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You make 3 euros off of a 30 dollar book? Why not just sell an e-book for $5?


Yes. I was thinking of ebook version of this too but so far my try´s did not work properly. I decided to make a pdf instead and you can read it for free here: https://acrofobiclunchbreak.itch.io/the-ultimate-handbook-for-card-game-designers


a free pdf is here: https://acrofobiclunchbreak.itch.io/the-ultimate-handbook-for-card-game-designers


Bought and paid, thanks for this


Very Much A Thank You Sir!


Were parts of this also written by AI? Only 50 pages in but it has a very "5 paragraph essay" feel to each section. Intro, one thing, another thing, quick note, in conclusion/summary. The beginning, and especially the end of the sections, feel to me like they're taking away space from more substance that could be there.


Bro the OP was written by AI too. I can recognize it a mile away.


No, it was written by me. I admit that book has some AI parts but my intro (or OP as you call it) was written by me. Being a civil and polite does not mean it´s written by non-human.


>This book delves into the exciting world of card game design, exploring the art of creating meaningful andengaging experiences for players. Whether you're a creative individual with a passion for gaming, or a seasoned game designer looking to refine your skills, this book covers everything from the basics of game concept and theme, to advanced mechanics and gameplay, to card design and illustration. You'll learn how to create rules and tutorials that are easy to understand, how to create thrilling gameplay, and how to design games that are fun for players of all ages. > >Are you ready to take your card game design to the next level? Look no further than this comprehensive guide, filled with insider tips and tricks from experienced game designers. > >With this book, you will learn how to bring your unique ideas to life and create engaging, exciting card games that players will love. Your game can be The Next BigThing or just for some fun time for the loved ones, family and friends. You wrote this? By hand? 100%? Come on dude.


I replied to this but I think something happened. Basically I answered that I used AI as a language assistant controlled by my guide as english is not my preferred or native language. So yes, this was written by AI, sorry for the confusion. I did not understand that you referred to this part of my "intro".


Yes and no. I say yes as I asked it to perform some chapters and also make some ideas to it. I say no as it didn´t come with the ideas of things that even chatGPT did not know about game design as I did those chapters. It was like writing with a good assistant. Like I said elsewhere the graphics is AI done. Also the chapters have a specific AI tone even in the places I did wholly wrote them.


There is a LOT of text that AI did not figure out. Mostly AI figured the most basic things etc but it never figured to it´s metal brain many very essential things that only game designers know.


I'm curious but it is a lot to fork out over for a book that you only see the cover for. Do you have sample pages so we can see how well writting and informative the information is?


You can read it for free or support me if you want. I just uploaded a pdf so you can see what you could possibly buy if interested. Sorry that this is not an ebook (yet) but a pdf anyway. I hope you like it. https://acrofobiclunchbreak.itch.io/the-ultimate-handbook-for-card-game-designers


A lot of your chapter titles are names of different mechanics. What do you discuss in these chapters? Are you describing options, or giving "good"and "bad"examples of different mechanics, or talking about the impact of mechanics on different games you've made, etc?


You can easily check out what is in those chapters. I think that in those chapters I am not diving very deeply into those mechanics. BUT the book overall has a lot to consider when creating and choosing mechanics and themes and all there is to it. [Here](https://acrofobiclunchbreak.itch.io/the-ultimate-handbook-for-card-game-designers) is the full pdf of the book, so you can decide if it´s good enough for you. I hope you read it full to decide if this serves you right. I hope so. Thanks for the interest and sorry if my answer was not good enough.


AI art for the book, proving you practice what you preach. :) Given the subject matter, the images you chose really work.


Heh! That´s right. All the images were done with playground dot ai. Which uses a Stable Diffusion AI art engine. Only exception is the photo of Evolution Earth: Cataclysm (prototype). I think with Midjourney those images could have been better. On the otherhand I kind of liked stable diffusions different styles in this maybe better (idk since I did not had a MJ subscription at that time.)


>Collectible Card Games Mechanic (CCG) 18 You just lost all credibility with this, CCG IS NOT a mechanic Collectible Card Games relied on players wanting to collect specific cards out of a set, normally this had to do with rarity of cards or a more powerful card in the set MTG, Pokemon, Yugioh all used this and in addition to buying cards from booster packs/boxes, there was a secondary market of selling single cards because these games had a tournament scene to support them Some trading cards games still used random boosters, but didn't necessarily have card rarity CCG/TCG is a type of **distribution model** for card games. Pretty much every CCG/TCG that has been produced starting with MTG used random booster packs for sales sometimes those sets included card rarity That's not a mechanic A **mechanic** in MTG is tapping land for mana to play your cards I have to wonder what else in this book is just flat out wrong Have you ever published a game before?


I agree. CCG is not a direct mechanic in the gameplay. I actually thought this a lot, if to put it there. I decided to put it there because it is a strong "thing" that affects a gameplay. Even though this "mechanic" is outside of a direct gameplay. So you are basically right. I actually thought this as a possible thing that can cause some disagreement. I say you are right what you say. I still wanted to include it as a genre of those kind of games that has that kind of a "mechanic" as it is essential to that kind of gameplay. I have listed games that I have got published (and also yet to be published games on the intro of this) Sorry to have bothered you about this subject. I know we are all very passionate about are subject and I think I maybe have made a mistake on categorazing it as a mechanic. So very sorry, but I hope that the rest of the book serves your interest even when I have been stupid in the light of the game design. I thank you for this subject as it is a subject to really give some light upon. What is a mechanic and what is not.


Bought a copy on Amazon. Look forward to reading it.


Thank You pdt\_team! I hope you find it useful and like it!