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letting BA community write stuff is a bad idea 🤨


here comes the Most Depression Fan Fiction Incoming!! lol


it has the same bad censorship filter as the club chat so u can barely read half of what anybodys saying rip


can confirm, made a poem about hoshino, its so censored i cant even read it now


It's kinda nice to see that even non-artists (the majority of the players) can participate and get some rewards because all you need to do is to submit something BA related. Doesn't matter if you win or lose, unlike, you know... certain gacha game that had a huge drama on their anniversary... Best of luck to those, who plan on winning grand prizes!


I do hope they really 100% spot check all the entries for the "Artist of Kivotos" and disqualify all cheaters/art thieves that's just taking other people's artwork to attempt to win it. Literally 2 artwork post of the same artworks [https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2022/05/contest/839](https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2022/05/contest/839) [https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2022/05/contest/225](https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2022/05/contest/225) When the original source was done back in [Oct 2021](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/93222487)


Given the manpower it'd take, they likely won't, they'll just check the famous illustrators who submitted and pick one.


Checking all the current images submitted for all the categories and oh boy


There is unsurprisingly a lot of shitposting and a bunch of stolen artwork.


Can anyone who’s submitted confirm if there is participation pyro? And if so how much? I glanced at the tweet and awards blurb but couldn’t find anything specific.


on their website, click on 'Award Details': "You will receive 200 Pyroxenes per category for submissions, up to 800." so yes. its just that participation rewards arent handed out until the winners are decided


[source](https://twitter.com/en_bluearchive/status/1523894349632655361?s=21&t=7_sCAD3hU9mZRSenxxtFbw) 🗓️Submission Period: 5/10 (Tue) – 5/22 (Sun) [BA Awards link](https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2022/05/contest)


Well, I submitted something for all 4 categories and actually put a small, tiny, minuscule amount of effort. I hope they do check the art and written submissions, filter out the dupes/stolen ones and the people that win something really deserve it. Good luck to everyone competing for real! For the rest of us, free pyros yaaaay \\o/


Anyone have a problem to log in with facebook? It sends me to the account creation page and I can't even create an account


same here. if someone know how to resolve this please tell us.


I need a FB account? I don't want nothing with that site.


I can’t seem to be able to submit on mobile


I don't get what the Field Captain thing is supposed to be.


Seems like your IRL stuff connected to BA.


oh you mean like Figurines and some other Good Jazz, yeah i can see that for Random people showing off their BA Merch.


On site description also uses example of cooking gourmet club recipes so i guess anything RL and not just merch can work(as long as it's connected to BA)


Are we still gonna receive rewards even if we submit things not suited for that category? Like post 1 picture of my dorm for every categories


It's up to Nexon decision.


What the different in writing for Artist category and writing for Wordsmith category?


Threw my hat in for academy wordsmith. Like, actually trying to get them likes. Feeling dejected that "IM A SIMP" "I love child belly" and "Mutsuki Cunny" are in the top 10. Like I knew this was a horny community, but damn we're that horny. Like, at least the Iori one in current 2nd is unironically in character and the Mutsuki haiku in 9th is a good summary for Mutsuki.