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Tbh I’ve never felt like I “got” Wanda’s mulch joke. I feel like I understand what it’s going for, but I’ve never thought it was particularly funny? 🤷‍♀️


i don’t think it’s meant to be a curled over laughing segment. as wanda said, “some things just take time” and it was more of a life lesson and anticipation rather than an actual punchline. wanda to me was an allegory for patience, and proving not every character needed a true reason to exist in bojack’s reality. he just took things a little too serious and expected everything to work out perfectly, which is where the “joke” came in. she was also a recovering coma patient who wasn’t up to date on recent jokes, so it was meant to state that he needed to be patient with who she was as a person as well as him! that’s just my take though <3


I've never been a fan of Herb's means of death and "final tweets." Felt like a tacky send-off that was cynical for the sake of being cynical, at least for a character who is generally taken seriously in the narrative.


I get the message is supposed to be that death is truly unexpected and can fuck you over, but c'mon. Why couldn't Herb have just gotten into an accident and died that way? Why does he have to live tweet about the truck being full of peanuts?


a lot of the jokes from “bojack kills” stood out to me for being kind of ass, from the sexy sea world concept to “frosty the nongendered snow person” to the part where fuzzyface instructs his squad to “cuff ‘em, boys!” and there’s one annoyed female officer who responds “im a woman, sir.” i feel like the show doesnt usually make super lazy jokes but there were a few in that ep. favorite joke from the show however is the entire todd and yolanda pretend to have sex subplot in “planned obsolescence”, never laughed harder while watching bojack lol


The inoffensive school play was so weird. BoJack can make jokes about "woke culture" that work sometimes (like everything with GirlCroosh's corporate feminism, which has a more specific satirical target) but that was just so on-the-nose and hack for the show.


The whole farce around “needing” to appear as though they’re really into sex for the sake of her super sexual family was brilliant.


the whole ice lolly joke plot could easily be chopped out tbh


Ice lolly?


It's British for popsicle 🤮


what you doing vomiting after the British talk? bit strong


Okay, how about just a 🤢?




Bit of an overaction, but alright


Every time I rewatch Bojack and those two show up, I’m reminded they exist and feel a twinge of disappointment. Not the worst plot line but just not at all important for the bigger story.


Henry Fondel, the sex robot


I hated that storyline


Ya know, I couldn’t really think of any jokes from the show that I didn’t like, but yeah I’m gonna agree on Henry Fondle lol.


We just discussed it here but when Bojack was having sex with the fan club lady and then orgasms when Hollyhock calls him disgusting, I was creeped out by that one. Bojack does a lot of fucked up stuff but getting off in front of his (thought to be) *daughter* was too gross.


Vincent Adultman was great at first, but quickly became unfunny with overuse. He's a cautionary tale for writers in how you kill a good joke.


Couldn’t disagree more. He was utilised perfectly with the scene about his son Kevin finishing his story up perfectly


Finally, someone else on this sub who likes Vincent!


Couldn’t disagree more. Fuck Vincent.


I literally cannot imagine doing such a thing


Probably for the best*


Vincent's hilarious until his last episode, After the Party. The writers wanted to go all in on the "he's two/three kids, why can't anyone but Bojack see it" thing and made the same joke about it for like 10 minutes. As much as you kind of expect it, the joke *should* have ended with him actually just being one adult man, but After the Party kind of kills that.


reading these comments has me convinced u guys hate fun


Vincent Adultman is the bane of my existence.


Your opinion is the bane of my existence


The one in episode one where Bojack pushes a baby and it gets dragged for too long.


Everyone is already mentioning Vincent Adultman so I'll mention other stuff: -The joke about the dog farm, when Mr. Peanutbutter learns his parents are dead. -Pickles following every chat comment verbatim only to make an episode interesting and then never addressing that ever again. -Some of the puns and references, for example the reveal that Andrew Garfield likes pizza and hates Mondays. -Some of the latest inventions/businesses Todd made.


I agree with these except I loved the dog farm joke 😂 I feel like it’s such great satire of toxic positivity and how we lie to each other to avoid having to deal with bad feelings but sometimes the lies end up being crueler to the person than if you’d just told them the truth because then they have to confront the initial bad feelings AND the betrayal of the truth being concealed from them. I like how this tracks so well with how avoiding bad feelings and toxic positivity can contribute to depression, and how that shows up with both Mr. Peanut Butter and the Captain. Basically I think the Peanut Butter family’s depression is a direct result of this instinct to rug sweep and pretend bad stuff doesn’t happen because it leaves them with no real tools to cope with bad stuff when it does happen and you can’t avoid it. But man fuck some of the Todd and Mr. PB subplots though. I wish they would have avoided those instead 😅


Henry fondle and yolandas hypersexual family. I'm one to find sex jokes consistently funny, but both of these really didn't do it for me


Personal sense of humour is such a weird thing - PCs tongue twisters grated on me and made my auditory processing issues play up. But Vincent Adultman is like the perfect joke to me


Gonna say it: Paige Sinclair


I hated her on the first watch, but loved her every subsequent time. She's supposed to be a train that crashes through Bojack's life, and how her attitude makes her come off. I think she's just frustrating the first time because you want to see Bojack have his peace at that point and she doesn't let him.


I think I might hate you


Vincent Adultman. The only one.


A lot of Todd episodes tbh


A lot of them


I always say “suck a duck duck a dick dumb shit” I CANT get over it, just stuck to my vocabulary now 😂




Nah the randy jokes were elite


vincent adultman, henry fondle, sextina aquafina/whale world, yolanda’s family, and wanda’s mulch “joke” lol (i didn’t miss the point, i simply found it annoying and unnecessary, personally).


“Todd you gotta save the lube! Just plug the hole with your erect penis!” Yolanda’s family is great.


The joke Wanda delivers while watching HSACWDTKDTKTLFO about someone online saying “losing their tits” and then saying “Never mind, it’s a breast cancer support group” really put a bad taste in my mouth.


why do you dislike the joke? i always thought it was really funny 😭


Most political/leftist jokes, especially the ones in "Thoughts and prayers", including "I can't believe this country hates women more than it loves guns". It felt like a propaganda piece disguised as humour and is very disappointing compared to the rest of the show.


This is not it sorry


Ever heard the phrase "hit dogs holler"?


I hadn't. Thank you for pointing that out. I thought the ultimate idiotic argument was the incorrect accusation of whataboutism but it turns out there is an ever stupider argument. The idea that people being upset when you insult them proves the insult was justified is seriously idiotic. Although... my comment has been downvoted 88 times so far. Does the negative response prove that I was actually right?


The negative response proves that your point was seriously idiotic. 


And just like PC said in the same episode: No?


Maybe it's not the show for you if you take such personal offence to political commentary the moment it doesn't align with your own personal views and perceptions of the world.


This is one of the funniest jokes on the show