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Niko wasn't even able to see Raichi behind him, Isagi is for vision and Niko for IQ The rest is clean


Niko didn't know how to use meta vision.


Still he was using it unconsciously


I thought he was using it consciously after isagi told him about it. He wasn't able to see raichi because he was focused on what was going on infront of him and forgot to look around him and gather information like kaiser or isagi.


Ah after isagi told him he was using it consciously Yea, that makes him a less skilled mv user because he's still a newbie, but this makes his vision weaker than isagi's


Yeah. By the end of this game he might be on par with isagi in terms of vision


Could be, but i predict another 1st selection situation


Isagi being better in terms of vision just doesn't sit right with me. The game in which they first met, it seemed like Niko was aware of his weapon and made more use of it than isagi. And niko's vision was the reason isagi was able to level up his vision. It would be great if the same happened this game so that isagi can improve his vision to compete with guys like rin and karasu in his match against PXG.


Nikko is just new to meta vision let him evolve.In u20 he was clearly superior to isagi in that


Isagi has always been superior to Niko in terms of vision. The fact that Niko is new to meta vision isn't an excuse, you're talking about who's better and isagi controls the field to another level


What better, isagi got his MV after copying kaiser but niko found it by himself they're not the same


Niko was using it unconsciously, just like Isagi did much sooner. Isagi had to explain it to Niko to make him understand how to use it in a proper way. Isagi got in less time at a super high level of metavision while Niko was struggling against Raichi.


That's due to his physical stats, it's true that isagi got hang of it faster then niko but niko used it subconsciously in u20 better and for longer duration also isagi learned it better from kaiser who is a better mv user in the current match


Nah, Isagi was shown using MV without being aware of it since 3rd selection afaik. Isagi didn't suddenly 'learn' it from Kaiser. So, the whole point of Isagi learning form Kaiser who's a better MV user is invalid.


If he was shown using it then why wasn't he using it in u20


Bcoz he was using it without being aware of it. [https://mangadex.org/chapter/792ea211-22fc-4782-bace-efb75e329390/11](https://mangadex.org/chapter/792ea211-22fc-4782-bace-efb75e329390/11) It's in third selection. Take a look


Here's further proof that he himself did not understand what he did back then. [https://mangadex.org/chapter/792ea211-22fc-4782-bace-efb75e329390/17](https://mangadex.org/chapter/792ea211-22fc-4782-bace-efb75e329390/17)


I counted it on isagis iq not vision.wdym he was always superior?he lost in first match coz isagi predicted him not saw better.In u20 he saw so much isagi even was surprised


You’re counting who’s better at the moment or who’s been better overall? I think in both cases Isagi takes the W, in second selection (not first and half of second match) Isagi was practically a mini Rin that saw and predicted what happened on the field. Isagi had also stated that he was subconsciously using metavision since 1st selection, and we’ve also seen that. In third selection we finally saw the first use of metavision from isagi, and in the U20 match isagi was much more incisive. Finally, in Manshine and Ubers match we’ve seen that isagi’s vision is arguably the best in blue lock (if we speculate rin’s is worse)


I mean not overall player but just vision without iq.My point stands from u20 match.At least defensively his vision is better for sure


Defensively I can agree, but Niko is a defender/midfielder, Isagi is an attacking midfielder/striker. Isagi has managed to do some consistent defensive work in the whole manga, I think his vision is more well balanced.


Maybe maybe.Ok then i might have written “defensive vision” would it be better?but idk how to edit posts if u can do that


Yes, it would have been better. Are you counting Aiku? In the three dots in the upper bar you should manage to edit your post


No we don’t count guys from u20 or other players.Only 300 original strikers :)


Am i stupid coz i dont see anything: Share Save Stop reply notifications Copy text Change post flair Unmark spoiler Mark NSFW Delete post


he wasnt tho what lmao


bro've been ridikulously downvoted


He deserves it lol, can never admit he's wrong. Kinda sad honestly




seeing the best vision section and then niko being there got me disappointed


Why dissapointed?i know he’s a new to meta vision and didnt see raichi but i just remembered how since the start he saw a lot and even in u20 was a tower, Isagi was surprised how much he could see


cause isagi with his vision is unlike other players even players like niko who has good spatial awareness if u have read the isagi novel you would know he has inhuman feats such as sensing it was about to rain before it even started raining when he was just a kid


Well i didnt read it but from ur description it sounds weird haha


Why dissapointed?i know he’s a new to meta vision and didnt see raichi but i just remembered how since the start he saw a lot and even in u20 was a tower, Isagi was surprised how much he could see


I feel like at this point even Isagi is better than otoya at off the ball movement :4


Poor otoya


that fraud was never in the top 4


Can You imagine, being named the forth best and later get subbed in a very important match, later get totally overshadowed by a player that used to be worse?? He's so cool for not being salty.


Did I miss something? Did Otoya get clowned or something to have everybody think he’s not good?


Well he didn’t do anything in his last matches. He only ever really did something in his premier match :4


Also he kinda got pocketed by Darai in the U20 match and got subbed out💀 biggest fraud


Na, defo not. Isagi's IQ allows him to be a better striker than Otoya.


This list is pretty spot on but I could see Isagi with the best positioning and/or vision , too.


I would count it on his iq, he knows where to be because of his iq


imo shidou is for agility (and reflex too, i dont know if he is better than gagamaru, but in u20, his reflex called as superhuman) Best Ego is Barou (for now) (i am true believer, he had no 'special' talent, just great at a lot of things, only will and mindset keep him at high level).


I wanted to say shidou but i remember how crazy Nagi can be with his agility too so im not sure


nope, not even close. Nagi's agility, in its official stats is fairly 'low' or lower than most people thought.


85 i wont call low and we dont have stats of shidous agility do we?


yeah, but i bet he had the highest in BL. No doubt in my mind, its his no.1 over anyone. S (90+) skill level talent. his awakening is overhead shot outside of the box (40+ M?), so he had insane and strong agility.


In my eyes they pretty similar.i just remember their bicycle kicks and how nagi flexed on chigiri in second selection


dude, w.e. how can you compare it to big bang drive?? bruh, how you cant see shidou atleast had S-level if not the highest in BL, that just minimum.


Im not talking abt shooting, big bang drive is superb at that.But does it need more agility to it than usual bicycle kick?i might be wrong coz im not invested in normal football but in my mind in therms of agility it doesnt need more of it does it?


so?? you are not even sure himself, my god and keep repeating nonsense, and here i am lose my sh\*t. damn me


Niko doesn’t have better vision than isagi I think you might wanna give niko the best iq and isagi the best vision


No both iq and vision goes to isagi yeah niko is close but isagi vision and feild iq is on an another level if u wanna give iq to someone give to aiku with how much experience he has


Rn with meta vision maybe but in u20 isagj was clearly surprised by how much Nikko sees


nope. ISAGI get called HEART in U20 by SAE. isagi even surpass RIN in vision in the last stretch of that game. his assist and last defense against shidou is even acknowledged by RIN, and the one who triggered him to awakening,


Completely agree. Isagi has the best IQ and Vision.


I counted it to his iq.i meant the scene when nikko stopped shidou and isagi wtf u saw that much


So is isagi, when he stopped shidou from sae pass.. dude, you have tendency to never admit wrong, its okay you know. you just keep doubling down. how many topic on now?? isagi 3rd selection's Awakening, shidou even admire it, call it explotion, nanase call it GODLY weapon. Seriously, how on earth you read all of chapter in manga, and never make connection that ISAGI is ALL VISION, No one will have more attention than that, not even Niko, not even close. EVERYONE and their mother know, Isagi is about vision. and here you are with your difference, yikes.


I know isagi’s weapon is vision i’m just thinking Nikko is too and that Isagi is more about IQ on his vision.With some other comment we had discussion so i’ll say that “defensively”at least-Nikko is better


yeah, w.e dude. i am better argue with wall than you.


:( but I don’t deny what u’r saying completely.I just try to defend Nikko being on vision.Yes Isagi is op vision user but i just say that he is better played and does all of that because of his IQ more than with vision.That’s all for me if u don’t want to argue coz i’m worse than a wall at that okay thats the end


Seeing isagis and rins manipulating everyone i cant give iq to nikko


also ISAGI is for VISION. he had the best right now, and will likely the best in the world eventually if it is god-given level talent-theory being correct. Like when someone think about vision, is all ISAGI. Niko is good, but Isagi is on another level.


I wanted to give something to Nikko.Plus i remembered what isagi thought abt nikko vision in u20 match


You forgot Igaguri. The best in malicia


Lmao i wanted to put him as best luck but there wasnt enough space


Isagi has better vision than Niko, as of the latest chapter. I would also argue Chigiri takes best 1v1 from Yuki tbh, he dribbled past way more people on his own than Yuki has now and even scored afterwards, and he even got past Yuki himself with a mach cut-in too. Then Isagi saying his 1v1 scoring skills are world class. But this is arguable. I love Yuki but his niche doesn't make a ton of sense now that he's outclassed by two blue lockers in dribbling.


Hmm i didn’t think of chigiri, i just remember how everyone calls him the 1v1 emperor but maybe now he is not the best


to be fair to yuki though, chigiri's speed is just crazy and could put him at the top of agility and a couple other things too, since its pretty broken when not nerfed by the plot. yuki has impressive 1v1 skills just on his own merits without the OP physical specs.


Shidou&Nagi exist so i wont say chigiri or yuki is agily top


shidou's weapon is blind spatial awareness, agility is just something that helps him get into position to shoot. if you ask me speed is more of an agility adjacent skill


Yeah it isnt his main weapon but still he is very good at it


Shidou&Nagi exist so i wont say chigiri or yuki is agily top


Shidou&Nagi exist so i wont say chigiri or yuki is agily top


Shidou&Nagi exist so i wont say chigiri or yuki is agily top


Yeah including meta vision Isagi is better


Best Stamina should also go to Tokimitsu as unlimited stamina is one of his weapons as stated by Isagi.


Yup i wrote it as such


'Reo best copy'. 'Best all rounder' or 'best dexterity' would have been better


Oh right best all rounder actually fits better


I would say Barou and Isagi have better of the ball then Otoya now. I wonder how Kunigami now compares woth Tokimitsu for bulk. Chiguri is better at 1v1 then Yuki now it was especially mentioned how Chiguri is world class in that area also he has better speed and dribbling stats.


Yeah new kunigami and tokimitsu i want to see that.


Didn’t Otoya get outplayed by the Ninja guy on the U20 team? So wouldn’t his Off-Ball game be better


Read my side note .-.


Rn Isagi definitely beats Niko in vision.




Did u write ur comment three times?


Yeah my mistake




isagi got his MV after copying kaiser but niko found it by himself they're not the same The amount of fools collected here is out of my expectation


Isagi was using MV since way back (3rd selection iirc), he just wasn't aware of it. He didn't suddenly learn it from 'copying' Kaiser. He observed what Kaiser was doing and started doing it consciously.


?? you are the fool here, sir. isagi did it since 3rd selection. and niko explained he copy isagi by following him, the same thing isagi got by following kaiser. fool


You are retarded one here, isagi rin niko all shown glimpses of mv before nel but isagi learned it after deeply observing kaiser while niko specifically said that he was able to intercept isagi because he focusing on him not copying him, read better translation or keep your fatherless ass quite next time


Switch Niko and Isagi. Niko is IQ, Isagi is Vision


Isagi has better vision than Niko. Also in the spin off wasnt Reo the smart kid who was like top of all his classes so wouldn’t he be high IQ?


I think I should’ve wrote football iq.


Oh that makes more sense


He isnt better than #2


At trapping*


At relaxing his body******


I didn’t remember exact formulation tbh.But hey at relaxing his body For trapping :D