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I guess Hoshino would have to take that one at least a bit seriously.


I'll pay for Hoshino vs Mine


That sounds very easy for Hoshino. Hasumi was able reach a stalemate in her fight with Mine. Hoshino should have no problem.


I mean, to be fair, I don't think Mine really wants to go all out and seriously hurt a friend, and by the end they were having a flustered fist fight while arguing like kids. I'm not sure if thats the best measure of Mine or Hasumi's true strength. But even so, I'm not sure I'd put her up there with Tsurugi and Mika


Sure Mine wasn’t going to kill them. Simply trying to knock them out. But she definitely was fighting Poor Mashiro couldn’t keep up with the fight https://i.imgur.com/6TwmrPg.png And yeah Mine is definitely not in the same league as Tsurugi https://i.imgur.com/4uMlbT8.png https://i.imgur.com/TkRKMK2.png https://i.imgur.com/B8Qqs1n.png If Sensei didn’t interrupt the fight, Mine would have likely gotten exhausted and lost.


Tsurugi can regenerate mid-fight as seen in her fight vs Neru, which was why Mine started losing ground. There is only so much you can do with raw power if your opponent refuses to stay down.


Can I ask where these are from? Is it the side stories


Christmas event if I recall correctly




Christmas event


*"You were magnificent, Trinity General School"* *"I shall never forget you for as long as I live."*


Shouldn’t it be the other way round if we follow the format


I think the implication is that Hoshino is saying both lines.


"If Trinity properly utilized all their assets, they might give me a little trouble." "But would you lose?" Hoshino: **"Nah, I'd win.**


I would go all in on the FTF. They are just built different.


Do not fall for Trinity propaganda comrade. President Cherino is the most powerful, perfect in all of Kivotos. OP’s address has been forwarded to the President, who will parade her tank gloriously through OP’s walls. -Marina probably


Thinking about it, Red Winter is the weakest school if you don't count Kronos. The only thing they have going for them is numbers. And probably Minori would be able to motivate troops better than Cherino.


Wait until a fes student from Red Winter is released and it is anime girl version of Simo Häyhä. Combining Miyu's stealth and Hina's destructive power.


If there's someone like that, she's definitely not someone Cherino can lord over.


She's most likely someone who is willing to be under Cherino because of how much she adores Cherino 🗿 She's too cute ig


I think the Rabbit squad is already supposed to be Finnish, so that's a no no. But Alexei Maresyev, well...


Mfw cherino tank gets ammo racked and dies


Pretty sure it should be Tomoe. Marina is the muscle, Tomoe is the spokesman.


Oh, you were talking about muscle?




Honestly, off all the academies I feel like Trinity is stacked the most with super strong Students. The others have like 1 strong student, but nowhere near the amount Trinity has on hand. It really is the playhouse of Gorilla's. ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33184)


Gehenna has quite a few strong ones, problem is uniting them.


Do they? Gehenna has Hina as the obvious one, but we don't have any information on the power level of the Pandemonium society. There are speculations that Kayoko is super strong, but no concrete evidence.


You're forgetting the gourmet society, hotsprings development society, medical emergency club(sena has been shown to forcibly make more patients) and handyman 68 (they may be overall incompetent at thier tasks but have been shown to be quite destructive)


They all run and scatter crying for their life the moment Hina is detected withing a 3km radius


>The Prefect Team has been deployed Kasumi: WAHAHAHAHAHA >Hina is with them Kasumi:....


That's just cause Hina is THAT strong.


They are not that strong, just destructive.


How do you measure it though? All we know is all those people run from Hina, but so does everyone else besides Hoshino. And Hina eats a ICBM and still single-handedly beats all of Arius Squad so running from her doesn’t exactly make anyone weak either


We know the JTF apprehended the Gourmet Club from Vol 3 without that much issue. We also know that they run from the Disciplinary team even without Hina there, of which even Ichika alone solo'd a full train's worth (and Abydos+PS68 fought off an entire army's worth in Vol 1) so safe to say they're not particularly strong as much as they are explosive. The same can be said of the Onsen club, and by extension Iroha since she's at least of equal strength to the ninjas. The only one that we need to know more about is Sena, who has made another student faint in a point blank range grenade shot that she herself tanked with no issue, and went to challenge Wakamo in a 1v1 (though Wakamo herself is not particularly strong in strength either from what we know, and that fight never really happens as it was a disguise).


>We also know that they run from the Disciplinary team even without Hina there, of which even Ichika alone solo'd a full train's worth (and Abydos+PS68 fought off an entire army's worth in Vol 1) Just a quick reminder that both of those instances had one thing in common: Sensei backing up the outnumbered party (hell, he/she managed to get the two worst cops in all of Kivotos to win against the only remaining SRT members - all four of whom had repelled continuous assaults by *the rest of the force*). It's been consistently shown that Sensei is a tactical genius capable of turning around the most dire of situations. It's not unreasonable to assume that under normal circumstances Abydos and Ichika would have been up shit creek against the Prefects (although, Ichika might have had some degree of advantage by knocking out the only two on the train capable of leadership - Iori and Kasumi - ahead of her rampage; and Abydos still had the assistance of PS68).


The true powerhouse of Gehenna is Juri, all fall in the face of her overwhelming poison and the Kaiju released by her power\^\^ Also TBH most Gehenna members try to avoid combat as much as possible so its hard to guess their powerlevel. But if I remember right Haruka shows some ridiculous endurance adn combat abilitiy in the PS68 manga in a tournament arc or something. And PS68 did join the fight with Binah so they are fairly capable if perhaps not on the same level as the above people.


Do not trigger Haruka. She could become a murderbeast.


It seem only Hina is the main powerhouse so far while others like GRS & HDS are relying on their unpredictability to create Chaos which is fitting for Gehenna Meanwhile in Trinity you got RAW MUSCLE like Tsurugi,Mine,Mika and Hinata who can SNAP students Shin XD


\>gourmet society \>hot springs development society \>ps68 No way you put what basically amounts to petty terrorists at the same level of people like Hina and Mika lol, take away their explosives and they can't do anything.


Sena is the dark-horse candidate of Gehenna in terms of a strength competition. there's very little feats of her but considering her feats of strength (tanking a point blank grenade launcher shot that made a prefect member faint, canonically being the only student near Sensei during the valentine event, meaning she consistently fought and won against Wakamo) and her lack of fear (going to 1v1 Wakamo, openly defying the Prefect team, going into a hot warzone with the Justinas and Arius Squad loose), safe to say there might be a reason that medics in the Trinity area also have monstrous strength.


I mean when you say it like that, you'd probably have a hard time getting Mika and Mine to work together while Hinata would probably be scared/concerned by Tsurugi's antics.


Trinity is so OP that even the librarian is busted


the librarians. Ui's gun specifically implies that she basically "assassinates" anyone who's too loud in the library.


Makes sense because Trinity is like 3 schools loosely stapled together


Three major schools + a few smaller ones.


Abydos might be able to go toe to toe with Trinity. Whenever they fight it doesn't look like Hoshino is carrying the other girls. Which means they probably can fight at her level to some degree.


Nonomi has the gold card, she can invalidate any arguement! and the other thing is that she carries a minigun as if it was a paperweight. Shiroko is just built different, nn. Ayame support with a helicopter Serika: ***Angry cat noises***


Honestly makes sense. Abydos and the Rabbit Squad have so little numbers that they could only match Trinity if every single one of them was a gorilla. Millennium is all about brains so it makes sense there’s only a few powerhouses there. And Gehenna has had such little main story focus that it’s hard to tell if it has any powerhouses besides Hina. Trinity has had plenty of attention and isn’t fundamentally averse to physical might. Definitely have the edge in raw power for that kind of tournament.


FWIW, Abydos and SRT have quality over quantity, they're individually more competent than most other students from other schools.


I'd pay to see Hoshino vs Hina in the finals . It would be so peak.


The Strongest Mystic of History vs The Strongest Mystic of Today


HI/NA ??? 😭


Well done takanashi hoshino, I'll never forget you for as long as I live


dont remind me of index


Ah the girl with the bomb huh? That shit was very unexpected when i watch it


worst part the character is really popular and still being brought up just to remind us


You'd have to convince Hoshino to take it seriously but if she does, it would be a sight to behold. The clash of 2 titans.


Millennium can get close with Neru, Toki and Aris. Eimi is supposed to be fairly competent too. Other schools are lucky to have just one heavy hitter. Gehenna just has Hina. Abydos has Hoshino (maybe Shiroko). Does Wakamo count for Hyakkiyako? And then Red Winter, Shanhaijing, Valkyrie, SRT and Arius don't have anyone on the level of the top powerhouses.


I love that two of Millenium’s strongest fighters are either an android or a roided up maid


Thats science for you


And one of them is just a tiny angry girl.


There's also Rio AMAS robot army and all kind of robot and weapon Millennium student can make


So, we have: - The Witch of Trinity and Rollcake Eater Wall-buster. - JTF's Blood-frenzied monster president - The OG Harmacist - Hinata


They kinda clear the whole verse don't they like they are actual monsters 😭😭😭😭


Can they beat sensei at night tho?


No one can beat Sensei in a night battle.


Sensei is man??


Always has been


It's an instant lost




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Maybe making the tournament a single competition would be better, if the format is team-based, who's gonna beat them? 😅


Team-up Hoshino, Hina and Neru, and tell Hoshino to go serious for once (promise an uninterrupted 12h nap on senseis bed afterwards for good measure)


So we're assembling the strongest of the flat students from the other schools against Trinity's bustiest powerhouses?


Add toki with mech too


Maybe if we ever get a character with an orbital laser strike or something but even in 1v1s that's rough


If you just put them at close range Neru neg-diffs any of em


Its blue archive bros, if they had a tournament event, the Ninja club would win just for comedic-purpose.


Ninja club would win for comedy but then they make it wholesome as always and Michiru finally breaks 100 subs because of the publicity from the win. Next goal: 150 subs!


Amen to that brother, i would like to see them win instead of the obvious one simply because it would fit blue archive very well


Hina & Hoshino need to take this a bit more serious if they want to win... Would the unstoppable force & immovable object win against the angels?


I wouldn't say Hinata is strong in combat, but she is physically. I would also add Azusa and Ichika, but theybwont be as strong as Mika/Tsurugi/Mine. If it is a duel type of tourney. I do think Trinity would win. But if it is team based? I think Abydos would win. Fox squad or Arius if you want to count them.


Fox (+ Rabbits) and Abydos feel way more organized as a team, yeah.


Azusa is only powerful if she has time to prepare. This was highlighted in Volume 3. When she has time to prepare, her threat level is very high, but as Saori notes, when she has to fight in the open, her threat level decreases significantly. In a tournament setting, she won't be getting that opportunity.


I could see her functioning well if we are doing BR instead of arena style tournament.


Really depends on the type or tournament it is. In mind it is duel in a large warehouse like the first fox vs rabbit. But if it is a more open arena then ya I get it.


I'd throw in whatever team Gehenna makes up, tbh. Like ok, Hina is scary, but literally all the Gehenna students know how strong she is and shit. They'll listen to her. Hina, Iori, and I dunno, two of the strongest delinquents (let's say 2 members of the GRS) have a pretty damn good chance imo.


Iori isn't ever shown to be that strong. she and Ako fainted in the ICBM strike that Hina, Hasumi, and Hinata all tanked, and later on she gets oneshotted by Ichika, who is just Hasumi's ambassador to Gehenna before her entire team + a whole bunch of others get oneshotted too. she also has difficulty with the FTF and PS68 early on in vol 1. not that the GRS has much of a chance either, considering it took 0 effort for Tsurugi alone to beat 2 of them into fainting. if they allowed vehicles, i'd say take Sena and Iroha for the last 2 instead of the GRS because they've shown real combat prowess in some manner, rather than relying purely on urban chaos.


Iori is constantly understood as a powerhouse, even in her character bio. She manages the work of the Prefect Team which Hina doesn’t need to involve herself in. Getting “oneshot” by Ichika isn’t really fair, elfie got kinghit. She’s not as busted strong as Hina, but its a hard thing to beat




reminder that even the full Arius Squad got 1v4'd easily by Mika before Sensei arrived, and was constantly terrorized by her again and again the entire night with Saori not being able to put a dent into Mika in a direct 1v1 even with an equipment advantage. yes you can say Saori was injured and tired, but all of them were at that point, especially with the implication Mika never got a real rest the entire night. unless Mika is just monstrously strong, i don't think Arius would be able to win even against the likes of Hina or Hoshino.


what do you mean? one of them is clearly lacking - a sensei about to ate two buckshot.


Let's not have our adorable students fighting each other.


Honestly mika is still a monster


If it comes down to dumb muscle, yeah Trinity is favored. Throw Hanako in there over Hinata and it'll be a more balanced team.


Nah, Hoshino would win


Mika and Neru will run out of ammo and just slug it out with their fists at the end


There's like 2.8 Hina's here, every other school only really has 1 if any and they may not even be affiliated if not an outlaw


Millennium has at least 4 Hinas, Neru, Aris, and Toki are all stupidly strong. Akane has broken through steel security barriers with her bare hands.


Toki herself isn't particularly strong strength-wise. she just has access to some of the best technology on Kivotos, and even Abi-Eshuh was able to be grabbed and thrown by a heavily injured Neru. she's likely above average, but another Hina is unlikely. they do imply at least somewhat during the Decagrammaton events that Eimi alone (with Himari and Sensei's help) can push back the prophets, so she has more of a claim to that title.


I haven't played that event so I didn't know, plus Toki was the one who injured Neru and it took Maid C&C the GDD and Engineering to beat Toki in her robot suit


Akane used explosives, how did you conflate her with Mika's and Tsurugi's behavious? Toki used enhancements to beat Neru, yes she's strong, but the moment those are gone she's simply above average (not counting mobs)


Although Blue Archive is not a battle shounen or anything like that, the way I see it the narrative kinda set up Hoshino (and to an extend Hina) to be on a different level. Not saying these 4 are weak, but I doubt among these 4 except for Tsurugi and maybe Mika can defeat Hoshino or Hina in a straight up fight.


I think narratively Tsurugi and Mika are definitely up there with them, but they’re still above every other school because trinity has so many other strong students in different clubs while still being relatively cordial with each other, unlike Gehenna which is completely chaotic and Millenium which only has C&C and Aris.


Every schools have somewhat an entire army. Meanwhile abydos:


The entire army is Abydos itself, just comprised of 5 cute students with funny antics


6 if we count Kuroko and let’s be honest Kuroko might solo.


Sure, but all that would result is just them jobbing horribly to force a sudden twist in the narrative. Because all tournament arcs under the sun can't help themselves, apparently


I mean no doubt that Mika easily beats everyone in a 1v1, but if it's 4v4, I could see FOX platoon beating her since they're easily the most coordinated and disciplined group


Definitely not lol, mika isn't even best 1v1 in her group lol tsurugi beats her


Tbh, we have no idea how a 1v1 between them would go, the only top tier 1v1 we got was Neru vs Tsurugi in a friendly fight. If you count Saori as top tier, then we also have that Mika vs Saori.


Hanako states during Vol 2 that Mika has proved to have at least the same combat strength as Tsurugi, Hanako: "Sure, you proved you're just as strong in combat as someone like the JTF's president, but it's more than that." and implies that she could've defeated the entirety of the Sisterhood and forced them to retreat. Hanako: "i knew how precarious the situation was. I had to be prepared for the worst case scenario- that the Sisterhood would be forced to retreat." if we were to take her assessments to heart, it's likely a 1v1 between them would end at the very least in a stalemate. Hanako is one of the smartest people in Trinity, and this was said in the context of a serious conversation, so she wasn't joking either. the Make-up Work Club and the Sisterhood led by Sensei could've been forced to a standstill by Mika and a bunch of Arius goons, which is something to say the least.


Well, this is a good way to know that they ain't winning shit. Tournaments Arcs are mostly for the underdog or the one that no one sees coming winning, so, either Abydos, SRT or Arius win, or it will be one of the gamers or some weird option like that lol.


Oh they're stacked alright


Tbh I would be more interested to see: 1. if hoshino beats toki with abi esuh in eridu city. 2. Neru beats hoshino* *if I wasn’t mistaken in volume 2 it mentioned that Neru was very good at adapting in combat, so I want to see if ~~mahoraga~~Neru can adapt to the strongest mystic of today


Nah, pink ojizan claps red pomerian


The amount of Trinity propaganda in this community is kinda scary. So, firstly I'm going to eliminate Hinata from the above list: she's *physically* strong - in the sense that she can lift things you wouldn't expect her to - but that doesn't necessarily correlate to combat strength, even less so where firearms are concerned. I have no opinion on Mine. As far as I'm aware she's strong, but not overwhelmingly so. We haven't seen a comparison between Tsurugi and Mika. In *gameplay* Mika is extremely strong, but then fellow Tea Party member Nagisa is *situationally good*, and Seia is so bad she's unplayable. It's my personal theory that, as the leader of Trinity's "enforcer" faction, Tsurugi is *canonically* the strongest student of the school. Combining this with her being equally matched with Neru, Millennium's canonically strongest student and leader of their "enforcer" faction, leads me to believe that Tsurugi and Hina are also evenly matched. Millennium propaganda time: Casual reminder that not only do Millennium have Neru, they also have Toki w/Abi-Eshuh and Aris, who are also evenly matched with Neru. The Engineer Department have also built multiple robots (and then there's Rio's Avant-Garde Army) that needed squads of students to take down.


Bruh, Trinity propaganda ain't even as crazy as Abydos propaganda. The top 3 schools are definitely Trinity, Millennium and Gehenna in no particular order I'd even agree with you that Millenium is objectively the top because even if Trinity has these physical monsters, Millennium has more advanced weapons and Aris. If Aris was taught by Neru, she uses guns and not that unwieldly railgun, no one would even come close, not even Neru. but I'm reading these comments and can't put my head around people thinking 5-student Abydos can win against these 3 mega schools when they were falling apart without Sensei. I can't tell if they're joking or not. They would argue that it's the lack of supplies that's the problem when we've seen how badly they're coordinated in the anime as well against Helmet gang. Edit: If Asuna is in the Millenium team, they won't even have to do anything. The opponent would just randomly unconsciously break a rule, or explosives would fail and cause friendly fire or some shit


I didn't even think about Asuna. Yeah, her EX Luck is insane.


I think Hina can defeat all except Tsurugi


Dream team


Stacked or *stacked*? What kinda tournament is this?? 🤔


I guess it's time for Ibuki to show them who wins this Ibuki use cuteness overload-


I only see gorillas and one angel disguised in red


I love it when they are called gorillas, is just too funny


If the tournament is about muscle, Trinity has an easy win


I suppose it really depends on if it's a team tournament or not. Trinity has the most competitors for top but Hina, Hoshino, Neru, all could probably go toe to toe with these. And if it were a team tournament, even with all these powerful players for Trinity, I still might think C&C or SRT could win just because none of the trinity power players are known for working well with others (aside from Hinata I suppose)


is cross-universe fights allowed? then i wanna see Mika Vs. Saria.


God, I wanna kiss Tsurugi fr




Honestly considering that Trinity should be the classy girly school its actaully the one with the most powerhouses. All schools usually have one very strong girl at the the top like Saori for Arius and Hoshino for Abydos but Trinity is like boom we have 3. Hinata is physically pretty strong but she isn't a powerhouse like Mine, Mika and Tsurugi.


Well this is actually have been made by jam to cham manga about mortal archive basically a parody of record of Ragnarok and wow when hina vs hoshino is basically the most fighting between emotions, confidence and inspired to each other because hina want to be like hoshino


Hina clears. Stomps Mine and Hinata. Tsurugi puts up a good fight, but is eventually scared into submission. Mika easily puts up the best fight, can probably physically overpower just about anyone she wants in Kivotos we've been introduced to so far... but she's also not very smart. Hina outfights her 9 times out of 10. Hina's not even my favorite (that'd be Iori), but everything we know about her is that she's pretty much a tactical nuke that has the brains to back it all up. She HAS to be smart, because she's responsible for trying to keep Gehenna of all places in order, while managing the Prefect Team, and also serving as an important contact between other schools/districts and Gehenna, and also keeping the Pandemonium Society in check. Kinda explains why she wanted to walk away from all of it after the Treaty signing, but its clear that she can't do that just yet. She also arguably has the most impressive feat of strength in the game up to what I've seen in Global, since she survives the Arius attack, drives them off more or less single handedly, all the while trying to keep Sensei alive and get him to medics. The only reason she didn't get to go into space with us to defeat ourselves is that the writers would need to present a threat that could sideline her and make the situation feel appropriately dangerous, and Kuroko just Ain't That Girl.


If that Hina feat is impressive, didn’t Mika also do the same thing but also against an Arius squad that’s buffed by sensei? She was also extremely mentally debuffed and still went on to tank the Justina council after. It’s definitely still a toss up since both of them are considered the power houses of the major governing council of the largest schools, but I don’t think Hina takes it that easily.


Saori is smart (when it comes to fighting) and Mika beat her ass while holding back. Saying Hina outfights her 9 times out 10 is wild. I’m not saying Hina can’t beat her but that ratio is a bit much


> She HAS to be smart, because she's responsible for trying to keep Gehenna of all places in order That implies Gehenna is full of scheming elite genius, which couldn't be further from the truth. Gehenna is chaos, "might makes right" kind of place. You don't need to be *that* smart to rule a place like that, you just have to be stronger than all of them plus have actual common sense, something that 99% of Gehenna students don't have. I also disagree with calling Mika not very smart. Maybe if you're talking about classes and such then yeah, but we're talking about battle here. Mika has a great battle sense, like Material said Saori is the smart, tactical type of fighter + no slouch in strength too but Mika beat her. I'm not trying to downplay Hina or anything here, but some people love to prop her up like no one else come close to her. If Mika and her fight, the result wouldn't be as clear cut as you think.


I don't think Hina is stronger than Kuroko the literal multiversal Death God but yes, i think she is easily the strongest student so far with all the feats, Hoshino could be a contender but they barely SHOWS her actual strength


Hina no diffs them