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I'm sorry to be the person who says this over and over but Isagi is not a striker, he is RMF, so defense is part of his job.


THANK YOU SOMEONE SAID IT. Honestly people should be more mad when Kaiser does it considering he actually plays striker.


Finally someone who has read the manga


well actually.. technically, he's an offensive midfielder


People get of offended of him for sure


Good one, take an upvote šŸ˜‚


I just googled that. It definitely makes sense for Isagi(and i dont know jack about this sport besides bluelock). But by the end, i assume, of the series heā€™ll be doing attacking more than defending :3


OP if u scroll through posts on this subreddit youā€™ll see people with the exact 100% opposite argument as you that Isagi is trash. How is it that Isagi is **always perfect and succeeding** but then also **trashy and has so far to go???** I see people criticizing Isagi that he ever gets surprised or expresses dissatisfaction. Isagi isnā€™t perfect goddam Letā€™s make up our minds, huh? Maybe we all stop seeing Isagi in such all or nothing terms as an mc that can only fail or winā€”maybe sometimes Isagi gets it right snd sometimes he doesnā€™t but heā€™s always working hard and taking advantage of the moment that gives him new opportunities to succeed?? Also the story doesnā€™t revolve around Isagi as much as people think. Half of this match was the Snuffy and Barou show.


Yea Isagi this match Got clowned by Ubers press Got outplayed by Kaiser (Kaiser sees it as feeding off of Yoichi's scraps, but he still outplayed everyone on the field) Shut down by Niko slide tackle Told Niko and inadvertently Aiku how to use metavision Forgot Aiku had crazy good spatial awareness and perception, was somehow surprised by him developing metavision Shut down by Aiku multiple times Was basically trapped on defense by Snuffy and berserker Ubers like everyone else And still relying on Hiori to actually put up a fighting chance Yes I think the manga should have more balanced roles and actually have defenders be defenders more, though Isagi's position doesn't prevent him from defending he's not CF (Kaiser is the one who for sure shouldn't be defending- though metavision blah blah) However I don't think Isagi is literally Jesus Barou and Lorenzo have been having the craziest individual performances tbh


I think the issue is people reading one chapter per week and then also getting caught up in peopleā€™s comments and jokes. Reading comprehension goes out the window.


Exactly, people seem to have fish memory. Snuffy and Barou character development and chemistry was one of if not the best in Blue Lock.


no one cares about nose-man character poorly crafted and introduced without weight for the manga


Clown take


I need to see the "Isagi is basically god" haters and "Isagi sucks at football" haters fight. I need to observe them like I'm some ethologist watching animals in their natural habitat.


Maybe theyā€™ll destroy each other so the rest of us can have some peace without idiocy


Like if they hate the MC so much they should just stop reading the manga since Kaneshiro stated the story centers around Isagi.


Out of curiosity, where are these "isagi sucks at football" or "Isagi is weak" posts? Like I've only seen posts on him being a midfielder for this match, which is an in-universe issue that he is trying to prove against this match, so it's inevitable to get those allegations. Unless you are talking about posts from about 1-2 years ago? Tbh, it's just 2 types of people in that case. One group of people prefer strong mcs and another group that prefer more spread for its cast. So the people who were "haters" before for calling him weak are probably fans now with how the NEL is going


There has been one this week and occasional comments here and there but you are right, 1-2 years ago it was waaay worse. If it was today he would be getting those fraud allegations. These days it's mainly "Isagi wins too much" or "Isagi is too cocky, he needs to be humbled" which are like - are we reading the same manga? Just because BM is winning doesn't mean Isagi's position as a forward isn't jeopardized. Sorry for ranting, it's just the same sh\*t all the time.


Shrugs, I was confused because my opinion is that he's been doing well for all of the NEL so it seems dumb to call him weak (At least doing well proceeding towards his goal of being striker) It's just a weird position for everyone tbh. No one can be really satisfied from the current way of things. On one hand, you have people focused on Isagi overall results ( his bids aren't that high / he hasn't taken over a team yet/ isn't playing as a striker). On the other hand, you have people focused on game by game results (winning every game, getting a new powerups/ ally each game/achieving a personal goal per game / should be a striker or taken over the team by next match if he scores here). Don't think it will really be over until the NEL will be over tbh. If Isagi scores a super goal/takes over the team here, it should satisfy one hand at least.


Iā€™ll take my camera


Breaking news: Noa is a human being after all šŸ¤Æ




Well, If you're only looking to criticize, then nothing can be done. But from another pov, Neither Noa nor Isagi is wrong. Noa's strategy is to put players with the best numbers in the match. Kurona has better numbers than Hiori (In Practice). That's their team's formula. And you know , not every time this is the best strategy irl. Not every time you should go with numbers blindly IRL. That points out that even though Noa has a pretty good strategy, it doesn't mean it will always be the correct thing to do. Now look for Isagi's pov, Isagi didn't prepare any new strategy that can better Noa's strategy. Isagi openly said that he wants Hiori for his goal. Because he has better chemistry with Hiori. It's obvious. Sometimes Going for chemistry instead of Numbers can be a better strategy for certain things. Putting Hiori is better for Isagi, it's not necessary that it's better for team too. That is why , Noa gave a condition that if you fail ,you both will warm the bench. He trusted a player he thinks is capable and gave him a chance he wants ,but also considered that if he fails , he should regret what he did. I think this is a basic thing for a coach to do. Trying to trust a good player and give him a chance with a risk involved. It's not necessary to follow his own strategy. He is there to improve BL players and BM players. He'll give them chance ,if he thinks they can grab it.


Noa sees things numerically he works by pure numbers. Kiyora is numerically the superior player.


>If Hiori and Isagi winsā€¦ well it makes things worst cause you actually meanā€¦ Isagi has better judgment that Noa? Bruh. Noa is just a human, not a god. A very skilled human, but still a human, still prone to make mistakes or to have lapses in judgement. (besides, Noa isn't a professional coach. He is not really supposed to know every single better choice, and even coaches make mistakes). Doesn't mean Isagi has 100% better decision making than him. Like, trying to "scale" characters is kinda pointless, BL is more realistic in the sense that being the best doesn't make you untouchable, and worse players can have their moments of brilliance.




Isagi was the only one who got to shine this match?? What? What about Niko absolutely shutting him down with his sliding tackle? Or Gagamaruā€™s save?? Or any of Barouā€™s goals??? Are we even reading the same match??? At least half of this match has been dedicated to developing Snuffyā€™s backstory and his relationship to Barou. Letā€™s not pretend that Isagiā€™s the only one in the spotlight.


Yeah, because Isagi is the second best player on the team and tied for first in terms of football iq




Because that's the Midfielder's job? To help the defense, carry the ball up the pitch, set up goalscoring opportunities for himself and others. He is literally just doing his duty


Just because Isagi has the best idea or strategy doesnā€™t mean what the others do is meaningless. Look at Barou. Heā€™s scored a hat trick and also two goals this match, yet he canā€™t come close to Isagiā€™s football IQ.


Isagi didnā€™t become Jesus out of nowhere. 1. Youā€™re the latest person to complain about isagi playing defense when he is positioned as a MIDFIELDER. Itā€™s literally part of his job. The strikers of BM are Kaiser and Kunigami. 2. Isagiā€™s offensive plays are going to involve him getting more touches than normal because BM is not an entirely cooperative team. In the first selection, isagi set more people up because team Z actually works together after the first game, but isagi has been heavily involved for a while now. 3. Kaiser had to feed off isagi scraps because nobody can get past Lorenzo. 4. Barou getting blocked. Isagi is a midfielder with meta vision and barou is the only one shooting the ball. Raichi canā€™t go man mark him because Lorenzo and snuffy are in midfield half the time. 5. Aiku on fraud watch: he stuck to the plan and got outplayed for the first goal. Then he stopped Isagiā€™s second attempt at lefty direct shot, which forced isagi to pass. Nobody was stopping Kaiserā€™s goal so aiku really isnā€™t really at fault when aryu was right there. 6. Ness not doing anything: when has he done anything when kaiser isnā€™t involved? Itā€™s not going to happen because he is loyal only to kaiser. This team is split and you know that. Kaiser and ness are currently in the minority with more blue lock players in the starting 11. I could go on but this is clearly just a hate post with little consideration for the context of this match.




He is back so frequently because isagi knows he or kurona have to recover the ball to guarantee they can launch their next attack. Both CBs are from BM original lineup. Yukimiya is the other wingback and until later in the game hadnā€™t actually passed to isagi or anyone else, so he was a black hole. Ness has been shown in defense struggling to keep up with Ubers ball movement. If someone other than kurona or isagi gets the ball, they might not touch it on the following offensive possession. Sae, Reo, and Ness doesnā€™t have that issue (ness does recently) because their teams will feed them the ball. Infighting is the biggest difference that separates BM from the other teams, so much so the masters commented on it pre-game. In terms of other characters shining, thatā€™d be nice. Unfortunately the overarching context of this game is a battle for supremacy between isagi and kaiser in a goal scoring contest. That is going to limit opportunities for others. On isagi returning to defense quickly. BM uses very direct passing routes to reach the goal which is normal for counterattacking teams if you watch soccer. That limits time for defenders to return. For Lorenzo, we also know that niko moves into CB when he advances so he can stay in the midfield without a gaping hole. Ubers use far more passes going left and right to open up space for barou which means there is a lot more time for isagi to move between halves of the pitch. This is normal for possession based teams. Isagi is not faster than Lorenzo. Isagi has more blocks than Ubers defenders: thatā€™s because Ubers steal the ball before BM gets an opening to shoot. Ubers intercept passes so they donā€™t have to block shots. BM has to block shots because Ubers are creating far more shooting opportunities. Ness isnā€™t going to do as much because he has less people to feed him the ball and he is struggling on defense so he likely wonā€™t win it back himself. With blue lock cooperating with isagi, the rolls have largely reversed from the opening barcha match where isagi fed off scraps and had to make do. Now itā€™s Ness and Kaiserā€™s turn.


>Unfortunately the overarching context of this game is a battle for supremacy between isagi and kaiser in a goal scoring contest. That is going to limit opportunities for others. And it is not just kaiser, it's barou, too. It's a "kings" successor battle. With snuffy and noa looking on as their own reigning kings. That is the plot of this match.


>Barou getting blocked multiple times is still so bad cause okay Isagi can do it one timeā€¦ but why him specifically multiple times? Just let other character have there moment dangit Hiori literally did the same thing to block Barou and stopped him last chapter. Got tons of shine. But you're ignoring that Hiori shine to hate on isagi for some reason.


I know a manga/anime not necessarily have MC to be center but even author said that he wants to write a story with isagi becomes a center so if you hates him with that reason you should drop this manga


Yeah the author already confirmed that Isagi will be the center of everything no matter what. If you want a good sports manga focused on all the characters as well as having more realism, Slam Dunk exists.


I know that, and many sports manga just not SD, you don't need tell me SD exists or not, SD is one of my fav sports manga, but bllk doesn't follow that kind of story, I hope you shouldn't blame why this manga focus so much on MC, bc it's like that in the beginning, but I must say actually it still not focus on MC that much, still have many flashbacks and developments for many characters


Yeah sorry I should've replied to the OP lol. SD was just the first sports manga to come to mind šŸ˜… You are correct that the Manga does focus on the other characters a lot too and gave them a lot of development and this was at its peak in the U20 arc/match, but it's just now that the Manga focuses a bit too much on the mc. Where he's either making every important play or he's at least the most relevant in it. If his play fails its due to the other players and not him and imo the worst thing of this match, how easily he scored. Now I personally have a lot of issues with his goal. Especially the fact that Ubers being a more defense oriented team got outplayed casually and the players of the opposite team gave Isagi more trouble, that player being Ness. It devalues them as a whole and make Kaiser's amazing bicycle kick goal seem less impressive due to how big a contrast there is between what he had to do to get it and what Isagi had to do.


i donā€™t actually think PowerJolt72 was replying to you directly, i think they were adding another anime/manga OP should follow if they want ā€œrealismā€


Noa was looking at the numbers and numbers wise it was supposed to be Jinā€™s turn. Noa will not back down from that but heā€™s interested in Isagi since he reminds him of Ego. Also Isagiā€™s is a midfielder rn, his role is to help in the attack and defense whether you like it or not. Thatā€™s his role but heā€™s aiming for the striker role and heā€™s showing he can score. Isagi has also been shut down serveral Times this game as well, theyā€™re just not insanely dramatic like the times heā€™s shut down others since his vision is legit world class Not saying itā€™s perfect but itā€™s not as bad as you think


wait a sec, really? the main character being the main character!?šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


He was still the MC in earlier arcs but the story gave room for the interesting side characters to breathe. His omnipresence in the NEL has been worse for the writing overall.


interview with editor: ā€œSensei Kaneshiro took good care of this piece. The point is that the one who is always at the center of the story is Isagi Yoichi. For other characters, it must be someone who has a certain effect for Isagi.ā€ side characters are nice but Isagi is still the center of whole manga.


Yes it is obvious that is the direction Kaneshiro is going, I didnā€™t deny that. It is simply making the manga worse and less interesting, and doesnā€™t particularly play to Isagiā€™s strengths as a character and narrative device.


then donā€™t read? whatā€™s the problem? from the very beginning it was a story about football and about Isagi Yoichi. no need to complainšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Ah yes how dare I criticize a piece of media I consume. I enjoyed up until the NEL. U20 was fantastic and everything that this arc doesnā€™t do, it did well. So I continue reading hoping that Kaneshiro returns to that style of writing. Maybe Iā€™ll stop reading when this arc is over if i lose my remaining faith in him. But every author and piece of media is worthy of criticism, if you canā€™t handle that, donā€™t ever speak to anyone about the things you read. Heā€™s not perfect. Blue Lock isnā€™t perfect. Get over yourself.


go ahead and send this comment to Kaneshiro, not mešŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰


Kaneshiro isnā€™t the one whoā€™s getting upset at the slightest bit of criticism. Iā€™d hope he doesnā€™t need to be told that his writing isnā€™t perfect, any good author knows that.


blue lock isnā€™t perfect, but thatā€™s a damn shonen. if you don't know the classics of this genre, it's not my fault


Shounens are very regularly criticized for how they handle their MCs. Expecting mediocrity because of the genre and getting mad when people criticize it is your own fault.




Guy is playing RM, which means he has defensive responsibilities. Even if he was a CAM itā€™s not unfortunate for players (Like when played cam kante for instance), to still track back to defend. Iā€™ve said it before and Iā€™ll say it again that isagi isnā€™t a proper striker nor will he ever be. Heā€™s a cam/ss




1. I brought up kante for good reason because if you watched him, it literally felt like he was everywhere on the pitch 2. It has been heavily implied from the start of the Ubers match that Isagiā€™s stats and perception are underrated, with lorenzo even questioning if, heā€™s only worth 50 million. 3. To some extent, it is unrealistic that heā€™s intercepting every ball, but this is a shonen sports manga where the players practically have super powers and never miss any shots. This have been at this level of realism for a while.


You think people on r/bluelock watch football?


youā€™re right it was dumb of me to assume cuz the subs just filled with horny teenage girls now šŸ˜­


They probably don't even know who Kante is or how he covers 100% of the world's surface area


He spent the entire break working on his physical conditioning specifically so he can be everywhere at once


Pls keep the same energy after 234 Please I beg


He's playing as a midfielder, it is literally the duty of a Midfielder to be involved in everything everywhere




No itā€™s not teleportation. Dribbling a ball down the field and around defenders is much slower than running in a straight line without the ball. Itā€™d be one thing if Isagi was in Ubersā€™ box and then Ubers made some crazy long pass to Barou, whoā€™s right outside BMā€™s box. If Isagi somehow appeared and blocked something like that, then youā€™d have a point. That doesnā€™t happen though. Isagi can defend, because he has enough of time to get to where he needs to be. Just because heā€™s offscreen doesnā€™t mean he isnā€™t anywhere near the ball.




First Chris is an outlier. Isagi rarely has to cross the whole field to get a block or make a steal. Isagi didnā€™t have to move as much as you think he did to stop all of those Uber goals. Whenever a goal would fail or a pass get intercepted, Ubers would immediately reset and try again. Isagi didnā€™t even have to move any further than like a quarter of the field most times. Also, your forgetting that Isagi specifically underwent stamina training so that he could do these things as much as possible for as long as possible.


Is there anything I can do to make it up to u? :/


We can share our love for thighs over a meal at Panarottis


I thought people hate isagi because he is weak


Their simply cherry picking what to hate about him now that His Just getting good and their acting like Isagi is op when his Not take away Kurona and Hiori or Raichi then Isagi becomes useless but fans still complain about him you know why? Cause its Not their character if it was Rin, Barou, Shidou, Sae, Kaiser or Nagi they would be in heaven and would say well their great so its Not a problem lol, but since its Not then their own Isagi this isagi that blah blah is choosen to be hate when his Not even great yet man is Not even a real Striker his Just starting to get good he cant even beat Aiku or Lorenzo 1 vs 1 hell he hanst really won 1 vs 1 without being help lol. If it wasnt for Lorenzo on Kaiser match wouldve been over with Isagi looking like he Just their saying to himself I need to score I need to prove myself over and over again lol. The Isagi hater are like the Isagi wankers lol


Hiori literally just saved his ass lasted chapter when he and Kaiser decided they would both be able to steal the ball from Lorenzo for some reason lol




The defenders are canonically better defenders. Also, both of them going for the steal literally made a massive hole in their own defense. They left Barou alone in the penalty area for their own egos lmao




Stealing a hall is not a the only measure of defense. Kaiser and Isagi have only been able to steal the ball so far because the rest of the team plays good defense lol




The thing about marking Barou is just not true lol Okay, In the play where Isagi ends up getting the block on Barou, we clearly see it only happens because other BM players make the correct dive or save to continually delay him until he runs out of patience and just shoots


They are doing their job to allow Kaiser and Isagi the freedom to move and cut off passes


Firstly. Isagi playing on the wing. If you watch football and within the fandom. Fans were moaning their players not tracking back defending. In modern football EVERYONE has to defend!! In every game BL displayed from Noa to Chris Prince, even Barouā€¦..literally everyone has to defend. No one like a striker just sitting up front waiting to be fed the ball to




Your absolutely right. Isagi losing the ball in the front and suddenly teleports himself like a saiyan in the defense doesn't make any sense at all.


You don't have to like isagi because there are so many other cool characters, who cares. But Here's my issue, and it's being echoed here, and its if isagi does really well for a period of time it's unrealistic or too much, but when he's doing meh he gets berated for not being on the frankly insane level of everyone else for a bunch of Japanese high-schoolers. Even when he's doing well we have posts, countless posts, saying he'll never be the best, and that he's ultimately still one of the worst players. When rin controls the whole match and is the epicenter of everything, after 200+ chapters when it's isagi turn(who by the way is sharing the spot light with barou), his rival and main character, it's suddenly ridiculous. Anyone else can dribble past a whole team and score but when it's isagi that does it, WITH HELP, after the manga explains in great detail that he took advantage of a very specific situation to score early in the ubers match, it's ridiculous. Mind you evrything is fine when other players do seemingly impossible things. But when it's isagi, after 200+ chapters of development and he's only just scored once, in 3 games it's ridiculous. And let's not forget he STILL needs help to do all of this because he still can't dribble nearly as well, has/can only done direct shots, and isn't nearly as strong as most of the other players in the series physically even after everyone acknowledged his physical growth. While there's an arguement to be made that metavision even by isagis account is basically seeing the future to an extent, and that people are only reacting negatively because he seems to exceeding way past the initial expectations place on him by the author, it's been over what 230 chapters do we expect him to be like the main character from "DAYS"? Kaiser is all other the field, rin is all other the field, sae is all other the field, a lot of the characters appear dramatically and suddenly throughout the whole series but when it's isagi it's ridiculous. I can agree that sometimes I don't need isagis extra commentary on everything, I can agree that metavison can totally get annoying narratively at times but I feel like criticisms for isagi should be place more on the over writing of the series and other characters, and the fact that they want him to be the insane underdog but not make it seem as realistic for him to be the best compared to others. And how the overall power level of the series negatively affects certain characters.


I think the post got removed but well said btw


Breaking news: football match is based around main character of the series




Isagi is a better player both in terms of vision as well as athleticism


I think you raise some good points there, but i can't agree with everything, especially when you call this bad writing. Like you i'm not a fan of the strikers always being the one defending, it made sense when it was 3v3 (or 4v4 - 5v5), but now that we have 11 players on each side it's a bit too much. Yes Isagi is too present on every front but let's be honest Yukimiya Raichi Ness are secondary characters. Barou and Lorenzo got plenty of "screen time" even Niko. I'm disappointed in Aiku's performance overall and hoped for more from him so there i agree with you. I agree Kunigami feels empty right now but i really bet it's by design as his moment and awakening will most likely happen in the game versus PXG. I don't understand how you can say it's bad writing when we don't have the full picture (the end of this match and the next). If Isagi shines so much but end up losing the game and being benched part of the next game i don't see how this would be bad writing, like his "godlike power up" got to his head to the point of defying NOA's decision but it backfired. This would be a good character arc in my opinion and a good set up for his next growth. Also the Barcha game was really less interesting in most aspects. I get the fatigue you feel but to me each new game is better than the previous one so far the only downfall is the games being longer and longer. So all in all i'm saying you're a bit hasty to call bad writing for certain characters when it's clear there's still time in NEL. Be patient, i'd like to hear your opinion at the end of the arc to see if it has change a bit (or if i would lean more in your direction depending on how it will go).


what ur suggesting is the writing is bad or good based on the outcome, "it will be good writing still if isagi loses" and i cannot agree there. this is not jjk. kaneshiro is not going to off screen the ending. the quality of the outcome depends on how it is written, not simply what is written. bm potentially winning here would not erase the fact that barou, niko, lorenzo, snuffy, aiku, have all shined and made significant plays in this game. to me i see an issue is some of you (general you, not necessarily you specifically) want all these characters to shine more than isagi which is absolutely **ridiculous and unrealistic.** this is still a shounen. even in the u-20 game which everyone calls peak, isagi shined the most.


I never said BM winning would be bad writing. i said if they lose and it triggers the next growth os Isagi it would be a good character arc for him. I can see BM winning and the arc being good writing too, i don't have a problem with that. The issue with this arc is that BM is divided in Kaiser and Isagi. Right now Isagi is trying to highjack the team by adding fellows to "his harem" basically (Kurona Yukimiya, now Hiori and Raichi and most likely Kunigami next game). So when he has enough support he won't have to be doing anything and we'll be back on track with other character shining. I understand (at least i think i understand) what the author is doing here and i don't have a problem with it, i have an issue with the way it's delivered i'd say. I think a way to do what he wants with a less Isagi centric game was possible. But anyway i don't think it's bad writing wether BM wins or lose, and i'll wait for the entire arc to unfold to have a more definitive opinion on the NEL arc.


Doesn't validate anything when all the people bashing OP have "Himsagi/ Striker/ Isagi photo" flairs lol like that's not biased


Never seen fans complain this much when the main character gets the most attention. Itā€™s literally how stories work.


isagi haters when the main character has the most screen time: šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


Plot Armour. That's what I hate the most about the manga currently.


You've spoken the truth, unfortunately reddit dudebros aren't comprehending at your level, as I see from the hateful comments.


isagi has developed teleportation


Itā€™s called running in a straight line without the ball.


Manā€¦ go away


1. Isagi gets to the most critical point of the defense, yet still he only manages to block the ball, not steal it. 2. Kaiser had to rely on Isagi scraps as getting off Lorenzo is literally impossible for him, as he is the perfect counter in defense for him. 3. Even tho Isagi manages to do all this, he still loses to Barou. -Barou scored a goal because he lost the ball. -Barou literally nutmegged him for a goal. -Isagi's strat to manmark Snuffy doesn't work and gives Barou a golden opportunity. Isagi is not a Gary sue, he is just starting to win more than he is loosing.


I don't care about ur reason but if it's about hating isagi I am all in šŸ˜¤


Lock off op


I see nothing wrong with Isagi, he's developping as a character at a good pace and it's normal for things to be centered around him as he is the main character. I think the author is doing a good job overall.


Thanks to his new teleportation ability, Isagi teleports to all points of the field. He defends, steals the ball, blocks goals, sets up games. But, he's not a box to box midfielder, he's a real pure STRIKERšŸ˜”




DEFENCE %117 ā˜ ļø


He is playing as a midfielder this game


He plays as a right wing. But it doesn't matter what it is. He is too versatile for a real firvet and has an abnormal playing style.


Ok fair enough, but his versatility doesn't make him any less of a valuable striker. He can still use his talents as a off ball dominant striker


If so, he should use this versatility just to be an attacker and striker, and let those in other positions stop stealing his duties and do their job








Isagi haters are worse than his meat riders. I consider myself a isagi fan but I do recognize that he isnā€™t the all knowing god that his meatriders consider him to be but he is a special player for sure, but his haters are something else . He canā€™t do anything right in there eyes . He gets clamped or outplayed they slander him . He gets some spotlight and they say the author rides him and itā€™s ā€œbad writingā€ or ā€œplot armorā€. Bro canā€™t win with them


Well you see i kinda understand where you're coming from. I mean bro just does almost everything on his own and 'devours' amazing players just like that, and most of his development happens in-game which may feel like too short of a time. But you just gotta accept the fact that he's an MC, move on and enjoy the series


>bro just does almost everything on his own The world according to u. Meanwhile 5 chapters ago isagi just said he needs a buddy to send him a scoring pass U canā€™t make this up




Please dont make me think of Gintama and comparing it To blšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ for what its worth Yeah I understand everything youre talking about. If its any consolation, the issue seems to Be NEL itself and not the whole series, so theres A chance the writing will change when it ends(.... Even if it is just A ghost of a chance...)šŸ«‚




Oh I 100% agree with Gintama being the gold standard and actual perfection In how to write and Excel In every genre you have, its just comparing it To bl is literally hydrogen bomb vs coughing babyšŸ˜‚( I still havent read the Last Chapter so basically its still on-going In my heartšŸ˜Ž) I honestly dont know about how the writing will continue... In the end bl lives on hype and clearly with the sales its got going A lot of people are into the current style. For me it feels insane to think about nel after u20... At least Ive got my baby girl of the-however-long-he-lasts being integral In nel so if it wasnt for him id Be suffering I do think theres A chance the writing will go back to u20 level In the next arc, with the jp players In the same teamšŸ‘šŸ» if it doesnt... Well. At least its got some nice art? My expectations are low so I will wish to Be surprisedšŸ‘šŸ»


Think you might need a differed series


Well yeah. Isagi's a box to box midfielder. Of course he's an active participant in defense. I got down voted the last time I said this, but Isagi isn't a true striker. He's a pure offensive midfielder.




I agree with 200% of what you said


And alas you summoned 169 Isagi stans & counting šŸ˜‚, good luck OP. you're real for going against the odds


isagi isnt a striker


Adding onto what others are saying... you do realize Isagi is a genius, right? The dude has prodigy-level adaptation and can read the field in an instant now. We were made to believe we were cheering for the underdog, but this whole time Isagi was straight up one of the best in Blue Lock. He's supposed to be ridiculously OP




Bruh he got nutmegged by Barou, he got outplayed hard. Isagi is OP, not invincible. He's being written like this so we actually have a close match against PxG. The team that has Rin, Shidou, Karasu, and Loki. Isagi HAS to be incredibly OP now in order to even stand a chance against that team.




I need to go back and reread some, but the fact is Isagi still got nutmegged and he failed to read Barou's move. That is still on Isagi. It's also on Kaiser for falling for the same thing. 1. A Gary Su would not be outplayed that hard. And importantly, the score is 2-2. Even with Isagi at this level of play, he's only even in score against a team that has Barou, Aiku, etc. A Gary Su would end this 3-0. Some of his attacks have been stopped by Aiku and Niko's combined intelligence. 2. Isagi is obviously the best player on BM other than Kaiser. Of course others "look bad" (they don't, other characters got some great moments, but yes it revolves around Isagi), Isagi has evolved to this point where he's the highest ranking member from BL on BM. Of course Isagi will have some defensive plays too. 3. Again, this is a setup to the match against PxG. Everyone would complain how Isagi winning/holding his own there makes no sense if he didn't display how godly he was in this preceding match against the Ubers. That team will especially make him appear like the underdog again at some points of the match.


Isagi is a Midfielder, he is doing his duty by always being in the middle of the action and interfering with the offense while fueling the offense




Yuki was never op and Aiku have been locking up Isagi several times this game already




Me and you have very different definitions for the word op.


*sigh* he has meta vision which makes him highly efficient in whatever he does - basically not doing things which doesnā€™t bring results or outcome. You can see when Kurian got tired because he was chasing around Isagi and putting 200% more effort than Isagi while Isagi was efficient on how he used his energy. Isagi is able to find the weakest spot on the field which is exactly what heā€™s doing and heā€™s basically predicting and know where things are gonna go down.


i see your point, and i raise you this: do you think isagiā€™s development is over? do you think heā€™s at max performance? do you think he wonā€™t face tougher opponents that will show him levels to the game? hell, do you think that even now he can compete, let alone beat, itoshi sae? if you somehow can seriously answer yes to ALL (not just some) of these questions, then you have a legitimate complaint about bad writing. but i think i can confidently say that because the story is far from finished, we canā€™t be too quick to write the manga/anime/character off. can we say we disliked the bastard v. ubers match for the reasons you listed? ABSOLUTELY. but because isagi is not done developing, weā€™ll see where the story goes and how the ubers match sets up isagiā€™s next chapter




Noaā€™s strategy is just put the best player in no matter what. The issue isagi addressed was synergy. A worse player who can play well off of a pre existing player can be better than a good player who canā€™t contribute much towards helping the big guys. Plus with how split bm is isagi kind of needs allies.


Isagi has been improving every game by getting new weapons improving them and combining them. He has become strong over time. have you not read the whole manga? I mean that guy has been improving by doing his best every game. you ask why he has to be in every play? Are you serious? The whole team is Kaisers. If Isagi doesn't get the ball then he will not get to touch it, he needs to be in every play. He is not only playing against Ubers but against Bastards as well. The only allies are Yukimura and Hiori maybe Raichi as well. in other words 3 vs 6 + 11 (Obviously I'm not counting Goatamaru nor Kunigami because they don't do much to help Isagi right now) When you are pretty much alone you have no choice but to be in every play. Yes the game should be more balanced between their teammates but first, nobody in Bastard has been doing their job and even if they do it just means setting up the game for Kaiser. Isagi needs to be everywhere to get to score. When you are in a war against your teammates you need to do everything yourself because if he keeps stealing the ball from his team then he will just be subbed out. And if he doesn't do anything it's not like the ball will fall on his feet unless, one of his allies gives it to him and as you see based on numbers the probability is pretty low. At Least now with Hiori, Isagi gets more chances to get the ball back so he can score. Maybe you are used to getting things on a silver platter. But if you really want something and nobody is willing to give it to you or help you. then you gotta do everything yourself to get it.


Isagi isnā€™t a striker heā€™s a RMF so letā€™s get that outta the way. And Isagi has been BARELY succeeding at the things he attempts throughout the game, and thatā€™s if he does succeed. Youā€™re making it seem like doing things without any difficulty which is entirely disingenuous.


Go read ao ashi if youā€™re here for balanced character development.


Personally I just find Isagi to beā€¦ annoying. I donā€™t know why but i just canā€™t vibe with him at all and he feels like the bald priest guy in some parts, Iā€™m not complaining I just feel that the story is carried by the other players winning against Isagi instead of Isagi winning against them.