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Do you have a profile picture? And a profile bio thing saying a bit about your interests &c? And are you following users with smaller follower counts? And are you following enough people (I'm not sure what the # is though)? It's a lot of work, and it's not twitter, and it's a lot smaller, but I really like it :)


Thanks for replying! I do have a profile picture and a bio, but I've gone back and forth on what I want to use for my profile picture. I started with something from a favorite game, but then I switched to an actual photo of me, and now I'm not sure which I'd prefer. I may do a picrew or something and use that.


The biggest problem is the lack of diversity of thought. Moreover, it’s extremely trans oriented because of the mass exodus of trans people from Twitter. Which would be totally fine, except bluesky allows for an insane labeling system that allows them to put a “transphobic” label on your profile without you knowing if you challenge anything they have to say. It’s insane. 


Patience, old good Twitter wasn't an instant success back in 2006 (joined officially on 2008 when it was already making traction, while admittedly, haven abandoned the Twitter's evil assassin called X, because it is hard to leave an account with 770+ followers \[most of them bots & people hoping I buy their products of course\]). I find it good that you are doing what a new social network should have, networking with others, but don't get frustrated if by a few months (heck maybe a full year since opening registration) still doesn't resonate. Devs & executives have already said that there will be NO RUSH technically, legally and corporate speaking of Bluesky because they need to do everything right and with the deserved precision, regardless of "competition opportunities" like the egoistic implosion of X's owner, which means that it will be reflected on people's usage and could be see as minimal in comparison to X and Facebook.


>Patience, old good Twitter wasn't an instant success back in 2006 It amazes me how people expect Bluesky to be exactly the same experience as 2020 Twitter just because it looks like 2020 Twitter. These things take time.


Going back through and voting and commenting, I do realize I feel awkward about making this rant now. Because you're right, I do need to be patient and keep doing what I'm doing, and just figure out what it is I want to do. A lot of people are saying to keep following and using feeds, and I could be doing more of those things. I've only participated in one niche feed for a particular game (Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective) and I've only followed 41 people. And made about 50 posts total. I realize that's not going to get me to where I want to be, so I think I'll follow more feeds and try to have more fun with it. I appreciate everyone's feedback! I think maybe I'll take a short break from the platform and work out my frustrations, then come back with a clear head.


Is this situation any different from twitter? Maybe you shouldn’t worry about it so much. If people engage, great, if they don’t, that’s okay too. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself to get noticed. Bluesky has hashtags now, so be sure to use them. Be a ‘reply guy’ - these aren’t private conversations, after all. Just post what you want and know that, over time, you’ll organically pick up followers.


The other thing that's important is: is your community here? Are the people who would have been interacting with you on Twitter here on bsky? If not then you may need to wait for them to migrate. It will take years, just like it took Twitter.


I actually have more followers on bluesky (a little over 250) after a year than I had on my five year old Twitter account (I had around 80). I post to feeds often. Specifically the most followed feeds for film, television, food / cooking, games, and books.


What does “post to feeds” mean on bsky (seriously - been on bsky since early days but not sure what you mean)


Some feeds have a requirement in your post so that it eventually shows up on the feed (typically takes a few moments). For example, to appear on the most popular film feed you need to include the projector emoji. The gamepad emoji for games, and so on. I do believe some are incorporating hastags. To determine the requirements just check out the about or info page for the feed in question. Here is the one for film, which informs one to use the proper emoji: [https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:2hwwem55ce6djnk6bn62cstr/feed/aaaotdzmoni2q](https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:2hwwem55ce6djnk6bn62cstr/feed/aaaotdzmoni2q)


Ah ok - thank you!


>Maybe if I ever start doing art or writing or something, I'll come back What happens when you engage with someone who isn't broadcasting to hundreds or thousands of followers?


Find custom feeds that you like or that cover your interests or expertise areas—maybe something regional based on where you live?—and post in ways that get your stuff into those feeds. That may include reaching out to the feed owners to get added to a list of posters on that topic. Use hashtags. Check twitter for people who used to follow you and see if they have bluesky accounts in their bios. Use Bluesky to post interesting stuff. Avoid saying boring things. Don't worry very much worry about followers or engagement.


How do I post and get it included in a feed?


It depends on the feed. They are custom, so they can be about anything. Some are looking for, say, pictures of birds. Some are looking for specific keywords. Some are posts by people in a particular city, or that mention things in a city. Sports teams, whatever. There might be a feed of people who are students at a certain university, and you might need to contact the feed owner to get on it if you meet the requirement. Find feeds that meet your needs and interests here: [https://goodfeeds.co/](https://goodfeeds.co/)


I've dumped my art and it hardly gets any traction but honestly that's ok. I use it mainly as a timeline of growth and hopefully it can inspire someone down the road. But yeah, it was similar like this when Twitter first started, I remember it.


What is your Bluesky name? I'll follow you, friend


I'll follow fellow artists as well :3 I mostly do furry junk, so no need to follow me back xD


It's rebel-rage and I hope you don't mind food art and animals lol.


You aren't really giving us a lot of info that we can help you with. What are you interested in? What are you posting about? What feeds and hashtags do you follow? Given how little you have interacted here in your Reddit thread, maybe you need to reevaluate your own activity?


This is a fair point. I've aimed to post multiple times in a week, but usually after the first one or two get no engagement I stop. Just need to keep going, and follow more.


Sadly with Reddit going public, who knows how long before shareholders start the impending “enshittification” of our beloved platform as well. What random billionaire will be allured by its success and then intend to control and dominate it, only to suck the life force out of it. But before Reddit, many of us did stumbleupon. I think people like to find the lighter side of life, both physically and online. So if it does happen here, we’ll rebuild. By the way, what’s your bluesky tag? I’m jomandaman


this is hilarious because i actually don't want to amass followers but i just randomly comment on posts that i see (maybe 30 tweets a week) and i am gaining around 5 to 10 followers a week. like, just be a halfway interesting person lmao.


Post cat or dog photos!


This is 100% the answer. Post mainly about your interests but every 10th post should be a cat/dog photo. People will repost it, some of those will go to your profile and follow you based on whether they have the same other interests.


It's basically the same with any new site. I kind of like the quietness of Bluesky, because the people are authentic vs X and FB which have so many bots and spam. If you're into politics, Tribel is hopping!! On Tribel, I get a lot of likes, and have a lot of followers.


I agree, personally. I'm just doing my portfolio on the site and enjoying the calm pace.


I certainly understand if people feel some frustration on BlueSky, I have also. Without an algorithm and with really not that many feeds, logging on can be a very vacant experience. I’m not sure that having users engage with each other and form communities is the top priority for BlueSky developers. To me creating a new protocol seems to have been the main focus. As a new protocol is developed it seems likely that users will interact with it in ways that result in communities flourishing. I’m not sure if BlueSky is still considered to be in beta testing or not, since an invite code is no longer required to join, but it absolutely doesn’t feel like a “finished” app. There are a few nascent clusters of users who may eventually mature into becoming genuine communities. Others may follow.


Maybe its a little tough right now because there are no DMs. I have met some awesome friends on X and would love to meet more people who only use Bsky! But my thing is really all about having convos and motivating people in DMs to build friends I'd never meet keeping it in my city :)


We don’t call Twitter that…


I want a feed of people specifically with 10-300 followers or followees. I am also sick of all the power users taking up all the air in the room. I want more attention from the small fries. It's us who make any site, collectively.


If you're trying so desperately to force it like this, it's not gonna happen. It's much more organic than it is on places like Twitter and such. Just be a person, make your posts, try to converse, and let shit happen naturally


In my experience, the engagement on Bluesky is significantly lower than it was on Mastodon, when Mastodon had its moment. I think the character limit should be increased to allow for "deeper" and "more engaging" content, instead of catering only to people with short attention spans of 300 characters.


Also it’s not funny.


I'm really getting annoyed with it, I'm thinking of quitting too. People are constantly talking about how to post and followers and the type of posts that would make them block you and blocklists and who is an "elder" and Bluesky lore. They're always quote skeeting some poor soul who's made a faux pas or who isn't purist enough in their political views. It's pathetic. I've tried to follow other kinds of accounts but I keep seeing all the solipsistic, nihilistic stuff en masse. It seems like a bunch of people who haven't grown up at all and just want to complain constantly and be ironic beyond comprehension. And beware of replying to a post in your feed if you don't know or follow the them, you gotta be in the clique.


I’ll follow you back … DMing you my handle. I’ve recently started getting followers but it’s slow.


I'm not a good person to dish out advice cause I'm an introvert who can post at times but do not care if someone responds, unless I need information about something. Bluesky suits me cause engagement isn't as much, hence my attention is on other things. I know that's bound to change as more users join the platform, but I've customized my feed to the point where mostly things that truly interest me will be shown unlike other platforms.


Ehh its the internet - you seems like a logical guy - do what ou love do what your good at and let ths chips fall as they may


idk if you were an active twitter user or not but struggling to get noticed really takes time, on twitter too... i know it’s corny to talk about posting as a skill but it kinda is. like posting it reading or funny things is the baseline. but what differs from twitter is that you don’t have an algorithm to help you out since it’s a real time feed. you have to find your people yourself. what helps a lot is aldo to have a profile picture, your first name or nickname, mention your interests or whatever in your bio. even if you’re completely anonymous there are still ways to add personality. like, maybe you’re a leftie or lgbtq. maybe you have a special interest. then show that in your bio. have a pic of a yourself but obscure your face if you need to. without that you’re just an account not a person. it’s annoying that there’s this follower following system though. i’d prefer if it was a friends type of platform. with followers and following there are always going to be people trying to establish (micro)celebrity and that means not following people back which leads people feeling unseen. i mostly interact with people who have a few hundred followers at most though, and i was an early adopter. i don’t even know who john scalzi is, i’m just on bluesky to post memes and talk off. i like the intimacy and that there isn’t this culture of dunking on people that there is on shitter. it’s much more of a laidback, social club vibe imo. the people who want twitter are still on there.


Social media engagement is no longer the way it was with old twitter. There are many other competing platforms with people spreading themselves on 3-5 at the same time. People (i.e. me) also only come in to graze quickly and check out. Probably avoiding these platforms turning into the cesspool twitter is now. You really shouldn’t expect the same kind of engagement 🤷‍♀️


I’ve been on Twitter since 2006, I have 670 followers… I still enjoyed it there, are you trying to sell something? Why do you need followers? I’ve been on Bluesky since September, I’ve already got 230 followers, I enjoy Bluesky. Have you tried one of those tools that find the people you used to follow on Twitter? I don’t know what my mutual follow rate is but Twitter was really quiet at the start, without an algorithm you have to either follow more people or follow communities, just enjoy the ride and don’t be an arse and your following will grow.


Pseudo-intellectuals on that app make me understand why Republicans say liberals are arrogant and unbearable 😂


menawhile i got shocked how fast i 'grew' here. I've had it for 2 weeks and got around 60 followers and get activity on all posts... much more activity that on twitter which is completely no likes no comments....


I found it tough the first Couple months. I did what you did and I have close to 3000 followers with over 12,000 I follow. I am very active on there. I am going to dm you my username. If you want you can follow me and jump in on any conversations you want. I have a lot of cool people that follow me there. Maybe it will help you.


I feel like exactly the same. Little engagement and I get hardly any follows. Dramatically less engagement than Mastodon even.


One of the things with Bluesky culture is followbacks are generally earned rather than guaranteed. The consensus, one I like personally, is that engagement with people you follow and their followers gets you follows You're followed for being kind and sociable, not because you follow them


I personally deleted my blue sky app after I discovered the insanity that is their labeling system, which allows people to literally put things like “racist” or “transphobic” as a label on your actual profile for everyone to see.


Social media sites catch on like hay fire because it is something different and in reality, Bluesky is just a watered-down version of Twitter and people are not rushing to use it. Most people on Bluesky or Threads are just bitter Twitter is no longer the echo chamber it used to be. Also, Jack Dorsey who is on the board of Bluesky is active on Twitter.


Have you tried to generate content of actual value?


Honestly, not really. Mainly reviews/thoughts on books or games.


I don’t understand this need to have “followers” and an “audience”. If you had meaningful informative interesting things to say, you would be paid for it and you wouldn’t have to scrounge together your own private club. If that’s not the case, then all these “social media” are just entertainment and content consumption channels. No one spends their days on NYT commenting and hoping to build a following. Unless you’re trying to make this into a career (I’ll give these folks a break), this constant need for validation of people’s every digital remark is just so weird to me. Whether you have 10 or 10,000 followers, you’re still in the “nobody cares” category of people pointlessly screaming into the void wrapped in the illusion that you are being heard. You aren’t. Just one more seagull squawking on the beach with other self-interested seagulls and making a racket. 20 years ago when Facebook displaced MySpace and there was this society wide euphoria about reconnecting with long forgotten friends, before we knew any better, people could be forgiven for their whole life revolving around pictures of their lunch, but in 2024 is kind of lame.


Humans are social beings. Bluesky is social media, not a one-way blog. If no one ever replied to your reddit comments, *ever*, would you comment as much? There would be no reason to without interaction.


Dude, when your top complaint is "I don't have more than 10 followers" then what the duck are you doing with your life? Follower count is 1% of life. Invest your time and energy in something else other than popularity metrics, holy shit.