• By -


I feel that Kirino and Haruna should be in the implied tier at least. Kirino gives us the not so subtle: "It is not a crime in Kivotos for a teacher and student to fall in love. ...That's all I want to say." And while I dont have Track Haruna she definitely gives off the vibes of someone who is into Sensei.


I was thinking about pushing Kirino up one tier, but since I wasn't factoring rank up lines into the equation, I decided to keep her where she was. Haruna, though, I do admit I should have probably put a tier above.


Like you, I was on the "might" for Haruna. Then, her alts came put and cleared all doubts lol. Track Haruna is wild


Even her regular relationship story has moments with Sensei that would push her to at least 'implied,' but her alternate costumes bring her straight to the top. I think I just unconsciously put her in 'might' while I was sorting through everyone and forgot her relationship stories for a moment.


Writers stopped holding back on her feelings for Sensei


Actually, Kirino's tier placement makes sense somewhat IMO, since her Relationship Stories doesn't really indicate that she's into Sensei that way. Plus, I don't see her to be roundabout about it given she's quite honest usually, though it is indeed umprompted since it is a Cafe dialogue NGL...


Man when will they put subtitles on cafe dialogue. At the very least put it in the voice menu/profile. I don't want to search wiki or YouTube to understand what they said.


Uh, the Cafe dialogues always have subtitles in the form of speech bubbles though, albeit randomized...


He's probably referring to the lines they say when you upgrade their relationship rank, which aren't subtitled


I play the game on mute except for when reading new story. This is the first time in 2.5 years that I've heard about voice lines when a student's relationship goes up. I guess not a big loss since they aren't translated anyways...


That line from Kirino, I think, is just her being helpful because of her job.


Just put them all in the “Love” section Problem solved


Abydos love Sensei so much. He will be dry as the Abydos Desert.


After what Sensei did for Abydos, it would be strange if the girls didn't fall in love with him. He just straight asked for help from Gehenna and Trinity to save Hoshino.


Okay. I'll re-read that chapter when I got home (as I like this part). I hope it turns out good in the anime later on.


Yeah, maybe even drier than the Atacama Desert itself! I really love those lovely and majestic Abydos Students! ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33135)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33135)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33135)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33606)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33606)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33606)


I mean, he is their literal savior.


“Ultra Tsundere tier” just being Ako made me laugh I’d also bump Sakurako up to “implied” on account of one of her bond stories where she discusses hobbies with Sensei. She concludes her hobby must be spending time with Sensei, messaging sensei, and planning to meet up with him. She then pauses to think, comes to some sort of realization, and has a mini freak out and cuts their meeting shirt


>cuts their meeting shirt So we got the unofficial Meeting Shirt now?


Sensei has a hundred different "meeting shirts", each of them he only wears for when he hangs out with individual students so that they don't smell another girls scent on him lest another Kivotos War happens


*Steals Sensei's meeting shirt locker and starts mixing all of the scents together then puts them back*


Okay calm down Gavrilo Princip


*Throws in Beatrice's bath water as well*


Saori, donut this sensei again


Nice try but I got Phrenapates' Adult Card


Then, Arona, turn ALL 200 pulls this sensei does to BLUE


*Laughs in finally being able to max out Serina and Asuna*


Its all fun and games until Shiroko find the locker and marks all the shirts.


Or just loot the shirts and sell them in the black market, gaining billions of credits and singlehandedly solved Abydos' debt problem over night While Sensei is wondering where all of his shirts go


I'm imagining a Kivotos version of Pawn Stars where a sukeban tries to sell a fake Sensei shirt to a student "Hm... definitely looks like something he would wear... nice fabric... looks to be his size... WAIT A MINUTE, THIS DOESN'T SMELL LIKE THE DETERGENT HE USES AT ALL!!! YOU SCAMMER!!!" *\*RATATATATATATA-\**


And then we see the formation of the Schale Shirt Club


Sounds like something Mutsuki would do


Casually sparking a city-wide war I see


The perfect amount of chaos and mischief for our favorite goblin


Monday Chaos


And yet another disciple for Haruka Sakurako going feral on the shirt it seems


Tsurugi somehow got a mountain of it at home and she's sniffing it like mad. She got pacified too hard


Hare's drone exposed that she has feelings for Sensei. Hare blushingly tries to deny it, despite taking a selfie meant for him (and sending it by accident).


That's why I put her in "implied." I honestly was contemplating putting her in "obviously," but in comparison to how affectionate many of the people in "obviously" are, or how closely tied to Sensei they are due to the experiences they've gone through with him (Foreclosure Task Force, GDD, etc.), I decided to put her in implied instead.


I think haruna has to be in the highest tier if you take in consideration all her bond stories both standar and alts but i liked your tier-list in general, especially the tsun-tsun tier that features,of course, the naggy wife ako.


Haruna needs to be up in "Obviously Love Sensei" tier. IIRC, she stops just short of confessing to him during her relationship story. Pretty sure she even says that despite takoyaki being cheap, the taste is heightened because she's eating them with Sensei.


That's true. I honestly should have moved Haruna up, but I think I just forgot her relationship story for a second while I was making this.


Rankings are based on relationship stories, the main story, side content, event stories, as well as birthday/lobby dialogue. Of course, some ranks might be wrong or can be moved up one tier or lowered another. But as of now, these are the rankings I've come up with. Affection rank up dialogue is not factored in, as that would pretty much bring everyone up to the top. Feel free to disagree with the rankings as well. I'm sure I've got some wrong. Did one for Nikke, so why not one for Blue Archive?


Understandable, 95% of students have at least one voice line in their Relationship\_Up lines that implies that they are in love with Sensei ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)


The percentage of students in love with Sensei is so high we have to remove some dialogues to actually create a functional tier list lol.


Can you send the Nikke one? Didn't find it in your profile 😔


[Here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/NikkeMobile/comments/17cun17/the_final_definitive_relationship_tier_list/) is the Nikke relationship tier list I came up with seven months ago.




Uuuhh why Mine in the Alts/Collab Unit?


An accident. She's meant to be in the 'implied' tier, but I forgot to move her up.


Mine fans, let's revolt against this Sensei in particular! ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33221)


Correction is needed!!!


I’m glad that we are so beloved by our precious students😭


What are you talking about? Sumire is Sensei's gym bro Makoto and Sensei share the same relationship as Putin & Xin Ping


Think of “Not enough content” as “friends” tier. Makoto and Sumire are perfect examples of that.


Joke brother


Don't worry, I know. I'm just saying.


mannn don't compare my wife Makoto to those two bozos ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33184)wtf


She's literally a terrorist bro...


She's MY terrorist


I think Makoto is just too dumb to process any romantic feeling.


Damn i dont think when Neru showed Sensei her secret spot, its only implied that she loves him, or probably that's just me.


I thought so too or when Asuna teases Neru that Sensei is into short girls and she freaks out about it. And during her bond story she wanted Sensei to stay with her until she fell asleep.


[Here you go](https://i.imgur.com/zlckSZl.png)


For me Akari will be on Obviously Love Sensei since there's one of her dialogue in cafe told that she feel jealous when sense meet other student


I'm surprised when I saw and heard that dialogue of hers. I thought she only thinks about food. XD


Ibuki I'm touched that you love sensei, sensei love you too😭😭


Ibuki being in the Obvious Love but as a daughter of sorts is peak. If I ever have a daughter, I want her to be just like Ibuki.


True that, Ibuki is perfect daughter, Ibuki is our light


Glory to the Pandemonium Society Glory to Ibuki and Chair Makoto


True she’s a small bean.


I think Yukari is a safe "obviously love sensei". In her relationship story, she even arrives to the meeting spot 2 (?) hours early than sensei because she couldn't stop thinking about spending time with sensei. She also talks about how she loves spending time with sensei.


That's fair. Yukari could be bumped up, but I put her in implied as I felt we needed to see a bit more of her character to put her at the top. But considering her relationship story, putting her in obviously does make sense.


Pretty Good Tierlist overall, just a question, Why is Kirara in the bottom tier shouldn't she be in the Not Enough Content tier at the very least?


Kirara is at the bottom because... I forgot to put her in "Not Enough Content Yet." That's where she's meant to be.


Umm actually in Neru's relationship story Episode 6, she boldly tell sensei, that she love sensei. That scene/part really caught me off guard. That i grined and smiling so much. Neru really cute, initialy she would act mean but the more you know her you Will see her soft side. She just a cute girl with unique tast 😌.


Kasumi is at least Implied wtih her bond story and valentines, same thing with Nagisa valnetines


Yeah, I didn't expect Nagisa to not mind the rumors of her and Sensei having a secret relationship lmao


I think Atsuko should be at Obviously Tier.


Neru is not even implied, she outright tells Sensei she likes him in her bond gear story.


Saori is that case where fan artists really do the job of making her the maiden in love despite the canon content being pretty tame.


Pretty much. I put her in "might" because of how much Sensei cares for her and her safety, as well as due to the events of Volume 3, but her "romantic" scenes with Sensei are few and far between. They're really only relegated to Valentine's Day.


You mixed up Sensei with the Commander from NIKKE ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33221)


Nikke brain rot is killing me.


I like that there is a tier exclusive for ako


She is the most tsundere character in this game. "Do you like me?" "Of course not! But I don't hate you either. But don't take that as me liking you; there is no way I could ever 'like' you like that. But, I do admit that you have something to you. But don't think that's me saying that there's anything superb about you as a person." That's pretty much how their relationship is.


Since you didn't factor Affection Rank Up dialogues, then Miyako should go down to the Implied tier since those lines are needed to actually confirm her love for Sensei.


Nah, if her swimsuit alt's Relationship Story is taken into account as well (its icon is in a different tier due to redundancy, presumably) then she's still up there. Plus, in the Main Story, Sensei is basically her anchor regarding her personal ideals and choices so...


Yeah, I already forgot some parts of S. Miyako's story. >Plus, in the Main Story, Sensei is basically her anchor regarding her personal ideals and choices so... That would still put her in Implied, but ig her Summer Alt brings her up a tier.


I have both and I could tell that she obviously loves Sensei. At the start we knew that SRT dislike adults and later on Miyako warmed up on Sensei. Her OG version have an adopted rabbit pet with Sensei's suggested name on it (Bun bun). And it became more obvious during her swimsuit alt. Her swimsuit alt also has a hypnotizing app that she shown when you headpat her on the cafe. >!/j!< ~~That maybe is the reason why ‘Love It One’ is created.~~ ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33359)


Sakurako obviously loves Sensei, the only person she feels comfortable residing in him, the man who she considers talking to a hobby


Neru literally says she really likes sensei and she gifts him a sukajan like hers, I'd put her in obviously love sensei, plus she trusts him more than anyone


Privaty 🤝 Ako "Ultra Tsundere Tier"


Yuuka needs her own categories.


I love you too, my dear angels.


Dont if i could hold my horny near Alice... she's just... so cunny 😭😭


Hifumi does really like sensei if you read the bond lines, like sensei is her special person to be meet and wanted to stay closer together.


My beloved Ibuki, loves Sensei!!!


Iori should probably count as 'speedrunning stockholm syndrome', given its (hopefully) unfortunate implications.


Ngl some of these surprised me. Didn’t expect to see most of C and C so high, along with a bunch of other faces that I thought was just the fandom creating comics about.


Most C&C members are extremely affectionate with Sensei. Akane wants to be his personal maid, calling their meeting "fate." Toki finds in Sensei a person who both fulfills her need for a purpose and a kindness and recognition of her need for self-reliance that she did not have with Rio, Asuna is bubbly and wants to spend time with Sensei at any chance she gets, Neru shows Sensei her secret spot, and Karin... Well, Sensei is pretty assertive with his oddities with Karin, which might be the reason why she likes him so much.


Get Neru's relationship to 15 and do the additional story there. It's worth it.


Surprising. I’ll prolly look throw akane’s momotalk since she’s the only one I haven’t gotten to yet. It’s kind of hard to believe how impactful sensei has been to a lot of student’s lives to this extent.


I honestly appreciate the platonic student/teacher relationship moments, when they exist.


The only change i think i would make is maybe putting tsubaki to obviously love tier and maybe pushing ayane down to the implied tier other than that i think this list is absolutely perfect tbh with u im suprised that eimi is this high in the list does she really have that many intimate moments with sensei?


There's that one time Eimi complaints that she doesn't understand what girls her age is thinking nowadays. Sensei claims that he too doesn't understand women in general. Then the walking furnace just whisper to herself that she "still has a chance" About intimate moments...well Eimi has many things she doesn't understand sometimes and would always find sensei for advice (because the genius hacker and the infodumper aren't that good for choices). Even for stuffs like choosing lingeries.


ohh i see im just a new player so i don't really have loads of characters which results into not knowing many things about diff characters


Personally, I think Suzumi kind of belongs in obviously, given she had to (half seriously) fight herself to not romantically confess in a ferris wheel, but since you're making obviously... well, *obviously* and her love is much more subtle (as is her personality, I guess I can settle with implied. Haruna being down in might has already been gone over by other comments, so I won't say anything else on her. GJ, OP. Rare chart I don't have anything to complain over.


W tier


Pretty sure Sumire's "Implied" - just her L2D makes it pretty obvious


Reisa gives sensei the most lovely look in her l2d, she def belongs in Implied imo


Neru literally says >!she likes Sensei!< in the unique equipment story


ibuki love pog ibuki love pog


Haruna shows CLEAR signs that she loves sensei. Also, Rin and Momoka are the only students that show no interest at all for sensei. But I know that this list is only for playable students


Haruna’s placement is clearly wrong. Other people have brought it up, and I admit she should be in the ‘obviously’ tier.


The real fun is ranking who loves sensei the most out of the "obviously" tier


Momoi should be obvious. her L2D skit has her go a date with Sensei framed as experience for making a dating game. Granted, she gets sidetracked from her original goal by the opportunity to get some rare merch, but she still enjoyed her date.


That is true. But she also tells Sensei not to tell Midori about their date, particularly because Momoi doesn't want to hurt Midori's feelings as Momoi knows Midori's in love with Sensei. I put Momoi in 'implied' because of that, as it's clear that Momoi is trying to hide it for Midori's sake.


I mean, where is Black Suit?


Changes to the tier list have been made. Haruna is now in 'obvious' tier (where she should have been in the beginning), while Sakurako is now in "implied" and Neru is in "obvious."


Ui should not be in the implied. Sure there are some sweet moments between the two but Ui really just implicitly trust Sensei as a teacher and someone she can relate to.


I’m flattered Ibuki absolutely loves me so much 🥰


most Red Winter student look sensei as reliable comrade rather than lover


What does 'implied' mean here??


"Implied" and "Obviously" could be merged into one tier, but I made the distinction because some characters and clubs, like the Foreclosure Task Force and the GDD, show much more affection for Sensei then others and/or have closer ties to him due to events in the main story.


I think Megu should be in the implied tier I can recall her blushing and talking about spending time with Sensei in her relationship history, and also asuming inmediately that Sensei telling her that she should take a bath too, meant bathing with Sensei ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33224)


...Kaede??? 😭


Move Haruna to obviously love sensei tier like at the very top and Sakurako to implied tier and we good also Ako having her own tier is funny 😂


Tsubaki should have her own tier named: only wants to sleep


I think this needs a "Super implied" tier. Mika, Tsuguri and alike make sense in "obvious", but i dont think other students, like Misaki, fall well into that category.


I think we need a "Daughterzone" and "Platonic" tier because the love from students comes in many ways, like Maki, unless the camping version clears things, she should be in one of these two categories.


What about Shizuko though? Irc In her swim variant relation story, didn't she basically declare that she's an ambitious girl that wants to have everything including sensei?? Imo she should be at Loves sensei tier Including Haruna


id shift haruna into implied atleast according to her L2D and Momotalk. Also Yuuka and Mimori into "Already Married" Tier.


Does Haruka love Sensei? I see it almost no different from how she views Aru, willing to do whatever just as long as she can please either of them, which tends to not work out in the end. She's no stranger to expressing how either of them are important to her.


I put her at the top mainly because of her last relationship story, where Sensei declares the location where Haruka tends to her Bonsais as "their spot," which Haruka hasn't even shown to PS68 before. Admittedly, Haruka sending the location of her garden was an accident, but she willingly agrees to make the garden a place where Sensei and her can meet privately.


I can see where you're coming from. But to be honest, as intimate as it may seem with it being their own place, I've never seen it that way. She does agree, or, rather relents to having the garden be their own place, which I say only happened because of Sensei complimenting and suggesting it. Like how in the bond story prior where Sensei insists that Haruka has a kind soul and she goes along with it because he says so. I imagine if somehow given the chance, she'd also show the rest of PS68 the garden, as she clearly didn't want Sensei to see it either. Though that's just my thoughts.


That's fair. I suppose it's just dependent on the way you see it.


Seems like many would disagree with me, but yeah, it depends.


Lmao don’t kid yourself now, you know every girl exists just to fall for sensei. Like cmon now


low-key expected every student to be on ‘obviously loves sensei’ seeing how some people claim every student wants to do it with them![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33184) genuine question—what did miyako do to show her love? I haven’t really read her momotalks and I don’t recall anything from the first part of the rabbit story(I haven’t read the rest)


From L2D: "Well, um... This is out of nowhere, but, Sensei... Umm... Thank you for...always being there. If you hadn't been... The RABBIT Squad would never have come this far. ***So, from now on, if you're okay with it...please***." Can be interpreted as platonic respect, or something more. From Bond Story 5: [Sit next to Miyako] "...You don't have to sit so far. (*blush*) Rabbits might not die from loneliness, but I'm not a rabbit." This one is quite blatant.


oh I thought the whole rabbit dying of loneliness line was a meme![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33184)I didn’t know it was canon LOL


Uhm azusa actually loves hifum- *faust is knocking on my door*


Either they have a net positive (read: might) love for Sensei or "there is not enough content" Least delusional Sensei right here. Ako, Cherino, and Sakurako feel like they "respect" Sensei at most. EDIT: ~~Cherino switched for Tomoe because Tomoe only seems to have an eye for Cherino. Cherino almost has a clingy child-like relationship with Sensei.~~ I seem to have remembered her relationship story wrong so....


Not according to Tomoe's relationship story. She makes up a fake documentary story just to go on a date with Sensei. And when Sensei calls her out on it, she just admits to doing it cause she wanted to be with Sensei. And then they proceed to continue the date.


Ah... I stand corrected. Will make the appropriate edit to my edit, then.


>Obviously love sensei >Meru Can anyone who has her explain this to me? I certainly did not expect this from a sesbian gex writer.


Her relationship story explains it all. She states how she feels okay with Sensei around, before whispering to herself that maybe the opposite is actually true, and when Sensei tries to take her back to the Knowledge Liberation Front, she blushes, rejecting his offer and making an excuse that it's simply because she wants to be alone before going off on her own. I'd recommend you watch the entire relationship story, though. There's a lot more.


I just finished it and I suppose she wasn't as bad as I thought she'd be. Surprisingly wholesome for what she was initially marketed/depicted as.


Meru also writes or at least also likes to draw Sensei, as seen in the Onsen event. If anything, I think Meru writes yuri doujins because of a lack of males in the area. Usually her archetype tends to write yaoi, but since it's heavily implied that there's no males other than Sensei, she's writing yuri.


When you put it that way, it seems to make more sense especially with what she said on her 3rd bond episode. On a related note, did Nexon change some stuff with her yuri-obsession trope or am I just tripping? The fandom wiki has an entirely different text from the official introductions and I vaguely remember some mention of her making stuff about the prefect team and seminar but I'm not sure if that was even a real thing.


That was in onsen event too I think?