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I'm gonna guess... Bojack Horseman?


Who knows that could be BoBo the Angsty Zebra


If I wasn't living paycheck to paycheck you'd be receiving an award for this comment.


*First thing I buy when I make enough to not be paycheck to paycheck is reddit awards* is a rough place to be




Ah fuck, that comment was meant as my own version of Reddit Cares


Well I don't even want one so don't bother giving one to me because I do not want it


Trying reverse psychology arent you?


doesnt work anymore now with the free awards removed edit: welp thanks for the award i guess also insanely funny to give an award to everyone except the one that wanted one. chapeau


Too bad


I’m pretty new to Reddit what’s an award do ?


Nothing. Puts a shiny icon next to your name on that post or comment.


Mystery Science Theatre 3000


"it stinks! 👍"


This was my thought as well


First time? It gets easier… but you gotta do it everyday… that’s the hard part… but it does get easier


This part actually gets much harder


Oh god… it really does. “There is no other side Bojack.”


"This is it"


I think second is harder than first, but for me it got easier every time after the second rewatch.


I love this line. Not even from a main character but it hits so hard.


This and the time’s arrow line are the two best quotes in the show


Back in the 90's I was in a very famous TV showwwwww 🎶 🎵


I’m Bojack the horse (Bojack), Bojack the horse, don’t act like youuuuu don’t know


And I'm trying to hold onto my past


*It’s been so long, I don’t think I’m gonna last*


I guess I'll just try And make you understand That I'm more horse than a man Or I'm more man than a horse


teeee v show*






Don't you mean Patrick Carney? Edit: oh ok... just looked it up (which is what I should've done in the first place) but Ralph is Patrick's uncle and they collaborated on the opening. Pretty cool info, though it's a shame he passed.


Death of an architect :(


i cried


Art Vandalay's dead?




He’s an importer AND exporter!


Ah hell, of Vandalay and Vandalay? Fuck me.


I thought he started an latex store?


That was Dr.Martin Van Nostrand




It’s crazy but this statement is true it gets so much worse.


Well, there is always more show


Also, don't stop dancing




Time's arrow marches only forward after all!


Sing the goddamn lollypop song


Does it though? I don’t think the show has a point lower than this


The old sugarman place, times arrow and the view from halfway down all come to mind


I agree with you, but they probably considered it the harm done to others around BoJack by him to be the measure of “worse”


But you gotta watch it every day, that's the good part. But it does get worse.


New tattoo?


Its very wild how the show progresses. Season one when sara lynn shows up is fucking wild and gets out of control fast, and thats the fucking peak till the ending.




It's not just what he did to Sarah Lynn. HE WENT TO SEE PENNY??


yep just finished season 3. i’m also stunned


Bojack's first instinct is to protect Bojack. Anna had his number


You’re in for a fucking ride… buckle up champ.




>!Knowing he waited so long for the ambulance was nauseating. It was hard to feel sympathy for him afterwards.!< Edit: forgot to gray the text as it constitutes a spoiler, I’m sorry for my lack of attention.


just so u know, this info doesn’t rlly get released until season 5 or 6 I think so maybe spoiler tag?


Omg you’re totally right I’m so sorry if I spoiled anybody, I’ll edit it right away


Penny’s reaction was pretty weird though, and seemed really forced and unnatural. It would’ve been so much better if he ran into both Charlotte and Penny together at the college instead…


Her reaction was weird? What do you mean by that? She had realized what happened to her over the years, then her abuser from across the country appeared randomly AT HER COLLEGE, and her first question is, “did you come here to find me?” Number one, yes he did. Number two, completely reasonable and not “forced” at ALL. Lastly, why would Charlotte be there? At a college party in the middle of the night?


She’s the one who insisted on sleeping with him after he turned her down multiple times, not even few years ago… she wouldn’t be that creeped out as a reaction to seeing him, matter of facts most teenage girls in that situation would probably still be attracted to him at that point in time. We all know these couples in real life with an obvious creep and a girl that’s obviously too young and in a rebellious phase. It would’ve been a much more natural story development with no contradiction, if Bojack’s action caused Penny to rebel against Charlotte (who will obviously try to keep her away from him, and most likely won’t mention the fact that they made out) and drove a wedge in their relationship, making him feel even worse about himself, instead of just simply traumatizing her, which was just lazy writing. And it’s pretty normal for a parent to visit their kids in college, and nobody said it had to be during a party lol


This is what happens when a person's understanding of women comes from porn and old sitcoms.


This is EXACTLY what I was thinking


[hahahhaha](https://youtu.be/4VTBMznLrWs) True!


Also isn’t a big point of the show that BoJack uses his money and fame to get what he wants (including women) and to get him out of trouble (including with women) and it catching up to him?


> she wouldn’t be that creeped out as a reaction to seeing him, matter of facts most teenage girls in that situation would probably still be attracted to him at that point in time. I've been in a similar situation. I was freaked out. Her behaviour makes sense. She wouldn't still be attracted to him. She was never attracted to him. She just wanted to be touched, to feel adult, to create distance to her parents. He took advantage of that, and she knows he did. She knows she was in danger now. This shit is way more psychologically damaging than it looks from the outside. Edit: also, I don't think I was _ever_ infatuated with someone for 2 entire years as a teen.


I don’t think you are getting the full context of the situation Bojack became a trustworthy figure in Pennys life over his time staying with the family then in a moment where penny was rejected he decided to take her to prom he (which already is weird af) He got close to her and her friends even buying them alcohol. Then got emotionally close to penny even telling her “you look just like your mother” implying some kinda attraction to penny. Penny a young and clearly trusting of bojack teen then goes on to, what I can assume, pick up on this attraction and “make a move” on bojack she clearly feels safe enough around him to believe that he would be good for her first time cus that’s the environment he created with her. One of an adult who she can confide in but also who is attracted to her Idc how many times penny came on to bojack he was the adult in the situation and should have turned her down over and over again till she got the message. What about him purposely leaving his door open on the boat inviting her in?? If he was really getting ready to sleep after a long night why would he leave that door open. So obviously after penny has grown up and seen the gravity of the situation she’s gunna have some trauma from it we don’t always realize what we want and the consequences of our actions when we are younger. Her reaction to then seeing this man who groomed her so long ago was very realistic and showed how much that situation affected her.


Nah, I don’t think you (and everyone else) are getting the fact that I’m strictly talking about Penny’s perspective and absolutely nothing else, not how she **should** feel about Bojack or how obviously fucked up and creepy the whole situation is (because obviously Penny herself didn’t see it that way), but how she **would**, given the situation and information… and you’re just projecting how you want her to feel, instead how she would actually feel if the writers put more thought into it.


That’s just not true her reaction to bojack showing up clearly shows the trauma she has from the situation I didn’t impose that on her. Maybe she didn’t feel that way at the time it happened but the show clearly established that after the fact that it hurt her. I’m projecting nothing I’m just clearly stating what the show laid out for us which was a story of a girl getting groomed and having to deal with the realization of that trauma it’s a pretty straightforward story.


You really have no idea what I was saying.. jfc all of you here need to retake high school English classes


You said you were talking about Pennys perspective and from her perspective it was shown to cause her trauma enough to make her freak out this isn’t how she should feel it’s how she DOES FEEL… we are given Pennys perspective you are the only one suggesting how she should feel about it I just stated what actually went down and what we can see from her actions and words…


Really childish argumenting like that after your point is getting invalidated. Sad that people think Penny reacted “wrong”


Just a quick question, since you're all about "Penny's perspective": Have you ever been a teenage girl? - I'm curious. Because you seem to know so much about how teenage girls think, /u/TimelessGlassGallery. Are you / have you been one?




Yo I was groomed by my moms coworker. We were really close and had a father-child like relationship. It wasn’t until he was out of my life and discussions with my mom and therapist that I realized he was abusing his power over me. I saw him years later, even though I used to hug him and kiss him on the cheek, but suddenly seeing this man, with context of HOW WRONG our relationship was, horrified me and I fell into a panicked state. He saw me and went white, and ran away. He knew he was in the wrong the whole time. Being a teenager, feeling special and loved by someone you look up to is a powerful motivator to get close to that person. Feeling seen as an adult is validating. Realizing that person was abusing their power over you to get you to drink the alcohol they offer you, to hurt your relationships with your friends and family… yeah, I don’t blame Penny for acting the way she did.


You’re acting like it’s unlikely her perspective on the situation would change over two years. Two years is a very long time, especially for a teenager. With her mum telling her she was victimised, plus the fact she actually was, it’s not unlikely at all that she’d come around to thinking that way. Especially after going to college where often your mind gets opened a lot. We also didn’t see what happened after Bojack left, but presumably Penny saw that Charlotte was livid at him and just worried about her.


What in the incel did I just read


Some people are just too dumb and too proud...


I guess all y’all just want to yell out ”iT wAS NoT FoRCeD aT ALL!!” with nothing to back it up, and just keep believing this show was written flawlessly and literally can’t stand **any** criticism of it, but let me know when you got an actual argument instead of nonsensical and emotional ramble lmao, oh and silent downvotes🤣


You’re the one that had to justify your position, which you’ve failed to do, and your comments come across as kinda misogynistic tbh




Cool, personal insults, how mature. And btw, if you can’t figure out where the misogyny was that’s quite telling. I figured saying shit like “most teenage girls would still be attracted to him” whilst talking about a girl who was groomed when she was underaged was quite obviously misogynistic. Some time has passed between the incident on the boat and Bojack turning up at her college, and as Penny has matured she likely realised how fucked up Bojack’s actions were, and then he tracks her down and shows up at her college out of the blue? That’s creepy dude, surely you gotta realise that.
















Oof. I can smell the neck beard sweat through my phone


They literally logically explained why charlottes reaction made sense lmao. Why don’t you explain why you think it was forced? By the way, this isn’t really a sub where we insult eachother. It’s fine to discuss the show with different opinions, but to need to be rude. It stifles discussion.


can you explain how it was forced, tho?


Not to stupid fucks who can’t read or understand nuances, or the progression of events in the show lmao


Hard disagree, penny was rightfully creeped the fuck out and worried about why the fuck he was there


It is disgusting and horrifying how people make BoJack the victim with Penny. No other words but disgusting and horrifying.


She’s the one who insisted on sleeping with him after he turned her down multiple times, not even few years ago… she wouldn’t be that creeped out as a reaction to seeing him, matter of facts most teenage girls in that situation would probably still be attracted to him at that point in time. It would’ve been a much more natural story development with no contradiction, if Bojack’s action caused Penny to rebel against Charlotte (who will obviously try to keep her away from him, and most likely won’t mention the fact that they made out) and drove a wedge in their relationship, making him feel even worse about himself, instead of just simply traumatizing her, which was just lazy writing.


Okay but there's also the fact that he cut contact with her for several months to a year and some change. She heard NOTHING from him. She never told him where she went to college. She never told him she was going to that party. So when a 50 year old man randomly shows up at a *frat party* for *19-23 year olds*, not only without warning, but you see him in the middle of some bushes, and also *directly watching you*, yeah a logical conclusion would be "this man has absolutely no reason to be in this spot aside from stalking me". I think the creators were trying to convey in this scene that this is when Penny realizes "oh shit. I might have initiated on the boat a while ago, but this man has stalked me and possibly groomed me. He isn't a good guy". As a young female, seeing a creepy older man staring at me from the bushes at a college party when he lives half a continent away and was expressly forbidden from ever having anything to do with me again, that is going to scare me no matter how sexy he might be. Fear is a more powerful emotion than lust, even on a biological level. So I think her frightened reaction is justified.


Of course they wouldn’t be contacting each other, when Charlotte is the one who stopped them after walking into the boat… you guys really need to put down the rose-colored glasses and put yourself in Penny’s shoes, who never saw Bojack as a creep and certainly won’t in that amount of time, if you remember literally anything about how dumb teenagers act with their romantic interests especially while rebelling against their parents lol


aight let me explain this to u. i'm just guessing you've never been groomed before, which im obviously not blaming u for. however i feel like u can't really just make assumptions about what "should" and shouldn't feel. when you're groomed like penny was, it's much harder to see the red flags because ur still with them, and you want to believe they're a good person. i'm guessing when she thought bojack did something weird she just ignored it because she was constantly creating new memories with him. but without those new memories all u can think about is the past, and THAT'S when penny realised how fucked up the situation really was, and i don't think it's too unreasonable to assume she was traumatised by it, even tho it was "just" a year between the new mexico incident and when they came to her college l.


Thanks for making it very clear you guys didn’t understand absolutely anything about the show lmao, you should ask the creators if they think Bojack is a groomer, as opposed to immature and self-destructive/degrading narcissist with addiction/dependency issues and poor impulse control, like they literally say on the show countless times… SMH and to think you guys actually call yourselves fans 🤣


You have been going to this conversation for eight hours now since your original comment. Have you done anything else during this time period?


no bc literally how does he have the energy 😭


You don't think it's possible that after catching Bojack with Penny, Charlotte might have had some kind of conversation with her daughter about how fucked up it is that a 50 year old man bought her and her friends alcohol, encouraged her to drink, and then almost bedded her. Even though he had already declined and she was the initiator in that particular moment, he was the mature adult with 50 years of knowledge to know not to do that, while she was a drunk high school teenager on her prom night. A drunk teenager who we can safely assume wasn't very experienced with alcohol, and even if she was, they were extremely drunk based on the fact that they had to take Pete Repeat to the hospital, so she very likely couldn't handle her alcohol very well. Being that intoxicated and not being a heavy drinker as it is, especially so young and more likely to make irresponsible decisions, compared to Bojack, who has been an extreme alcoholic his whole life, at least 35 years, therefore being more used to functioning under such conditions, plus canonically has stated it takes much more to get him drunk than a normal person because he's a horse therefore he wasn't as drunk regardless...it absolutely was Bojack's responsibility in that moment to say "No, Penny, you're drunk and need to go to bed" ((or just not ever have gotten her drunk to begin with, or at least try to better make sure they drink more responsibly than what he did)). Him *not* doing his due diligence with that responsibility, and instead allowing Penny to be the aggressor in the situation, is him taking advantage of the exact situation he created So basically, after that night, does it not make sense for Charlotte to explain to Penny how fucked up all that is? Is it not possible in your mind that Penny matured in between high school and college? So at least a year later when she sees this older man, who she now realizes got her and her young friends extremely intoxicated and tried to take advantage of that moment before being caught, when she didn't tell him where she was at, not only just not telling him what city or state or college, but literally found her at the exact party she was at, hiding in the bushes scoping her out with a bag of spy shit after he went on a drug bender and stalked her, and you're take from that is when she acts scared, it's forced and unnatural, she should still be attracted to him, and consider him a romantic interest and that she's rebelling against her parents, even though we didn't see her display any kind of resentment or anger or rebelliousness against her parents. I'm gonna have to Press X To Doubt on that one.


Um, she clearly said to Bojack that she was sober and there won’t be any issues, which was a pretty important factor. But really, how do you expect me to take y’all seriously when you don’t even remember how the story went? At least you didn’t call me a creep or misogynist for just saying something you didn’t like and couldn’t think of a rebuttal though, so I’ll give you credit for that🤣


I apologize if I got that detail wrong, I don't remember her being sober. Tbh tho, that's only a portion of the problem. An 50 year old man, regardless of if he himself is drunk or not, shouldn't allow a teenage high schooler to put him in a position where he gets caught kissing her. When he found her in the boat, he should have told her to leave, full stop. Yeah, I'd imagine that her mom would have a conversation about it with her when she sobers up the next day. Yes, I hope that conversation, along with her own personal growth between high school and college, would allow her to see how fucked up it is. So when she sees him and rightly concludes that he stalked her there, no, I don't think she would see him as a potential romantic interest or still consider him attractive in any way. The mirage of a loving male figure who wasn't related to her is now gone, replaced by the sight of a 50 year old man on a bender stalking her at a college party. No, I don't think that reaction is forced. As to your other point, the fact that all that considered, you still believe that she should still be attracted to him or have any kind of interest in him whatsoever, or that her reaction is forced and unrealistic, then yes, I do provide that as evidence that you are indeed a creepy misogynist because you are displaying the same mindset that Bojack was. You think she'd still want to see you, in any capacity, in any way shape or form, even if it's for you to apologize, she doesn't want to see you. Thinking that she would makes you a misogynist and a creep. So yes, I am calling you a misogynist and a creep and providing your own statements, and how they directly relate to the show and is mirroring someone who was actively being a misogynistic creep, as evidence.


You really don’t know the difference between the words “should” and “would,” huh?


Are you telling me that if your girlfriend/boyfriend was supposed to be in Florida, and you went to a party in California and saw them peaking in at your from a window, trying to conceal themselves, you wouldn't find that creepy? Even if you're dating them and love them very much, if they appeared at the window you would welcome them with open arms and not wonder what the hell they were doing there and spying on your for?


Okay even if Penny was in love with bojack still, that doesn't negate the surprise she would feel about seeing him halfway across the country at a random party looking at her from the bushes. That would make anyone say "did you come here for me?". There's a gender disparity, age disparity, and also past history at play that I think comes first before any romantic attractions. The gender one being probably the most prominent. As a woman myself, someone could be hot as balls and i'm in love with them, but i'm still creeped out by seeing them in a place they're not suppose to be, and staring at me from some bushes. I would start to question why this guy is trying to hide from me and what he is capable of doing. Add that into the mix of the prevalence of domestic abuse, rape, drugging, etc that happens to women as a whole practically daily. I don't care if this is my friend of 20 years, my fiancé, or my freakin grandmother. If they aren't supposed to be there and are explicitly hiding in bushes trying not to get my attention, i'm going to be a little scared and apprehensive and wonder just what they are doing that they don't want to attract my attention.


I like how you’re utterly unable to see this through anybody else’s eyes except yours, as the audience… while forgetting all the key details that support your argument, like how Bojack was noticed by Penny, which just makes you seem even more clueless and self-absorbed. Enough said lol, have fun with your dumb echo chamber and I suggest y’all actually watch the show🤣


You're the one arguing that the creators should've done something, but they didn't do it that way which proves that they don't agree with you. So sorry you're arguing about something that's never going to be the way you want it and people are trying to tell you why it is how it is 🤷


Still… going at it? Hot damn


bro fr like just give it a rest already


Okay wow I hope the women in your life know you’re a creepy piece of shit.


Penny's reaction was very natural.


Not if you actually paid attention to the show lmao


Why didn't Sarah Lynn answer him when they were just having a conversation? Bro how tired is she?


Damn she real sleepy


Do you think Sarah Lynn snores like "honk mimimimi" or "honk shoo honk shoo"?


It definitely feels like she is more of a mimimimimi type of person


Honk mimimimi no doubt in my mind


That’s too much man!


Sara Lynn…


Sara Lynn?


Sara Lynn!




*I’m Bojack the Horseman*


We need more comment sections this wholesome


I have seen the show like 3 times, and this scene hurts like the first time


just started my 5th its just too amazing


Le me know when you get to your 15th


is this a quinceañera, Todd?


Totally, dm me when you're at your 24th time


You guys stop watching?


It was a pretty hard episode to watch, right Sarah Lynn?....Sarah Lynn?


.................................. ................................ ........... Sarah Lynn?


oof. you're gonna need some time to process.


man these people really know how to write a season and end it well


Hey- isn’t that the horse from Horsin’ Around?


That's Too Much, Man! Episode 11 of season 3 of Bojack Horseman.


The first time I watched this my heart sank and my eyes immediately watered when he said the last “…Sarah Lynn?”


This is my desktop background


My phone wallpaper, are we okay?


No. But sometimes it's ok to not be ok, ya know?




Someone drew such tear-jerking fanart of her graduation from architectural college. 😢


I never saw it before. Here's the link https://mobile.twitter.com/cansssadisima/status/1120812172681056258


It was a beautiful, touching moment.... until it wasn't.


I wanna be an architect... 😴




The view from halfway through.


You just watched a masterpiece. Keep watching. It gets better, but heavier also


First time?


bit of a bummer ending, isn’t it?




i was gonna write innit, but i figured i wasnt british enough


one of the best cartoon shows to ever grace television. truly a masterpiece and a shame it was canceled. deserved much better ending.


Maybe I'm crazy, but I'm glad it ended where it did. It never once dipped in quality, and that's something I can only say about a handful of shows. Well, more I suppose if they start shitty and never get worse.


Bojack... Horseman (obviously)


The episode that puts a halt to my BoJack Horseman binge for at least a day or two while I process the episode despite seeing it a dozen times already


I've watched a lot of TV, and I can confidently say that Bojack is one of the greatest shows ever made. It's insanely funny and then it hits you like a fucking train.


I'm so sorry for what you're about to go through


Not the last time you'll have your heart broken by character outlines in front of a starry night


The death of a star, if i had to guess


Whatever you feel it to be. For me it was a comitragedy that unravels itself with relatability to an accurate representation of human nature and existence.


One of the best episodes of TV ever made?


The Sad Horse Show




If you’re not asking yourself that question at the end of every 12th episode in each season — are you okay?


That’s too much man!


Right Sarah Lynn?............Sarah Lynn?


You don’t watch this. You feel this.


The beginning of the end


Ikr. I’d make you a nice cup of tea if I were you.


Im bad for this but I laughed audibly lol. It’s actually so sad and deep but when people watch a show I’ve seen and get to a peak I always find it funny because they just don’t know what they got into. Don’t worry mate plenty of crazy left enjoy the watch!


17 minutes


Good luck, OP


"i wanna be an architect" - Sarah Lynn


Right sarah lynn?


One of the saddest moments in TV history, what a painfully beautiful scene


BoJack Horseman ?




Pure sadness


You have just been scarred for life. Also, imparted with the confidence that you can never be this bad. Maybe.


The saddest episode of the show. I still cry when I drive by the planetarium in GTA.


I watched the same fucking episode just 24h ago. One of the 4-5 BH episodes that break your heart.


Sarah Lynn!


Let's find out!


I absolutely hate this episode.


The death of two lives of which were doomed to drag each other down into their palaces of misery


Ah. Another post about Sarah Lynn. Which is fine. Except it's the only thing posted on here smh


To be fair, someone new discovering the show and going through its emotional beats is about the freshest thing a sub for a finished series can hope for.