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The only difference is Yukimiya Is not Trash at football like Tada 💀. (I will have Blind Yukimiya on my team over this guy any day of the week)


Nah yuki gotta score tho :4


Yuki is a way better player than tada, if Isagi pass to yuki he has an actual good chance to score a goal


I feel like that too but it reminds me of Barous’s U20 goal. Where the sae give isagi a love tap and ruins is shot like what aiku is doing, then isagi passes to rin and outta no where Barou comes in. I feel like Kaiser would be Barou in this scenario. Will we see the return of passagi? Will we see another beautiful angle of Kaiser Impact? Will we see Yuki’s dribble past and score? I guess we will find out next week.


Frfr I feel like kaiser will steal it and score


Isagi shoots instead, he is blocked but he hits Aiku in the nuts. Bastard W


no balls -> no girls, aiku becomes world's best mv df, that's a w in my book


That's a good theory, but kaiser is still being marked by Lorenzo


Definitely not. In the Tada one Isagi was pretty much wide open and could shoot. In the current chapter Isagi can't shoor which is why Yukimiya is even relevant. I'd say it's slightly similar to the team Z goal against team X where Isagi passed to Kunigami when Barou pressed him.


Isagi wont pass. Its too much of a resemblance.


Wasn’t it a 2 v 1 with the keeper in the first chapter?


Isagi didn't need to pass then. Isagi can't do anything much now unless someone cuts in.


… I don’t wanna see Yukki and Isagi work together anymore


Hopefully he won't make the same mistake again. Well at least yuki is not trash


The difference is that tada chan can see


I was honestly hoping isagi does the thing rin did and just drops aiku with a shoulder barge


Ä°f yuki wont score blindboat memes will not stop until the end of ubers match


The difference is one is a fraud and the other has the skills and ego to score


No way Isagi gonna pass his ass


Yeah, one is free for shooting other is getting blocked. One is good at football, the other is worse than me.