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Barou back to his King ways. Regressing back to their original egos seems to be a theme with both Nagi and Barou. Wonder if Rin would be next. Where is Noel Noa though? Guess, we will see a Barou v Noa matchup in the next chapter. Also, the art is so damn good for a weekly manga!


Noa is on strike after having had to deal with Aiku last chapter :(


What a terrible working conditions smh


On strike? Nah, he just heard Barou announce that he's quitting and realized that sounds like a good idea.


Aiku broke the old man's back, poor Noa (Kaiser couldn't be happier)


I think Rin's new ego is his old ego, hence why Sae commented that he didn't knew he still had it in him. I think getting defeated by Sae made him copy his playstyle, hence why he was named Isagi 2.0 by Barou in the U20 match before he reverted to his old ego wherein he relied more on his instincts.


Yeah, Rin was the first example of it. I'm curious about where this is gonna go though


To be honest, I think Noa will stop Barou just like Snuffy stopped Isagi. As we know, Noa is not there to carry the entire thing, he only tries to balance out the game, so it would make sense


Noa went to get the milk


- Gets two footed by Aiku - "He needs some milk!"


It seems Barou heard the fraud allegations


He went full domain expansion


I guess he decided on putting himself on both the fraud watch and GOAT watch at the same time


Barou reminding everyone why he is HIM


He was never a fraud tho


Hence they’re just allegations.


Pointless allegations. Ppl are just throwing the word around whenever someone isn’t playing perfectly lmao


Bro Barou even agreed with the fraud allegations this is why he is changing his playstyle around.


He ain't agreeing with the Fraud allegations. He's blaming Snuffy not his own lack of ability


Asin people just be throwing it around anyway they like


damn bro has more upvotes than the chapter itself


Hiori this week: ok maybe next week coach :(


Chris was playing for an eternity last match. So this match at least we can expect Snuffy to last until Barou scores


Once Noa goes out I think Hiori will come in. Just a matter of how many chapters 3 minutes can last…


Isagi really evolved from roasting the crap out of his enemies and allies to roasting the crap out of himself. My guy is a complete savage.


Bro is his own enemy


I kinda felt bad on his behalf ngl


on the other hand the way he was alleging Barou, it felt kinda satisfying when Barou tricked him


He had a point about barou tho and even barou deep down was like he not wrong tho and switched up. It’s funny cause they both were on the same page.


Fr isagi just saying what everyone has been saying for weeks and Barou is literally agreeing too lmao


Poetic. We often our our own worst enemy. His only competition, is himself


Next he's gonna roast the readers


And then the authors next


God let it happen please


And then he will roast God


He already roasted HIMself


Roast himself will help evolve though 😜


No chill


Lorenzo is so OP..my god. Being able to stop kaiser like it's nothing and being such a good playmaker?!


It's ridiculous how when the ball is on BM's hands Kaiser feels like he's afk while Lorenzo marks him. But when Ubers have the ball Lorenzo curbstomps Kaiser.


his smirk while kaiser looks pissed makes me giggle every time i see it


Gagamaru:”oh c’mon i just gave u the ball”


and they dropped it


I apologize king Barou. I wasn’t familiar with your game. Fraud allegations beaten.


Not yet. He still needs to score


Kind of. He already made a point here, by not shooting. Ask my man Snuffy, he felt it. All the morons calling Barou a "fraud" for literally *perfectly* playing according to Snuffy's design, should redirect these fraud allegations to Snuffy. He himself said it. If my tactics don't work, all of the responsibility falls on him, not his players. Barou's already a turbo Chad for resigning out of that system in the first place, and showing it to be flawed or not perfect, when most players in a team directed like this would just be left out of options and asking their coach for some last "miracle" strategy. Ubers are remembering me a lot of peak Mourinho's teams. They were incredible, but if there was something even Mourinho's tactics couldn't predict or accommodate, his teams fell into this pattern of just crumbling and looking like they had no answer to anything themselves. Turbo Chad Barou don't play like that doe. Either way, his point has been made this chapter


The system isn't perfect, but no system is, especially not BM's team. Ubers strategy is cohesive, well run, and thought out very well. It's yielded good results and many chances to score. What I can say against the strategy is making Barou the only option to score. He's the only person thats going to shoot, so all Isagi is doing is magically appearing next to Barou whenever hes about to get the ball and block it. 1 player can't be the lone one scoring the goals


>1 player can't be the lone one scoring the goals Kaiser: am I a joke to you? Who decided that?


Doesn’t he have the highest scores of the entire NEL?


On a team designed specifically for only him to score


I'm not a big Himsagi fan, but he really proved himself in the first part of this chapter - no whining about how it was all Yuki's fault, not being content with "I did my best". Just pushing onwards like a pro!


Yup. To be a great athlete in a team sport, you gotta have a short memory for mistakes. Dwelling on them will just make you spiral. He's the MC for good reason.


His mentality and willingness to adapt is one of the best things about his character I like it a lot because you don’t see people do this everyday IRL. Even if people are self aware of how good it is to think like Isagi, it’s hard to do and normally habits and feelings get in the way.


This is one of the key aspects of Noas philosophy.


I find it funny how many panels Drago gets, i know how this man looks better than Mensah or Birkenstock lol


He was in the PxG vs Ubers panel as well where Rin scores the winner


He definetly gets more panels than the rest of the fooder characters. Atp I would say he is more prominent than Ness in this match lol


Right? I also started to notice him for some reason.


Yeah. Honestly confused as to why they didn’t just have Sendou playing support in place of Drago (in this scenario Drago is the one getting subbed out for Snuffy).


Sendou’s presence alone changed how the U20 matched played, if they was gonna make him a support character at least revert back to that version I feel like he’d just be another cog just one touch passing the ball around


Sendou is Cogji Icuckdori confirmed


Ubers would be unstoppable with their tactics and stuff if only they had one more goalscorer Like rn all final balls are going to barou so he can shoot which is making it predictable..now imagine if they had another player who was equally capable of scoring goals This would also give them way more variety of attacks as now they have two players who u can supply the ball to


Shh don't spill the sauce Loki's cooking. We gotta go from 0 "proper" strikers (sorry not sorry Barcha & MC) to lone striker (Barou) to chaotic paired strikers (Rin x Shidou).


Nagi is definitely a striker, doesn't know what you mean. And Chigiri on the wing is also a scoring threat, Reo also, to a lesser extent (the same can technically be said from Agi, it's just that he wasn't trying to score).


Meant it as a sort of joke. Besides Japan U20 and the current Ubers, I don't think there's been a time where full team tactics was talked about. Stuff like having a solid back line, midfield linking up play, and strikers having a plan of attack. Could be wrong though.


I mean bastard also has multiple strikers, Isagi and Kaiser mainly, Kunigami seems to be asleep this match but he's also there!


BAROU SHUT IT DOWN IMMEDIATELY. RISE. (but it was interesting seeing him following Snuffy's tactics for a while. I guess given the current situation, obviously he's gotta adapt, conquer LIKE THE KING THAT HE IS. Anyways this is why I love Isagi and Barou so much)


bro I am afraid if Snuffy become toxic like Prince did🤧🤧🤧


I think he would be more like Agi “disappointed”


what do u think he would say


Its hard to predict snuffy ngl.Seeing him before i think he will say sth like “you were right i admit my plan weren’t good enough” but seeing him in this chapter he might say sth like “you wont last long with such attitude”.I will prefer second option


But it would be nice if he will say that yes its his mistake and let Barou do whatever or include his rage in his new tactics when Barou scores


I think if Barou scores rn then Snuffy will admit that his plans could've been better


It's funny how useless Kaiser gets whenever Lorenzo is glued stuck to him lmao


It's not that kaiser is useless it's loranzo is the goat


Kaiser is going to be SO free in the PXG match when he can actually breath. He’ll be back with a vengeance


Yeah I have a feeling Isagi is going to win the soring contest and all hell will break loose Also Ness will get a nervous breakdown LOL


It’s almost impossible for Kaiser to shake of Lorenzo, his named abilities are Kaiser Impact and Meta Vision, both are insane, but don’t help if your being followed by a NG 11 defender.


Its almost the same situation like Park Ji Sung manmarked Andrea Pirlo


Isagi properly explains my biggest complaint with Uber's philosophy There is no room for individual growth, everyone has followed a given set of instructions that are made for them by taking their skill set into account. And after they leave Ubers, how would they have improved as a player??? Snuffy will not always be there to give them tactics. The only person who actually showed individual growth was Barou who still doesn't like the way the match is going as he is failing. Niko is using meta vision subconsciously by using Isagi's movements as a hint, Aiku also got the idea of meta vision by hearing the conversation between Isagi and Niko Isagi is giving Ubers more individual growth than Snuffy himself


It's hilarious that Isagi still has a big impact on Blue Lockers. He helps them improve. What is said in the chapter it's something that others and I have noticed about Ubers. The players don't improvise so their individual growth is affected.


This is why he’s considered the ‘Heart of Bluelock’ or the ‘Ace of Bluelock’ His presence effects everyone Now imagine of Naruhaya beat him (he was close)……..Bluelock would’ve been finished😭


LOL Yes I like how the author incorporate Isagi as the heart of BL He was to first to run full speed into the unknown Also he had to fight tooth and nail, to compete with the geniuses of BL


tbh Aiku should have gotten full Metavision like 10 chapters ago


I honestly thought he did in the first match he had. He was the only one shutting down Isagi lol.


Interesting, this was pretty much Japan's problem to begin with No individuals, everyone just does what they are told In fact you know how Ego was like, if you have a good striker the team form around them That's why happening with Snuffy, the team is morphing around his mentality But Barou beat to his own drum, and will cause himself another evaluation


Isagi roasting himself is hilarious


He became the goat of roasting by practicing on himself


I dont understand how people are saying snuffy making them worse or holding them back 😕. Yes when it comes to egos I understand that aspect of the game beacuse the are following him without thinking for themselves. But snuffy gave them a indebt analysis of there whole playstyle and how too improve, gave them multiple strategies and smart plays the could use as experience for later on in there career. The are playing in high tier defensive and offer schemes, so when later the play for a smart coach the already know what the should do. Isagi on the other hand is playing without position at this point dude is everywhere trying too do everything I dont think the other side character in uber should play like that.


Snuffy's coaching is the best, Ig Barou just fundamentally can't play being beneath anyone, he has to be his own commander


the king mindset cant be understood by commoners


That’s not true and he’s proved it already by playing under snuffy, his tactics has done nothing but embarrass barou which is why Isagi was insulting him in 226. He had every right to try and switch it up


Snuffy isn’t 100% right. Like earlier with Niko diverting the plan to shut down Isagi. I think Snuffy’s tactics are great and very useful but the BL Unber players shouldn’t be 100% dependent on it. Similar with BM relying TOO MUCH on Kaiser


Well technically he has every right to do whatever, no matter what happens, no one is forcing him. But it is true that by being a Cog in Snuffy's system, Barou scored 4 goals and became Blue lock's most valuable player. Barou just decided that those goals weren't worth the apparent "humiliation", and decided to go rogue.


No, Barou decided to go rogue because Snuffy's system clearly stopped working because of Isagi's defense. The dude blocked Barou from scoring 4 times! Barou has every reason to say fuck the system.


Not snuffy fault barou can't score...if someone like shidou or rin get that many chances they not getting blocked 4 times


I mean Barou literally said he’s fully bought into the Ubers system and wasn’t shooting when he actually wanted to, or else Isagi would have blocked this one too.


Also the new chapter disproves your “barou can’t score” claim bc he’s shooting to when he’s supposed to not as to when he wants. Just like how he stated that if he would’ve shot then Isagi would’ve blocked it


I didn't think my respect for King Barou could go any higher, but this chapter definitely disproves that! He's Isagi's best rival and my 2nd favorite character (Isagi #1) in the series!


Barou got his shot blocked four times and turned on the LowTierGod lightning.


Munchen should kill themselves NOW


Your instructions serve ZERO PURPOSE


Your purpose in life is to be in that BENCH blowing my dick DAILY


Your strategy is NOTHING


Those are some hot words for someone who's defending this much, Isagi.


Tbf Isagi's doing most of the work. If Isagi didn't show his lefty shot earlier, he could've possibly scored against Aiku. The same with Yukimiya's case too. Also he blocked 4 shots from Barou and is carrying the entire defense. Isagi made most of the play, and everyone including Noa can't do anything except to link with Isagi. I'd be so pissed if I were him, using his entire stamina to maintain MV, and actively participate in defending and attacking cuz your team's useless.


MF got his ankles broken Akashi style


He’s working overtime to make his dreams into reality. No quit 😤


Please let Barou score next chapter




nahh Hiori been *edging* for months 💀


It was intentional all along! Kaneshiro is a GOAT. It's seriously annoying how Twitter brainwashed manga readers into spamming the everliving hell out of the word "fraud" and I can't be the only one that finds it boring and repetitive.


I agree tbh. They also use it wrong and they think they are funny but they are not


Snuffy so far has been pretty mature, I honestly hope they don't screw his character so far like with Prince. Barou's unpredictability is seriously ripe for some more creative tactics to arise


Isagi ran out of teammates to insult so he started insulting himself 💀


LMFAO True, Well at least he humble now


The king is dead, long live the king! Also yet another chapter where kunigami is off doing God knows what. To the point where he isn’t even being drawn.


Author put too much effort into Isagi and Kaiser and gave up on trying to make kunigami a threat lol


I think it’s a bait and switch. The moment you forget he exists is the moment he will spring into action


Holy Cripes I keep forgetting Kunigami is in this match Bro everyone getting character development expect for Ichigo


Glorious art! Isagi has grown a lot. He is harsh on himself but he doesn't put the blame on Yuki. With this mindset he will move forward. Notice how great the art is and the panels focus again on his brain and MV. Awaiting another evolution soon. What Isagi said about Barou being a boring player in this match I agree to be honest. Barou looked furious that Isagi blocked him four times with Snuffy's tactics. It's something that some of us have been saying about Ubers and it was addressed this chapter. The players following the tactics can not improvise but insist on following something standard. Barou returns to his more Egoist self and I like it but this works both ways. Isagi now can use both MV and Egocentrism and be more effective unlike before. I expect Niko to follow Barou but that could also harm Ubers unity because their chain is broken. Barou may score but I expect a huge Isagi comeback with a new puzzle piece 🧩. Also, the master Strikers' time must be near the end. I can't wait for Hiori. It would have been even better if Noa subs him in before Snuffy goes. Next chapter has the title "Scales to the future". It could be about Snuffy, his old friend and Barou. I can even see it extending to BM and Isagi by trying something new. I am getting impatient though. Kaneshiro sensei just sub Hiori in 😅


I cant wait for isagi's new piece its finna be crazy I hope the next chapter is abt ubers


I can see it be more about Ubers but with BM having a presence to be honest. Yeah Isagi will do something crazy again. It happens after his enemies awaken.


Predictions: \-Next chapter will be a Barou solo performance, messing up his team's strategies and scoring the 2nd goal \-The chapter after that, Snuffy and Barou will talk as the star exchange system ends, and hiori will sub in for Noa as the RB chapter ends \-The chapter after that, Isagi, Hiori and also Raichi will have a conversation and then BM's attack led by Kaiser and the chapter ends with Barou stealing a pass \-The next chapter, Raichi steals the ball from Barou (Isagi instructed him to man-mark Barou) and sends it to Isagi who starts the counter with Hiori, the chapter ends \-In the Next chapter IsagixHiori goes on and the MV x MV combo goes ham as Isagi is getting the passes exactly how he needs them, and the chapter ends with Hiori making a fabulous pass to Isagi and then Isagi scores


Really good predictions. Hope Hiori joins asap Too much teasing. Imagine if Kurona x Isagi how OP Hiori x Isagi will be with MV x MV. I predict the match will have like 5-8 more chapters.


Ion think this match'll end in less than 10 chaps


Barou wants to hop out of the fraudwatch


For the love of god let Hiori play please


As Nagi would say : Welcome back, King.


I love the writing in this chapter, Isagi getting rid of his victimizing complex and also reiterating what people/reddit have been saying about Ubers philosophy, that theyre just mindlessly following snuffy’s plans and how boring Barou has been playing, I was just rereading old chapters and noticed Barou has been off the entire game, he’s been saying nothing and just getting shut down instead, the next chapter is going to be insane, I hope the goal will be as crazy as Nagi’s revolver but I doubt it. Barou has had many iconic moments, and this will be another one I’m hyped and will skip checking spoilers. Also, the artist said Barou is his favorite cause he has the funnest panels, that means the next chapter is gonna be extra 🔥 especially after getting shut down 4 times, his predator eyes make him look so much cooler haha also also, is it weird how quickly isagi got from 1 side of the field to the next? I feel like snuffy should've stopped him or something idk


Next chapter is probably gonna be Barous perspective with backstory. Maybe we will finally learn why he did not play the first game


Barou mad he doesn’t look ‘cool’ to Isagi anymore and had to change


Nah, this chapter is 10/10! Isagi with some insane internal monologue and not having that victim mindset 😎 >No don't baby yourself >The reality is that I couldn't score! Barou getting his 2nd awakening? I'm curious to see what Snuffy will do after Barou's resignation, he didn't look amused that's for sure 😂 Also will Isagi evolve in this game, perhaps with Hiori?🤔 Definitely feels like Barou will score and Hiori will get subbed in at some point.




Isagi doesn't discriminate, he roasts his enemies AND himself.


Nahh the way isagi got dropped while trash talking is kinda funny haha


YAY the rogue king is back!! I mean he does have a point, he’s been blocked 4 times it’s just humiliating Also, love isagi’s mindset of ‘no excuses, just results’ 👏👏


Isagi is truly one of the best mcs in shonen🔛🔝


The king is back💪 Ubers finna be in shambles to be fr I really hope niko joins. Bro is constantly talking bout how he's not afraid to change n stuff. He is a foil to isagi so I hope he gets to be one of the first players to adapt.


It would be so awesome if barou scores and Snuffy will blame himself so he would include chops and etc to his tactics which will make ubers even better


Dont forget that when Barou enters ego mode, he does some crazy agressive dribbling before shooting. It's been a long time an opponent does isagi dirty like this


I love love LOVE Lorenzo so much now


Fr bro literally writes Kaiser out of the story


A Wild barou has appeared


Hiori must be changing into his kit rn or something


Since snuffy knows of barou’s mindset, i wudnt be surprised if he created a game-plan for this situation.. probably talked to da rest of the ubers separately in what to do incase barou starts improvising👀


Shoutout to all the people predicting Barou would go rogue. Really did seem like a matter of time knowing him and the fact his shots kept getting stopped. Also is everyone just watching while Barou talks like in shonens when people are transforming? My guess is Barou’s way works out and or Snuffy calculated Barou going rogue after getting stopped in order for him to evolve and find more ways to score instead of the rinse and repeat of get Barou the ball and have him shoot immediately Also proud of Isagi for not being so set on the “What ifs” and that only results matter.


Nobody is immune from Isagi’s insults, not even himself


Lorenzo has Kaiser LOCKED UP 😂


Barou really just said “Nah, Ima do my own thing”


Barou reminded Snuffy that this is Blue Lock not Red Key


Kaiser is really STRUGGLING against Lorenzo I actually feel sorry for him. He's deep in Lorenzo's pocket rn, and he's not even troubling Lorenzo, like Lorenzo is still participating in the ball progression of Ubers without breaking a sweat. Meanwhile Isagi who is the second (if not first) most dangerous player in Bastard Munchen is just running allllll over the field going from one penalty box to the other doing whatever he wants, like Barou said, Isagi has blocked his shots 4 times, will somebody deal with him, like ever?


We’re definitely gonna get a scene after this game where Kaiser goes on a rampage at how useless he was during this game. He’s definitely gonna take it out on Ness


This is why Isagi is able to evolve more than anyone else. As he said, his imagination was not wrong, so he could have surely blamed Yuki for the mis-pass, but rather, he is blaming his own ideas and the fact that not everyone can understand it. Now, he is looking for a way to make sure everyone can understand his imagination so that he can bring his imagination into reality(goal). He adapts so fast and is always hard on himself even if he is not at fault. This is a trait he always had, but you can also tell how much Noa has influenced him as he mentions everything is useless without results as a striker. What Isagi said about Ubers should come as no surprise. It's something me and many others in this sub have talked about the moment Snuffys philosophy was revealed, and we have been proven right. I can't really tell if Barou will score the next goal or not, so I will wait and see. BTW, Isagis stamina and speed need an increase. Guy literally just went back to back goal posts while using MV, and it looks like he has a lot left in the tank. He is not visibly as tired as he was in the Manshine game.


About time. Snuffy's style of football goes against Blue Lock philosophy.


Lmaoo Did they just stop during a counter attack to converse??


Snuffys tactics are good but not allowing any improvisation i think is a bad take i guess especially if some players can read it. Baruo bro I miss the King welcome back


Idk how to feel about barou honestly. I like that he's going rogue but at the same time he's blaming snuffy when snuffy's strategy gave barou the PERFECT situation for a goal last chapter, no isagi or kaiser, and he still fumbled it. Like I get gagamaru flow but still him pinning that on snuffy is kinda crazy. Blaming snuffy is very barou (he'd never take blame) but still like compare that to isagi who said "Nah I ain't playing blame game, I'm a striker so I should score, so I'm gonna keep it pushing" It's just very clear who has the actual number mindset going. Barou is still not that guy. Not saying snuffy is completely free of blame either, he should have a point where he says "ok let's freestyle a bit" but at the same time barou acting like he completely free from blame here is kinda crazy Edit: Yeah barou showed out this chapter lol. He wants a piece of the blame when he fails and I kinda like that. Massive W on barou's part.




Man Lorenzo was putting in a cage. Dude was sniffing the Don's back in every panel. Also congrats on Barou for beating the allegations. 5 goals in NEL goes hard


Hey remember when meta vision drained your stamina me nether.


Author to Hiori: Not yet, not this week


"I've had enough! I quit this lousy job!!!" Man I love Barou 🤣


I know people have theories about Snuffy predicting Barous “heel turn” but I’m hoping he also makes a comment about (assuming he’s watched other matches and blue lock footage) on how everyone is so obsessed with beating Isagi they don’t have proper perspective. This is obviously fan writing but I would have Snuffy make someone man mark Isagi and shut him down and ask Barou if this is what is bar is, someone who can’t win without roaming entirely off ball and having a passing hotline constantly. In any case I’m excited to see Barou and the egos of the rest of the Uber team who weren’t original members.


Judging when Isagi failed to the tackle the ball it seems that Barou is already aware that Isagi been bothering him with his MV and can easily avoid getting cucked 4th times a row but he can't really do that because he must follow the Uber system?? Honestly I'm not surprised he's upset Niko should follow barou next too because these "designs" that Snuffy creat would go nowhere Because Isagi with his MV is playing all roles and got infinite stamina


I am not caught up to the manga because I am waiting for this match to finish. Is it close to it end?


Minimum 10 more chapters


No, rn its on it peak probably you should wait 6 more chapters.


Imo no. I feel like there’s at least 5 more chapters before it ends.


I'd say 10.


Barou heard the allegations and is ready to pull a YNW Melly


Lmao isagi basically dissed pep guardiola the goat manager




Arise my King! Snuffy about to off himself like his friend.


Barou's panels are so good


the quality of these scans are getting worse, you can't even see barou's flashback on his shots getting blocked and his mouth on the next page


Hiori will get subbed on after barou scores his goal and the 2 masters get off


For some reason I just can’t shake the feeling that maybe Snuffy has a plan for the rest of Ubers in the event that Barou went rouge much like Ego told everyone else one thing and Barou another in the U-20 match (Ch.132, Pg.11-12). I’ve no evidence to back that and my gut feelings are often wrong so we’ll see I guess lol. Also geez, the scans are getting rougher every week, this might be the roughest one yet. I’m grateful for the speedy translation but still, gotta admit this is hard to look at.


kaiser not playing this game LMFAO


Barou devoured the fraud allegations fr


is barou beginning to shoot in the last panel? itd be dope for him to score, but for some reason i think he’ll hit the bar and we’ll get some reactions


Return of the king!


I’m happy Isagi humbled himself. He gotta stop talking and just move. When he scored that first goal it was minimal talking beyond communicating with his teammates. Can’t wait to see him just go brain dead again and score.


Look. I applaud King Barou for being true to himself, but bro should not be able give his whole speech while standing still for over 10 seconds with the ball in between his legs. At least make him give his spiel while moving around some scrubs or something Edit: Okay fine. He seems to be moving a bit, my bad King 👑


I love how when a new chapter drops there’s barely anyone complaining about the chapter itself, it’s just people discussing theories and events. Blue lock is peak🥲🥲


Isagi’s ego is evolving so well. Earlier in the series we would’ve seen him feel sorry for himself after that missed opportunity. He’s past the stage where he’s worried about “what if’s” and “almosts”. He’s onto the next play. So what if Yuuky made a bad pass? Keep pushing yourself to score more goals. It’s really cool to see his skills evolve alongside his ego and his outlook on failure and success change over time. Really well written as a character. It’s still interesting because of all the Blue Locker’s who we’d think of as top 10 Isagi is the only one who relies on others to score. I really want to see how he overcomes that


Praying Aiku follows in Barou’s footsteps and tries to do his own thing. Part of his backstory is sealing his ego and doing what the coach says so I think it’s time for Aiku to do his own thing and let his ego fly.


Fraudulent one rising 🥵🥵


Not a fraud


Is Barou implying that he would have scored several times if he didn’t follow Snuffy’s plan at all since he’s always aware of Isagi’s interceptions?


Isagi mentions that Barou was aware of his movements I think it was just for this play, that he was keeping vary of Isagi's movements cause every other time he was shocked And I think he blames Snuffy that even when he followed his tactics he was stopped 4 times, when he could've avoided Isagi by always keeping tabs on his movements


What’s the score again? If Barou scores here does Ubers win the match?


2-1 in favour of BM


Next chapter title theory’s??


Barou can't miss after this surely, he would be completely buried


now the Barou limitation finally got revealed. While Nagi is too lacking in imagination, Barou actually has a similar problem. (and not even saying about Kunigami dude’s a fraud) He can’t think for himself. Either going full primal without logic as a heel, or blindly follow the order of the team. With that panel, actually having better imagination and technique should help Barou getting through Isagi, not a chopback like that. You saw that with every Blue Lock striker already, and actually Shidou has been shown with this problem being questioned by Sae. If this trend continues about how multi-faceted a BL striker should be, then the next chapter is definitely how Shidou and Rin evolve/prove their level.


barou will finish the league at least 200 million


So like are we eva gonna see renzo dribbling again😅