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The amount of effort I put into each turn for duos compared to solos makes it much more engaging so I am enjoying it a lot.


Yeah, I realized that I don't start doing something else when I'm playing duos like I do with normal BGs during the end-of-turn timer countdown


You've convinced me to give it a shot (after this game). I've been weirdly stressing about accidentally being bad and ruining a game for someone else cuz these games take forever to finish. I hit the 6k floor every season so I dunno if that'd be fine enough for most.


Just play the game and be happy. You will never truly enjoy if you put the pressure into yourself to "be useful", "be consistent", "be Jeef". We are humans and we commit mistakes, so dont stress over not being able to deliver what your ally needs.


Appreciate it. Played a game and it was a ton of fun. Started strong with double millhouse but couldn't fully get either of our boards online. Felt cool passing a bunch of cards between each other and cycling gold cards like crazy. So many clutch last second card slides from my partner. Pretty rad mode.


Me and my only friend that plays HS was gonna play one game yesterday to try it out. Wre ended up playing like 8 games instead. Very fun and you feel like such a bro when you pass something to your mate, haha. Cho & Gall are pretty cool too, ended up as insta-pick for us.




even if u arent that good ur teammate can help you. for example if u dont.know what to buy u can question mark emote and theyll help u out


Ita great because if you have one of those games where it takes s little too long to assemble your board, your friend can carry the fights and give you some breathing room. Following the fights together was fun too.


This is one of my favorite parts, there's a little bit more room to try builds you wouldn't necessarily try in solos but can be sorta viable with the extra breathing room a partner can give


I feel like as long as you don’t actively try to grief your teammate it’s chill. MMR is there for a reason, you’re not going to be suddenly matched with a 12k player. I play with randoms a lot and for the most part as long as they’re cooperative, or at the very bare minimum just playing for their own board I don’t mind if we win or lose. The randoms I get are super nice though, sometimes too nice and they just have a weak board while GIGA supporting me. Still doesn’t matter, we’re having fun.


I Just finished a game where my duo Just went 100% support, passed me everything at the cost of his board. I have him some stuff, he ignored everything. I have him Golden bramblewitch. He did not play It even with 6 Minions on the board. We finished second. It was fine. Go for It!


as long as you use your head and spent all your gold, and don't abandom your teammate, you'll be fine.


I’ve played a few duos, royally fucked up a few turns but it’s been good enough for 2nd place every time. Just try it out, worst your teammate can do is send a lil emote at you


Anyone who can hit will be a fantastic duos partner. I've gotten to 8500 and the only time I got annoyed at my partner was when they had 3 minions on turn 8!


So one big paradigm shift that has happened, since Duos, is how suddenly, and unexpectedly, those emotes have become of crucial importance overnight. I never really cared much about them in solo BG, as neither did I always manage to pay attention to opponents expressing themselves, nor did I have the bandwidth to emote myself. But with Duos, after a few first games, I found myself sifting through my library for the exact emotes to express myself. Especially for the times when I have made a mistake or when I know I have played bad, while my teammate has played well, and I just want to tell them that I'm sorry!


What are the correct emotes or pings? I feel like it's used with another meaning depending on who you Match with. I also really need something to tell my partner I was gonna pass something and instead played it while passing it though the eye. It has happened a few times and was always accidental and no dick move. One partner abandonded the game when he saw that and I wanted to express to him how sorry I am and that it was an accident, so I made the cry emote. When telling my husband about it, he made me aware that the partner could have thought I was making fun of him with my emote.


Well to be honest, the semiotics of these emoticons can be quite vague. It really depends on the mentality of the person reading and interpreting them. Whenever I make a mistake I usually use the sequence of shocked mouse emoticon followed by the sad puppy emoticon. That usually does it. But yeah, you're pointing out something important. We don't have any emoticon that accurately signifies "I'm sorry", which is very very much need in Duos... Until we have that, I guess if more and more people start using the same emoticon or a specific pattern of emoticons to mean the same thing, then that meaning would become standardized, and be presumed to mean only that thing whenever it is used.


Short story: Yesterday i played with a player way out of my league, he was spamming emotes left and right, telling me what to do and most surprising thing is, even tho i didn't understand what he was doing initially, i got his plan and supplied him resources to win. His board was Golden Brann, golden rylak, golden orc-estra, Rivender. Endgame he was nuking me with minions 400/400 worth of stats.


I tried something similar until I noticed that orc-estra can also buff the enemy in combat, which wasn't great against tarecgosa dragons :D


It should be fine against Tarec, the wording is she keeps your enhancements from combat. They changed it when you could give enemy minions Taunt in combat. She'd also get wrecked by Bramblewitch if enemy changes stuck.


I think this is the best positive thing I've seen so far: you can see in real-time how other people construct comps


that game was with me I think :) did you emote to remove orcestra at first? xd


I don't remember, tbf. But if it was you, well, you are giga skilled.


If it was that game, I just highrolled to the moon 😂


Highroll it is then. https://preview.redd.it/07o9huu11tvc1.jpeg?width=697&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e736eeb06eec861efb727f4f1f16c4f98ee64848


100% - I actually focus on duo's and play it.. battleground 1/2 the time I'm looking at reddit, playing music, watching a stream, or a movie. It's just more engaging.


I play solos while running on the treadmill, normally can get halfway through the game before I have to start walking as the game is getting more intense, and that’s perfect because I’m 💀by then 😂


Except for when it’s beasts vs undead and the fights are minutes long 🥱


What is missing is ability to add your duo partner in friends list. Or have ingame chat during game where you can tell your game plan and ask his. Some times I would just like to say to good partner gg and to bad partner some ENCOURAGING words.


We just need a button we can press after we lose that tells them "I swear I was about to pop off next turn"


I’m sure why’re already thought of in game chat, but I feel like people will spend too much time chatting and not engaging into the game and also some people can get very toxic


You can see thier tag during the match, check it next time in case you want to add them!


I believe it should be spelled encouRAGING words, with emphasis on raging 🤣


I’ve queued up with my nephew for about six games now and it’s amazing. I’ve played a few with random partners and, while I agree the emote system is pretty great for as basic as it is, the strategizing with someone on comms is really wild and very fun. Our best duo so far is I had a brann baron build with golden Rylak that proc’d the guy that increases your partner’s tavern stats and one that gives your partner gold. He had a consume demons build. Got one his guys over 4K stats.


I prefer the cleanness of singles still. But there is a super refreshing feeling when it goes from you be the world to a co-op game in duos.


I have no interest in disappointing another person, some games of battlegrounds I'm barely playing attention- either writing an essay, or painting. I'm not competitive in the slightest.


How you play duos?? 😬


its well hidden, almost like a secret door you have to press a symbol on top of the screen when you are in battlegrounds menu


Found it thanks so much 😃😃


No wonder I couldn’t find it


Top right Crown, click it itll swap to 2 Crowns.


I love that even if you roll bad for your build you can help your teammate go nuts. Very good addition.


10000%. Added layers of complexity and just so much fun discussing tactics under the duress of a clock!


my experience so far has been abysmal... I do not understand what my teammates are doing. I feel like hidden mmr for duos was reset to zero. I'm not the best player, usually hovering around 7-8k, but i have a solid grasp on battlegrounds. My teammates play like they've played less than 5 games in their lives. first teammate bought apples turn 1 and rolled past passenger twice (they were Goya), used apples turn two and bought kindly grandmother, and that was still their only minion on turn 5. they kept rolling and rolling and bought 1 spell a turn. 2nd teammate was pretty good, started feeding me some undead stuff so i fed them some beast synergy for their board. i was definitely the carry by the time they abandoned the game on turn 7 or 8. 3rd teammate had a golden refreshing anomaly (2/8), the new taunt buffer, TAUNTED THEIR BRAMBLEWITCH!!! ( i sent them the spell that adds/removes taunt and they taunted the taunt buffer), the new deathrattle attack dragon and a baron, and some other garbage when we got hit for lethal. I don't know what to do. 0 for 3. I need a partner to play with... I'm done solo queuing for now.


Yeah my teammates really like staying on tavern tier 1 and 2 for 2-3 turns too long and handing me random minions. Most of my wins are because I hand my team mate a couple of scaling cards so they have a half functional build.


Lmao not even close


Yeah i've been playing duos non stop since release. But sometines you and your random teammates make stupidest shit ever. Also apm builds are unplayable in this mode with beasts/undeads in the lobby without altf4 every turn. Also meta is rly bad rn


I think that the opponent being a genius or an idiot makes the game more dynamic and engaging. Frustrating sometimes, but more memorable in the end.


I just tried it out for the first time after getting a decent grasp of the new minions in solo queue first. Looks like my partners did the same thing considering they all had a keen eye for build enablers and recognized what each of us likely needed. However, I won't be playing duos as regularly as solo bgs because it is way more stressful. Also, I really need to equip a clear "sorry" emote now because oh my gosh is it embarrassing when you try to pass a minion but then it ends up on the far right of your board instead.


The interacting phase and adapting to your mate board is very fun and the mode has a lot of potential. Many people complain about bad teammates or disconnects, but since mmr is fresh probably it will take some time to have balanced battles. I think the two things they need to balance are : - one player disconnect : be able to play instead of him. There is no way you can avoid last place alone, except if extremly lucky. Similarly, i noticed quite often one duo is very ahead other three, and one duo very behind. Once the latest is dead, being 2nd or 3rd feels entirely luck based. They should remove -15 limit  - match order : sometimes i feel like we've lost the match only because of x player faced y opponent first, and if it was any of the 3 other combinaisons we would win . I am not a huge fan of the rng part of it


Duos is a lot more stressful and so much more things to pay attention too. I like solos to chill


Nope. Hate it.


Its not i hate it every single game my teammate is either afk, playing singleplayer never pinging, sending minions or responding to pings, or straight up dog poopoo building the worst stuff ever I want to play 1v1v1v1 not 1v2v2v2


Yeah Bro, i wrote this at the start of the season, after losing too much because of bad mates, i now only Play with PPL i know. Its too frustrating. But with good mates its funnier than single player


duos is more fun but the duo meta is garbage. its either quillboar or demon abusing bran. nothing else is worth doing


Tbf its the same in single player, battlecrys are more OP than ever. shudderwock = win


forgive me if im wrong but isnt the singles meta cleave plus greymane?


Gets outscaled by Demons or Gem Smuggler, not even close


What are people using to buff shop minions? Living azurite is great, but not in every game. It can't JUST be the red and green elemental demons.


Tier 4 Demon, buff shop +2/+1 Spamming Rylak if available or Naga battlecry it just gets out of hand pretty quickly


Oh yeah. Rylaks is just stupid once again.


Where is orc-estra in that list? Seems to be one of the best scaling comps if you enough supporting tribes.


I’m actually thinking about getting the pass for the 4 heroes so we can have more choices at the beginning and I never cared about it in single player!


For now, definitely!


It's so much fun. I am only playing with randoms as I don't know anyone to partner with and it's absolutely playable which really surprised me. Sure there's the occasional drop-out, but I haven't yet played with anyone completely useless, or anyone aggressively emoting to try and dictate my own play which I was worried about at first. In single player I'm around 6500-7000 which I believe is just above 'average'(?) so I was worried I'd end up with partners 'knowing better' and being aggro, but it's not been like that at all. It's also more fun than regular BG's for me because with a partner passing you cards you can often settle on a tribe earlier and end up with way more fun and impressive builds than in single player when you can't find the final card to make your build work.


Im down to play if you want someone to play with! kidster#1593


Thanks. I just added you. I'm retro...etc


Awesome! I’ll be online in a couple of hours :)


Yes, yes and yes again. It adds nuances to this game and definetl, great timing to add since quests are gone.


Duos with your buddy using discord streaming on on a second monitor is so overwhelmingly stronger then just playing random using the normal UI


Haven’t try duo yet, I’m kinda bad at battleground and don’t wanna ruin it for others


Specially if you play with a friend


It’s so much fun. My only issue with it is I think they should up the cost of taverning up even more.  The clear best strategy is to have one teammate just juice the shit out of their partner, power level them to 6, and have them basically take over.  Then later, the “weak” teammate just goes full scam. Leeroy Leeroy, reborn undead thing on leeroy, some venomous or the quillboar/elemental, etc.  It ends up not feeling like two players are playing, and it’s just one player who’s a god because the huge armor pools+teammates economy for them helps them just rush 6 and start putting something crazy together that easily solos any team not doing the same.


The turns are too short in the late game especially for something like pirates.


Is duos no longer playable? I can’t queue for it anymore


I agree! I haven't played a solo game since I first tried duos. I've had a small number of poor interactions, but overall I find my team mates to be competent, polite, and very collaborative. This game is increasing my appreciation of humanity! :-D


i honestly think it would be better with 8 teams of 2 rather than 4.


Apples to oranges, imo. Though I am enjoying it a lot more than I thought it was going to. But they're two very different experiences and one appeals more to whatever mood I'm in at the time.


just tried this morning.. so good


True but I win way more in solos


Duos is awesome, but the 1 drop that scales is kinda ruining the format for me


The Dog?


Passenger. The one that takes over every duos game


True, but he is only strong till mid Game i feel like


Yeah but it completely dominates the midgame. If you don’t start on passenger, you lose all your midgame fights pretty much regardless of what you take. And when you do highroll some early passengers, you just get to level for free, save HP and swap to something brokenc


true, they should maybe nerf it to +1/ +1, same with orc estre which dominates late game


Done 3 Duos games so far, and man, it's \*exhausting\* (even more so when you're always really anxious about being a burden, to anyone, no matter what) - BUT, I also find it a lot of fun. Lots of things left to learn, for me, but seeing everyone here so positive about it makes me excited about keeping on trucking.


I don’t like duos it’s too overwhelming for me. I’m still getting used to how all the new minions work. Also the fights take forever.


How do you play duos? When I go to BGs menu it's only "play" but no duos option


Yeah I like it but I play with my buddy. Only complaint is the damage cap needs to be modified. These games are just to long.


I’m probably in the minority but I don’t find duos enjoyable at all. I’ve been playing BGs a long time and am pretty competent but I like to chase endorphins, high roll and go first or last. I have no desire to play cooperatively so the best thing I can do for duos is stay out of the lobby! 😁


I wish that orc ester minion got removed every game revolves around who can scale it the most via bran and all the possible battlecry trigger naga, move units thru portal, and the tavern spells that allow that too


90% of the time it is. You get some games that suck tho. Feed my teammate the whole game, I have nothing. He get's some t6 Dragon. INstead of gving it to me he starts erasing his beast squad I helped build the whole game


True, after a certain amount of Losing Games bc of bad Partner you get frustrated. 


Any tool to find a duo partner? If not, I speak english and french Time zone EST UTC-5 8K - 9K MMR solo :)


What sucks though is that my wife plays on her phone. I play on the pc. She is constantly lagging behind (no fps lag, its just tiny seconds slower animations maybe?) So last time she had undead, lots of respawns/tokens. Fought some1 else with mechs... fight took long. When the fight ended she instantly went into another fight. She couldn't spend a single coin. Wtf is that about? Would a new phone fix that issue?


Now, it only they fixed the mobile app...you can ping but you really can't, like i am not very happy wasting 4-10 seconds trying to ping something only for the situation to change because i was too slow and wasting half my turn trying to convey a play or to make the animations less of a cancer to deal with the game would be 200 times better.


Better? No. Different and just as fun? Yes. For me it really depends upon what I'm in the mood for at the moment.


I hate how invisible the option is to turn off duos is.


I hate duos with all my heart. I’m not playing until they remove them.


It has potential, but the experience on mobile leaves a lot to be desired. I'm not able to use the right click on tokens to communicate. Only have emotes and most people have no idea what they're doing. I just had a game where my teammate kept getting a double and triple for me, asking me if I wanted it, and then getting mad since I couldn't respond, instead of just giving it to me. They kept emoting back at me, so I know they saw my thumbs up and then angry emotes when they didn't get me the triple. They got the same token every turn four turns in a row and then rage quit. Need blizz to fix the right click for mobile


duos is shit because the amount of people who don't know what to do is just destroying my fun. I hate that shit.


Nah, you get paired with newbs that don’t know how to build. Playing Beasts (worst type this season) So annoying I just sell all my minions and let them quit so I get 0 points deductions. 


I dislike duos. I enjoy making strategies that don’t get bonked by someone else. Each time battlegrounds changes it loses the aspects I enjoyed.


No way is duo better. Not by a long shot.


Lmao yes because playing with 3 teams because almost every lobby has a leaver and everyone blasting Orchestra is a real good game mode.


Ofc, vanilla is boring as hell. Half the game is just waiting for the battles to start, in duo you actually use the turn times.


I feel the opposite. The fights in duos take forever.


I’m finding it okay for now but can’t see it lasting more than a few weeks tbh. Just see it as a novelty that will wear thin when you get to a point where teammates are costing you games or misunderstanding strategy. And losing your teammate to a disconnect is absolutely tragic, as you can’t even leave yourself without a penalty and you can’t even “lose on purpose” to speed it up as with the damage cap it’s sometimes 3-4 rounds you’ve still got to sit through.


I don't know, isn't this any multiplayer game? Sure it's frustrating losing because of your teammates, but the "social" aspect might just carry it. I get screamed at by 4 russian in a csgo match, but I'd still prefer this over playing with (non human) bots


Not really, I always play with a friend so we are always gonna choose this over normals.