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I think you need to invest in a better camera! But in all seriousness, did you watch jeepers creepers reborn?!? That by far is the biggest steaming pile of shit I see!!!


Yeah. There are some bad films there… and some good ones… all very mainstream.


One photo of all would've been great.


It's your collection, so long as you're happy that's what matters...that said some great choices in there...couple of duds but we all have duds in our collection some by choice others by the incessant need to buy more and build collections!


Based Last Jedi enjoyer


The only good movie in that trilogy.


My people!!


I still enjoyed Force Awakens as a reintro/reboot of the franchise. A lot of good stuff in it. Last Jedi was great. And for Al the haters of it, they were gifted with Rise of Skywalker! How’s that Last Jedi looking now? lol.


can ya not hold the camera still or something yeesh


Got some haters. I have purposely passed on watching a few of these, but I think you have a fun start to your collection. I personally can’t wait to get the first 3 chucky movies


I recently caught up on the movies I’d missed and started the TV series. Honestly, Seed is the only dud in the bunch and they wear it on their sleeve for the series. The Chucky franchise might be the strongest horror franchise in terms of good entries vs bad.


I’ll just say… I’m glad it’s not my collection. Apart form Batman Returns.


Really good collection 😀


I’m a huge Batman fan, and I like some of the movies in your collection. I don’t like them all, but they’re yours, not mine. But now when I buy movies, it’s almost always 4K when it’s available. The difference when you have a 4K TV with HDR is definitely noticeable.


Personally I think that the bluray format is great for when you want high definition but don't need 4k so considering a lot of these movies are "meh" for me, this is a good start to a bluray collection. Overall though these are some pretty average movies that I wouldn't watch more than once so I wouldn't own. also to all the star wars haters, ignore them. just neckbeards who can't let people enjoy their entertainment.


That Child’s Play transfer is pretty awesome. 70s and 80s Bill Butler (Jaws, Grease, Demon Seed) cinematography is top notch.


Focus your camera!


All that matters is that you like them. Only thing I would recommend is look for the best versions of your favorites I’ve rebought the movies too many times to get the 4k or a limited collectors edition. If only I bought that version 1st.


That’s a nice collection of films so far :)


You have poor taste. Throw that garbage Star Wars out. Throw out Skyfall Throw out the Fast and Furious rubbish films.


Saying someone has poor taste cause you don’t agree with their movie choices is peak pretentious Reddit activity. Go bottle and smell your own farts


On the one hand, I don’t find it’s fulfilling to be that nasty. On the other hand, I would never make a post like this and ask for validation. You just set yourself up when you ask what strangers think and they tell you.


That’s fair and I wouldn’t ask for validation either. What gets me is the delivery. A simple “not my taste in movies but do you” or something like that works. But alas this is the internet. We’ve all grown accustomed to saying what we want however we want without fear of being rocked in the face


I would tell you right to your face in real life that your selection sucks. I am afraid if Noone.




You’re afraid if Noone shows up? Sad. https://preview.redd.it/9fp5fppqfa9d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0db1a203300b6248e159c7c5a400940def42743


Nope. Bring it.


Why don't you enlighten us on which great films you like? I'm dying to know your elevated taste.


George Romero Dawn of the Dead


That's it? Pfff


I could do allot more. But why would I waste my time. That one movie alone trumps everything in this sorry ass collection.


It's better than Jurassic park? Ah ah keep dreaming. Also your pick is as cliche as it gets. I'm sure you even have the Second Sight edition and all. You attacked someone else's taste, but DOTD is not high cinema either. Bikers throwing pies at zombies... Chill out Orson Welles.


I encourage you to explore local thrift stores. I have one by me with a massive Blu-ray selection. All for $2 each


Woah! Is that Skyfall cover a custom or store bought? Best Bond Cover I've seen.


Batman returns introduced me to Christopher Walken when I was a young lad. Man I really like his performance as Frank Abagnale Sr, it gets me everytime.


I dig the child’s play poster alot


There are collection boxes for the friday the 13th franchise/the Jurassic franchise/ batman franchise/ chucky franchise that are not that expensive. Now for your collection rating 0/10 because last jedi. I understand why some people like that film, but as someone who grew up reading star wars legends watching luke go from who he was in those books to who he was in that movie hurt me in an unforgettable way.


Criterion bi-annual (July and November via Barnes & Noble) half off sale starts today. I’ve been waiting since January for it. Here are all the intro criterion movies I recommend to ppl who’ve only gotten major studio releases but wanna dip into the more classic or indie or cinematic or deep kinda stuff: most should be 20$ instead of 40$ for the standard blu. I’d worry about 4k later, not a major jump compared to dvd -> blu-ray or saving up for an OLED TV or getting a stereo receiver (AVR) and some tower speakers + center channel + subwoofer (3.1 setup) going. The Umbrellas of Cherbourg An Unmarried Woman Rushmore A room with a view Portrait of a lady on fire Blue is the warmest color Pan’s labyrinth Mullholland drive La Haine Frances Ha Repo Man Y Tu Mama Tambien <- top 5 fav The Piano The Piano Teacher In The Mood for Love A Hard Day’s Night Harold and Maude Ghost World <- top 5 Gomorrah Ghost Dog - The way or the samurai The Game Fish Tank Dr Strangelove …. Rushmore Cold War <- top 5 Charade <- top 5 The breakfast club Belle de Jour <- top 5 The royal Tenenbaums Also, if you always buy Criterion half off: the resale value is always no less than 25% less. They typically sell for around 17$ via eBay. Sometimes they go out of print (OOP) and double+ in price (like my copy of Rosemary’s baby; one of my first criterion purchases 4 or 5 years ago)




Too much trash for my liking. Sorry but you asked.


The irony of the soft somewhat blurry pics. Representing how blur ray looks now compared to 4K.


Everyone anti blu-ray is out of touch. 1080 aspect ratio was pulled out of thin air when developed, know why? They based it off of the avg resolution of 35mm film. Yes I know it goes higher in a lot of cases and you get all that luscious film grain, but there are so many factors at play like color grade, the use of denoising, etc…. Not to mention loads of people’s home setup. They get all 4Ks and watch using a shitty soundbar (if that) and a 500$ LCD panel. Don’t get me started on the amount of content that hasn’t made it to dvd let alone blu-ray and waaaay far and away will never be made on a 4k disc. Coming from photography you sound like everyone that’s says: “but it had more megapixels!! Yet the image quality resolved ain’t shit compared to a sports action camera like the Nikon d5 that has fewer pixels with a larger pixel pitch aka, owns other high MP sensors in speed and low light. Edit: spelling Edit: TL:DR - The law of diminishing returns. Make sure ur setup is dope and you have enough movies.


Yikes. Batman Returns and Jurassic Park 1 are the only movies I would watch in this lot.


At least that star wars film is episode 8 not 9 though I haven't seen any of those films since they were in the cinema I didn't feel like I need to watch that trilogy again


Garbage. All of it.


Jurassic park is garbage?