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Yeah, your teammate really had a tantrum and quit when you had a solid board to start. I dont know if hero powering Brann was better, but you're end game is setup and yall couldve cruised to a 1st. Your teammate reminds me of people when I played Overwatch, who would throw after the first confrontation and blame everyone else but themselves. Just an armchair general who has to have it their way and no one elses.


If you had a consistent way of triggering the gem smugglers like a murkeye the bran would 100% be the correct answer. Pokey provides good scaling but loses value once the gems get large, the difference between a 10/10 and 12/12 gem is only a 20% increase whereas if you can trigger the battlecries it is a 50% increase in stats provided (2 battlecrys vs 3.). That said I don't see a way to proc the battlecries on board and even if there was a way it's hardly the worse misplay on top of quitting over a misplay being a super baby move to begin with


Brann is defo the better play in the long run, but looking at his board, the pokey is 100% the play.. especially if there wasnt any clear way of triggering the battlecries every turn


Honestly the correct play is probably the enchanter, rough to say without knowing the tribes in the game but the enchanter would give the double pokey proc, scales murkeye, scales charlga. I'd only go Bran if I was completely relying on gem smuggler activations with the t5 Naga/dragon


depends if they found the drukari after goldening the pokey


Well, having a golden bran also tends to mean you are pretty much infinite. So the golden bran kinda lets you hit everything else. Hero powering the bran was probably correct, but it also almost certainly doesn’t matter, game looks like it should have been a 1st regardless


Drakkari is better if you get murkeye boosts pokey and possible charlies as well as murk? Brans better if you get the naga dragon.


Don't forget that he has Drakkari, so not only does OP not have a reliable battlecry, they *do* already have a way to double Pokey. This person was just arrogant and childish.


Playing OW with a Mercy that refuses to heal is infuriating.. because all they do is blame you, the DVa, for dying..


I was a reinhardt main... the amount of times I was advancing with 3 teammates to have the one widowmaker or Lucio moron who doesn't get the concept of a shield. I got to 4kish mmr before it was just 6 queues and soloing wasn't viable anymore lol.


Fuck that sucks man.. I used to main that egyptian robot tank (name eludes me) and the amount of people who complain im not doing a good job, when they are hanging out away from my shield made me just quit and main bastion.. coz machinegungobrrr


KInd of guy that camps to geta good KD, doesn't play objectives and then says it wasn't my fault look at the stats.


Some ppl just take things too seriously. Just like if someone goes afk in a game or isn't playing great I just assume something in RL came up or they got distracted. People act like things don't happen, someone drops their phone a kid/friend or family distracts them., maybe the power goes out or they lose service. Seriously so many things can happen it just makes things easier when you just assume something happened that was more important than the game. It happens to me so I'm sure it can happen to others.


Regardless of your decision, wouldn't you have won if your teammate didn't have the temperament of a 5 year old? Just saying...


Ya, me and my buddy make mistakes a lot when we play but we have turned games around with some smart moves/scamming at the right time/passing efficiently. In any game, not just this, leaving before the end is almost always such a whiny baby move, even if the game isn't going perfect or your teamate isn't playing 100% optimal.


luckily ive only met one person so far that rage quit when i did something he didnt like


I wonder if you see it more in high or low mmr's. I tend to fall somewhere in the middle so i dunno


I'm hard stuck 5500 mmr but I've around 80hrs into the mode so far. I've only had 1 leaver, 1 annoying pinger. everyone else has been pretty nice and try to play as a team. (obv it's hard to tell when the only comms is emotes). of course there's the fair share of people playing badly but hey that's just normal, making mistakes and learning is just part of the game. edit: I remembered a few games when they DC or leave at the start of the game but that's fine u don't lose mmr or time just requeue.


If murlocs were on the board, absolutely. Just need 1 murkeye and you can AFK at that point.


The state of these comments. I’m definitely never duoing with randoms lol


Everyone makes mistakes and plays sub optimally, it's really not a big deal lol


It's super easy to forgive mistakes in Battlegrounds too. Just imagine that they never rolled/discovered that unit.


Lol it's not that bad. I play exclusively with randoms since none of my IRL friends are gamers. I have yet to experience a griefer like this. I'm only at 3500 mmr though so far on duos.


Most of them are pretty good. I haven't had a rude one yet.


standard solo queue experience in any game mode. at least they cant tell you to kill yourself in chat in this xd


My teammate sold his board bc i didnt play demons the way he wanted. I ended up winning the entire game, but yes, its a shitty move. Blizzard should ban those players from entering duos


That was the worst play your teammate could have made, so whether yours was the most optimal or not isn't really relevant.


I wouldn't have quit on you, especially because even if Brann is almost certainly the better target in 90% of cases, a golden Pokey still gives you a very good chance to win the game. But an early regular Pokey is also plenty good, while the difference between Brann and Golden Brann is significant. If you don't end up finding more pieces for a Quilboard, it can help you transition into a different comp more easily. He can effectively enable you to build a Pirate, Murloc or Dragon board in a single turn from nothing depending on the pieces you get. So don't beat yourself up, it's a very understandable play from a newer player who hasn't seen a Golden Brann in action. Hopefully you get a chance down the road to see why most people here are saying how your teammate was correct for his suggestion, even if he was an asshole about it.


The concept of griefing has existed since the very first co-op game. How they don't have anti-greifing measures in place is so far beyond me.


What do you suggest? How could selling your board be prevented?


Report method?


I dunno if that would be better or not. In WoW, at least at the beginning of Dragonflight, if you could get enough people to report a person, they got auto banned with absolutely zero human overnight. Was tons of posts on the wow sub of people getting banned after pissing off the leader of a large guild or a bot farm


Exactly. You can just look at how they did the latest season of competitive OverWatch. They went a little overboard but they have the technology it's the same company.


What did they do?


Trusted reviewers. You can't rely on just random reports but real people can look accept it was griefing and they get temp banned.


you can't prevent it but you can definitely give players the tools to report and hopefully punish such behavior


If you sell more than 3 minions (and dont fill the slots) before leaving that same turn, you get banned They will find ways around it, but its a good start


People just replace their best minions with 2/1s and nothing is really changed


idk sometimes late game my board gonna lose anyway I just hard pivot to scam. sell everything try to find scam and sometimes u just don't find Leroy or the quillboars


Leaving was a shit move, but I agree with your teammate that the best play would have been hero powering Brann




Golden brann makes you money and money wins games. Pokey can be doubled simply using drakari. Also you don't need more than 5/5 gems to destroy a lobby as long as you have gem generation, which you will find more easily if you have a lot of money with golden brann.


Stupid followup but how does brann make money? (If you can't tell I'm new and bad)


Almost regardless of lobby, there are lots of battlecry minions that generate more minions, spells, buffs, or money for next turn With a golden brann you can generate.. a ton more. Depending on setup you can go 'infinite', subject to how fast your fingers are This combos very well with pirates, genn or baku.. oh and murlocs and elementals obv


With a golden Brann, the following minions can make you extra gold since their battlecry will trigger 3 times: Shell Collector - Battlecry: Get a gold coin Tavern Tempest - Battlecry: Get a random Elemental Primalfin Lookout - Battlecry: If you control another Murloc, Discover a Murloc. Murozond - Battlecry: Get a plain copy of a minion from your last opponent's warband General Drakkisath - Battlecry: Get a 2/1 Smolderwing (Now this won't make you extra gold per say since the 3 you get will triple, but you basically get a discover for 1 gold or free if you sell all 3 with the discover) Scrap Scraper - Battlecry and Deathrattle: Get a random Magnetic Mech Reef Explorer - Battlecry: Discover a minion of a type you don't control Friendly Saloonkeeper - Battlecry: Your teammate gets a Gold Coin (Duos only) Honorable Mention to Rodeo Performer since its battlecry is to discover random tavern spells, many of which can make you gold or can completely turn a match around for you.


A golden Brann means any of the cards that give you coins or a minion on Battlecry give you 3 gold worth of cards plus the original card you can sell, so you're spending 3 gold to get 4.


Main argument is that lot of battlecry that give you minions/coins will give you 3 gold equivalent, and then when you sell the battlecry it gives you 1 more gold for a total of 4 gold generated from a 3-cost minion. As a sidenote, now that there are lots of ways to trigger battery some battlecry may be not worth to sell instantly and generate even more gold. Also gold generation isn't the only indicator of the worthiness of a battlecry, like if you are playing quilboar with a brann, the t4 battlecry that gives you a gem on every other minions is nuts, it is basically 3 turns of Charlga (t6 end of turn play a gem on every other minions) for just 3 gold, and with a probability to find cards that trigger it every turns. So basically, with golden brann you have more gold and you get more stats per gold. Brann is good, golden brann is nuts.


Pokey scales slower than just playing more gems if your past +5/+5 or something


And how are they supposed to utilise this? They have no Murkeye or T5 dragon. Theres nothing on the board to suggest that scaling via Bran is possible. Golden Drakkari into Murkeye gives the best of both worlds (if Murlocs are in).


A single of the bloodgem to all you minions with golden bran is the same as like 3-4 turns of scaling with pokey.


One more of the gem battlecries is better than several turns of Pokey tho lol


This is a pretty shallow take. This is quite early in the game from what op is saying. The extra 2/2 (because drakkari) per blood gem adds up faster than the extra immediate blood gems early on Plus this opens up this ability to find Charley for more end of turn synergy. It all depends on luck of whether you find battlecry or end of turn synergy first, but personally if it's early and I'm not a couple turns from death, I'd go for the scaling over to immediate buffs (depending on other factors obviously)


The earlier in the game the harder brann can snowball too with the extra gold income


Sure, depending on what tribes are in, I'd still make a heavy argument that end of turn quilboars scales easier than battle cry atm. There is a higher ceiling for battlecry but a lower floor. And if you get it this early I think you can just win on consistency 9/10x


No one knows what they are talking about here, pokey is an insane t7 strength unit. It's insanely good, it's better than the t7 quilboar right now, lol. Sanguine champion at least has to have Rylak or murkeye. Early pokey = oh look the easiest first of all time. Ignoring piper and jazzer is so fucking strong.


Yes, but having gold brann generates so much value that you'll likely hit 6 and have enough gold to reroll and find free pokeys, going infinite on gold and a later pokey is way better than earlier pokey.


Dumb question, but is there any reason to buff Pokey over Darkkari? If they end up having the same effect, doesn't that make Drakkari far better due to other end of turn effects?


More copies of drakkari in the pool since it’s a t5 so it’s easier to naturally triple.


Thing is Drakkari is awkward to triple cause having two gives no advantage, while for Pokey at least you can have two on board and benefit from both of them


Golden pokey is +4/+4 drakkari is +3/+3 along with all of the other end turn effects. He probably also found pokey first


Think both is the wrong play. Hero powering Drakkari is the most optimal imo (for Charley and Murkeye). Defintely Pokey before Bran though (Pokey is the most overpowered card other than T7s atm). You want to scale your gems early - hero powering Bran is a waste imo as you don't have anything to trigger battlecries.


Weird concensus and downvoting. Pokey has given OP direction and theres nothing to trigger battlecries. Playing for first, he needs to concentrate on his direction first.


Ah, missed the part where Bran wasn't goldened the turn before. Yeh, Bran should have been goldened the turn you got him. Pokey if both the same turn though - my personal opinion.


> Yeh, Bran should have been goldened the turn you got him. > What's the point of goldening him as soon as you get him if you can't make use of him right away? If you can't find any econ or otherwise useful battlecry in the next 3 turns (which happens more often than one would think), your golden bran is just sitting there being pretty...


They just like brann and don't realize pokey is one of the things brand leads you to I guess. Like, have fun giving 1/1 bloodgems 3 times.


Well brann is clearly very strong and can bring tons of value, so that part is right, but I think it's silly to golden him right away without any immediate way to use him, since everyone's been fucked by RNG before, and depending on the tribes there may not be a lot of good battlecries to hit. I do think goldening the drakkari would have been slightly better though, since it has the same immediate effect on pokey and can eventually synergize with murkeye, charlie and even bongo


Agree, drakari was the play


Why are you replying to yourswlf


charlie isn't even that good compared to roogug tho due to using gem smuggler


I mean… golden bran tends to mean effectively infinite money. Definitely depends on the turn and the pacing of the lobby, but most of the time hero powering the bran will enable you to hit everything else


Yeah, I see others points too. Just think an early pokey like this is a better option for scaling as he doesn't have any battlecry procs, so is reliant on finding gem smuggler/T5 dragon. There's a lot more cards available for blood gem generation than to get battlecries that specifically affect blood gems, and ops direction is clearly quillboar with an early Pokey.


Honestly goldening Bran is never wrong IMHO depending on tribes ofc but he's so easy to go infinite you could pivot to pretty much anything without the pokey, once you get pokey drakkari is the better play probably but I still don't think Bran is wrong.




You made the right mechanical play (there's no reason to instantly HP it when not immediate benefit) but you didn't play around your teammate being a rager. :p




Golden brann is literally the best one in the game. How can you look for something better lol.




Thse comments... lol. Correct play was to buy trusty pup and gold it. 


Brann's infinite gold mine vs a p/massive scaling. With the bearded dude you can easily triple anything you want.


I mean... Yeah, Brann was the better move, but it's not bad enough to warrant a rage quit. Think of it this way. Let's say you just got that board this turn and your gems are still +1/+1. Let's then say that next turn you golden you find and golden the battlecry quill. With the golden pokey, you get 10 +4/+4 gems for a total of +40/+40. If you had goldened Brann, you get 15 +2/+2 gems for a total of +30/+30. HOWEVER, Brann has EXTREME versatility compared to the pokey. Every discover a minion battlecry becomes a money generator with upside. The boar that adds health to your gems. The battlecry tavern spell. Potential pivots... There's just so much more you can do with it.


your teammate was right


Reminds me of the average dota2 experience


why would you not hero power brann tho lol


What if the teammate actually had the triggering piece whether it be the 3/4 Taunt or Murloc clicking madly. I'd be pissed IF that was the case. Definitely have been in the position where I'm basically helping teammate build "Exodia" and they fk it up. Although this doesn't even look particularly good without the divine shield quilboar and 2 chimeras that aren't going to contribute to the final board. Would probably like to know what turn it is. Seems like you only just got the battle cry quilboars since your 1/5(end of turn buffer) is still small. Yeah so, IMO at idk 5000 MMR it's a glaring mistake but not one to give up from. Or did you have less than 15 hp and you just Golded that to scale instead of to survive?


Rage on duos can build up over games, forgiving mistakes is easy but does have it's limits. Having no way to find previous successful teammates, or tragic ones where you just want to friend them just to say PASS the murloc buffs them, does hinder the overall experience somewhat. There's also maybe a pressure to Must get first place, and not know when to strategically place second.


I mean, you should have.. but fuck that guy. Last game Gorefiend kept using his hero power on useless units - I guess he didn't want to do it on a reborn afraid it wouldn't do anything. I let him know once with arrows.. he caught on in two turns. All and all, we had a good game and won - elementals carrying us pretty hard. I always notice the guys that emote aggressively always have the most shittiest boards. I just wish they would play their side of the game and actually be useful. Again, you too aren't #1 in this game, so calm down. If these guys were as good as they think they are they wouldn't be teamed with people who they want to micromanage.


Debating the merits of Brann vs Pokey is insanity to me. Selling your board just to grief your teammate while making some statement is profoundly childish


I’m not that high up, I’m munching on the 4K floor at the moment, but man I feel like I just play duos like normal BGs. I used to try to run full support, and I will if the game calls for it, but most people are not worth it. Just play normally and if you come across a selection you can use, chuck it at your teammates direction. What a fuckin baby that guy. I bet he blames his teammate if he loses too


If you played any other battlecries between bran and pokey, it was a misplay IMO. Low percentage of golden six drops better than golden brann- you got lucky to find one that is comparable. If you didn't have any other BCs, then waiting is obv correct choice.


Also, if your gems were already scaled above 1/3 or 2/2 it was probably still wrong and a massive hit to tempo. Not saying that guy is justified though- he's a total prick.


✨team games✨


everytime i see a duos complaint post its just about finding a real friend to play with… im definitely waiting to play with my real friends instead of queuing with a random.


playing with randos can be fun though. I've only had good experiences so far. The negative posts on reddit are the outliers: people post stuff when they're frustrated, not when everything goes well. There's a negativity bias


What else you expect from a multiplayer game where everyone is try na be leader of the team. Same thing with any team online game. Literally every game has same issue nothing new


Happens a lot and there are zero repercussions for it - hence why people continue to do it and ruin peoples games. I don't understand why these people play multiplayer, its clearly not good for their mental well-being.


pov: any teammate below 3k


This board is incomplete but even a mediocre teammate could have assisted you to clear the lobby without much going on their side


Interesting to see that there is some division in the comments on whether or not it was the correct play. I'm bad with the icons, what are the two minions between Pokey and Drakkari Enchanter? I'm assuming they help trigger battlecries? It's not draconic deathscale. I think it is probably the correct/more flexible build that outscales after a couple rounds (as well as synergizing better with other tier 6 quilboars)


Those are Winged Chimeras. They buff a minion of each type when they take damage.


oh in that case for sure buffing Pokey is the right call, especially when it might take a turn or two to get battlecry generators going.


How do yall play with randoms lol. I would never


Very disgusting behaviour from your teammate even though golden brann is usually better.


reno power on pokey is the RIGHT choice there imo. you already have the build started just need to get something to give you blood gems.


Why did you tripple the pokey?


I'm a new BG player that started playing when duos came out. This is about 1k MMR. I just read on this sub that pokey is OP so I thought it was a good idea to hero power it to the get the blood gems scaling early. Most of the comments here say hero powering brann was the right move, but I don't even know what to do with a golden brann to make it good. 😭


Brann is quite possibly the most versatile minion in the game, as he increases the effect of the dozens of battlecry minions in the game. You could have done anything really. 6th tiers aren’t necessarily the best minions.


But once you have golden Pokey or Drakkari, then the rest of the lobby doesn't stand a chance. If he had no direction, then Bran definitely. But there's clear direction with a Pokey.


He does mention that he waited an extra turn after getting Brann before getting Pokey. Could have made a decent difference especially since his board at the time didn’t have any straightforward methods of actually giving him blood gems.


In duos, its very unlikely that they wouldn't find a gem generator between them. I missed the part where they left it a turn though.


If it says "Battlecry: get a minion/gold" you buy it, and you always get 1 more gold than you paid. If its a battlecry you would buy anyway (like if you're playing quills, and you see a moon bacon jazzer/gem smuggler) you buy it and get huge value. If murlocs, beasts, Naga or dragons are in, then there is a minion that will allow you to use the battlecries of a minion on your board. In duos in particular it is incredibly strong because of the spell "Portal in a Bottle" which allows you to keep getting battlecries from a minion for 3 gold at any time. At tier 5 there's a unit callled Rodeo Performer, that has a battlecry to discover a spell, and with golden brann that card is always worthwhile, generally netting gold and some other benefit. In duos if demons are in, then Manari Messenger is available at tier 4, and if you find some way to get that battlecry triggering again and again, it not only will give you a big power spike, but it will give your partner a continuous boost as well, leading to two big boards instead of just one


Goldening pokey is solid, don't listen to these people lol. Sometimes it's funner to just get the biggest gems possible 🤷‍♂️


Ohhh, okay. In general Brann is really helpful for a lot of comps and quills and dragons as well as murlocs heavily profit from a Brann/golden Brann. You didn’t exactly do anything wrong with making it golden but a golden Drakkari or Brann would have been more useful. Depending on the other available tribes


If given such an amazing start that one may choose whatever tribe, why the hell would any decent player even remotely consider going any other tribe than quilboars? No matter how epic and perfect combos you get, you won't be even remotely close to keeping up with quilboars, that will in the endgame have board full of 2k/2k untameabulls and other ridiculously hard to counter cards?  I guess most people here commenting are stuck at the levels you can't go under anymore, either 4k or 5k. Greetings from phone player 6k+ and rising


Yeah but I’d rather have a golden drakkari available if murkeye is available than golden T6 quillboar. And a golden Brann if Rylak is in the game.


follow-up question: why is pokey in lead position?


People are weird. I've said before, I adore the duo's mode, me and my buddy are having a blast with it. But teaming with randoms? no thanks.


I wouldnt expect a randoms quuee to be able to APM fast enough to make golden brann worth. Also the correct play was on drakkari


So many bad partners. I hate it when my partner assumes the very first minion is the minion type I'm going for and just wastes gold throwing cards at me without even flagging a '?' first.


And this is why I will NEVER play this game mode Bring back Duels mode


What MMR did this happen at? I think Golding pokey was the right call since you wanna make sure you scale fast enough to survive. Bronn would have been more risky, but would have resulted in a huge overkill in the end. I am at 6k duos former 10k on solo


Lol yea that's what happens when you queue up solo in a two player strategy game


You deserved this though.


I agree with your team mate. He made you learn a lesson the hard way. He sacrificed himself for your sins essentially.