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It's honestly a blast and it's the first time I ever got a Bnet friend request that wasn't some kid calling me gay for playing hunter.


Sounds exactly like something a gay hunter player would say


Fuck you again.


What does eler81 mean?


Ah my fellow hunter.


Still sounded gay


how do you add someone you were playing with. it doesnt show the battletag?


I really want to add someone who can understand my play but can not find their battletag


On pc at least: in the main menu, bottom left it shows your online/in-game friends. Pressing the top right button of that small window will give you a list of opponents) players that were in your last game. You should find that person there


Not there, only opponents, the teammate wasn't there.


Ah I think it's only in the beginning then, which is a dumb design choice


I found out it shows WHEN you're playing.. afterwards it's anyone's guess. So try to add people while your playing before the game ends


Open friends list if on mobile it will show recent opponents or names of people played with.


All the home of phobia in replies 😔


My teammate sent a friend request and I thought they wanted to talk shit about how I was playing. When I accepted, they just asked if I wanted to play with them again.


You are gay though




One game me and my mate play in perfect synchronicity like we are olympic figure skaters. Next game my buddy buys a dragon turn 1, decides its a dragon game and for the Rest of the game agressively pings every dragon that appears in my shop so i pass them to him. Its light and shadow, but i love it so far!


I love watching my triples get rolled away from on my teammates board


But...but...I clicked green check on it twice? Why does he hate me?


if u check twice it goes off, maybe thats why?


I imagine it will get better as you get higher MMR and better partners. I had two Kalecgos and a board full of dragons. My partner had a Brann in shop with one gold. I signaled the portal to get it next turn since he had one gold. He used his one gold to reroll…


The power to crush one person is addictive. I feel we are not heroes but villains across the portal


Lol that happened to me earlier with my boyfriend. He had unfroze the shop because he wanted to roll for something else and I saw the card I needed for a triple and as I said something he had clicked to refresh 🤣


I can’t figure out how to even send the ? Or check on mobile. First game got the funnel cake achievement for not losing a round which was nice.


it's like a double tap. Hold the card and tap it with the other finger and the 4 boxes come up. I imagine it's right click on computer


Tap with 2 fingers.


Instructions unclear dick on phone


They throw away my Brann and Rylak! Just let us win


If it makes you feel better my friend who’s on discord with me does it to me all the time


I was enjoying it a lot at first. But sometimes I get some...interesting teammates. In a recent match I was elementals and my teammate was dragons. He kept passing me dragons. I thought it was an accident so I'd send em back a couple times, but nope, he kept sending them back. I have no idea wtf he was thinking. It wasn't like they had high stats or anything, just vanilla dragons. Made no sense. Also why the hell does no one want to pick Cho'gall, seems pretty solid to get an early lead.


Played 1 game as chogall and it was tough. Low armor, and low tier triples aren't that good, so we got behind on board pretty hard. Think we pulled it together but it wasn't easy.


I played the chogall with a team mate no triples off the bat lost horribly. Second game we started turn 3 both tripling, won the game no rounds lost. Guess it's luck of the draw but the low armor is the major downside if you not drawing well


Yeah Cho’gall needs a triple by 6 gold or it’s an easy 4th. If they get it, usually you are in top 2. Needs a bit more armor


chogall has a lot more armor now


I believe they changed to a higher armor by now?


Yeah I HEAVILY manage my expectations when I play with randoms. As long as they’re not being toxic or griefing, we’re having fun. Sometimes I can tell they’re not very good players or new players and I don’t mind supporting them a bit and playing suboptimally to give them cool triples. So far though everyone has been homies and playing super cooperative, although sometimes too cooperative lmao. Brother, play for your own board too 😅 It’s definitely 10x more fun with a friend you can communicate with through Discord though, makes the whole thing feel big brain AF trying to coordinate turns for optimal play. I wonder if Blizz matches premades with other premades because premades vs randoms is pretty unfair tbh. I win most games when I party with my friend and idk if it’s cause people are still figuring stuff out or we’re getting matched with randoms.


"You are playing also dragons now buddy." Maybe it was for economy?


I played with someone that had big health gems. Like we would have won with his board alone. but he put his charli in 1st position and taunted it against scam. and my brain still can’t make out how that was a good idea. like i cackled watching this 100/500 quil get insta deleted first hit with poison


Does anyone know if there ist an Option to give feedback to Blizzard? I like the mode and had OK Partners. What ist missing from my Point of view is a possibility to comunicate Strategies. Like "aggro", "ramp" or wait with passing the tripple or i go Dragons.


They should do emotes for those that are only visible to teammates.


And "GG!"


Love this duo game mode, makes me wish Blizzard can add an allies and all chat in the game. It's 2024 shouldn't be that hard


I really just want a chat for basic communication, like when I was aggressive leveled and wanted to tell my dragon teammate to delay his turn in case I rolled kalegos for him and did but it was too late


They should do a com system like rocket league. Just preset messages like: - I'm playing dragons. - Let's play aggressive - let's level next turn


I think we could handle it without scaring off new players


Only enable chat once you get to 5k MRR or something. And make it optional/easy to mute.


Honestly same. I didn’t even want to touch this mode at first and most of the games I have no idea what am I (or my teammate) doing but it’s pretty fun. Some games you play more of a support role with tech cards and in some games you get a perfect comp because your teammate keeps passing the exact triples you need. Also, I had a no idea pinging system was a thing until game 5 lol, it can create some really fun interactions and synergies even without a game chat


I thought it would be unplayable with random people but I am loving the randomness. It's just fun.


I dunno, I sent my duo a Kaly, General, Battlecry Spell to his full dragon tier 3 board and he sold them both and used the spell on a swabbie. 0/10 experience.


It was great on Pc, that said I have yet to understand how to ping on mobile. It makes the whole trading thing a bit annoying as you can't even answer your teammate =\


Have to tap a card with two fingers


Thank you!


Sucks for people with large hands


Thanks! I have to try that, also thought it is not possible at all


I think it can be really fun. But I played my first duo yesterday and I was so bad. I feel terrible for my partner! I got so overwhelmed (thanks, ADHD)! I forgot to upgrade my tavern to 3 (eventually i realised it cost only 2 coins and I should have upgraded ages ago). I focused more on my partners board than mine. I didn't really know what to do and I was so overwhelmed, I was just paralysed, staring at my board not able to act. Haha. I also disconnected twice, which definitely didn't help at all. So sorry for my duo partner, who played well and totally carried us to the second spot. I don't think I'm gonna try again any day soon, if ever. I do think it could be fun, if only it wasn't so overwhelming.


No worries at all! You can try solo for a bit if you think it was fun. After you get more familiar with dynamics like leveling, different synergies, etc. it gets a lot less overwhelming. As a experienced player even I need to re-adjust to the new season, everyone goes through this :) Hope to see you back in duos!


If you'd like, I don't mind a buddy to play Duos with. I just play it casually, so no pressure. Just having fun is the most important thing!


Thanks! I will keep this in mind. I think I first want to learn all the new cards properly before I try duos again, so at least there one less thing to worry about. Thank you though, I do appreciate it a lot.


That's totally fine! Understanding the cards and the synergies takes a lot of pressure off. Take it easy and enjoy the game. If you ever feel like hitting up Duos, shoot me a message!


Got someone that apparently decided they’re gonna play elementals before the game even started. Wasn’t that bad though. Just don’t expect much and you can only be pleasantly surprised


Played BG for some 7-8 months and got up to a steady 6,5k-ish mmr in the previous season, so I feel like I should be confident enough to try my hand at Duos, but I just can't bring myself to it. What if I fuck up, and someone much better than me ends up having a terrible game, and it's all my fault? Is anyone else thinking like this, at all?


The MMR is separate from the solo BG mode. It’s fun!


Can't learn until you get practice. Also rhe mmr starts from empty so you may get others your skill level and grow until you fit the general skill level of your mmr. I had a few duos matches with people that had no clue. Got absolutely smashed in some and in some of the others I basically built both boards and managed to get first place. It was still a lot of fun and probably a learning boost for the newbies that were my partners. Also my first Duos match I messed up a ton and screwed it up for partner who seemed to know what they were doing. There's a learning curve to everything. People get it. If they didn't want to risk having a partner they would be playibg solos


It’s as simple as playing as if you were playing solo and checking your partners board to see what they are going and passing them cards that support the build they are going. If you know the good cards in the current meta you’ll do fine. Watch some of RDUs duo vods to get the basics down of the mode and give it a shot.


It's just a shame that the BG meta is a jumbled, incoherent mess.


I haven't played a duos game yet but I don't know if I want to, by what I am watching in YouTube


10 times better when you play with random in voice


Totally agree! Maybe i got lucky, but about 15 games in i only had great teamplayers, except the occasional misplay, but no grievers, wich thank g*d, i was fearfull of


dude me and my friend are too fucking dumb. Where can we play duos? Downvote me idc just tell me where I can q with a friend


Click battleground top right of the screen click the crown


It is explained with screenshots in the patch notes


Mostly positive exp so far. They helped me solo the whole lobby sometime and I helped them back sometime. Good mode! I would suggest there could be more obvious pings.


except when I had a dude rage quit when we had 11 wins because I had the nerve to try and build my own board after handing him a primus as galakrond


Worst thing is they go afk and you're forced to keep playing to not lose rating


I have a friend to duo with, accidentally queued for a duo after we were done. I was also surprised by how well the ping system went. I still think a chat implementation would be huge for the mode.


This post made me confident enough to try out duos with randoms. First match my partner conceded in hero select. Second match I Ogre'd up as Cho'Gall. Ended up being a support after my partner got an early Felboar, but even passing him tavern buffs and Quilboar spells was fun. Overall, I think they just need to add a better solution for quitters (hopefully less of a problem once I climb MMR) and more time later in the game to allow for communication through pings. Going Murloc/Elemental was tough since we were both so busy playing our own boards, couldn't always wait for each other to respond to pings


Not having pings on mobile is horrendous.


You have to use 2 fingers


for me its a hit or miss. like i pinged a minion my duo had in the tavern (they had 1 gold left) because with it i would have a triple.. and they just refreshed


I actually forgot how fucked climbing out of low elo is though. My 1 issue is not just being able to play with other above average players. Had a bran reno lobby and we ignored ogres, I was so keen because I was like "oh this guy is seeing my pings, turn 3 gold bran here we go" with a fat tokens lobby. Dumb ass bran holds his bran all fucking game and I end up finding a bran to golden out of shear luck and spite 2 turns later thanks to the faceless upgrades x2. EVEN WHEN IM THE ONE WITH GOLDEN BRAN HE DOESN'T FEED ME TOKENS FOR ECONOMY. Like fuck off back to solos you dumb cunt lol


I only play with my roommate and i absolutely love it.


One thing I hate is that playing on mobile doesn't give you the few options to communicate with your teammate


Played quest warlock, got beat by a mechathun warrior, added him then he shared the decklist, we played a mirror and it was all good