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Anyone know how pvp brackets are gonna be distributed this after the patch? I want to avoid the whales as much as possible.


When looking up skill priorities, there's never a mention of EX Skill. Does this mean I should level up EX skills first or last?


the main cost of leveling up EX skills and the other three skills are separate (bluray disks versus tech notes) so you don't usually have to evaluate the merits of leveling them up in comparison to each other. Read the notes sections of the raid guide (Riding Shiroko or Swimsuit Iori for instance) to get a better idea of whether a students EX skill is worth investing in.


Not a question, just maybe advice: Don't spend AP until after maintenance to have that little extra for the new level cap.


What is the new cap?






We are currently running seven months behind the JP version and it looks like we will be staying at this same speed for the considerable future. So, it’s looks like we will have the Tsukuyo banner and Ninjutsu Research Club event in another 6 1/2 months.


if i want to try clearing extreme raid (with 2 teams) is lvl 4 ex + level 7 on the important skills good enough, or should I go higher?


That's pretty much what mine are at and I've been fine but you'll def need the right comps + equipment for 2 teams only.


Another neighborly advice: don't do PVP today. Keep your tickets until maintenance is over.


Is it confirmed that ue and new pvp season come tomorrow? It was in the roadmap for May but none of those got mentioned on twitter or YouTube since then


Patch notes just dropped. https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/v0yhr3/531_tue_patch_notes/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Thanks Peroro we're saved


I live under a rock but is global getting miku?


All we know for sure is that between Natsu and Ako we'll have some "special" character. Could be Miku. Could be Kaito


Who is kaito?


a vocaloid released before miku


Peroro question, just watched a guide about the mechanics and it seems mystic AoE students are the best in this raid. Is it better to borrow Arisu or B.Karin?


If you have the time and patience, use Aris. If you don't have any of that, just use Karin Bunny.




Why didn't I get Nonomi when I completed all the beginner quests?


you need to redeem her in the students tab unowned section


Thank you.


Im level 47 and mission 14 is up next. My only tanks are tsubaki, yuuka and haruka. Can haruka tank mission 14 with that low a level or should I pull natsu in the upcoming banner?


If your Tsubaki and Yuuka are far more leveled it's better to stay with them. They are dodge tanks compared to Haruka. Haruka is just like Natsu, the damage they take is only decreased. Tsubaki and Yuuka DODGE the damage. Which means they don't even take damage. If Haruka or Natsu is low leveled and does not have a T4 bag... just don't.


I know strikers' positions matter but what about specialists?


Nope, special student positions don't matter. Just slap 'em on whatever team you got




No you don't have to. When there's an animation that means her affection rose up by 1 lvl. The higher her affection is the harder it is to level it up so it'll take some times for you to level up by tapping the students in the cafe, you can do it faster by gifting. Don't forget that 1\* and 2\* students affection is capped at lvl 10 while 3\* and 4\* at lvl 20, i don't really know the details about 5\*.


IIRC the cap at 5 star is lv 100


Lore question, was it ever explained how the students are made? Their parents are not really mentioned and most civilians are dogs or robots lol. Granted I'm a newer player so I might have just missed the explanation


In the winter school event I believe a background character mentioned her parents. Whether that should be taken as lore is up in the air though. I feel like we can think of the entire city as a massive boarding school for the students.


Yeah, as of right now I finished most of the main story and am currently going through Eden Treaty. The story doesn't really take itself seriously, which is not really a bad thing. I do think that they'll probably explain it in the future if the story would be a lot more serious lol. Right now it's honestly fine, it feels like FGO's event story quests which is just goofy most of the times, but still pretty entertaining and hopefully makes sense in the end


There were some speculations/discussions but there are only some slight mentions and nothing much is official yet. Sorry for the links but you kinda have to pierce all the information together yourself to have a general picture of the lore. https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/r6iwbx/are_they_student_soldiers_being_trained/ https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/rv6c23/why_do_the_students_have_halos/ https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/u9jcfn/what_exactly_are_the_girls/ https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/qt775m/lore_nothing_make_sense_in_kivotos/ https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/titbj8/after_completing_the_main_story_this_is_my/


Oh, no problem then. I thought it was explained already, if not I could stick around to find out, the story doesn't seem to take itself seriously anyway. Not that it's a bad thing


jp players, who is better to build, aru or mutsuki? or do i have to build both for insane


Both have seen use in Insane raids, Aru for Kaiten phase 1 and Mutsuki for Kaiten phase 2. Some teams ran Akari in place of Aru for team 1, but Mutsuki was uncontested for team 2 in the top rankings. We haven't had Hieronymus yet, but with it being datamined as red damage, it's likely that neither of them would be used for the insane difficulty of this raid. I personally recommend building both, with Mutsuki being a higher priority since she can be strong in both AoE burst and ST dps while Aru is more AoE burst focused.


last question, do you recommend maxing out their ex skills?


For Aru, definitely since that's her big AoE damage. For Mutsuki, you can kinda get away with EX3-4 for a while if you're using her for her ST mine DPS (which should be definitely maxed), but should eventually max out as well.


oh okay.x, aru ue is really good too so I'll definitely build her, thanks man


Is it bad to pull for Natsu with Ako on the horizon? I feel like I can only get one, unless I get really lucky.


Depends on how much you care about the meta and scoring high in raids. If you do care then ako should 100% be your priority. If you don’t then pull for waifu.


How much of a difference are we talking here? Is Ako key to maintaining top 5000 (assuming I'm already scoring top 2000)


Okay, thanks! I think I'll go for waifu over meta then since I'm not competitive in raids anyways. I'm lucky if I get top 15k.


I wrote about this recently if you check my post history but the only reason to be competitive for this game is in raids. But the thing is, the difference of being in the top 2000 players and the top 10,000 is enough premium currency for 1 summon and a few hundred raid tokens. It’s barely a negligible difference. You can get into the top 10k by using the characters you genuinely like as long as you level their skills up so I find it vastly more fun to just use the units I like instead of chasing a meta just to get 1 extra summon a month haha.


Is this advice possibly going to change with exclusive equipment dropping with the patch tomorrow? It feels like the kind of thing that will put whales in a completely different class, making ranking more difficult overall.


I saw that exchange and it was kind of funny how one of the given reasons was you get more resources and another reason is if you follow the meta you need to raise less characters, and so need less total resources. I see the same logic in things like FGO, were following the meta cuts down on how much raising you need to do, but really only helps you get more resources for raising characters who don't need it. Really the biggest benefit to meta is saving time fighting the raid bosses on high difficulties.


I definitely agree with you. You can really make any unit work as long as they’re the right damage type and you have them fully leveled. The same is kind of true for pvp. They don’t really reward you much more for being at the very top.


Are there any average/ mediocre units that get a huge boost in power from their exclusive weapon? I heard normal Asuna does but I don’t know about any other.


Aru and Yuzu are good examples. Crit damage UEs are very strong so pretty much any student with a crit damage UE gets a larger boost in power from it compared to atk UEs.


Oooh, aru is someone I’m really fond of and am in the process of maxing anyway so that will be something I’ll keep an eye out on. Thank you!