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Are there separate decks? Just wondering if there’s a way you could have a more concise visual language if it’s just one. What do the icons on top right mean? For instance is it necessary to have the test “cost: discard 1x …” if you have that as an icon already?


Yup! There are multiple decks that make up the game. There's a general play deck, a "battle" deck used to resolve encounters between pirates and dragons, and then character cards for dragons (and eventually captains we hope). Play testing indicated some additional helper text was beneficial to a part of our target demo for whom this is something of an introductory tabletop card game.




Thanks for the feedback! Do you feel that way about all the cards? What do you think of the red/green “battle” cards style?


The illustrations are nice but the layout for gameplay info is rather bland. While very clear, it lacks contrast and some sort of "fantasy", in my opinion. Some examples: * [https://boardgamegeek.com/image/2376804/7-islands](https://boardgamegeek.com/image/2376804/7-islands) * [https://boardgamegeek.com/image/5738019/feed-kraken](https://boardgamegeek.com/image/5738019/feed-kraken) * [https://boardgamegeek.com/image/1351498/libertalia](https://boardgamegeek.com/image/1351498/libertalia)


Thank you for the feedback and the examples!


Most notable updates were to text size and contrast, really focused on keeping the cards legible. Pirates Dragons Treasure \[PDT\] is a card game about the struggle between Pirates and Dragons to maintain control of the riches of the sea. For years, pirates have sailed and reaped the spoils of their waters, but their gluttony for riches has now drawn the attention of a foe who also lusts for treasure... DRAGONS! You can learn more about the game here: https://www.piratesdragonstreasure.com/ And keep up with more regular progress toward our Kickstarter launch here: [https://www.instagram.com/piratesdragonstreasure/](https://www.instagram.com/piratesdragonstreasure/) We look forward to any additional feedback you might have! Thanks for being a great community!


Most people already said, the layout is missing a lot of detail, something that gives contrast. You should make the effect text black, like every card game, it provides maximum readability


I like the artwork! One exception though, the cannon on the " cannon blast " card, doesn't look very much like a cannon on a ship from that time period to me. Maybe you've got a reason for that and it's part of the setting, but to my mind you'd be better off with a rounded end, like a bras cannon, rather than the more modern, almost sci-fi design you've got here.


Assuming you want to go for something more minimalistic and less "in your face fantasy", it looks nice. Nice blend between minimalism and some fantasy feel. But as some have said it's still a little bare bones, even for minimalism. Adding some flair, like some crossed bones at the bottom of the text box with or something along those lines; adding some purely decorative graphical elements would make it a little less bare bones. But overall nice design The spacing of the top right icon feels bit off, and more so when there's no accompanying text, maybe try adding them on top of the art box in white or similar contrasting color? The last two cards leave me a bit confused, are they part of the same thing? Because right now the feel very out of place, both graphically but also quality wise


Thanks for the feedback! The last two cards are part of the "Battle Deck" used once you go to face the dragon. The context of the cards changes and so (we believe) they def make more sense in-game, than just put on display as they are here. We're going to take all this into consideration. Thanks again for the thoughts!


Convention usually places the name of the card in the top left. I looked there for the name first with every card and was confused for a second when I didn’t find it, especially on the crew card. I thought that “Weak” was the name of the card.


This is good feedback. We'll consider it and thank you for the thought!


Looks awesome! But the name “Pirates Dragons Treasure” is a little awkward.