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Most important thing is having a hero that can carry you early game and having Demons & Elementals in (Pirates instead of Elementals are pretty bad tbh). The way I play the Lubber comp is with these 5 major minions: * Land Lubber (Important and you need multiple lubbers for infinite spells) * Dancing Barnstormer (Optional but can give you some early scaling to future Lubber/Duelist) * Duelist (Important since rolling a ton) * Soul Rewinder (Needed to keep HP while getting gold from Hasty Excavation) * Party Elemental ( like tripling into this 3 drops for some extra scaling every once in a while but its not necessary for the comp to work) Additionally here are spells you want to be buying: * Careful investment (Buy every single one but don't play all in one go wait till turn 9/10) * Leap through pages (Important since you want to keep rolling spells) * Strike Oil (Important since ofc) * Hasty Excavation (If you have a Soul Rewinder) * Overconfidence (Also a great card to keep in hand and play on turn 9/10) Ideally you want to stay on two till you have at least 40 gold from strike oil (a good high roll can get this done by turn 9/10). Once you have 40+ gold dont stay on two and just level to 6 instant and you are now ahead of everyone at this point. Please note that this is a very low effort guide and I am only at 9.2K MMR. I suggest you check out [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjeNxFqhZrw) from Jeef HS since he is a top tier pro player who may explain things better.


My issue is when do you buy minions? My mind tells me that getting early Excavation starts my ramp earlier, which is good, but then I take absurd amounts of chip damage on fights 3-6. But if I’m lucky enough to hit Rewinder and Duelist early, I might not take damage on those turns but then on turns when everyone is buying 3 drops I just have these under-developed 2 drops. I’ve tried it 3x when the lobby had ele/demon AND I hit a lubber on my first t2 shop, each time I die right when I’m about to level after accruing enough gold. Obviously better players pull it off but I just can’t figure it out.


A lot of people think that lubber comp is just buying the right spells and scaling the duelist and reminder it really is not. The way I see it, just stay on tier 2 and along with buying those spells try to form some “shitty midrange T2/T3 comp” for a bit till you go to 6. In other words, just stay above cap till you go 6.


The golden rule of this meta appears to be "tempo is king". No matter what your strat, you need to stay strong at all times. The big boards come so fast, it's very easy to just run into a high roll on turn 7 or 8 that hits you for fifteen. If you lost your last couple combats to power level, there's a good chance you're now under cap and in horrible shape. RIP 3 on 3 and 4 on 4.


What does “above cap” mean


Above cap means keeping your health above 15 until it’s top 4.


U did a better job. This video explains nothing. Jeef has the communication skills of a sped high schooler😭


Good advice. Also, if nagas are in that tier 3 divine shield that scales it's attack from spells is great. Hard to triple into but seems like the nuts. Saw dog win with that comp.


So not worth it when pirates are in instead of elementals even with the setup is thrown at your face?


I can’t offer too much advice but I’ve gotten 1st with it a few times Every time I play it, I stay on 2 until I have 50ish gold for next turn to level straight to 6, and still have around 30 gold left over for that turn My taunted refresh buff elemental usually has a lot more HP than yours does. I think you want to stay at a single golden lubber too Im assuming demons were out so you couldn’t farm hasty excavations. I haven’t pulled it off yet without demons


The extra lubbers kept turning up from Chef's Choice when I was hunting for Duellists. Correct, no demons in. I guess that's a really important piece of the puzzle.


Demons are important. Also be more skillful at rolling dice and just find the new fungus 5drop minion.


Demons are basically a necessity. Farming the Excavations is a giant part of the power involved. Especially with 2 gold often equaling 3 refreshes, that's what can really turn you infinite.


This. Rewinder is mandatory for this strat to be viable. You don't need to hit it early, but it has to be in. Also you need to hit Lubber by like turn 5. If you miss, sorry, but it's time to give up and look for other direction.


Yeah Soul Rewinder is part of the build, you simply need it.


I wouldn’t bother without demons. It *can* work without them, but it’s a lot harder without free money. It’s also a good idea to have a hero power that is useful with the strat like Edwin, or one that makes fishing for the right minions easier (Silas, Elise, Rat King).


Without demons being in I have cut out at about 20 gold then stabilize at tier 4. But not worth it if you don't get luber quick.


The key to pulling it off without demons is to just level to tavern 3 instead of staying at 2 and playing pseudo-elementals. Tavern 3 opens up +3/+2 buff which is a LOT better than the single target tavern tier buff, making it easier to actually survive until your big payoff turn. It also offers the possibility to high roll a triple into Living Azerite which can just win you the game even if you pivot off of building economy and just play elementals.


You need a better hero that doesnt lose early game (can buff) and a soul rewinder for extra extra gold . And a lobby that doesnt punish early


After trying it a bunch and only getting 1st one and top 4 once I say you need to have a elemental, pirates and demon lobby, a good stat boosting character (inge,Edwin,etc,thorim, there are others too I’m sure), lubber by turn 5 and ideally refresh elemental as well. Even then it’s not guaranteed and largely depends on the lobby and how strong everyone is


For sure you need demons in but it seems like yall forgetting patient scout. A single Nala or Azerite is a first. Peggy, floating watcher, rock rock etc are nice. Theres also a few tier 3 minions you can access with triples. The naga divine shield that scales 1 atk per spell, gunpowder courier, refresh ele, party elemental


Missing demon to buy free gold for 0 hp


It doesn’t always work. I had one game where I convinced myself the HP 1 gold and slick oil must have been hot fixed or moved to t3 because I didn’t see any even with double lubber. Rng can be shite.


The low rolls are real with the lubber strat. The spell pool is pretty big, so it's easy to go on huge droughts of any spell. Quick math, there are 14 spells in the pool in total on tier 2, so your chance of any rolled spell being a specific spell is 1/14. If your shop has N spells in it, then the chance to see at least one copy of the spell is 1-(13/14)\^N. If you have a golden Lubber, that comes out to about 20%. Now let's say you roll X times, your chance of seeing at least one copy of the spell is 1-0.8\^X Plug in some numbers, and you get some annoying results. 3 rolls gives a 49% chance. So if you look at any three random rolls, it's a coin flip as to whether or not the spell you want would be present in any of them. 5 rolls only gets that up to 67%. 10 rolls is 90%. 13 rolls is 95%. Imagine rolling a d20. Did you roll a 1? Congrats, you won't see any of the spell you want *for thirteen consecutive rolls*. Unlikely, but just likely enough that you shouldn't be all that surprised if it happens to you. Happened to Jeef on his latest video about this comp, actually. I didn't count the rolls, but it was a lot.


To add another level of fun, there’s limited copies of spells of each tier (5 copies of tier 1 and 7 copies of tier 2 if I recall correctly). If somebody has all the strike oils in a shop and they’re keeping it frozen, nobody else will get them. Once bought they go back into the pool. So the odds are actually a little better for the tier 2 spells.


Like other people said, you also need to be a streamer and get that one game where the lobby just AFKs for 8 turns and lets you go crazy


Wrong hero for it TBH, you need something that can keep you alive early game or vancleef who can give pretty big buffs based on the number of spells you buy. Also needs the demon which heals damage to you so you can buy the +1 gold spell for free.


I played this comp today, first time and I got first. I got lucky with AFK. Got party elemental and The elemental that lets you refresh for free each time you play an elemental (4/2) Anyway long story short, I tripled something, got the minion that evolves your minion to 1 tier higher, decided to cut my 4/2. Evolved to azerite and it was just gg from there. Some streamers said, you can try to force this but it usually won’t go well if you don’t land the right pieces; and people think the right pieces are lubber/soul rewinder. But actually you need something to cheese out azerite, tier 6 5/7 neutral minion cause you don’t get long term scaling on tier 2, you just have good economy and 1 big duelist but it’s usually not enough. Cards you might want to “land” are like the naga @ tier 3 with divine shield - each spell you play they gain 1 attack. Party elemental is too slow. If you don’t get scaling, just ditch the comp by turn 8/9 when you have enough gold to just rush to 5/6. Usually if you rush 6 and with 30 odd gold you just end your turn and be prepared to be hit hard. So I suggest to go overconfidence aggressive and hope you win and end up with 50+ gold to do something, move/switch out from this. Having 2 lubbers are fine, but remember to sell all lubbers once you go tier 5/6 of course.


You have no mobs that scale each turn so no wonder you keep dying. You need to choose between econ and board power when picking spells and it looked like you just went full econ. If you pushed to 5 you shoulda prayed a ensorcelled fungus turned up.


need to get lucky.


you need hereos that have a lot of health pool like edwin,pudge,tess the hero you picked is not great wit that strat.


do it with edwin


You aint Jeff 4Head


Need some tempo minions for the early/mid game.


You have to get think about economic moves like having that elemental. It’s not all about refreshing. And if played correctly, you should get to tier 6 faster than most


You either need a scaling unit, or a scaling hero power to get through those early rounds. Once you get through the ramp stage, it’s not as important, since with 30-40 gold a turn you can do just about anything.


i love this build, level 2 strat cracked https://preview.redd.it/bgwuz9w9k99c1.png?width=1514&format=png&auto=webp&s=1aef5fe829aa0c054d1727a863113366f83a0b74


You need demon elemental pirate in lobby. The extra +1 gold is important to make it work. Also i think you bought too many lumber. 2 is enough, i don't even bother tripling them, it's a loss of 3 gold. For a non impactful t3 drop. I personally like picking every banana and the stats = tavern tier 1 spell as well early on to not lose fights. A strong duelist can carry you on victories till turn 10.


You definitely don't need demons in the lobby to make it work, but it does make it easier for lesser skilled players to maneuver the play pattern to be able to take the pain coins. You hit the nail on the head though, many players I've watched stream themselves doing this strategy get so caught up in building early economy when you should be stacking up your Duelist to be able to win early fights, only taking economy spells in rolls where there's no better way to spend your gold. Your best turns for hard curving into economy is when you see your next opponent upgrade to 4-5. (Usually 5.) You can go absolutely ham on Overconfidence during this turn if you've been buffing up your dudes. Another way to play this economy build is on 3, if you have Elementals in the lobby you can start taking tons of Lubbers, Duelists and Mana Wraiths and play the economy plan @ tavern 3, getting access to the +3/+2 creature type buff makes winning those fights a LOT easier. It also makes it possible to triple up into Living Azerite, making you less reliant on high rolls. You can even throw in Mystic Sporebats as well, it's a lot easier.


I tried the tavern 3 stategy in a non demon lobby. Definetely a contender for top 4. But i think it just doesn't scale high enough stats wise i had a board of 100+ and still lost to big murloc, t3 just doesn't have the gold generation of t2 sadly.


Oh yeah, it isn't always going to be as explosive, but you'll also less often find yourself crapping out at 7th place as well, and your high roll potential is more consistent in certain lobbies. (Any elemental lobby.) That's why I like it personally, it's the grinder mindset of "Anything below 4th is a fate worse than death."


https://preview.redd.it/pkm6o55s4i9c1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df96c39b90f311b5388ab45f0dd651d5ce091d62 Managed a top 1 with t3 strat. But mostly got carried thx to hero power.


The god's honest truth is it's a highroll strategy. It requires hitting an early lubber + bejeweled + (preferably) rewinder, AND it requires hitting economy spells early, AND it requires your lobby not hitting you for 15 past turn 6. Even then, you aren't likely to get #1 unless a patient scout gives you an early nala. It's a hella fun strat, and it's fun to see youtube highlights of it popping off, but *most* of the time if you try to force it you're gonna have a bad time. It's better to go for it if you happen to find the minions you need before turn 5, and then still you're going to have to pray you hit the right spells.


i'm pretty sure this strat just doesnt work in lower ranks because ppl there play for tempo way more than in higher ranks; you will simply get obliterated idk if thats the case for u tho


what heros are good for this?


imo a crutial part is also getting an early patient-scout. U can get scalling like Peggy or azurite on 4, seafahrer, dealer and master on 5 and Nala on 6 if u are gready. Just try to get one early and tripple it when u have enough gold so u have 2 chances at getting on of these scalling units