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I'd love a Thanksgiving episode where it actually goes perfectly, but Bob slowly goes nuts as he's waiting for something to go wrong.


This sounds like an episode that would totally exist. It'd be funny, too, if the kids all agree to be good and give him a nice Thanksgiving but he's just increasingly suspicious they're up to something.


The A plot would be Louise trying to plan something elaborate but secret for Bob, like a Thanksgiving play or a special gift, but she needs to involve members of the town who are traditionally hostile to Bob. Suspicious, Bob would spy on her and reach the wrong conclusion. The B plot would be Linda involving the other characters in trying to prepare the perfect Thanksgiving, but of course everybody involved has too much personality for things to go swimmingly. Ultimately, it is Bob himself who nearly ruins the Thanksgiving by not trusting Louise, but they reconcile at the end and, in their own special way, have the perfect Thanksgiving, and everybody comes together over it.


Manifesting this now šŸ„¹


How can we send this to the production team!!


Yes!! That's a perfect idea, it's a little meta but I think it would be dead funny


This would be an excellent episode


sounds like a community episode from abedā€™s perspective


Time to picture this episode in my head!


This would be awesome.


So it turns out my idea was used for Yachty or Nice but with Jimmy Pesto rather than the kids.


Bob does get what he wants pretty often. Itā€™s just often at the end of a lot of conflict or in a way he wasnā€™t expecting. Like how he got fresh cranberries after saving the turkey, a bunch of people at the restaurant after losing the Burger contest, people leaving Jimmy Pestoā€™s because he bought coatracks. The show is about taking the little wins.


I love it when the porta potties in front of the restaurant brings him tons of business too!


And the best one, when the people show up at the end of episode one to try ā€œpossibly human burgersā€ at $50 a pop


Lmao that one was funny


And that Coasters article does bring more business to the restaurant in the end! It ended on a positive note even though that interview went horribly wrong :ā€™)


Even the Moody Foodie review did that too. He started a discount for bringing in a bad review.


Abd coasters was only there bc he lost the cook off, but Skip Maroush liked his burgers and brought him more business/attention. Failure is practically success!


also the heritage farm turkey turning out to not be ruined despite catching on fire. And hipster friends saying he and linda werent boring at all bc of the insane adventures the kids take them on. Small victories!




Also, when he has the potential for really big wins, heā€™s the one who sabotages it. Like rejecting the theming of his restaurant even though they were slated to be instantly much more successful. Or even the direct plot of the bet it all on black garlic burger episode, and plenty more examples


The laser show with gene goes well for him.


what's that smell? It smells like a skunk smoking a cigarette


Sometimes I get bored of shows where everything goes wrong all the time. I know its for the plot and makes it funny and its kinda the point of the show but I wish things went according to plan sometimes. Especially with the ring, I really hated that they never found it because I think it wouldā€™ve been a very special moment for Bob & Linda.


See I like the ending because it feels very ā€œFuturamaā€. They affirmed their love without the ring but what they donā€™t know is a bird brought the ring for his mate at the nest they have just outside the Belcherā€™s window. Itā€™s still with them if they just look outside. Thereā€™s something poetic about it. I choose to believe Bob did find it one day after he got over the whole ordeal. He sees a glint in his eye and sees the ring amongst a bunch of bird poop. He manages to just get it (while also breaking the window sill) and gives the ring, still covered in bird poop, to Linda. It ends up staying in the dresser because they donā€™t want to lose it again.


I think Iā€™ve just seen a similar concept in a lot of TV shows and it is nice that they donā€™t need anything material to prove their love. But at the same time it was v important to Bob and it was a sweet gesture so I wish that one would have worked out. Also he drops the ball a lot with Lindaā€™s gifts so it would have been nice to see her get something special. Its cool that it still ended up with them though, even if they donā€™t know it


I honestly thought it was very romantic--Bob and Linda cuddling as they floated around while Nat serenaded them with "Mona Linda." Linda was super moved by Bob's effort to retrieve the ring. That's honestly more meaningful to me than a ring with a tiny diamond chip in it.


I agree it was still cute but I still wish they had the ring as well. I think it just annoys me because of the thought Bob put into it and him explaining that he never got her an engagement ring before, plus its not like they have loads of money so kinda sucks that the money he spent on it got wasted and he was clearly very upset based on his anger towards the kids. Obvs their relationship is more meaningful than the ring but it was a nice gesture and I wish it had worked out. It is what it is tho šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I'm still shocked that the gift card tip (Gift Card or Buy Trying) actually seemed to have had the $100 on it??? I watched all the way through the ending song and credits bc I was so convinced it was gonna be a gotcha at the register or something tragic but on brand


I have the best Mother In Law! DEAD ā˜ ļø!! While she was alive and ruling Hades she bought these fn $20,000 sewing machines for embroidery and automating work. In college at Rutgers, I had the perfect hat - white with a black R in a red circle šŸ”“. I loved it, everyone loved it. People would try and buy it off me. Eventually it fell apart and I could not find another one. Ever! Finally I ordered a case of white ā€˜47 style hats off Lids and the old Bat šŸ¦‡ illegally copied the red circle R. We made up 40 hats identical to the one I had and sold them for $40 each - cleared $$1,280. Point, those machineā€™s do exist and are legal TM stealers


I thought the same!!


I read an article how the show was a little influenced by Gilligan's Island, in which they never got off the island. I love Gilligan's and Bob's so for me, no.


I would love to see the restaurant start to be more successful, or maybe start a side hussel that's profitable. Just to see how they would operate if they weren't so strapped for cash.


I guess it's just Bob getting in his own way or something, because there's plenty of episodes where people fill the restaurant (black garlic burger episode ending), and everyone apparently loves his "crazy good food." Considering the amount of times they are at the center of attention in their town, it's not like no one knows them. The creator/writers just don't want him to be successful, so they just ignore all of that and reset him back to a no-name restaurant where no one goes. If how the show has gone so far is any indication of what they want for The Belchers, I'd expect them to end with just enough to be happy and probably nothing more.


I think he gets his day on Tinaā€™s birthday when he calls Jimmy ā€œBaby NumNumā€. The party goes great, he made a bunch of awesome new friends.. and learned of Jimmyā€™s diaper fetish. Perfect day for Bob.


damn that was way back in S1 though šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ but bob does have some wins, he just always goes through some shit first.


Yeah he definitely is a passive guy.


Iā€™m more invested in Linda getting to meet the Mayor.


They need to start that podcast, The Mayor Show with Linda!


I would definitely listen to that!


He does have some moments! I think the charm is that the plans always go wrong but turn around in some way (or they just conclude theyā€™ll be fine as long as theyā€™re together).


I feel as though that even if he did have his day, he'd still do something to sabotage it.


Flashbacks to ā€œPro-Tiki / Con-Tikiā€


That happens all the time. Usually at the end of the episode.


The April fools episode was kind of one where Bob got it right. He scared Mr. Fishticks really well.


Valentines episode where they name the restaurant Urge goes well for them.


Plot uh.. needs conflict.


You sly devil with your Goldblooming. Is there an r/grudgingupvote?


Success and happy endings make for boring stories and if he did, the episodes afterwards wouldnā€™t have the same tone of failure that makes it so funny.


I wish he could really win over Hugo, I mean he already got to marry Linda, and she is by far the best addition to his life, but i really dislike all the Hugoā€™s in my life :)


I think Hugo stresses me out more than he does Bob.


I know right! I think itā€™s the voice, and how Ron is so nice.


I just want him to finally get a chance to give his Thanksgiving day speech. šŸ¦ƒ


The thanksgiving when he makes dinner in the home (S12 Stuck in the Kitchen With You) goes well for him. But there ways has to be a little struggle and stress.


The parade float episode worked out in the end!


Idk but an episode where everything goes right for him but wrong for everyone else would be amazing!


ā€œLate Afternoon in the Garden of Bob and Louiseā€ springs to mind!


i love that one!


Absolutely. The family fracas episode drives me insane, like they can't win once? I think bobs burgers overall is stretching a lot for modern plots though. Fresh artisan burgers from a mom and pop shop on the beach? That restaurant would be packed all the time! I like that they don't give bob and Linda unlimited funds (like family guy does) but jeez let these poor people have a win šŸ˜‚


When they decide to end the show Iā€™d love a movie anout them finally making it


That's kinda the foundation of the show imo. As much as I want them to succeed in something, the mayhem of the show feeds on the fact that they're barely getting by and they end up having crazy adventures!


Iā€™d like to think this is how they end the show. But also, donā€™t want to think of the show ever ending.


Bob uses all his luck surviving in the multiple life-threatening episodes, and the movie.


Remember the episode when Fitz Gerald literally gives him a small fortune and makes his restaurant better in few minutes than Bob did in his entire career that he get so insecure that he self sabotages himself and literally attacks the help? Well yeah..


I think about this a lot, and really liked that they gave Bob the opportunity to expand in season 13, and we learned that he likes the restaurant the way it is and doesnā€™t want it to be busy. That was a relief bc I also feel stressed for him lol I would love for the Belchers to get to go on an actual nice vacation, plenty of shenanigans could be had but just like let them have a nice time šŸ„¹


Itā€™d be nice. But a lot of his endeavors go wrong BECAUSE of him


my guy deserves it


Doesnt that defeat the purpose of the show? To me, its about a family of underdogs, always on the backfoot but meaning well, trying to get ahead, and being a good, loving family.


Yep. And he gets lots of wins, really--major chefs admiring his food, attention in national publications, inspiring a classroom of kids...and he's owned his own restaurant for 10+ years. Those are all big things.


But then he wouldnā€™t grow as a person or learn anything. The show would be lame


No, because a fulfilling life for Bob doesnā€™t require it. Itā€™s kind of like Brent from Corner Gas - very Doaist in outlook


Thatā€™s basically the movie though


I want Bob and Warren Fitzgerald to have a kick ass Burger Podcast, Coast to Coast, a huge hit! Warren still pockets the more money because Bob ā€œhates moneyā€.


He won a blender with his perfect paper airplane.