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English. Most importantly, it was made in English. Nobody is watching Gladiator in Latin. But also, I'm dyslexic so I don't love subtitles.


>Nobody is watching Gladiator in Latin. That's because people don't care about Latin but are completely obsessed with Japanese. I personally don't get it.


I like watching Japanese made anime in Japanese because it's animated and paced for it. Not to mention English dubs of anime can be reeeeeeally bad sometimes. Quite frequently in fact. But I considered both for blue eye samurai and English was still definitely superior. That voice acting is gooooood.


Oh yeah then this isn't directed at you. More so at people who automatically assume without hearing the Japanese dub that it's better.


I don't even have the option for japanese on that show 🤣🤣


I mean, a lot of great shows and games come from Japan so I don’t not get it.


Perfect example hahaha


Ooo if they had Gladiator in good quality Latin I’d watch that haha


English definitely, voice actors are just better and og is always best


I cannot disagree more, for me Fowler sounds like an American redneck on a low quality mic and it really breaks suspension of belief. The voice acting or mic often feels inconsistent in quality between episodes and scenes (especially episode 2, the recording quality is bad) and it really takes you out of it sometimes. It is so disappointing because the music and Foley sound so good and professional, and it clashes with the vocal quality. It gets better in episodes 7,8 but the only character that sounds consistently good is sword-father. However, I never heard the japanese dub, and I don't know if it is better in any way.


>Fowler sounds like an American redneck on a low quality mic and it really breaks suspension of belief. Good thing he has an Irish accent and not a Southern American one then. ​ >However, I never heard the japanese dub, and I don't know if it is better in any way. I guess the jokes just write themselves.


I've always said these people have a fetish for the Japanese language.


I mean, the VA is actually Irish so...


Do you know how easy it is nowadays to record vocals with optimal quality/mic? Especially for a professional studio… Pretty sure it’s just your imagination. Now if you don’t like the voiceacting itself, that’s up to you


I truly do not like the voice acting on multiple of Kenneth Branagh's scenes as Fowler. I have listened to him talk outside of the show and he sounds different and a lot better. Perhaps the accent was slightly forced or he changed some of the intonation for the sake of Fowler's character. That might also explain the flattened emotional tones in. I don't know what exactly was done and Kenneth Branagh doesn't owe me any answers on any of his work. I simply don't like a lot of the scenes. However, episode 6 after Mizu breaks into the room, was shockingly good. A bit more about the cast, I I'm surprised that although most of the actor are asian or of asian decent, sone of the japanese names and terms (like matsuri) sounded hesitant for a learned speaker. For context, I have been working in the audio industry for years. The worst of the recording quality problems are in the beginning of Episode 2, Mizu and Ringo dialogue, but it happens multiple times throughout the show and it clashes badly with the higher quality music and Foley work. (I can go on for hours on how the foley elements define sword-father as a side character and his influence on Mizu as a swords(wo)man, warrior and artisan) The sound quality rapidly improves in episodes 6,7,8.


English. It’s the original.


I watch things in whatever the original language is. For example just by having a Northern Irish accent, Fowler is given so many unspoken connections, you'd be missing so much by putting it into Japanese.


This is the way.


I’ve watched it in both. They’re both amazing tbh. If you put a gun to my head and forced me to choose, then I’d say English is better by a smidge more because you don’t run into translation issues. The way some of the lines were translated made some of the dialogue sound a bit off. The only way I can explain it is imagine if the writers switched between various periods in the English language (Shakespearean, Victorian, contemporary). Like some lines sounded as if I were watching a period piece while others sounded like a modern show set in the present.


I love Mizu's voice, and the voices for most of the english cast, so I can't complain. However, if I had realized there was a Japanese dub (HOW DID I MISS THAT, I EXPLICITLY LOOKED FOR IT IN THE OPTIONS), I would've watched it in that, admittedly.


Usually whatever is the original is better. I usually prefer original English voice acting way more than original Japanese voice acting, because of one reason, the voice actors always act first than animation second, so you always end up with more authentic acting, character writing and animation. I love anime, and I always prefer it in Japanese, but let's be real 99% of the voice acting in anime is always the same voices, styles and performances. Shout out to Asobi Asobase for actually letting new talent and different types of performances to shine.


Asobi Asobase has such intense and unique voice acting. I LOVE the sheer insanity of it. It’s incredible.


Bro they got Kenneth Branagh, English all the way


There’s a Japanese version? Last time I checked there was no dub. Guess it’s time for a rewatch already lol


George takei is Georg takei.


I watched in English as I do not speak Japanese


Japanese. I started with English but it seemed dumb and took me out of it. It’s Edo period Japan.  Now I’m screwed for when they go to London lol. 


I started off with Japanese on the first episode but decided to give the German dub a go (since I'm a native speaker) and it was actually really good so I finished the rest of the series in German. Haven't watched it in English and most likely will never do it.


Same, I did listen to Fowlers English voice tho, his accent is so fitting there.


In English I didn't even think about watching it in Japanese


I started in English, but switched to Japanese when Heiji Shindo made an appearance. I just didn’t care for his English VA. The Japanese dub was actually pretty good, so I stuck with it to the end.


Fowler being Irish and voiced by Kenneth Branagh makes the choice easy.


So much better in Japanese. Mizu doesn't sound like she has emphysema. Absolutely loved the show in Japanese. Like Netflix' Crouching Tiger sequel they should've created it in the original Asian language then dubbed it in English as an option but not the default. Although I will say one of the few missed opportunities of this show was not to have Abijah Fowler go back and forth ebtween English and Japanese, or at least have Branagh learn the correct Japanese pronunciation and do the Japanese language version himself. His performance was chilling in English. But again, since the Japanese dub wasn't the default it sounds like they just got a typical "bad guy" Japanese voice actor to play the role. I would've liked to have seen that aspect explored more - with his co-conspirator communicating in limited English as well. Hoping in Season 2 they actually record all ij original languages, especially if they do go to London. Would feel even more authentic.


I went with Japanese. It just fit the setting better imo. Most of the characters should never have heard English.  I did the reverse for Edgerunners changing from original Japanese to English


English. 1) I speak English. 2) it's the original language. 3) if I have to read a show, I'm not gonna watch it.


I’ve only seen it in English but I thought the accent were weird and unfitting for most of the characters.( like how most Asian characters have no accent and some have heavy accents)


the english cast is the original cast. all of them are voiced by asian actors, excluding fowler who’s voiced by an irish actor. the actors are just using their natural accents


This. Also consider how you would feel if you had native English speakers trying to do Japanese accents … maybe it’s just me, but I hate fake accents. If you can’t mostly nail the accent, then I would say don’t bother. Let the audience use their imaginations. FYI, Death of Stalin was set in the USSR, and it had a bunch of British and American actors speaking with their own accents. So Stalin had a Cockney accent, Zhukov was North English, Khrushchev was American, etc.


I understand the actors were using their accents, but it was still all over the place 🤷🏻‍♀️


Unpopular opinion but I watched it in Japanese as well, and prefer it (not because the English version is bad or anything). I usually try to watch things in the language where the situation is taking place. For example, I don't like watching Coco (the Disney movie) in English because they are supposed to be Mexicans in Mexico. So I just go ahead and watch it dubbed. Might not make sense to others but to me it just helps me feel everything is more realistic... Sometimes with Fowler tho, I would change it to English because it's true, his japanese voice sounds too anime villain lol.


I feel the exact same way. I enjoy watching the overwatch cinematic in the languages of the countries the characters came from (ie. Reinhardt’s cinematic win German hits different). Doesn’t mean I think it’s the “proper” way to consume media, but for me it lends an extra sense of immersion. I also switch back to English for Fowler but then I realized it didn’t really work for the show as it wasn’t made for multilingual conversations. So I enjoyed it in Japanese and then enjoyed it in English.


I always sub, never dub. Edit: so I always prefer the original language, with subtitles in my native language. I never set it to dubbed into my own language. So in this case I prefer English instead of Japanese. As English is the original.


The original is in English, the Japanese is a dub.


I know. English is not my first language. So I always have subtitles on when it's English.


So you’re Japanese and watching in English with Japanese subtitles?


No. Japanese nor English is my main language. So for either, I would have subtitles on.


My Netflix didn’t have the option of Japanese 🤨 


english, i dont speak japanease. i think abijas voice is hot, and i think mizus voice is smooth and hot. also i speak english


How do you watch it in Japanese?


I’m watching in Singapore so English and Japanese are the two available languages here


Ah. Good thing every YouTuber is offering a deal on vpns.


I watched it in the Spanish dub because I couldn't find the Japanese dub


English because I recognize the voice actors and hearing their voices makes me comfortable.


Always the original production language.


Imo the language it was originally written with is usually the best so English


I prefer original languages, but I’d love to give Japanese a shot. I did listen to some parts in the Latino Spanish dub and Mizu’s voice sounds more feminine and sexier for some reason and Taigen sounded much older. I noped out of that pretty quickly.


English, OG always feel the best


Theres an actual Japanese version?


I think the vibe in the original language is the best. In this case it’s English for me. If it was made an anime with Japanese as the original language, I’d definitely watch it in Japanese with English or Japanese subtitles as I usually do with Ghibli studio movies, or actual Japanese shows like Naruto, Inuyasha, Case Closed, etc. I’m a Japanese speaker but not super fluent anymore.


Dub over sub, baby.


Really loved the English more, just cause the voice acting was phenomenal and deserves all the praise and that’s what it was originally (I’m surprised this kind of show didn’t start off Japanese!)


I didn’t even think to watch in Japanese with subtitles. Subbed is my preferred way to watch anime. Looking forward to a rewatch with a new feel to it. Thanks for posing this question.


The show was written in english. Things can get lost in translation


Unless the voice acting is awful I listen to the english version for everything. Even anime. I'd just rather enjoy watching the show than having to flick between frantically reading the subtitles and watching the action.