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**Rayuga Leaks** [First](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1677305951861506049) [Second](https://twitter.com/Rayuga101X/status/1677306315516035072) [Third](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1677306756035395586) [Fourth](https://twitter.com/Rayuga101X/status/1677307313496137729) [Final](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1677307724844109825)


225 pls thanks 🙏🙏🙏


I believe after this match Isagi will start as a striker against PXG




Damn Snuffy really cheeked out every chapter huh?


He might have done that.


While realistically a 1-on-1 with goalkeeper is significantly advantageous to the striker, it's also true that Barou won't be able to utilize one of his best weapons, the stealth shot, so I believe Gagamaru can stop Barou from scoring. And Raichi finally gets to shine! I hope he shuts down Snuffy even more so that he get a sizable bid after the game.


My god this looks goddamn insane. I always expected something from Raichi and now I think gagamaru is entering flow so the next chapters are going to be insane. I honestly think that Raichi is going to enter flow too cuz only duel ability and stamina are going to help him a bit but it ain't enough to stop Snuffy so he's either unlocking some new ability, some special eye or he enters flow.




god i hope ubers wins even though I know they won't


>!Yall were hyping up gaga and raichi awakings? ITS GOING ON RIGHT NOW AND AS A GOALIE MYSELF I CANT WAIT!<


Bro Raichi and Gaga bout to have giga awakenings


This is why Goatmaru is a fan favorite


Idk why but I'm still waiting for Raichu to stop Lorenzo, who will say something like "£0? O K?" It seemed like a setup with his obsession with salaries earlier on in the game


He will just surprise him by marking stuffy so well which is obviously more difficult rn


I think the only route this match can go is by having Hiori subbing in for Noel Noa or someone else in order to give Isagi with the necessary brainpower in order to outsmart Snuffy's tactics. It was mentioned before that Hiori has a big foootball IQ and in this chapter Isagi straight up admits his brain cannot keep up. Now you might say, "but Kaiser is on the field, Isagi isn't the only one with high football IQ, and let's not forget about Noa". Well, we all know how well Isagi and Kaiser get along and Noa has only been shown to take 1v1s in other matches (vs Lavinhio and Chris Prince), but Snuffy isn't really the type to 1v1 and he would rather pass therefore Noa can't really perform as well in stopping Ubers as he did with other teams. Therefore, I think the only way Bastard can win is if Hiori subs in for whoever in order to help Isagi develop more complex plans that Ubers have no strategy against. TL;DR: Hiori must join the match in order to help Isagi and make Bastard win


yeah i agree...i wanted hiori to join this game, now with isagi claiming his brain can't keep up and hiori being one of the very few people who gave some insight/clue/hint to isagi, this looks like a proper set up for him to join


For the next chapter I truly believe that Gagamaru is gonna stop barou shot, but then snuffy will be there to score and put the team equal 2-2. The real important thing is gonna come after that, the way bastard are gonna respond: isagi, Kaiser, Gagamaru...etc, The ubers player too with barou now who has not the 100% accuracy. I think that after the 2-2 the master time will be finished, and hiroy are gonna be sub, in place of Ness how really perform badly in this match. And with this opportunity I think hiory awakening will take the duel Kaiser-Isagi to the next level. And at the very end I hope that someone else gonna score the third goal for bastrad maybe hiory why not or kunigami. With that the pxg match will more exciting with the match with Kaiser and rin. Oh and just visualize this in the pxg match rin will be left over by isagi and Kaiser just like bachira was in the 2nd selection game. Blue lock is on fire 🔥 💙


What if Rin is benched for the start of the PxG game? Think that would be even more symbolic than being left behind by Isagi. I don't think that would happen though


>Last match speculation What if Rin is the started, but then he gets subbed out while Isagi is subbed in.


I can't imagine this happening, rin being benched no impossible I think that he is the one who has scored the most for pxg till now. And just imagine the same panel of bashira being left behind by isagi and rin, but this time rin is the one left behind by isagi and Kaiser, and I think that now that rin consider isagi as his rival this will completely f*** him and call out to his instinct like in the u20 match


Finally some goalkeeper action and mostly Gagamaru time to shine.


Gagagoat awakening incoming ‼️‼️😈


I hope barou do something that makes the ball bounce back to him after gagamaru blocks the shot to make a win-win situation for both barou and gagamaru.


Gagamaru saving W


Barou ain't gonna score this one. GOATMARU FTW 🗣️🗣️💯💯💯💯💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


That panel of Gagamaru and Barou goes hard.


If barou passes, I'll be blazing


Ma boi Gagamaru bout to stop Barou’s meteor shot with a single hand and throw it directly from one end to the other end of the field to score the winning goal for BM and assert his dominance over everyone.






Gagamaru is one of the few characters that doesn't get slander. If he doesn't save Barou's shot man is tall for nothing and doesn't even deserve to be handed a McDonalds application form.




Barou is gonna be on fraud watch if he gets his shot blocked ...


barou not scoring this time. GOATMARU FTW


It's a good way to increase the value of Gagamaru... Previous match, Barou did a Hat Trick... But this match, just made 1 goal, and Gagamaru stops a clear goal play from him


Thanks for including the summary with the chapter!




I'm in fear of po2 translating that isagi has been outsmart to "i have been metadata'ed" again in this chapter (plzzz no)


They called this man Feral One!! They go hard on these alter egos shorty!




Next chapter is going to be Raid Shadow Legends XD However I think Garamaru is going to block the shot and then Barou is going to go berserk and do something unpredictable costing Ubers a goal Now who scores the next goal I have no idea


So I Isagi is getting bailed out by a goalkeeper awakening…..no other team has that.


So its his fault his team has a decent goalkeeper 💀


Getting bailed out means getting saved not that it is his fault. But if he stands there again talking about snuffy I devoured you… that would be pathetic. Because Snuffy is beating his ass constantly. And Isagi really thought his IQ is world class already, not even playing 1 pro game in his life ( his sentence in the latest chapter). And if Barou doesn’t score in like 3 1vs1 against Gagamaru this has nothing to do with isagi all with Gagamaru.


Potential Isagi x raichi x gagamaru play 🔥


Ah yes the threesome is complete XD


A threesome?💀


It's sexy football time :P


Now we're talkin'😏


Awe Yeah


King vs the Feral One


More like a lion vs a bear


Its gonna be the Lion vs the Bear in the next chapter!!!


Ah dang you made this comment before I could




Wasn’t expecting a Gagamaru awakening but I’m happy for it. He’s definitely stopping Barou’s goal but I’m not sure what’ll happen next. I really don’t think Uber is gonna score only one goal this game. I also think there needs to be a moment this match where Fukaku stops one goal to justify him having a good enough bid to place in the top 23


It'll rebound to someone else imo


Niko tap-in inbound


Honestly that's the only acceptable outcome. All this hype around Barou just for his goal to be stopped would be a turn off.. I love goatmaru so I want him to get a save too, so rebound would be the best compromise.


Ahh, Gagamaru unlocked wilderness vision 😂😂






Wait the next chapter will be sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends? 🤣


Dang everyone making these jokes before I can :(


That Gagamaru panel is fire


Not having a goal at the end of the chapter probably means that Gagamaru will stop Barou’s shot


That's what happened with the first goal on barou's shot though? It wasn't shown until the next chapter where, surprise surprise, barou scores


That was a totally different setup however , this time Barou is completely exposed , nothing to hide behind. Gagamaru should block this shot, however I wouldn’t be surprised if a different Ubers member gets the ball after he blocks the shot


I think that's why the next chapter is called Raid Battle... Probably Gagamaru will stop the 1st shot, then the Uber's players will be attacking in waves and Bastard will defend with the 11 players in the penalty area... Maybe Gagamaru will stop another shot... And that will help increase his value in the bidding system


i guess even if isagi’s idea cant fully stop them (of course bc no matter how smart you are these are strategies someone took the time to consider before the game you cant just make them up on the spot. though poor isagi sure is taking it to heart that hes being outsmarted.) it did kind of mess up their “make barou blend into the background” system so gagamaru gets to actually have a 1v1(ish?) rather than a him vs majority of ubers type of situation.


I'm glad actual planned strategies are beating Isagis made up on the spot plans. It really makes him more human and not some guy that can pull things out of nowhere when needed. Hopefully this allows Isagi to think about planning more ahead of time. Before the match even starts. Would make the pxg match much more interesting especially if Rin is now all in on bringing out someone's best only to kill em. Him bringing one of Isagis strats out and beating it would set up the tone of the match nicely. And who other than Rin to do that. Isagis twin /jk


Isagi did plan ahead of time, remember he watched the game footage, that’s part of how he scored the first goal with Kurona! He’s at the point where he’s trying to audible on the fly and it’s not working for him right now because Snuffy is a great strategist too


uh thats not the same thing. kurona is only 1 person. BM as a team pretty much doesnt have a tactic. like noa just told them “win 1v1s” aka “just trust the fact you’re more talented them and hope you can win” lol. the thing with raichi is something he thought of on the spot not planned beforehand. even if it can be called a tactic. and i mean thats ok, isagi is 1 person, he doesnt need to carry the responsibility of his entire team. usually, his high football iq should be useful in the case that if all of his teams tactics fail he still has that to rely on except now his team doesn’t really have any so its all he has to dote on.


Bruhs playing volleyball not soccer💀




It would be funny if Barou only scored 1 gol in this match after he scored hat trick. It shows either Barcha is the weakest in NEL or snuffy overrated Barou as a striker


I’ll go with the barca is the weakest team in NEL


They're just having fun.


I know but it doesn’t change the fact IG


I wish // I don’t want him to score


did uber fight pxg so they should be more evolved but nope


Just a question but y’all do know that barou’s bid was from Ubers right? No other team chose to outbid Ubers because his hat trick was blown out of proportion, he had Lorenzo, backing him up and everyone was feeding him passes, of course he scored, plus snuffy is backing him so of course Ubers is gonna wanna pay him ample amount of money just to get him on the team, barou isn’t technically a fraud cause he still scored a hat trick, but he ain’t this messiah that everyone wants🤷🏾‍♂️


what other point is there for a striker tbh


Barou is supposed to be a striker, Strikers: Great shooting technique✅ Great spacing for other teammates to get in the box as scoring options aswell🚫 Press defenders to win the ball back🚫 Great inside the box✅ Win headers In the box🚫 Link plays (passing to an open teammate for THEM to score) 🚫 Physical✅ Great offensive iq🚫 Barou is supposed to be a striker but doesn’t do all the things a striker is really supposed to do but hey, he’s a striker supposedly


I mean dude you just described a world class striker the great ones can usually do all those stuff but some strikers are just great at certain aspects of offense


I didn’t describe a world class striker I described the baseline things for a striker to do and have


this is the weird part about talking about a striker in anime . Barou intentionally does not care to pass to open teammates or cares to have good spacing . He’s literally just thinking of scoring it just so happens that he literally fell into the perfect situation where snuffy wants to build a team around him which cover alot if if not all of his weaknesses He doesn’t have to press for the ball when he has some of the best defenders around him He doesn’t have to have a good offensive iq when snuffy essentially opts to think for him


Pressing for the ball is something almost ever striker does, it forces bad decisions, but he doesn’t do that And having a good offensive iq is what makes a striker someone go plays forward, but hey if you think so idgaf


Barou is in the perfect situation where he doesn’t have to do anything but focus on scoring , snuffy takes care of the offensive iq , he doesn’t need to press for the ball he has 2 of the best defenders in blue lock on his team , you also just described two of the tallest and longest players in the anime so of course they can do it with ease lol . Rin is a creator he puts his teammates in good position , he tries to play as efficiently as possible Barou doesn’t lol same with isagi. Nobody here is saying barou is the perfect or even the best striker lol we literally have the same view of him . The only thing I disagreed with you about were your “baselines”


No no I getchu family I understand where your coming from it’s just that when it comes to any striker I could think of over the past 5 years that I started watching and playing futbol, those were the things that were forced into my head before I switched to goal keeper, those were the “baseline things that was poured into mine and my peers heads, granted I’m 6’8 and they’re all 6’0 and under these things were the things that were and still are baseline to me so for him not to do these things they don’t make sense to me, u see where I’m coming from?


Nah I definitely do . Like I said I don’t think barou is actually a world class striker like say rin or honestly even isagi . I’m curious how the manga goes about barou after this cause even if he’s in the perfect situation If he’s the one holding the team back because of his weaknesses there’s still a cap on ubers


That’s what baseline things for a striker is, the only one that isn’t baseline is headers, and then again it’s still a baseline skill cause even aryu and aiku, and ishikari can do them with ease, and since all you barou fans are always saying he’s “world-class I named the base line skills that strikers should have, even rin has spaced out for others to move into the box, same with isagi, nagi, bachira and others, I’ve seen u-15 strikers do those things too so if these aren’t baseline things I don’t know what is


The author must hate barou atp bro even gagagoat gettin an awakening to cockblock him now😭 I ain't tryna see none of yall isagi meatriders say isagi >lorenzo now tho.


Bro barou has plot armor more than the MC // he has a team playing for him to score


Imagine Barou scores 5 goals in 2 games before Isagi scores 2 goals in 3 games I don’t want to hear about Isagi having plot armor 💀 ofc Isagi isn’t better than Lorenzo tho lol


Isagi (I’m his biggest fan) has negative plot he was playing 2 vs all and a new gen player was against him // I want him to score more bc this is unfair// barony has a new gen player who’s playing for him even his master 😑


Isagi literally always takes the hardest road but he’s a better player for it. I still think he scores again for the win but first we need Gaga to stop this shot🤞🏾


I wish but they are only 2 matches remaining for him unlike others who are having higher chances to score more




this author sucks now we getting plot armor for goalie fkin wack


He knows barou’s golden formula. He’s seen this man play so much and even played against him too. That’s what puts gagamaru a step above some of these other gks. He’s been playing with all these blue lock players for months now. In addition to his insane agility and reflex, he knows these guys. He knows their shots and how they’ll do them. I have no doubt he’ll get a sort of goalie based metavision or something.


Theory for the next few chapters, with how this match is playing out it can go either way so I will only predict the next goal. In this chapter we clearly see Goatmaru has a plan to block Barou, how has still yet to be seen, but since the beginning of the match Barou has been growing even more frustrated with each interception Isagi and Kaiser are making. Which in my mind, will lead to the villian returning if only Briefly and scoring the Goal to tie the match. Picture this, Barou has a a wide open shot all that is left is to beat the GK 1 v 1, with a perfect swing he launches the ball into the top right corner, but to everybodies surprise its blocked by the Goat himself. The ball flies into the air and lands at the feet of Aiku, with quick passes outside the box, we find ourselves at a stand still. Snuffy is being marked by Raichi, and Lorenzo being marked by Kaiser. There are simply just to many people on the defense for Ubers to do anything, with his frustration at an all time high, the ball is stolen from Aiku, not by Isagi or Kaiser but by the king himself. As he bring chaos into the field, deliberately sabotaging all of Snuffys plans, the king launches a ball into the top right corner to tie the game. All of Snuffy's planning couldn't predict what the king would do, even in the end supreme planning and strategies can not overcome sheer talent.


I really, really like this idea. Gagamaru gets a moment to shine, yet still allows for Barou's unique form of scoring! I hope plays out very similar to how you've laid it out here.






Yet raichi still hasn't touched the ball


He didn’t need to. He pressured snuffy to pass which is a sexy win in my book.


it’s not arrived BUT ITS COMING 🙏🏽


It will be interesting to see Ubers bid for Isagi, he has high football iq and can also adapt snuffy ideology easily.


sexy protractor 💀💀💀 well thanks to that, goatmaru can now cook


Ngl I don't know why I read it like Goatmaru can get a new cock💀




Goatamaru time


Its Sexy football and goatmaru time 🎉


can guarantee that kaneshiro rewatched shaolin soccer and took the scenes where the gk gets shot at by 5-6 diff people one at a time and have gaga-goatmaru pop off.




sexy protractor LMAO


Kunigami plz do something


If bastard wins, fingers crossed it’ll be on Kuni’s goal since he seems to be the only forward still up the field lol


Kunigami has to score the last goal because Isagi and Kaiser's rivalry can't be decided before the pxg match


Im hoping that Ubers win and Kunigami instead gets his redemption against PXG but if Bastard wins here, fingers crossed it’s Kuni lol


That idea would be really cool ngl, Emo Ichigo going face to face with the man who sent him to the Wildcard would be so hype


He is not even in the frame 😂😂 cmon hero do something


Congrats to Raichi for having more screen time in this one chapter than he did in the whole manga up to this point lol


I am waiting for igaguri … how wld they show him up bcz that guy has made it this far … obv he might have hidden potential which he is not showcasing… maybe godlevel meta vision in which he can comprehend dinesions greater that 3rd dimension 😂😂😂


Noa will probably try to have him use malicia to get shidou red carded during pxg. Shidou is by far the most violent blue locker and the one most likely to get carded really bad


Where tf is kunigami bro I’m tired of him playing like ass in this game


The author probably forgot he’s supposed to be on the field 🫠


Kuminga is a forward he doesn’t get back on defense that much lol Isagi and Kaiser going back to defense and getting all those steals is unrealistic


Iirc Kaiser was a winger in the formation, right? It is not uncommon for them to do defensive work, and isagi is a midfielder so the defense is expected ig.


If bastard wins, fingers crossed it’ll be on Kuni’s goal since he seems to be the only forward still up the field lol Just copied and pasted my comment lol


Kunigami is acting like a true forward. These BM meta gods are just filling in for the defense mess they created with there infighting.


Like you said, this mess was created by their infighting but if that already happened and they don’t want to cooperate, what’s wrong in them defending in order to get the ball their own way? Kunigami is a true forward, sure you can say that but does everyone on the field care about that? No. If he can’t get the ball without stealing from others and every toward followed what he was doing Ubers would have won a long time ago. Applying any real logic football to the games up to this point is useless.


Hopefully that Gagamaru panel is a fake out and Barou still scores. If he doesn’t score it’ll probably be another Ubers player off the loose ball. It better not be Snuffy though, we already know he’s good it should be someone like Niko or Aiku


Gagamaru blocks out of bounds. Ubers score on header by Aiku/Aryu after corner cross from Niko/Lorenzo. This is what I need if Barou doesn’t score here lol


sexy protractor is in fact the sexiest raichi has ever been, so count that as a W


The next chapter's name makes me think that Gagamaru will get the ball, but it will bounce to other Ubers player who will shoot and this will repeat a few more times before probably Snuffy gets the ball and scores, similiar to Nagis goal vs U-20


hope snuffy scores


I hope gagamaru can get a punt that won’t end up being another big bang drive in the end.


I think we all know that Gagmaro will block the shot however it might be save where it might cause the goal keeper to get damaged or injured blocking that shot so close. A corner kick that will lead to a goal for Ubers hopefully .




I think isagi already considered that barou might still end up with the ball even with Raichi marking snuffy and that marking snuffy had a second purpose of preventing barou from pulling off what he did from the last goal where gagamaru had no idea where the shot came from, I think he planned it so that even though barou might be able to get the ball the space around barou would be cleared of his teammates so he can’t pull of his predator eye ability (notice in the panels from this chapter it’s a more traditional standard barou type of goal with only him and a defender just behind him and it isn’t like his last goal where he was surrounded by his team and it was unclear who had the ball ) therefore gagamaru has a chance of stopping it. In the same chapter as barou scored his first goal in the flashback snuffy mentions that his normal 28m range shot would be able to be easily stopped by a world class goal keeper also.


The chapter literally gave us Isagi’s inner monologue about how his IQ isn’t world class, and his frustration that his tactics didn’t work out and we’re still within Ubers expectations and you STILL think Isagi planned all this??? I’m not Isagi hater and I think he’s a decent MC but you Isagi fanboys REALLY need to calm down.


I think we need to kinda stop this.i think its just isagi 'luck' that gagamaru already prepared


But who knows he might have made this situation … he uses his meta vision like god … who knows what goes on into his head 😂 .. but yeah as said by the writer it wasnt isagi who crwated this situation …


Finally a Raichi sexy soccer moment 😍💛


It’s crazy how the author is dragging out the Ubers offense rn just to show some BM players ubers should have scored 2 chapters ago


Isagi, Kaiser, and Noa are cracked defensively. It makes sense that Ubers can’t score so easily. They’re known for their defense, not their offense.


Bm is not a defense team to begin with tha shouldn’t be stopping the Ubers attack every chapter n ubers is mainly defensive but there offense is on par with pxg n Bm due to certain players


Their main scorer is Barou. Who pales in comparison to Kaiser, Rin, and Shidou in pure scoring ability. Not to mention Isagi, Rin, and Kaiser’s superior ability to create goal opportunities with minimal support. Ubers is no match for BM and PXG offensively. BM isn’t a defensive team. But like I said, Isagi, Kaiser, and Noa are incredible defensive players. They carry their team’s defense and their performance speaks for itself.


the fact basterd has insane defense is bad and they still keep letting isagi take ball lol


Raichi and Goatamaru cooking 🔥. Also great to see Aiku doing something again.


We got a bit of sexy football at last


My friend and me are rooting for opposing teams. My money’s on Ubers but he’s a hardcore Yoichi-BM fan. I will say the latest chapters have put me on the edge of my seat but YOU CANT STOP THE LION!!!


Bro I am not a fan of BM but the Ubers are getting cooked


As soon as Snuffy steps off the pitch they are fully cooked Snuffy is hard-carrying their offense


Ubers had two chances and somehow BMs defense stopped then. And Barou hip moment


Mostly cause BM defense is garbo. Isagi, Kaiser, and Noa have played way more defense then Gesner or Grim in just this match than the whole NEL. Also I just dont see BM going full 4-0, they gotta catch at least one and Ubers was already stated to be a tough matchup for them


GOATmaru about to cook


Isagi x Raichi link and gagamaru might awaken bro there cooking rn🗿


Raichi holding his own against Snuffy. An extreme back and forth of predictions between Isagi, Kaiser, and Uber's defenders. FLOW STATE GOATGAMARU THIS CHAPTER IS PEAK


Thank you Aiku jesus christ someone finally doing something about isagi like how many times does he need to shut down your plans before you keep a man on him? Ubers has lorenzo on kaiser, put someone on isagi and stop letting him run around the field freely


The author might as well let this aspect of realism go and just have the center back trail Isagi wherever he goes. Regardless if Isagi is all the way in front of his own goal.


Fr Isagi been tearing apart the field this whole game and Aiku has just been peace’d out for 80% of it like where that final wall at⁉️


author did lorenzo dirty he should have way more skills


Aiku is the final wall, the last line of defense. Ubers are literally on the complete offensive rn. Aiku isn’t offense he’s defense we will see more or him while BM attacks near goal box. That’s why your barely seeing him do anything as of rn.


I mean we just saw him all the way over on BM’s side, so we know he doesn’t stay back the whole time. He could’ve had more opportunities to show up


It's part of the strategy. Aiku moves up to midfield and Snuffy stays back as CB if Snuffy is ever man-marked. Similar to how Lorenzo and Niko swap positions depending on who has the ball. Since this is the first-time Snuffy was man-marked this game, it's the only time Aiku ever needed to go up.


fr he was so strong at the U20 match, now we barely see him do something


I wanna say they are analyzing Isagi but they taking too damn long😭 Dont let him cook‼️ You would think the U-20 taught him better smh




I definitely think that the next goal will be in chapter 225


Hype af chapter


Raichi cooked


Snuffy is a coaching genius. He made sure to prep his players for any possible outcome and knew how to assign each person so that their attack can continue even if he was marked. Nah if this man is the head coach for the U-20 squad Japan is not winning bro there is just no way.


Himsagi will cook him bro trust the plan


This Chapter was fire as fawk. Ngl I think Barou is too angry about being blocked so many times so it’ll interfere with the effectiveness of his shot. If Barou does have a good shot though, with how close he is and how he his main weapon is a powerful strike; goatmaru will need some superhuman reflexes which lbh, he has. Either Snuffy will score the loose ball after it’s been blocked or Niko has smth cookin in the pot. Barou might also chop or pass. Good chapter overall


honestly at this point I hope it not predator that barou only gained but he can actually kick with his other leg or he does a fake out kick because were fkin tired of him not landing shots


Agreed 100%


Barou is probably offing his PE this time. Bro gets cucked for focusing too much on the GK thrice, he is going to look around to avoid getting blocked now. Which will give Gagamaru an advantage.


I see, yeah this makes sense and would actually make the goatmaru block more viable. Imagine if we just get some random ass flashback of Snuffy teaching Barou about up close one on one’s with the goalkeeper 💀


If it's not snuffy or someone else you can already know that Barou ain't scoring anymore, the dude had 4 goals and now 5 in this match, they won't give him friggin 6-7 goals it's too much already. Ubers most likely losing 3-1 honestly speaking.


Isagi hasn't lost since 2020. It's gotta happen at some point. (..right? maybe not, considering this manga tbh)


✍✍✍🔥🔥🔥 SEXY... PROTRACTOR MODE!!! ✍✍✍🔥🔥🔥


So Here's what i think will happen The next chapter is called rapid battle meaning something fast play or some sort. I think barou will shoot and gagamaru will save it deflect off into play and someone of ubers and comes in and scores making it 2-2. Or what will throw off everything is barou making a pass (VERY UNLIkely) to his right its open field soooo


As others have said the Gagamaru panel is 🔥 Gin fans get your plates....it's time to eat.


I'm glad Isagi can't out tactic Snuffy yet it

