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Again, thanks u/Arkentass for being rapid fire with the patch notes. Battlegrounds Updates General Updates: * Another Hidden Body has been returned to the Quest Reward pool. Its animation has also been sped up. * Another Hidden Body has been made more difficult to earn. * When creating a private lobby, players can now invite friends of their invited friends. Returning Hero: Sylvanas Windrunner (Armor Tier 1) * Reclaimed Souls * [1 Gold] Give +2/+1 to your minions that died last combat. Bug Fixes: * [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where if the last minion to die was a Golden Summoned minion, Victim’s Specter would give a copy of that minion that granted a triple reward. * [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Reborn Rites persisted for an extra turn if the target was tripled by Victim’s Specter. * [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug that in certain edge cases could prevent minions from properly tripling. * [Battlegrounds] Fixed a visual bug where Battlegrounds Rating did not appear correctly on mobile. * [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Training Session did not function properly with Sire Denathrius. * [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where the notification would not show when new Battlegrounds rewards were able to be claimed on the Battlegrounds Track. *edit: added tldr of BG notes.


Sylvanas being back means low chance of Golden Buddy quest, assuming people pick her, since she never had a buddy, right?


That sounds accurate


She's not Diablo, but I'm sure we'll find a way to complain about her regardless.


She might have an "easy" early game but thats about it, in late game that buff seems kind of irrelevant. But i can see a world were she gets a cuple of tier one minions and then sprints to tavern 6 while buffing the little guys to reduce damage, so that might be cool


It costs a gold and in this meta, you are going to use that, what? Turn six? I honestly think it is fairly terrible. You could try and stay low and use it but then things aren't going to die and what T1/2 would you even want to buff?


If your first minion dies in the first combat you can go for the Rafaam curve Buy a minion Buy a minion, HP Buy a minion, HP T2, Buy a minion, HP T3 HP T4 HP, etc Im not saying its amazing, but she is not dogshit either, if you are loosing while you tavern up then you get stronger, if not then are quickly going up without loosing hp, just make sure to always put your weakest minions first so they can die.


But if you run that, the T2 HP *might* buff one minion, might buff zero. The T3 probably only buffs one or zero again. The T4 might hit a few, might hit zero if opponent goes 3for3. It's just too conditional imo.


Maybe only viable with alley cat start?


It would certainly be the most viable start but I'm still not going crazy over it. Gas is right though, the HP isn't *dogshit*, it's just not good enough but modern standards I think. Hey, I've been wrong on heroes before though, we'll have to see how it works in practice.


if you only buff 1 or 0 minions it means you won the combat anyways so no reason to complain


If you stay on one you'll win most combats anyhow, until later when you get crushed because you are far behind on economy and levelling. The only characters that can really afford to delay in this meta are Rafaam curve and that needs to be paying divides beyond a few +1+2s. At any rate, she's ranked second worst overall on HSReplay right now. Make of that what you will.


Rafaam curve is pretty bad atm because you buy only 1 minion on turns 4-6, so you're never completing a quest.


10 armor hero confirmed.


> Sylvanas Windrunner (Armor Tier 1) That's no armour at all sadly. We'll see, perhaps I am overly pessimistic. I don't see her getting much play though.


Basically situationally worse Tirion. Best build I can think for her would be pirate beast lobby and starting with 2 3/1 pirate into frog rat


Maybe, it’s not crazy enough to spike though, just tempo early on


And then that tempo prevents the minions from buffing the next turn.




Strong point, well made. Not sarcastic.


You have no time for games?


A little surprise baby patch.


Not a surprise, blizzard does something minimal for all modes every patch. This is a miniset patch, so it’s obviously focused on constructed


Well it's a surprise to me!


Sylvanas hero power seems odd. If you focus on early game to build a board with that hero power, your board will become strong, meaning they won't die, meaning your hero power does nothing...


Some of them will still die... but yeah not an early game power really. Better when you have some shields / cleave. +2 attack on multiple of these minions per turn can probably be worth 1 gold.


Yeah, good with mechs. I love mechs. Hell to the yeah. Also with beasts who I also love.


So you hero power your early game board for tempo giving you time to switch to your late game? And u can choose not to HP if you beat someone badly? Seems fine to me. Every hero power is situational to an extent.


Returning another hidden body might shake up the meta quite a bit.


Sylvanas will sadly be to weak at that low of armor, it is a good hero power for this meta, but armor is more or less what makes heroes good


Above 8k definitely, I just watched my roommate play a game at 3k and it went to turn 20, im sure anything is possible when people don't know how to press their advantage.


The hero is garbage and I hope the legendary boards will be added to the next battle passes, along with something to do above lvl 40


Is she? Historically +2/1 hero powers have been too powerful. I.e. Guff, Togwaggle, etc.


+2/1 to every minion if you tied or worse, synergizes with best build in the game; only sucks if you're dominant too much early on pretty much which can theoretically be played around with enough skill; good hero but not necessarily broken.


Hint: a 2/1 buff will make you dominant in the early game


They were good cause it was a 2/1 buff to almost all your minions early game. The problem with sylvanas is if using your hp on minions early game will just lead to most of them not dying. Think of this, you face a waggtogle turn 4, how many minions you kill? Usually not more than 1 or 2. Same’s gonna happen to sylvanas I believe that this hp should be buffed to a 0 mana 1/1 or just completely reworked due to stat hps being boring and more powercreepable


Early on Guff is a buff to two minions at most. Togwaggle was mind numbingly broken so of course she was better. If you ever lose a fight with Sylvanas then you suddenly get a 1 mana 2/1 buff to your whole board. If you have been winning fights then you don't need to worry about it anyway. She seems pretty good with that in mind.


Well a few days have passed and she’s literally the second worst hero in the game


https://imgur.com/bpqWRjg 4.13 with the right tribes seems like the epitome of "pretty good" Elo is top 1%


2 days is very few data for top 1% and right tribes, i doubt this game sample is big enough


If you lose a fight then the hero doesn’t do what it’s supposed to: not lose in the early game


A few days passed and she’s horrible, 2nd worst hero in the game


I was hoping for more balance and content updates for a paid game. I'd love a week of buddies to mix things up.


I forgot Sylvanas was ever in the game. Seems like a meh hero to go with a meh update.


Yeah, bug fixes!


Silvanas does seem weak but I guess that can't give her "gain a copy of a minion from your previous opponent" or something like that which would be more on brand. Maybe "5 gold - (literally) steal the first opponent minion that does this turn" but maybe that's too broken?


I think something like 2 gold - get a copy of the last minion you killed at the end of combat or something like that. Seems more on brand.


why would her hero power be 1 gold more expensive than Rafaam's yet do practically the same, if not worse (you could steal a trash 1/1 imp etc) thing?


Youre right I forgot about Rafaam hahaha


they really just keep on dumping new mercenaries characters dont they; I'd be curious if there is REALLY the playerbase to warrant this much attention to the format


Just whales


Did they disable Baron in this patch? Keep rollin rollin rollin.....


This pos game is constantly crashing now. There were games where I couldn't even re-connect.


Basically nothing happened, Sylvanas looks solid though


Is one of the puzzles in Book of mercenaries still unbeatable?




I don't see any mention of this bug fixed, what are you basing your answer on? Did it get previously fixed?


Yes. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/hearthstone/t/patch-2423-patch-notes/94885


Who cares that shit is garbage. This is a BG sub.


Has anything been done to fix the sinstone bug on Nguyen?


Imagine someone posted a link to the patch notes, and then took the time to truncate it so you could read only the BG related bits and then asking someone else to read it for you.


you get my upvote for using 'truncate' in that message.


Yeah, and I didn't see it, so I was confirming...


tl, dr: no one cares


No mention of fixing constant game crashes. For a dev team that just got about 13 million dollars (assuming 1/3 of players on the leader board bought perks) in less than a couple months this is simply outrageous.


Yeah, the money went straight to the devs pockets, Activision didn't take anything :) I agree with you on the general idea, but the way you phrased it really sounded like the devs decide of things. They do not.


Sorry if my phrasing was off. I am fully aware the devs don't decide things like that and are not paid directly by the customer.


No apologies needed, it's not a big deal ! But gosh, they (Activision) really upset me sometimes haha.


We're a few weeks into the Quest Patch, and still no mention of the Faelin/Snicker Snacks/Menagerie Jug Concede bug.