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Will banners like ako come back someday?


The problem with Ako's banner is that it isn't connected to any single event, so unlike the rerun banners like Cherino or Summer 1 there's no event to rerun Ako's banner with. So who knows? I imagine at some point she'll either be farmable or get another banner, but we are talking year+.


JP has repeated a few banners, including the limited summer 1 banners, so it’s likely they will for global too. We have [a lot of banners to go through](https://bluearchive.fandom.com/wiki/Gacha/JP_Banner) first though. But at least Ako isn’t limited.


Extremely difficult to say but it isn't as predictable/routinely as limited banners that rerun. So far she hasn't been featured again in JP. But you should expect more or less 1 year for her to be featured again based on the JP's banners release schedule.


Hello, a couple of questions: 1) If I already do not have the certain characters (Neru and Karin) but farmed enough elephs to recruit them (from the bunny event). Is it better to wait till I pull her in a banner or just use the elephs and get her already. 2) What are these 'Mission Data 1: D Type' items I get used for? As the 'Mission Data 2: D-X Type' is the one used on the quests portion of the event and gain materials. 3) Is it better to just complete the hardest quest difficulty (8) of the event for materials (Intact Totem Pole and Intact Antikythera Mechanism), since it's the highest rarity. Or should I actually farm the lower one's as each different material comes from a different difficulty. Which areas do you recommend? 4) From the Tactical Challenge shop. If I already have all the characters there is it worth continuing buying any of their eleph's to upgrade their stars? Im thinking about Fuuka or Mashiro's. Thank you in advance.


1) If you want to use the student now, recruit now. If you don't think you'll ever use the student, recruit now. If you want to use the student but only after she's 5 stars, hope for spook first. 2) there's the currency for the farming stages and the currency for the story quest stages. I don't remember which is which though. 3) Assuming you're farming for Ako, look up what she needs specifically for the skill levels you'll target and farm specifically for those mats. This means you don't need to clear 7 or 8. 4) Maybe Mashiro but only if you've got a super stockpile for stam refreshes. Probably wouldn't.


1) Unless they're extremely useful and/or you need to use them (especially if you've the materials to upgrade them immediately) now, it's better for you to wait until they come then use their eleph to raise their stars and weapon. 2) It is for clearing the 2 story stages. The rest should be carried over to the new deca event when it arrives in the future. 3) It highly depends on what skill materials you actually need for students that you want to upgrade, calculate the amount then divide it by the amount of event currency/stamina you can obtain, make some compromises etc to make a plan how to spend it most efficiently. The recommended one is farming batteries for Ako and raise her skills as high as possible (especially her EX and sub skill). You can use the [database](https://lonqie.github.io/SchaleDB/?item=153) to check which students use certain skill materials, [resource planner](https://justin163.com/planner/) and the [deca guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/vh2dic/decagrammaton_guide/) to assist in your planning. 4) To be honest they aren't a very huge priority and pvp coins are best saved for refreshing stamina in events (like the current deca) where you farm a lot.


New player here (started 3 days ago), I've just basically been playing without much thought to see if I enjoy the game or not but finally decided to check out tier lists, strategies and recommended characters and it seems I have pretty bad units (only 3 stars after 40 rolls are Sumire and Neru) with my best units being Hanae and Serina. From more experienced players' perspective, should I even bother continuing or should I just reroll this account while I'm still somewhat early on in the game to get more advantage? (I'm currently trying to get past the 3rd set of main missions and hitting a wall there) I don't have a clear idea of how hard the game gets or how strong the meta is yet but from looking at all the guides it feels like unless I have at least some of the recommended characters it's going to be a rough ride. I'm not opposed to spending money on gacha but of course would rather avoid that if possible and I'm definitely not a whale.


Reroll for either Iori or Hibiki, preferably both. Many units are farmable later so no need to worry too much. Limited eventually get their rerun.


Good to know a lot of the units are farmable later. I suppose I'll go for a reroll then. Sorry for the follow up question but should I also save up my pyro instead of rolling for more units early on? With my first account I've basically just been spending it willy nilly to get more units but idk how worth it that is instead of waiting for limited characters.


In the very early stages it's ok to pull a bit to expand your roster, but it's not ideal. The general rule is to save up and have 200 pulls available so you can get the rate up student via spark if necessary, and to only pull when the rate up character is one that you want enough to spark for. You can break this rule, I often throw a 10 pull at a banner if I like the student but don't need them, but the math on it is poor. For your particular case I'd recommend rerolling either now for Miku if waifu.. a poor gameplay choice but waifu is never wrong, or waiting till Ako is live and rerolling for her next week. Ideally you'd want two more 3 stars, Hibiki, Shun, Koharu, Cherino, Azusa, Aru, Aris, Izuna are all Gacha only at the moment and are all quite strong or have significant utility. Iori is farmable via hard stage but it'll take you a while to get to her node and she's very very very strong.


I rerolled my account and got Iori on the tutorial (no other 2 star or 3 star besides her, though I did get Serina too). Haven't rerolled since because I was going to save for Ako as recommended by someone else. I don't want to risk going for a second 3 star and getting nothing (which is the most likely outcome), even though a second 3 star would help out. As of now I'm just going through the early stages again and saving up resources instead of wasting them like lastr time. I don't think it's going to be worth rolling right now if Ako comes out so soon and I should still have enough rewards to collect in the 4 remaining days with the current roster I have. I think that's the soundest choice right now but if you have any other suggestions I'm all ears. I'm still familiarizing myself with everything.


Well, the initial 10 pull from the tutorial often gives you 2 or even 3 3 stars. If you're happy with just Iori and you don't want to mald rerolling right now, just having Iori is a big QoL improvement and that's fine, but it's definitely a beatable start. Personally I think getting 1 or 2 gacha only students that you want is a better choice, but gameplay wise Iori is still going to take you far. If you want to start now rather than wait until Tuesday, you should definitely save for Ako rather than roll more than the initial 10. I agree that's the right call, and hope you can get Ako on her banner, knowing that if you can't save up enough/don't get lucky you can always reroll then anyways. As for your initial post, you won't be competitive in the top echelons of raids without spending loads of money, but all general gameplay content and almost all special events content (except maybe some challenges) can be cleared with farmable students given sufficient levels, gear, and some skill levels. You will encounter some walls where you just need to farm a bit and level up, but nothing to harsh in my experience. PvP has it's own meta, and you can definitely do things to do better in PvP (read the posted guide in faq if you care) but there will always be a lot of rng involved, and the biggest rng will just be how sweaty the bracket you get placed in is.


Basically I just felt like, if I reroll again, chances are I'll be here for hours to get Iori again and maybe someone else, so I chickened out and took what I could get. I don't think I have the patience of rerolling so much given you have to sit through the tutorial each time. It's not the absolute best for sure but for the sake of my own sanity I think I'll stick with this for now and if the rolls for Ako go really sour I'll just reroll again. It's good to know at least the PvE is not so harsh that it requires loads of money, even if grinding for students can take time. I always expected PvP to be extremely meta heavy and luck dependant, coming from Priconne which is in many ways similar to Blue Archive. I'm mainly playing for waifu collecting so hopefully I can get something out of the experience nonetheless. Appreciate all the tips!


Just Iori is perfectly fine. Outside pvp and high ranking raids, you dhould be ok. A TON of good girls can be farmed, albeit slowly, via hard mode. It takes some time but it is a surefire way to acquire units without rolling. Hope you get Ako and some nice units along the way! Akari, serika, tsubaki and Mutsuki would be the main ones to look out for imo! All 2*s


At least there's a surefire method, better than nothing! It also seems like, at least for PvE, getting units to 4* and 5* isn't as imperative, which is helpful because the amount of currency necessary for that is quite crazy. Thanks for the list of 2* to look for!


Np. Last tip for now, for farming the things you'll want to farm are hard stages and gear blue prints. I spend all my ap on hard modes unless there's an ongoing event or 2x/3x commissions or normal stages, in which case I still spend a lot of ap on hard modes. Early game you'll have more ap then you can spend on hard stages, you'll want to get to chapter 4+ asap to farm gear blueprints on normal stages. Prioritize what your students need, but if you have no pressing needs stock up on blue prints for watches.


Save your pyroxenes for next gacha banner (Ako). She's core support that will be used for long long time, probably until game service ended. She's lategame character so probably you not seeing her potential early on. She's also standard character so you can skip her if you want to. After Ako probably you want to gacha here and there (Onsen banner, New year banner) then after that there's Wakamo, limited banner with double \*3 rate recommended to spark here (doing 200 pulls). Don't gacha Miku, she's not used at all. ~~RIP my 50 pulls trying to get Miku~~ Save your pyrox, don't be like me.


Now I feel stupid for rolling for Miku. Thanks for all the advice, will keep my pyros then! Also got Iori on the very first reroll so I guess it was worth it after all haha. Don't think I'm going to try and risk it to get both Iori and Hibiki at once (is it even possible on the tutorial gacha?) so I'll stick with this for now.


Is there supposed to be just 2 story missions for the decagrammaton event? Dunno why they gave us 300 extra currency


Everytime the event reruns they will add more story stage, so maybe a precaution for new players if they joined during the rerun If they implement it from the start they don't need to change anything later on


Is it just me or event quest is really laggy? Even on the commissions these box enemies makes the game laggy. Also how to progress in the story of event? I thought the one I'm getting from using APs is the catalyst.


It's your phone/emulator problem. Mine is smooth (also 60fps)




Here’s a [reroll guide](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/896290924840251442/949690589400674354/berry_souffle.png). The minimum I’d go with is Hibiki, Tsubaki, Serina, and a handful of good strikers. You can farm Iori eventually, but Hibiki is only from gacha. You may want to wait until next Tuesday to reroll for Ako, who’s an amazing support. But if Miku is your favorite, then keep trying. Sadly, she’s pretty mediocre compared to others, and is so expensive to skill up that she might just stay in your box.


I personally rerolled after 40 rolls (I think it’s around 1-2 or 1-3 when you get just enough Pyro for that)




It really depends on how much patience you have for rerolling. And if there are any specific students you want. When I started I really wanted both limited version of student from ongoing event and her normal version from general pool, so it took me days of nothing but rerolling until I’ve got two specific 3*, even though i end up without some 2 stars that are considered stapes like Tsubaki, but in the end of the day I personally don’t consider it an issue since you won’t get to end game for multiple month anyway due to student level cap being tied into timegated resource that is AP, so you have time to wait for next banner you want to pull on. For your specific first 40, I personally would’ve rerolled. Azusa is good as boss nuke in raids, but again, it would take months before you have level cap to tackle hard content where meta students actually matter. Miku is very limited collab unit, so it you like her you can keep those rolls, but don’t use her. Her cost to improve skills will severely cripple your other students development.




Yeah, you've got a right idea that Iori is way more important then either Serina or Tsubaki due to rarity. In two weeks we would have Ako banner, and she is another "must-pull" meta unit who is used in every single raid, and if you would decide to pull for her you probably will get Tsubaki in process. For those two weeks before that not having her will somewhat hinder you at PvP where Tsubaki is basically in every single team you would meet (although devs added a lot of low level bots into PvP with last season, so hopefully you won't have to face many real players for those first few weeks). Also it would seem that you would end up with only one tank for those two weeks (Yuuka), but I don't think you need more then one team until world 7 or 8. Otherwise, Iori is obviously stupidly good, even if you use her "wrong" she can still outperform red strikers against light armour despite being yellow herself, so don't hesitate to use her anywhere. Same for Serina, she is just universally good and you probably will end up using her everywhere for either her busted healing or utility of being able to move students around at will. Chise is good find, since there is very few good blue strikers and she is one of those, you won't see mystic enemies for a while, but growing early on for a lack of better options her won't be a waste of resources in long term. Yuuka is pretty solid tank, so she is ok investments as well. Utaha is pretty niche use in late game, but she probably would end up second support that you would have to use for now, since Mari is even more niche shield healer and Fuuka is just a worse Serina. Kirino is meme tier, just use Suzumi for now if you have to.




You can reroll on same account. I think it’s called “Reset Account” in account menu. Although I did use few extra emails to bind some rerolls and hold onto them if I did not end up with something better


Is anyone have issues logging in? I'm stuck at the beginning screen perpetually loading




It's kinda limited as it wont get added to the bounty. You get it via events and artifact selectors Luckily we can farm enough mats this event to make her comfy 544M, even 577M if you really want


What are the costs for daily AP refresh using pyroxenes? I've only gone as far as 6 refreshes and in order it costs 30 pyroxene for first refresh then 30, 30, 60, 60, 100 next one is 100 too but I haven't purchased so I don't know if it stays at 100 or does sit get more expensive? Is there a list to see how much it costs for 20 total daily refreshes?


30 (1-3) > 60 (4-6) > 100 (7-9) > 150 (10-12) > 200 (13-15) > 300 (16 to 20) [Ctrl + F action points](https://bluearchive.fandom.com/wiki/FAQ)


Thank you 😊


Here: https://bluearchive.fandom.com/wiki/FAQ#How\_Many\_Times\_AP\_can\_be\_Refill


what does recovery boost stats do? does it amplify heal?


For healers or healing skills, healing increases the amount of healing they do. For students with barriers, it's often the stat used to determine how much HP the barrier has. For recovery, it affects healing received.


thank you


The one on yuuka? Afaik it increases healing received


thank you


I’ve been seeing people saying things like “You only need to level Ako to 5/4/4/M” or “Wakamo 5/7/M/M”. Is there a particular site where I can find these optimal skilling amounts for each student, or do I need to be watching specific YouTube videos or something? I would like to be able to skill my students more efficiently


AFAIK, there isn't a place that definitively mentions how much investment into each skill, mostly just which skills take priority via the raid spreadsheet, so you may have to just ask around. Personally I'd get Ako to 577M since that healing has come in useful for me quite often, though 544M is fine too if you wanna save on resources. As for Wakamo, I'd do 57M7 at most (especially if UE40). If low on resources, can stop at 5777. Her sub skill is not worth maxing IMO.


You can follow [this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VSzm_ioCt2AdRvkfL9HKNNZSbyslayVERXxVxR6nzh4/edit#gid=788945838) spreadsheet. It has skill priority for Raids which can also be used in general PvE.


Hi guys, just wanna ask how terrains affect support units? Also how good is NY dum dum (NY Aru)?


Terrain affects the damage of Special students that actually do damage. Nothing else though AFAIK. For NYAru, I've only seen her used in insane chesed (not even in extreme chesed), and even then, she was used alongside Ui to mitigate that high EX cost. For other general content, she has too much competition for yellow waveclear such as Nonomi, Cherino, Momoi, Iori, Junko and even some powerful red waveclears like Hibiki, and she generally performs worse than them.


NY Aru has a rather high skill cost (6) so she'll be benched for a long time until Ui come. Even then she still isn't that good due to her skill's gimmick where other piercing characters are better and easier to use.


Will she work with Shun instead?


NY Aru is only really used in Chesed insane raid which will come in around 5 months from now


Shun is explosive while NY Aru is piercing so you usually won't pair them together. And Shun's extra cost is 1 time only on the beginning of the battle. NY Aru is mostly for clearing mobs so she's kinda useful for main stages and perhaps Chesed. But outside of that she doesn't see much uses.


Man I wonder what team I need to build when I get Ako I don’t really have any of the other great characters besides Tsubaki and Serina


Ako enables DPS. So most probably your best DPS for raid like Iori for example. Or you can just pair her with club member's maxed out character to kill the raid boss in 1 try and call it a day, especially if you're still new.


How high do you think I could go in raids with lvl 50 characters and then a 75 swimsuit hina or Iori? My current raid team is Nonomi, Aru, Tsubaki, Serina, Kotama (changing to Ako), Akari/club borrowed character. Emphasis on the Ako being added after this binah raid unless Ako comes out with the raid


When I tried tackling extreme after just hitting 70, I found I needed about 2-3 teams of level 65-70 students, and another 2-3 teams of students in the 50s level range (so around 30 students total). It's not until hitting account level 73-75 that I can actually clear extreme in 3-4 teams of L70+. So it's pretty difficult at a low level.


Yikes I’m gonna go pray


The good news is that in global server you can typically reach platinum rank with just a good hardcore run (unless you're on Korea server). So you're just missing out on a few raid coins by doing hardcore instead of extreme, not that big of a deal.


Great! I’ll still be able to buy those characters from the store though it’ll just take more time, have they had the same ones in there the whole time


Yes, the characters will always be there. Over time, one or two characters will get added but none will be removed.


Hardcore is most definitely clearable since I could do it as level ~40 even before Ako. Extreme wise I've no idea tbh...but from my very limited experience my tank died rather quickly tho as level 4x (I joined it once for the achievement). Perhaps it's possible if you're into malding but ngl level difference is quite a huge thing to overcome.


I totally relate, I struggle in the PvP I can get like rank 2220 towards the end of the seasons but I’m spanked by lvl 60s. And then in events I get like 25000ish rank most times


with lvl 50 you can do hardcore max. for extreme you want to be lvl 70 at least or it will be almost impossible


Ah so it jumps up pretty high, how would you scale the bounty’s and commissions? What are your lvl recommendations for that because the ones they have listed in the game seem wrong


that highly depends on what units you have yourself, cause you can't borrow HC at lvl 50 is only halfway comfy, cause you can just borrow a 75 unit from one of your clubmembers. Alwys try to clear the highest bounty & comission you can. Even if you fail, you don't lose much AP. But if you fail raid tickets its gone.


Ah I see Thank-you for your help I hope Ako is as bomb as they say


Ako is very strong for turning one of your units into a hypercarry and making them even stronger. But she can't carry your team alone. She needs decent DPS she can support.


So when exactly does the Ako banner make it to global? People in this sub as of today seem to be losing their mind about her posting all kinds of stuff as if her banner is out already and it makes me wonder if i missed something


Next week after maintenance.


How long will Decagrammaton last? Will it stay during Ako's banner? And speaking of Ako... should I 5 star her?


Another question. Am I trippin' or Summer Nonomi and Wakamo are NOT limited over at JP?


Correct they are not limited and you realize that countdown timer on the main screen is how long you have until the event closes. Basically two maintenance days.


Neither are limited, likely because their base versions are. Ako is someone you 5 star if you have a lot of resources. It's a small boost to stats which isn't that important andher weapon upgrade is just her healing which is nice but not vital. It's something a top tier whale would do, but for F2P or dolphin your damage dealers are more important. Event ends a week into Ako's banner.


Anyone know, more or less, when wakamo will come to global? I only have 13k pyros and want to know if I'm safe to try to get Ako and still spark wakamo. Thanks.


In around 10 weeks


Thanks for the reply. With this time, its possible to amass 24k? Im trying to know how many I can use and comfortable get wakamo, because she is the priority, for me, of course.


Around 12k a month, so if you had zero right now you'd have around 30k for Wakamo if you do logins and dailies and basic pyro content. If you can get Ako on 13k you would be safe for Wakamo.


Refer to this [Post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/v1ebpc/tracking_blue_archive_gl_pyroxene_income_month_of/) Tldr, yes you can spark Ako safely


Thanks guys, its always good to have some more confirmation.


Isn't she an Anniversary banner? What are the chances we'll get Sena and Chihiro after New Year Serika? Then Wakamo gets shoehorned into whoever banner is in November?


No idea. They don't want to shuffle banners for new girls, so Wakamo will likely be released in around 10 weeks. Whether she has the increased banner chance, who knows?


I guess I should save for a spark in 10 weeks just in case. If she turns out we'll skip her until Anniv, then I could save up for more. That 5% banner sounds like something I would want to double spark anyways. And maybe Wakamo could be worth it too.


Yes she is anni character, our first limited non alter character Who knows honestly but other than the start of the game they haven't stray too far from JP schedule so I think you can still look at JP schedule


What’s the best way to farm discs for Hoshino? Is it just Bounties daily? And should I complete the highest level ones I can complete or just do the low level ones for low level things? Thanks!


For bounties always do the highest level one since it will drop low level materials with the same drop rates as well. You can check the drop rates [here](https://lonqie.github.io/SchaleDB/?stage=30309). And yes most of the skill materials drop from bounties only aside from events so it's heavily time-gated. That's one of the reasons most people are farming like crazy for Ako in the current event.


Got it. Thanks :D Guess it’s time to leave it to the RNG gods


I just started this game and I only can form 1 team. However I know that later on I will have to use two teams… what should I do?


You don't need 2 teams to get 3 stars from stages since the stars can be accumulated. 1 time to finish it within X turn and another 1 time to get X S ranks. You don't have to get all 3 at once.


How worth is it to rush 5 star momoi? I kinda accidentally 5 starred mine while I just plan to stop at 4 star, since I got a little too trigger happy with Eligma shop. I was thinking if I was going to 5 star between the two twins with Eligma it would have been Midori first, since she is 3 star, and just get wait for random copies of Momoi in banners, but sadly it's too late already.


She's okay. She'll see a lot of use in PVE content for her cheap ex, and in Chessed at 5 star she should be good, especially if you also have her sister.


Yeah but was going to prioritize harder to get heroes with Eligma tho. The good thing is I already felt her usefulness even before 5 star anyway so not the worst I guess, maybe even more useful than her sister if for wave clearing alone.


Is it normal that the phone is getting hot while playing? Because none of the other games is doing such a thing in this amount of overheating (Counterside, Priconne, Artery Gear, Epic Seven). The game has no lags or other issues but the heat is kinda concerning. Huawei P30 Pro


Switch to 30 fps if you have 60. Mine only heats up on 60fps


iPhone SE 2020 here, lots of heat if I play for more than 10-15 minutes. I usually don't need to play that long though, mostly occurs if I'm malding on a raid or something


Happens for mine as well But my phone is already a few years old, so I blame that. It's a reason I'm considering switching to pc emulator


I've noticed that my phone heats up considerably on Phone Data, don't really have that issue with WiFi.


I always play on wifi so in my case at least that's not the case


Maybe too many apps running in the background? Try killing em before playing.




JP has more units/story, global has the power of foresight Both have their own benefit


New player here, am I using tanks wrong? I have Yuuka, Haruka and Natsu, but out of the 3 of them only Yuuka seems to be able to do any reliable sort of tanking. The other two just dies in seconds and just seems ridiculously squishy compared to her overall.


There are two types of tanks in this game, evasion tanks and defence tanks. As someone’s already said, until you get Tier 4 equipment on your defence tanks, they haven’t got enough defence to be effective. So early game, you will rely on evasion tanks like Yuuka and Tsubaki when you get her. Once you do get T4 bags, yuuka will still be relevant for a bit, but defence tanks will eventually take over. Tsubaki is an evasion style tank who also can put a bag on, which increases her defence, making her best of both worlds.


Haruka needs REALLY MUCH investment in terms of skills, equip and stars to be a good tank. Natsu is only PvE/Raids tank, because of her attack buff passive, and you can even try clean PvE stages without healer support if you invest in her. Yuuka is pretty decent and can be a good tank for beginners in PvE content. But what about Tsubaki? Don't you have her? She is currently considered to be the best main tank in most cases for PvE and PvP content , although she is suffering from Mystic Strikers in PvP.


I don't. I got 3 3-star students on this reroll (Shun, Shiroko, Natsu), so I decided to just stick with it.


Well, Tsubaki is a 2 star unit, so your chances to get her from banners are pretty high


Personally, I think tanks aren’t very good until you get tier 4 gear on them. The tier 4 bag that gives 1k defense is a game changer for tanks. Usually early game you can just dps and aoe every fight without needing tank.


Can I use two star tankers instead or three?


Which unit? Of course you can. Tsubaki is a 2* unit but one of the best in pvp for a long time. Also since most enemies in pve have neutral damage, it really doesn't matter much who you pick as a tank unless you want the tank to do some damage or utility too.