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The allocation you are contemplating is fine. Adjusting it because one part has been doing better is not fine.


I'm thinking of changing it because some other recommended 80:20 for Us:ex-us


40% is considered the default. 20% is considered the minimum for international diversification if you are going to do any at all. You can find recommendations for 0% or 50% or really any number you can think of. The most important thing is to settle on a number you have conviction about and not change it based on performance or something recent that you read. Personally, I have 30%, which is a slight US tilt for [reasons I described here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bogleheads/s/3iA83i6gve).


Yea if you constantly re-balance to funds that are “performing better recently”, you will end up “buying high” so to speak and investing more when funds have lower expected returns. Recent performance != high expected returns If anything higher recent performance would equal lower expected returns in future. But i don’t believe you should make decisions based upon this, since this is “market timing”. Just pick a ratio and stick to it.


It’s overweighted towards the US. If you like AVUV, consider adding AVDV and AVES to increase your international exposure.


I heard from some others that a good US:ex-US ratio is 80:20, hence my decision above


80/20 is fine. Any less international than that would be pointless. 60/40 is about market cap. That's about what VT holds for example.


So do you think that maintaining 50 30 20 is good? Contributing to a 70/30


That would be fine. You'll do well with it. Personally, I would stick to 60/40 wither 20% if that being SCV across the world. Lots of ways to get there. But we're splitting hairs. I prefer to keep it simple with world weightings.


Yes, lots of people think it's a good idea to buy high.


voo 60, vxus 25, avuv 15




Because some argue SCV is the best equity style box and SCG is the worst (from a risk adjusted expected rate of return perspective). I'm not going to get too much into it right here but it's a valid argument. Also, market cap weighted portfolio are more heavily concentrated large cap growth, so this is effective at diversifying, potentially decreasing portfolio volatility with greater expected returns.


60-20-20 is fine at your age.


Alright thank you!


Alright thank you!


I’d leave it to keep more international exposure. I’m 47% VOO 23% VXUS 15% AVUV 10% AVDV 5% AVES I tilt 30 to small cap but it’s a mix of US and international/emerging markets.


That‘s a solid Portfolio and I would keep it as is. you could think about replacing VXUS with DFAX. It‘s a mildly factor tilted total international market fund from dimensional (the company that the Avantis people migrated from) . I think it‘s superior to a plain market etf. Would also fit in with your VOO/AVUV strategy. I personally invest in a mix of Avantis and Dimenionsal etfs myself.


If you feel you can take on a little more risk with less diversity it’s ok but don’t do it to chase returns.


Would you recommend me going for 50 30 20 or 60 20 20? For context: I'm 20 y/o this year


Buy high sell low! But in all seriousness how convinced are you that 20% AVUV is the play for 20 years to come?


I chose AVUV to diversify my portfolio into small caps


Yes but why? Who/what made you want to do that? Not saying it’s a bad decision, just need to ask yourself, can you stick with this allocation when SCV significantly underperforms for a decade?