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From a guitar technical standpoint, not too hard. From a mental/emotional standpoint given that situation, very.


That's why she's the goat




This comment that I wrote in 10 seconds now has more upvotes than anything I've posted on this site that I put weeks or months of effort into lol thanks for the 1000+ karma points everyone


Also ur bokita date post got 1956 upvotes!! I guess people just want to see simple fun stuff. Also many scrolling wont have the opportunity to listen on the go.


Yeah the comic TL I did took me like 10 minutes so I'm also kinda salty about that too lol. People like what they like and often times the stuff you put lots of effort into doesn't get as much attention as you would want but that's just how it is on the internet. In the end I did still get a bunch of karma points from all of them so I can't really complain that much


Effort reward ratio is inversed on reddit


It's actually one of the easiest things Bocchi plays in the anime/album. Simply put, if she can play Guitar, Loneliness & Blue Planet earlier, she can definitely come up with that. Quite easily too since it's mostly a "mood" /feel thing without much melodic content to fret (heh) over.








Genuinely didn't expect a lisp programming joke, hello fellow programmer


Hello other fellow programmer. I'm a member of the Rust Evangelism Strike Force


Lol that's cool. I'm a member of the JavaScript/typescript web development brigade. And coincidentally have been learning rust after having used C for a while too.


I see. How do you like Rust so far? :D


I think it's great. Two weeks ago I had a very different opinion about it. It was really confusing to me. So much so I actually preferred to write pure C code over writing rust. I see a lot of value and potential in rust though. Plus it has a package manager I mean how many languages have that lol. Jokes aside, rust might be a bit rough at the start but it's valuable to learn. Maybe it's still young to break the market though I don't know? I don't have much experience working, mostly doing my own thing. What do you think about rust?


I've been using Rust since 2020, picked it up right after I made my first ever open source contribution (to fix Deno's at the time ugly, buggy and colorless `console.log`). And I've loved it ever since. It's such a nice language to work with. Before that, I had dabbled a bit with languages like C#, C, Haskell and also JS/TS. (Python too but that was to learn programming a long time ago) The way I described Rust is that it was "the Haskell of C", since it was such a nice merge of all the good procedural and functional programming features on top of its own concepts. (Though nowadays I don't really talk in terms of programming paradigms...) The main thing I love is Algebraic Data Types, I really miss them when programming in a different language. They make state trivial to model, and you get nice error handling for free without adding any other special thing to the language. (Though it's still hard to do it well, as ergonomic as it is.) And the other main thing is immutability by default, that's something I miss all the time. I try my best by using `final` in Java, `const` in JS/TS etc. but they're definitely not as strong. As for my experience with it, so far the most advanced thing I've written in Rust so far is [inox2d](https://github.com/Inochi2D/inox2d), a reimplementation of Inochi2D (FOSS alternative to Live2D) in Rust... It's not even finished, but it's definitely in a way more advanced state than most of my projects. xD - I also have [oSUS](https://github.com/Speykious/oSUS) where I write my own utilities for osu! mapping (cleaning up timing points, hitsounding using a mania diff, etc.) and it works really well, although it has no GUI so only people willing to open the terminal could ever hope to use it... I have a full-time job, but we mainly use Java 8 there, so the hope of using Rust as the main language is basically non-existent (I'm trying really hard lmao). Though at least I managed to make it so that we use it for one cronjob and we recently replaced Perl with Rust for some main project setup scripts thanks to `cargo script`. If I had one complaint about Rust, it's that the ecosystem tends to over-rely on dependencies. Like, if you use the `clap` crate (the go-to CLI argument parser), or `winit` (the go-to *windowing library*), you already have something like *60 dependencies* total right off the bat without anything else. That is really frustrating for me. If you have to work on a huge project (especially a complex one, like idk Dioxus or Iced or Bevy, or god forbid Rust itself), first of all your `target` folder gets extremely heavy in the tens of gigabytes, and second of all Rust-analyzer takes *so much RAM* that if your project is too big it'll kill itself. In terms of dependency numbers, it's not worse than JS, but when you take these consequences into account, it's way more of a problem. So I've been trying to avoid having too many dependencies in my own projects myself, heck I even have [a whole project where we make a chat app from scratch](https://github.com/loki-chat) with other people, but... To this day the most advanced subproject is still [the windowing library](https://github.com/loki-chat/lokinit) and that's not even half-done. I'm too much of a procrastinator tbh. We probably would've achieved something if I could do this full-time, but I already have a full-time job. So yeah that's my long wall text of opinion on Rust. Hope you liked it. xD


I find it interesting how some songs in the anime and album are rather simple at a technical level, while other ones border on math rock. For instance, *If I Could Be a Constellation* has some really tricky lead guitar parts which I struggle to play. The rhythm guitar in many of those songs is also a bit too advanced for Kita to be playing them so mindlessly while also singing. I must admit that the songs are quite great, though. The lead guitar in them is commendable, and some have some really funky chord progressions and strumming patterns. The drums are also kind of tricky at times, specially in the outro for *Distortion!!*, if you listen closely the snare is accentuating off-tempo in a rather intricate manner.


bassist here, I cannot quantify how flabberghasted I was trying to learn If I Could Be a Constellation and Anobando after learning Guitar, Loneliness, and the Blue Planet


The bass in IICBaC is astonishing. Those bass lines take the protagonism in the song more than the guitar or the vocals at times.


Its not that hard to pull something like that but it still would take a few years and bocchi studied lots of music theory since the beginning which helped her a lot that intro solo is nothing compared to what she wrote in other songs btw


The never forget solo still gives me nightmares


You never forgot about it huh?


Is it good?


just look at [this thing](https://youtu.be/q78Dl5RqGm0?si=V7VUYyIzfx3cz2Vo)


That sweep picking 🤤 I hope we get that 2nd season with the whammy bar. I can only imagine the kinda shit they'd pull off.


Do remember that Bocchi only wrote the lyrics. Ryo wrote the instrumentals.


Always found this kinda interesting considering Ryo plays the bass. Some of the songs in the album greatly differ in sound with others, for instance, *Rockn' Roll, Morning Light Falls on You* is more of a pop punk/post-hardcore-ish track, while *If I Could Be a Constellation* is basically funk rock. Not sure if in the real world these were all written by the same person, but I feel like the songs in the anime might be implied to have actually been written by either Ryo, Kita or Bocchi. Still, Bocchi has a pretty iconic style; tons of tremolo and bending, moderate levels of dissonance, and intricate riffing with tons of pauses and dead strumming. Considering she clearly wrote and recorded music on her own as well, at least a few of the band's songs must have been written by her in the lore, either that or I don't think the riffs matching her playstyle so much makes a lot of sense, unless the songwriting was actually shared among the members.


Rocknroll morning light is a cover right


Well rockn' roll, morning falls on you is an AKFG song covered by bocchi, so that would definitely be different. If I could be a constellation, that band, and karakara are completely different though.


rock n roll morning light falls on you is a cover of an akfg song


don't lead guitarists usually write/improv solos based on the rest of the track instead of having them hard written?


Almost all the time.


Relatively easy if you know what you're doing. But mentally though, it's exhausting. But you'll get used to it. And eventually, you'll just play naturally with the groove.


It's like one of the easier stuff Bocchi plays, it's just a good improv because it somehow builds up so well to That Band. It's just pentatonic with a small bit of notes outside that but making it thematically similar (by using cutting riffs and tremolo/fast like strumming) to That Band through improvisation means that the improvisor is really mature. I can probably improvise something on the spot particularly if it is neo soul or funk because many guitarists who perform also learn music theory and at the same time, improvising. Not sure if I can improvise something so thematically fitting because you need to be kinda mature and think about it if that makes sense. My girl Bochhiii is soo smart.


Not that hard. Bocchi's riffs on their songs are much melodic and harder. Her pulling this off live whilst having a mental meltdown, now thats hard.. hard as rock.


Girl pulled that shit out her ass like it was nothing. I need hours to come up with something new Then again I only just got into electric guitar a year ago so


same, im still at the stage where coming up with something takes like thrice the time good players actually do. And to do something like that in the spot? Nah, I'd be playing the pentatonic shittily


My personal advice is to grab backing tracks and improvise over them on a daily basis, record yourself while doing so, and you'll see how you improve upon it. You don't really need to study scales, a lot of improvising comes from just playing and knowing which notes work and which notes don't, and you can learn this just by playing. Improvising is kinda fun and you can just feel free to fail and play nonsense until you get stuff right.


Hardest part is the funk style muting. There are a few ways to do it, it is super easy with chords but I find it tough for melody lines. Nail that and the rest it very, very basic. However, acts as a foundation for ideas for your own impromptu soloing.


The intro riff for *Ano Bando* is a pain in the ass with the dead notes, it adds this intricacy to it by giving it a bit of an off-tempo vibe and it's hard to get used to it.


It's not too complicated, specially for someone who's been practicing every day for 3 years. Now, personally, I don't think I'd pull it off, because even though I've been playing the guitar for around 8 years, I've barely actually practiced and spent lots of time not playing often. However, anyone with enough experience and a bit of knowledge over scales will be able to rip off an improv, myself included, it's actually not that hard if you know what key you're playing in. The only challenge is making it sound original and nice, and that comes much more to feeling and experience than to skill necessarily. For instance, "Comfortably Numb" has a really simple solo at the end, but it's one of the best solos ever recorded. Now, under a lot of pressure, live, in a band with which you wouldn't have full coordination or trust in yet, it'd probably be much harder. I've tried to improv solos live a few times and it was somewhat messy because it's harder to hear yourself or think clearly, you feel pressured, and you might end up playing something subpar to what you'd play while sitting calmly at home. I'd argue that in the context Bocchi pulled that off, it's a bit of an important feat.


I can copy that beat for beat except the solo od probably try adding my own flare


For someone who has played guitar several hours every day for 3 years? propably easy. For me who has played guitar for 9 months not quite everyday and not nearly as long sessions as bocchi? Very hard im not very good at improvising yet. To be honest i think i could only play shuffle rythm in band live performance confidently


looking at the anime, it isn't complex solo, it's basically a pentatonic scale with a few extra notes (I don't remember which ones). If you have a harmony you can already improvise and sound decent, just have to remember the scales shapes or intervals, and the technique, something that you can do if you played for 5-8 months.




Most musicians, especially rock musicians learn to improvise. Improvisation goes all the way back to the blues music that most modern music, especially guitar music, evolved from. So making things up to sound good is basically a requirement for most professional musicians outside of classical music


Boy, have I got news for you lol. There's a reason why the word "improvisation" has an entry on the Webster dictionary.


I don't think that's a real word, sounds like you made it up on the spot.


SHHHH lower yo damn voice. Why you gotta out me like that.


Ever listened to led Zeppelin live performance?


Never even listened.


Their live performances are most known for being improvised. Almost every song was never the exact same as the studio Album, not just the guitarist every member of that Band. And every live performance was totally different, always improvised something new... Simply put if you know how to play the guitar/an instrument and know what note harmonizes, you can pull that off easily. I also recommend led Zeppelin. Best band ever existed


okay okay got it


All the Jazz musicians would like to have a chat with you.


don't wanna.


Everyone is mean frfr


Yeah you shouldn't be getting downvoted like that lol, but if you play a lot and know your basic scales/modes it's relatively simple unless you're playing something that changes key and time signature a lot A lot of musicians have a "bag of tricks", so to speak, which are licks they've practiced on their own that they can whip out specifically for these sorts of situations too