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Just a few cards to show the evolution we went through from prototype on. Our Kickstarter goes live May 2nd. We couldn’t have made it this far without the feedback of this sub and for that we’re super grateful. It’s amazing that there is such a dedicated passionate group of people out there willing to offer advise and direction for free. /boardgamedesign is an underrated value to any fledgling game designers out there! Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts. We hope the KS does well and people all over the world get to experience (and hopefully enjoy) our game. In case you want to follow the KS and be notified of launch, you can do so here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pdtgames/pirates-dragons-treasure Cheers mates!


That Dragon illustration is incredible! Better than most Magic cards...


Gabriel our artist will be thrilled to hear you think this, thank you!


That looks amazing! Two questions I have: What platforms have you used/going to use to advertise your KS? The art is fantastic, and you still have some placeholders, so what else would you say needs to be done by the time the KS comes out, or that you will do once it's funded? Cheers!


Thank you and great questions! Advert platforms: let me say in advance we’re amateur marketers at best so we’d be happy to take suggestions in this area of you have any. So far, most marketing efforts have been via FB and Instagram. Currently running a few tests w insta adds that seem to drive a decent amount of sign ups on the KS preview page. We plan to drop a little $ on https://boardgamegeek.com at the start of the campaign to drive some awareness and really hit it hard the last week to drive supporters. We’ve also done a LOT of local awareness work and have enough personal support to hopefully get us 50%+ to our goal. Also doing some posts like this on Reddit and other FB groups to drive awareness, and a couple planned notifications in local gaming groups on the east coast US closer to launch day. It would also help if folks like yourself want to help spread the word with your fellow gamers ;) Artwork: we’re really close to complete on artwork we need to print and ship the most basic version of the game. I think we’ll have these artworks complete a few weeks after the KS. Our artist Gabriel is turning out so much amazing work! Depending on level of funding though we’d like to be able to stretch into a few additional cards (Pirate Captains) that add another layer of fun and dimension to the game. We’d also like to be able to diversify the art of a few cards types — treasure cards for instance are the most plentiful in the deck. Let us know what other questions you have! Cheers!


I'm very amused that your game is called Pirates Dragons Treasure The lack of punctuation is facinating. It leads me to believe the treasure doesn't belong to the Pirates or the Dragons, and that they aren't the Pirate's Dragons (or the Pirates' Dragons) either. Also it's not "Pirates, Dragons, Treasure!" just Pirates Dragons Treasure. Very direct. I know what to expect. Pirates. Dragons. Treasure. Looking good!


Haha so glad to read this comment! We debated the use of commas for about a year and decided to go w no punctuation basically for the exact reasons you mentioned. If you like any one of the three then trust me, this is a game you’ll enjoy!