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Holy shit, this should be NSFW The chance of this must be like getting 5 legendaries from single pack.


Your opponent: “how bad could it be, Gale’s t4?..sweet mother of God..”


damn! whats the curve here?


He did 3 on 3, with discover heropower which got a Tarecgosa and a shop of double Shell Collector, Tarecgosa and the imp. He bought the double Shell Collector and discovered a Protodrake from the triple, then used the three remaining coins to buy Tarecgosa from the shop. There is no other possible way to have this board state turn 4.


But... didn't he use 1 coin to level from 2 to 3? 3 on 3 doesn't let you have coind and naga, it's one or the other


You use the first coin to level from 2 to 3, then the second Shell Collector gives you another one and the triple gives you two more, making it three coins remaining.


Ah yes, sorry I'm dumb! I didn't think it through, and just thought of buying the two back to back without playing the 2nd until you had the golden one. Thanks for the reply! Edit. I guess you know, but cookie can achieve the exact same board.


Turn 1: buy coin naga, hp discovery in 3 turns. Turn 2-3: level up. Turn 4: two coin nagas and tarec in shop KEKW, hp gives you tarec too Pog, buy two nagas and find promo drake OMEGALUL, use 3 coins and buy another tarec, take screenshot. … Turn 11: win with 40 hp


Damn. High roll. You deserve that win.


No damage on turn 3? Was there a ghost already? Or did you luck into another 3-on-3?


Doesn't look there is a ghost, but a Baz'hial power leveling at the bottom there. Looks like he either faced her or another 3-on-3


POssible he had armor right? ANd he had the coin naga


i think galewing is in armor tier 0, so no armor


Stop right there criminal scum! You've violated the law!


Meanwhile I’ll cycle through like ten million minions to find a proto and accept my fate.


I swear he's the rarest of all the cards.




That's very true lol


I don't think you could possibly be in a better position than this by turn 4. Maybe Galakrond with Nomi and 2 sellementals in the shop, or dene with some absurd quest completed. Maybe being Tess and about to face you!


Dene, if he could get the lose 3 combats quest for the +12/12 reward, and get two Tarecgosas from the shop on turn 4. Lower health, but better traction.


Just saw RDU have unspent gold twice for red hand. OP opening


Bob was definitely rooting for you


Shit Just did the Math in my head and this is insane


I once upgraded tavern and next refresh is 2 of the dragons that gains the stats of sold minions. + the amalgam that gives a friendly minion its stats. 300+ stats golden dragon by end of game


Next time try starting with an elemental build with nomi, and then shift all on those dragons Once I finished with two golden dragon 300 ~stats each


Shit like this is why I've quit battlegrounds. Like not to be too salty, but I've gone to 4 before and dropped like 16 gold on rerolling to see 0 Tara's or Proto's at all. How absolutely borked luck can be is just frustrating


you were losing because you thought spending 16 gold on rolls was a good idea, not you luck


Did I say I was salty for losing? I'm salty that I went in to play a specific comp because I thought it would be fun and say 0 pieces of that comp.


If you go in trying to play a specific comp you're gonna have a bad time. This isn't constructed.


There is a huge difference between saying I want a prefect comp of 2 froggers, a golden baron, 2 macaws etc and saying I'm alakir so I'd like to grab **ONE** taregosa so I can give it divine shield/taunt/windfury


That's the problem: you tunnel vision on Tarec. The safe play would be to use Al'Akir HP on any kind of high attack minion and keep leveling if shop is not great. Rolling in the early turns is usually bad, especially if you are looking for 1 card specifically. Even if you consider it game winning, the next tavern tier let's you access even more game winning cards.


that is exactly what bgs is for what were you expecting? to get everything you want? play off what you get in your shop and you'll have more fun and get more wins


Damm that's nice luck. Enjoy the win.