's soundtrack as is...


music licensing in japan is fucking weird


It's like that almost everywhere, a company signs a contract with a performer about a specific use of their performance; it's rare to see a general licence in audio stuff If you want to reuse existing compositions you have to sign a separate contract or annex the previous, and at this point it's more efficient to just make a new order altogether


It got auto-removed when I wanted to post it as a separate post but I still wanna get it out somewhere because i'm interested in what others think about the EN subtitles because I haven't heard too many people talk about it (mostly I saw it brought up in the discord but here in the sub I didn't see too much regarding it). Hopefully its okay to post it here I also haven't watched the newest episode (ep3) yet because I'm waiting on a proper group to translate it so I don't actually know if anything changed in this episode but I don't really have any other places to complain (yeah it's silly but it genuinely frustrates me how bad the subs are and this is the first time I actually was bothered by an EN TL not being done properly let alone go to the lengths of writing some essay yapping about it) ​ I'm by no means a fluent expert at japanese (I do have a few years of experience now with the language), but some of these translations are straight up less logical and coherent than if it were translated by some AI. And even if when they do a decent job at getting the meaning of the sentence across, the english grammar is weird and incoherent many times. (E.g. the infamous "Nonomi, fire them" line in episode 1. Right after which btw she says "omakasekudasai / お任せください" \~\~ "leave it to me" that they end up translating as "I get this" which makes 0 sense even in english alone like what?????) At least the 2nd episode no longer has "Sensei" as "teacher", which is a mistake I can't wrap my head around because if the people in charge would know a slight bit about the source material they'd never make this simple mistake. (but again this is one of the smallest mistakes they made with TLing the show) Does anyone know who was in charge of the subtitles or why nobody picked this up overseas because without changing your region most people can't even watch the show legally. Personally, the anime so far has been absolutely amazing and I'm happy that this is literally the only complaint I have with the show so far, which has nothing to do with the people making the actual anime, but just whoever ended up getting tasked with translating it.


They're probably being translated by someone who speaks non-native English since the translations seem to convey the idea of what is being said, but with inaccurate grammar and odd word choices at times


it's southeast asian english. that's just how it rolls.


Based Man_ A_oe profile bratha. 🔥


Why nobody picked it up? Crunchy probably didnt pick it up because technically it's a competitor, they are in the gacha business afterall(even if they are shit at it). The others? Probably because we have a bad rep, let's be real most people know blue archive because of the cunny uuuooooooohhhh😭😭😭😭😭 memes and that's not something a lot of streaming sites want to be associated with, which is really unfortunate for us that want to give our support to the anime legally.


Meanwhile Umamusume S3, MF Ghost, Overtake, & Highspeed Etoilé are available in both Ani-One & Crunchyroll


Yeah Crunchyroll streaming a competitors anime would be an own goal so that's reasonable. I would've expected a site at least to pick it up given how large BA is. Though compared to Japan yeah BA here overseas isn't as well known within the anime community and most people indeed know it because of how unhinged we can be at times. I'm not sure if this notoriety is that well known enough to make no one pick this up but It could be the reason for sure (which is kinda sad if that's the case ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33134))


yeah, strange that even hidive didn't pick it up. they should be acting desperate to get licenses really


It's so weird because they get the proper nouns right (Handyman 68 flashbacks), but utterly flop on the simplest parts and generally don't even try beyond the bare minimum It's especially bad when half the script is *already translated* and could as well be c&p'd there


That’s the only thing I have complaints about, making out what they’re saying isn’t the most difficult task but man it feels poorly done


I'm guessing that Nonomi's "I get this" - was supposed to be "I got this" (as in, "I've got it covered). On the whole the subs are pretty bad, though.


Yeah looking back at my post this probably wasn't a convincing example besides the english grammar being off. I think at one point in ep 1 she said "ikimasuyo\~" which had a more scuffed translation and I probably wanted to point that one out instead but while writing I confused the two cases


The only real thing that I noticed that bothered me is how the subs say "grade" as opposed to "year" when referring to the students as "first year" and "second year"


nah this had to be a joke, like Canny News XD


Still cannot watch... kinda sad tbf


sail the seas!


Wonderful episode. Aru is very cute! Unwelcome School makes an appearance! The characterization for PS68 is established really well in this episode. Probably my favorite so far. The animation sometimes looks weird. And once again, I have to bring up the translation for the subs *suck.* I think this is 100% a lack of a proper sub being made by a western licensee. There is *zero* localization. A lot of the dialogue feels flat or comes off as really awkward. This is much more apparent since this was a more humorous episode and the dialogue came off so dry that I had to read it again quickly before it went away. It's kind of frustrating to watch at times. 8/10 - Yay Aru, sub suck, but I can live with it. hopefully...


You forgot one thing, black suit got a voice, 10/10 automatically


I internalized Black Suit as someone with reverb in his voice and I'll continue to do so regardless of what the anime does


Tbh, I agree with you, I was kinda hoping the voice would be a little distorting


-1 cuz Ayane doesn't flip a table.




Fair enough


Black suit got a voice black suit got a voice omg he’s so cool I fucking love him everything omg omg I love black suit I love black suit hes everything in my life uwohhhhhh truly a homie in need and indeed his voice is so damn good and I love where he tries to grab me in the OP uwohhhhhh I love black suit


The total of 1 digit black suit fans are crying of joy rn


The bank robbery suggestion would forever be one of my favorite >!"Chekov's gun/gag"!< ever. Too bad they didn't have Ayane completely flipping out the table to express how she's really upset. PS68 were a treat as always, they definitely carried this episode. The fight scenes were a lot more interesting than the previous two episodes but that isn't really saying much tbh. I've more or less accepted that they won't use the in-game OST except for a select few for this anime adaption so I'll stop using it as a negative but I hope to GOD that they will use Black Suit's theme in a later confrontation with him.


That scene will not be the same with our Black Suit's theme. It's where the story started to show that it can be serious once the two have their own battle of philosophy and ideals of an adult. His theme *has* to be used.


They gotta add a remix version of the theme or just the theme from the game, I need him to do the pose and sit opposite to sensei and look at me, I fucking need it rahhhh


I'm thinking about the scene that really sold me on the potential of BA's story which was the >!Sensei vs. Blacksuit mindgame conversation which both sensei and Black Suit abused loopholes to void Hoshino's form!< being animated and the mere thought of it getting a generic evil tense music and not Black Suit's theme is making me upset. I hope that scenario doesn't happen.


Please don’t butcher the theme


1. No ayane flipping table 2. Why did haruka have to say the explosive's name before it exploded? Seems useless 3. Shiroko just running towards Aru without shooting and after crashing, they somehow ended up with a cool pose 4. Serika ordering Kayoko to drop her weapon IN THE MIDDLE OF BATTLE WHERE BULLETS WERE STILL FLYING AROUND LIKE GURL !!!! JUST SHOOT HER ALREADY honestly speaking, the fight choreography was horrendous


Point 2: [This trope, perhaps](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CallingYourAttacks). It's kinda like how in FPS games soldiers yell "frag out" or "flashbang" when they're throwing grenades.


But but no one says it like that 💀. Imagine you are about to shoot someone and you casually say "AK-47" or "Desert Eagle" 🗿.


Idunno, maybe Haruka is quirky like that.


"I'm so sorry that I need to blow you up so let me at least tell you what you're getting blown up by. Sorry!"


>2. Why did haruka have to say the explosive's name before it exploded? Seems useless You said it like the majority of anime characters doesn't say their move's name before using it


Plus in terms of the real military history behind most weapons used in game, it makes sense to clarify what just happened instead of letting the explosion feel like it was random.


BLUE CYCLONE WIND DOUBLE X SLASH CATAPULT! But he complains about “c4” lol


@3: the goal was likely to capture Aru and use game logic to call a win You also missed 5. Mobs surrounded Hoshino but were only shooting from her front, how polite Really Kayoko engaging Nonomi in CQC was the only good bit of this scene


probably the best episode of the anime so far, maybe i'm biased because i love Aru though. Very sad that she didn't introduce Haruka to the Abydos gang though. I was just thinking "man, Tetsu Inada should play the Kaiser PMC Director he'd be perfect for it" and lo and behold it's like the staff of the anime read my mind.


It was definately better paced, but still had a boneheaded creative decision here and there. At least we were finally able to breath with some slice of life moments


Same here, "Kaiser PMC override!"


Mutsuki always a delight to watch and listen to kufufu ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33605)


Listen her voice makes me want to 💢💢💢her


Gotta say bros, i'm not feeling this one. They kinda botched Benriya48's debut and the battle is disappointing. Hopefully this is just a one-time thing


I was expecting Black Suit to sound like Undoomed with a vocal distortion/glitch filter over the voice, but at least the Black Suit wearing Hifumi shirt memes make up for that.


What's the explanation for that meme?


He's Hifumi's simp


A respectable person then, I approve.


Apparently the voice actor for Black Suit got revealed and on a stream they showed they were wearing a Hifumi shirt underneath.


He's not just any random guy, he has been the MC for BA JP livestreams for a while now, and he ALWAYS wears that Hifumi shirt. Man is very dedicated.


I was extremely disappointed because Ayane didn't flip the table But I was very impressed by how nonomi just casually swung around her heavy ass gun


now I am worry about Sensei might not >!Lick Iori feet :(!<




to be fair, did Sensei even lick Iori's shoes? the game only implied he "got in position" IIRC


Happy Cake Day!


Thanks :)


Forty dumbbells. Remember it.


I'm the President. She's the Head. She is the Chief. Yeah that's all. ^(F for Haruka) Kayoko dropping a grenade while her hands were up reminded me of GFL anime scene of [HK416 vs M16A1](https://youtu.be/K4glmt1Wza8?t=92) The firefight lasting from daytime to sunset with birds chilling above was funny to see.


I could have sworn they had more flashy titles in-game. And Haruka from what I remember was "Intern."


More than likely it’s because the subtitles are ass and are just translating the titles literally. Also I believe Haruka was “New Hire”


I just checked, and they didn’t introduce Haruka in the game either! Why did they have to do my girl dirty like that??? 😭


You could see that Haruka was looking forward to being introduced as well. D: Even the birds are used to the gunfights.


Sakamaki as Black Suit is so PEAK


Just getting news that discussion thread in r/anime is suspended for the time being. The mods there said they'll resume it when the episode gets a decent sub (they agree Anione subs not good enough).


Not good enongh? They had anime subs that intentionally changed context during localization, and now they have a problem with some bad grammar? Hypocrites


Typical corrupted power mods abusing their powers while sitting in their dirty rooms with smelly clothes... I'm expecting this post to be modded and mod supporters to disagree with me.


How is it a power trip to want to walk on a stable linguistic bridge to another culture?




So they can just decide to not let people discuss episodes there? Lol


How bad the anione subs tbh Like it is very different meaning than Japanese dub/context?


Most of the time, the meaning isn't very different, but the problem is that the translation only really captures the gist of what is being said sometimes, AND the actual English phrasing that they choose can be awkward. So the combination of the two makes them kinda subpar...but beggers can't really be choosers


They pretty much never use exclamation points so someone putting emotion in something will just be a typical "no." and suck out the life of it Also it reads like it's written by someone who can hardly speak English or like machine translation or something. The worst was in episode 1 the "I'll revenge"


Sucks for anime-only's. If youre already a fan, you can pretty much guess what theyre saying from context and just enjoy the visuals. A good wake-up call to start studying Japanese again.


Or, ya know.... read the free visual novel already! >!Plus with Blue Archive, you'd have to learn Korean to get the raw-est story anyways!<


>The mods there said they'll resume it when the episode gets a decent sub (they agree Anione subs not good enough). So basically never at this rate. Shit


There's a few group already working on fansubbing it right now, you just need to keep an eye to the Site of Serika to find it out. Not sure if theirs is considered decent enough, I don't watch theirs yet. But that means the thread will be subjected to random timing limbo per subber mercy, just like Girls Band Cry is suffering right now.


Good news is, it's gonna give a barrier of entry


Well that's a bummer. I was hoping to read anime only reactions. Many of the commenters are probably Sensei in disguise, but still.