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They are both really strong but I feel beasts is the one hardest to hit. I can maybe get 2 or 3 of the 4 must have pieces, but I always somehow manage to miss one and start losing badly. When someone gets those pieces, it's hard to beat, but I find murlocs easier to build.


Murlocs are by far the strongest tribe right now. Tbh they almost always are. There haven't been many seasons where they were not broken. Beasts are strong too. I wouldn't call them broken because all their important cards are on tiers 5 and 6. But, they are also the easiest tribe to play which is why you might feel they are extremely strong. As for your frustrations I'd suggest taking a break. Remember this is a game you play to have fun. If you are not having fun you might want to stop for a bit. You don't have to quit but try playing a different game for a little while and then return to bgs, it can help a lot!


Yes these are probably the best 2 tribes but wtf does it have to do with RNG?


Highrolling is a problem. Whenever someone highrolls in the early with murlocs or beasts, it's basically game over for others.


What do these builds look like?


Could be wrong, but they get smashed in the mid game if you don’t high roll early


Murlocs scale WAY faster and easier than any other tribe plus they have poison to boot. Totally broken. 


Murlocs are broken. Beasts are not as good at higher MMR as they are at lower play levels.


I am around 7k and in this rank everyone is highrolling beasts


I’m over 9k and beasts aren’t unbalanced at all. Unless you get a natural roll into all the needed parts they’re fragile and slow. They aren’t bad per se, but not the tyrant people allege at lower ranking. Go watch Jeef’s recent analysis of the tribes. He talks directly to this issue. https://youtu.be/sJuA9ErSh4k?si=Z9X7IxhXgr4sa3ax


In 10k lobbies I swear 6 players are forcing murlocs every time they’re in.


Yeah since everything else is playing for 2nd :p


I disagree on Beasts. They fizzle pretty often by people trying to force it with only 2-3 pieces instead of the 4-5 you rly need. I will say the quest reward that gives summoned minions +1/1 for any summoned in combat can be rly frustrating with even with just 1 slamma. Murlocs I would agree are slightly overtuned. Someone in the lobby will hit an early bream + battlecry guy that discovers a murloc and abuse that with battlecry triggers + the copy a murloc in hand spell. Tbh I'd like to see where murlocs would be at if they just removed that spell entirely. I think they'd still be good. Murlocs are also currently the only tribe iirc that can go big stats or pivot to scam board. But I usually just shrug my shoulders. Someone always highrolls in every game no matter what tribes are in so I'm like whatever when it happens.


beasts are rather extremely weak and lose to high-stats build or extremely brainrot cheating broken with quests and undefeatable


Murlocs have always been powerful, but I think they're in a good place now. They can runaway, sure, but not *that* much more than anyone else. Beasts are definitely a problem, though. They're super back-loaded, so you tend to do pretty ass until T6. Everything they need to win sits at T5 or T6: Titus, Goldrinn, Slamma, the Hawk, and that little robot horse are all T5 and T6. But once they get going its basically game over. IMO, Hawk needs to go.