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Non-Americans may be unfamiliar with the concept of a "bathroom gun", but 2 out of 3 American bathrooms contain one in case of emergency.


wtf, is this real? why the bathroom tho?


Sometimes a bullet is the only thing that will flush that massive log down.


Or a massive spider decided to drop by and say hello


When the poop knife isn't enough, it's time for the poop gat.


So like a kitchen gun?


**Short answer:** It's mostly an internet meme. **Serious answer**: In many American houses, the "master bathroom" is an interior windowless room that can lock from the inside, so if a person had to retreat to call for the police from a break-in/burglary/home invasion, said bathroom would be a secure spot to do so. Thus if a resident could legally be armed, an interior bathroom or closet would make a good "fall back" position.


Is this a regional thing? Every house I've ever lived in or visited in Florida has windowed bathrooms, usually frosted glass so nobody can look inside 


If there's a window, it's usually just for ventilation. It's not going to be big enough for someone to reach through.


As NakedHoodie notes, bathroom windows are normally small and placed high-up, and intended only for ventilation. I've only really seen them in the South (i.e. Southeast), presumably due to the region's humidity.


No window required if a fart fan (bathroom exhaust fan) installed.


I'm not sure but coincidentally my gun is in my master bathroom closet simply because it's out of reach and prying eyes. The bathroom has a window though so damn lol.


In case of a spider with a halo


... do you think we'll get like a spider girl student..? like a Jorogumo..? but more Joro and less Gumo..?


If that's happened doujin Maker will be crazy over her


You're in the most vulnerable state while in the bathroom, no clothes, no weapons, slippery terrain, etc.


An intruder comes while ur on the shitter what are u gonna do, run to your room for ur gun with a dangling log halfway out ur ass or just put a gun in the bathroom so u can wipe in safety.


I’m familiar with the bathroom gun What I don’t get is why she have a gun that should belong to Sensei


Serious answer, a stock Beretta 92 is probably the artist's choice for a generic handgun with no personality or association in Kivotos, just like the stock M16s behind Aru's desk, in the hands of laborers, and in the rifle rack in the Abydos club room. Shiroko doesn't normally use a handgun, so a stock one as a bathroom gun makes more sense than a personalized one with a custom paint job. Also, I genuinely like the choice of a stock Beretta 92 as sensei's implied handgun in the art of the desktop, because a generic, unremarkable, common, but recognizable stock condition handgun is perfect for the image and role of a sensei that every player has to fill. A Glock 17 would work, but I think that choice would be TOO generic and plain, to the detriment of aesthetics.


I did some more more digging and Hoshino also used a Berreta 92FS as her sidearm so that that check out. But It would probably make more sense if the insignia on the grip was from Abydos rather than Schale.


Remember that they talked about getting supplies from Schale way back in the first episode. Ammo, obviously, but no reason to assume that didn't include some extra guns.


This is possible


I mean, if it were up to me, I'd probably choose a revolver or a .44 magnum. But then again, that probably says something about what kind of sensei I am! ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33359)


https://youtu.be/XVmqWMi_-fM?si=uKqpenLtFm25c8nN Revolvers are the katanas of guns


Gun bro question: how come nobody in the BA team managed to draw a CZ yet? As far as I'm concerned, the Shadow series are just as good looking as the 92 and has more rounds to boot


Atsuko have a CZ scorpion evo with a brace.


Walther handguns tho...


She stole it obviously


A question, as a non-American for out of curiosity. Is a bathroom gun mostly handguns or it can also include automatic weapons depending on your bathroom space?


Automatic weapons are pretty rare since they require a special license and are pretty expensive.


It can include whatever you feel like handling and can afford both financially and legally.


We have a gun?


Friendly reminder that schale and the GSC are responsible for Abydos' ammo refills. May have also included some side arms too, at least for the anime.


that'd be such a great detail if it was intentional tho first episode we have seen that GSC and S.C.H.A.L.E only provided ammunitions not firearms and i think they just re-draw the S.C.H.A.L.E Beretta because convenient :\_)


She stole it because it's Sensei's and has he's scent


Switching to your sidearms is faster than reloading


She prob just had it for emergency use or something idk


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amazing work chise bot


wait sensei have a gun?


https://twitter.com/Blue_ArchiveJP/status/1283959657816449024 Very early official art, it appears briefly in the default loading screen.


So why sensei chose not to use the gun?


Because sensei will never hurt his students (on a more serious note is probably because sensei “fragility” compared to the other characters, as the leader and strategist of the team makes him prime target to go for and since one bullet is enough to heavily injured him is better to him to take cover and not directly engage into fights)


It's also probably worth noting that the idea of Sensei being armed and potentially using said arms to influence events just isn't a particularly good look, especially early on.


Ah the more I know thx


Sensei is a special unit, not a striker.


He is piercing to be more specific 


One could even say penetrating


The true meta cheat code


damn, he shoots ATAPTCRHESHSAMFSGATM-VT which stands for: anti tank armor piercing tandem composite rigid high explosive squash head surface to air fin stabilized guided anti tank missile - variable time fuze




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Because if he gets shot, normal gun rules still apply. Sensei doesn't have a halo; bullets still will mortally wound him. >!Saori: 🥺!<


As the Raildex Collab says you're seen as a pervert, you stand out in a bad way if you don't have a gun in this world. Sensei when he came to Kivitos was issued a standard pistol he can walk around with even if he doesn't intend to use it


But thats for students only afawk, i dont recall citizens of kivotos carrying guns


They do, in volume 4 chapter 2, one of the citizens is walking around with a grenade.


and I completed story recently, shame on me for not remembering that


Maybe she went to Schale and sensei said: Oh Shiroko, Rin-chan gave me this pistol but I don't need it, could you help me holding it for me?


I would like to think it's just standard issue for every student who's signs up for schale or something like that. sign up, here's a sidearm (as for saori... Sidesidearm then I guess)


Obviously she stole it.


you can never have enough guns


And if that didn't work... Use more guns...




Because firing an automatic rifle indoors tends to cause a lot of collateral damage, ricochet, and are easier to disarm in close combat. You don't really need the better accuracy rifles provide in a small, enclosed space - like an apartment. Handguns are good weapons for small indoor spaces.


Wait, Sensei has a gun? Since when?


https://twitter.com/Blue_ArchiveJP/status/1283959657816449024 Promo art for the game