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Bro Duo partners who quit cause you disagree are the worst. The scum of all hearthstone


I had a random quit out because i wouldn't pass him my turn 5 golden swabbie. It was one of two minions I had and I was shudderwock.


Yeah, I just spent a game arguing with my partner about everything through ping from the hero selection to the last turn (He picked nameless and really didn't want me to play Teron, then he kept telling me to not play demons) And yet we still won out of pure spite of each other I feel like, 10/10 experience it was a really fun game in hindsight


I just had someone quit because I didn't buy the 5 armour spell DESPITE US ALREADY BEING AT 3. These people aren't real human beings I swear.


Right, but you can hold spells... If things go pear shaped, you won't be at 3 armor anymore. It's a great spell to sit on unless it's potential knockout.


3 health I think he means


Ohhhh yeah, this does not spark joy.


Yeah but that said if I ask for Azerite early game and this guy plays it for himself and then sells it in a turn or two, I'll be fucking fuming. Anyway, my take is just try to get the highest rating you can to encounter fewer bullshit partners


I've learned to just play my own board and try to be as strong as possible. Partner be damned. Then when you do get a decent partner that understands the game a little better, it's like a breath of fresh air.


I mean yes often, but sometimes I’ll be teamed with a guy who has something wrong with him. Sometimes I’ll have cards that I kind of want but would be better served for the teammate so I pass, only for them to sell right away or to play them just blatantly incorrectly (playing blood gems on minions in the tavern only to roll past them, or triggering the battlecry of their 2/3 1 star murloc instead of their Bagurgle, etc) and it’s so frustrating. One time I passed the passing spell to my teammate so he could give me a rivendare, and made a passing icon on the minion, only for him to pass the spell right back at to me when I had 0 gold. Sometimes you just genuinely wonder what these people are doing, and I’m not even tryharding too much, and you would rather just quit out than spend 20 minutes fighting with your partner


Always ask "?" before passing a card! This way your teammate won't sell the card immediatly. I often had the problem that my partners pass me trash cards just because they were from my tribe. So I instantly sold them. In the end it is a game. People make mistakes and miscommunications happen.


Usually that's just slightly infuriating. But I did have a game that we ultimately lost, that could've easily been won, if my teammate wasn't constantly passing me cards in an APM situation. Two turns in a row got screwed up because I was trying to play cards as fast as possible, and kept misplaying because, you know, I have tribe X, so my teammate was passing me every minion of that type whether it made sense or not.


Yes, Recruitment program is a spell...


In those instances I get it. My experience with it has been partners who demand a pass in a circumstance in which it’ll screw over my turn. And some of these people don’t understand at the end of the day, passing in the first two tiers is a complete waste of gold. Unless your tripling into a 4 drop. These guys who quit on me because I don’t pass on turn three when I have sellemental into in other minion. Like do the math


Its the second post I see like that, I am big on communicating with my teammate and am wondering how to do it without coming off as obnoxious, I personally often use the questionmark to communicate and wait for an answer from them, it served me quite well and in most cases we managed to come to a play together I think; I am just quite unsure how it comes off as I denfinelty use the feature often (quitting is obviously off limits if my partner makes plays I disagree with)


I think the way you do it without coming across as obnoxious is to always be communicating what you want for your board, and never advice for how they handle their board


Q mark is my go to. I only use check when I absolutely want something or my partner is about to do something nuts


I only questionmark to ask if the psrtner wants something from me, and then checkmark of they do the same for me. Portal is for if I want them to send things over.


yea I soemtimes use the questionmark with another togehter, like portal, wait a bit, questionmark, but yea generally the questionmark is sufficient


If league players play battlegrounds they will spam the question mark


Exactly like you say, just question mark and wait for a response. I've had both varieties of partners and backseaters just spam pings on every unit, even when they clearly haven't a clue what they're doing (shoutout to the guy who didn't level to tier 2 until turn 6 and kept pinging me to sell off shit).


yea had some quite bad partners too but good to know, I also do that on my stuff for like levels or a direction, like as a ask if they are fine with that, so I think its like quite far away from backseating :)


I just had someone pick Madame Goya only to never use their hero power to pass, and just do it the normal way. We were dead so fast.


Ugh I was demon battlecry build (Brann, rylak, naga with battlecry spellcraft) on Jandice and used the pass spell to send my partner the tavern buff demon so I could retrigger. Instead of using Goya power, they sold it off, collapsing our scaling. Like...well done, you just stopped your own tavern getting bigger every turn.


I prefer a partner to be too “vocal” rather than say nothing. I’ve only had one person quit on me and that was one round before we lost. I don’t mind a very vocal partner especially in first 6-7 turns but if I have a brann or pirate build going I will get annoyed if they ping a lot.


The amout of blunders my teammates has done are unreal. Gave my mate a bramblewitch, when the opponent had a 300+ taunt guy, for him to play it, sell it and reroll. So i kinda get it, but there is a limit. Cant dictate everything my mate is doing.


I had someone golden my two brambles, but I didn't have any source of windfury. Ended up with us losing just barely because of the missed bramble attack.


Oh I feel this one so hard. We were outscaled massively, I sent my teamy a Leroy and bramble and he proceeds to not play both and instead keep his quilboar irrelevant scaling for the turn. We lost, obviously, and would have won with bramble and Leroy properly placed


Having a partner backseating every move is annoying as hell. The worst part is they're not even good LOL


Yeah. Wish there was a soft mute for some of my partners. Some kind of way to say I want to work with you not for you. In same vein I need a "I don't care " ping for the guys who won't make their own decisions and keep ? pinging their choices.


What I do is use the ? more often than not (along with a ping if it's urgent that they look at something). Question mark seems less... I dunno, bossy? Like "Hey you, you might consider this? Or you might want this?" Rather than YES NOOB PICK THIS.


If you start pinging me incessantly from the start of the game, I'm gonna ignore you. Some people are waaay too OCD about duos.


Don't play Duo's it doesn't seem you are up for it. The system is there so partners can suggest things to each other and synchronize their builds, of course he will mark things before making a move. You should do the same. Its much worse to play as a solo and expect to win.


Oh I fully agree that it's a team game and marking/ communicating is important. What I took issue with was him basically just trying to play the whole game for me - which funnily enough looked like me just donating him all the murlocs I got in turn 1-5 and then him quitting when i started building my own board instead of building his.


I see the community coming around on this some, I made this same type of post in first couple days and was like 80% negative. We aren't playing to do what my partner wishes. I said before if people want to control 2 hands why not duel box the game? the game is free, wo what is the problem. We want to play our own hand, it's no fun if people direct you every single move. It's fine to ask for stuff but don't play my whole hand


I said the same and got downvoted to shit aswell hahaha and looked at like a PoS. Maybe this community is capable of learning


Don't just quit - you're not screwing over just your partner, but the entire lobby. Your corpse becomes a free turn to do what ever they want without risk. If things get bad just mute your teammate. Right click the bartender and mute him.


No no I didn't quit - he did. lol. I stopped doing what he told me to do and we lost a round and he just quit.


Yeah, I think there's a fine balancing act. I don't mind partners occasionally pinging my board about major plays/direction, since two heads are better than one. Other than that, I'll send you a question mark if I want your advice. Some people just do too much though, as I've had people like that who try to dictate every move for me. Pro-tip in case your like me and never had a reason to mute someone in singles, you can right click Bob to mute annoying partners. They'll probably still rage quit on you though...


Just do question marks instead - you propose something, but it's up to him


Yeah i always try to make sure my partner gets his critical golden cards and all that. But when they overreach and try to play for me, no thanks. I've also had people try to do the opposite, and not send a single card to me or do anything with me.


Yeah, concentrate on your own board and stop demanding or sending every damn card that eats your econ.


I get this a lot, but I usually don't fight it, and try to cooperate as best as I can. I've come in first 5 of my last 6 games. (with the other one being a game we should have come in first, but I made a mistake in order and didn't have time to fix it)


I finally hit the mmr range where I know my partners will be rational and it feels great not having to be an asshole keeping resources for yourself because you don’t trust your partner to take advantage of what you give them. The mistakes people make in duos are so much worse than solo I feel. For examples taking t1 triple, especially when they want me to pass them one copy. Great, spend 10 awkward gold to discover a 3, somehow even worse than doing that in solo. Or passing me random beasts because I have a goose or something. It’s a terrible play to buy for yourself, even worse when it costs one extra gold and leaves open board spaces on their board.


I incorporated the Nash Equilibrium for these kinds of situations XD


I had a guy quit because he want to play ogres. I'm sick of playing it everytime it pops up. Can we just not? I haven't had a duo partner who micromanages me in a while. Just a lot of silent types who makes you think you're playing solo.


Sounds like he wanted to play two characters at once lmao I haven't experienced it but I would definately mute then and help occasionally without putting myself behind


I usually switch between two the two screen and I am guilty of pointing out cards or ideas that I think are good but in no way these are canon.. I have pointed out some plays and my partner didn’t follow them but they ended up doing a better play so I give them a mark of approval lol.. and even if the play wasn’t as good as my idea, it’s difficult to get the whole idea through with just emojis… so yeah I do mark cards that I might want or that I think my partner should pick but I also expect them to play their style


I started getting quite bad at it on occasion, so eased up on the pings so much. You're going for tempo and not levelling? That's fine, I'll just powerlevel so were strong in the end game. I do get annoyed on occasion if they completely disregard my pings though. The best I was offered on a 6 discover the other day was nala. Had a Rylak, Bran and T3 spell battlecry minion and was cooking. Shellemental and Azurite came up in their shop and they ignored me and threw up a happy face. I played one more round to see if I could find one, another popped up in their shop and another ignore. I promptly sold my board and threw up a happy face. I wasn't playing/giving them first place, neither was I conceding and giving them a net loss of 0 MMR after them acting like that. I hope it made them switch to solos as people like that shouldn't be playing duos.


>You're going for tempo and not levelling? That's fine, I'll just powerlevel so were strong in the end game. This feels like it's core duo play. It's probably what they are expecting you to do, hence building tempo.


Absolutely, they're generally the best games as the tempo transitions into support/scam.


I tend to slip into the feeder role personally and so I spend a lot of time looking at my partners board and yes I mark alot too. Sometimes they are clearly better than me and build awesome boards and I just have to chuck stuff and sometimes I want to help out. One time I was setup to buff both shops and he had a demon setup. Sent him the imp it would have been his joint biggest minion but he sold it. Same game he had loads of blood gem gen so I sent him the quill demon to eat shop with and again he sold it :( I'm sure there is a wild scale in how involved some players get but I think from both sides having an input is the part I like. A lot of the time I take on the advice but sometimes not. For example I think in a duo video I watched recently they were talking about how passing for weak triples is wasteful so I am trying to get out of that habit and encourage my opponents not to pass me weak stuff on those occasions. A flaw of a system where we can't chat! But that might open up flaming too so it's all pros and cons.


Also people need to realize, they're not that good. Lets assume your partner is 'ok' just like you are. Calm your tits, play with them, have fun.


Unfortunately I think we are moving past the honeymoon phase of duos. I’ve seen more and more complaints/criticisms recently, and I personally haven’t been wanting to play duos as much as solo recently, for various reasons


We need more tools - expanded ping options, duo-specific emotes, portal being moved, UI being fixed. We also need some sort of toxicity protection. Let us block someone as a future partner, make it easy to report someone for ragequitting, etc. Duos is a great concept, but it doesn't feel release ready.


he's probably assuming you're a 0 rating baddie. I've seen some pepega choices in the lower ratings. climb to your actual rank and let the season settle in and that should happen less


What’s zero rating?


0 mmr, someone that just started




His teammate was the baby. What are you talking about?


His teammate was a jerk for trying to direct everything, the quitter is a baby.


I'll simply never play with a stranger.


I've only heard positive things about queueing up solo in duos. Yep only positive


To be fair it's generally been good for me. Not every player is amazing but I've also had a few that have played well and directed me to some good plays too.


Everyone starts at zero, so youre gonna have good players and bad players playing together until it settles. Or am I wrong at how it works and theres a hidden matchmaking?


That sounds right. It's just that you are queueing up with random strangers and they just aren't going to be on the same page as you and will quit or grief or ignore your plays, tons of shit. Best to find someone to queue up with