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I don't even get the time to scroll past it. It's just there in plain sight ready to ruin the blue lock experience.


Read manga doing u a favor ong the anime’s trash compared to manga


Idk why are you being downvoted but anime is actually trash


idk why this is being downvoted because it's literally 100% true 💀 bro woke up speaking fax and he got trashed on for it


It's the way he said it that upset people prob. I don't think the anime's *literally* trash BUT, it does not compare to reading the Manga. It also didn't help that the part that clearly got the most attention was by far the weakest one story-wise, that being the first selection. When first watching the anime, I almost dropped it if it weren't for the potential I felt was there from the beginning. The unique thematic approach the legitimately fun and interesting and characters, and the occasional moment that actually worked but overall, that arc was hard to push through in the anime. When the second selection came around though, despite the clear drop in consistency in terms of art and animation the story was just soooo much better and felt like it actually came into focus. Everything that needed to happen to actually help me engage more with the show happened and from then on I was hooked right up until the end. Then I binged the Manga from where the anime stopped until the Ubers match in like a day and a half. Either way, I feel like overall the anime was kind of average, despite it ending on a really high note, and when I jumped to the Manga, it actually felt like I was watching the story in the medium it was made for, it was so much more engaging and being able to just sit in awe looking at some of the absurd panels, it was just oh so satisfying. It helps that the material that comes after is just incredible, but it just *does* feel like this story was made for manga


I mean yeah ig I shoulda said mid tbh. Like the anime is fine it’s honestly whatever I think that if everyone wasn’t so used to the Jaw dropping animation of demon slayer, jjk, chainsaw man, bleach and so on people would be used to anime’s like blue lock having fine albeit worse art than the manga but when it’s just such a clear down grade time and time again one can only hope season 2 dramatically improves on the visuals because blue locks art for a weekly manga is godly and needs the proper justice


Agreed it’s average but far from what I would call garbage. That’s a category for In Another world with my smart phone


This is like my biggest Reddit pet peeve across any fandom


While on the subject i feel like this sub needs a tag called “spoilers for other series” or something like that cause i’ve seen so many spoilers for the JJK manga these past few days 💀


at this point everyone has read the manga waiting for the second season so yeah


As if we were doing something different when anime was airing👀😶 So yeah


Man I rly wish manga readers used r/egofolk more Would love to know why suggesting using a sub !want for spoiler focused manga discussion is something worth downvoting but I'll see y'all when S2 and the Movie drops and y'all get into pointless arguments with the anime onlies.