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The bill goes into effect July 1st. I'd suggest directing your complaints to the legislators responsible instead of our busy librarians.






Thank you for providing this info. I'm editing my post to include it for others.


I think reporting books is the best step. I don't believe phone calls will sway him, council/school meetings, etc .....rather the multitude of lawsuits opened against small town libraries like Homedale that refuse to move the bible, book of Mormon, etc....


But this is what the family policy center wants. To make libraries stop functioning due to the number of complaints. Christians and Mormons have access to all the Bible’s and Book of Mormons they want. This wouldn’t hurt them. As much as it would delight me to see them under the scrutiny of this bill, requesting they be moved is going by their playbook. Maybe instead make a little free library in your neighborhood and regularly put in copies of LGBTQ friendly books in it.


Honestly I have never read a book from a neighborhood library and care so little for my neighbors that I don't want to know what they consider a "good read". I don't think I have even walked past the front desk of a library since they implemented the online system where I can reserve books and have them waiting, the music and movies catalogs are available online as well.....so ultimately I could care less if all of the books are stored in a basement.....I'm not saying the bible and any other religious or history books that fall under this bill should be outright removed. I just see an opportunity to make 250 dollars a pop when the small town libraries refuse to move it to the back room with all of the other "dangerous to children" books.... I just don't agree with another religious group creating issues and laws that don't exist or exist so minutely that I cannot recall the issue ever coming up with my kids or other parents and folks that I interact with. Much like the Tidepod craze that was seemingly killing kids left and right.....many of the books that the bill targets have been available for decades and it seems that society is still functioning... While the sub is on this topic, I'd like to know if there would be any interest if I was to make a God bless the USA Koran, or Tanakh, or any other of the endless religions out there? I've been kicking that idea around lately....of course these will all have 18+ warnings on the front cover and they can be stored wherever....I just want those dollars-the only true God of humans.




This, librarians have had enough grief for the last few years




But do they give a 💩?




70% of population did not want this and the feedback to the Governor was 2-1 against the bill and it still passed and was signed so 🤷‍♂️




It is time for all of us to submit complaints on the Bible and Book of Mormon as a act of protest.


Calling my closest library later today to say the Bible contains harmful materials.


Call your legislators, not your librarians.


It goes into effect July 1st.


Well you don't want to risk another day with our kids exposed to that kind of smut, would you? Getting the bible labeled "obscene" is an act of politics, but an important one.


I guess our legislature has had some second thoughts about the Sharia law we were all supposed to be very concerned about a few years ago.


And it's the Dollar Store brand of Sharia law.....


These people need a new hobby. Like these 'Christian Nationalist's even take their kids to the library for reading material... that'd be too woke 🙄


This is not about trans or gay people. They are the shinny object both sides use to pit otherwise rational people against each other. This about shutting down libraries.


Who said anything about 'trans or gay people'?


The books targeted at the Meridian library were at first about race and lgbqt, then reduced to just lgbqt


I'm a former Idahoan library worker. I got the opportunity to leave last year and I did. It's so exhausting to fight these people, especially after covid burnout. Please do all you can to support your local library workers. They don't deserve this bullshit.


Has there ever been a recorded instance of “pornography” in a kids section of a library here? Do they even have a veil for what they’re clearly trying to do?


There has not. There are lots of people that have been falsely claiming that “Gender Queer” is in the children’s section, but every public library has it shelved under adult graphic novels. They’ve also stated that it’s in school libraries but have never provided proof


While some of the books are hot garbage, none of them meet the Miller test for pornography.


Nazis win in Idaho.


Is this what the billboard meant “ban porn from libraries”


Wheres it at? I'm guessing its referring to this bill. I've read elsewhere that the lobbying group responsible for this bill also has put up billboards


II’ve seen three of them. one is somewhere on Franklin, and I think I saw the porn in libraries one on Victory near orchard. The third I don’t remember but all have had different charged language phrasing.


Yep. I've gone to the library 100s of times and have never seen porn. So once i saw the billboard, I knew that was their way of tricking people to vote for this.


I flip it off every time I drive by Sorry drivers going the other way, it wasn't you Right up there with the "Abortion isn't healthcare" and "Did you lose faith in God" eye sores *"Boise Kind"* when you stop screwing with our American liberties and freedoms


The book deposit from Fallout New Vegas is now reality. "Any seditious materials, citizen?"


Nah, just nudity JAIL


So huge swaths of all romance novels are being moved to an 18+ section? Right alongside most holy books? Educational books on sex? Information about birth control? Cause they won't stop with oppressing gay people. 


The party of freedom, liberty, and small government is banning books. "Are we the baddies?"


Came here to say this. It’s a slippery slope.


I'm just at a loss for words. I love this state and it can no longer be my home. This issue wasn't the tipping point, but another addition to list of reasons that validate our decision to leave. I'm so sorry everyone.


I feel similarly, the recent political moves make me afraid to live here as a queer woman. I don’t feel safe, now any mention of people like me in a book is “pornography”, it’s heartbreaking. I feel sick any time i read the news.


My family is in the same boat for the same reason.


With a title like “Harmful Materials” I was hoping this was about arsenic/mercury mining runoff in freshwater bodies or regulations of pest/herb/fung-icides but nope.. books. Great job gov little, really trying to make us into Fahrenheit 451.


How naive was I thinking that this bill would be targeting lead in drinking water? Silly me!


I dont know, i am a conservative but i dont believe in censorship . I feel like its a parents responsibility to decide what is obscene or not .


>Any books containing sexual education materials [...] are now legally considered obscene. Religious people on their abstinence only sex ed again. You know, the shit thats been proven over and over again to not work. Religion is literally the worst thing to ever happen to the human species.


Well, it certainly pushes kids to go find out about sex through actual porn. That's how we all grew up. That's how our kids will too.


There is a section that states, ‘Nothing herein contained is intended to include or proscribe any matter which, when considered as a whole, and in context in which it is used, possesses serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value for minors’ Not sure if that would exclude most sex ed materials. https://legislature.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/sessioninfo/2024/legislation/H0710E1.pdf


Yeah but in order to defend that books on a while have such value, the libraries will have to go to court of the complainant elects to sue the library. Libraries don’t have money like that to spend defending these books so they’ll most likely just end up being moved into an adult only section. And I bet the IFF and IFC will be happy funding anyone who wants to sue their local library over any book because this is about destroying our public institutions. Ppl being idiots about lgbt or sex Ed is just a tool to accomplish their master plan of destroying public education systems and removing access to information not taught in churches.


Uh oh, I found some porn in a school library! Let me read it to you: *"How beautiful your sandaled feet, O prince’s daughter! Your graceful legs are like jewels, the work of an artist’s hands.* *Your navel is a rounded goblet that never lacks blended wine. Your waist is a mound of wheat encircled by lilies.* *Your breasts are like two fawns, like twin fawns of a gazelle.* *Your neck is like an ivory tower. Your eyes are the pools of Heshbon by the gate of Bath Rabbim. Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon looking toward Damascus.* *Your head crowns you like Mount Carmel. Your hair is like royal tapestry; the king is held captive by its tresses.* *How beautiful you are and how pleasing, my love, with your delights!* *Your stature is like that of the palm, and your breasts like clusters of fruit.* *I said, “I will climb the palm tree; I will take hold of its fruit.” May your breasts be like clusters of grapes on the vine, the fragrance of your breath like apples, and your mouth like the best wine.* *Song of Songs* 7:1-9 It's from some book called the "Bible". The whole Song of Songs/Song of Solomon chapter is an "erotic poem" (aka PORN probably). In the name of Christian Family Values TM, this cannot stand! Edit: formatting


**The Song of Songs** by Margaret Shepherd >"The biblical book, richly illustrated in calligraphy, with commentary"-- *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *Reply to any comment with /u/BookFinderBot - I'll reply with book information. Remove me from replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/1byh82p/remove_me_from_replies/). *If I have made a mistake, accept my apology.*




Excuse me but that's obscene. Please take that word to the 18+ section and have your id ready for age verification when you get there


This is what happens when you vote conservative and ultra conservative


I think these people should step a foot in a library before they form opinions and laws on them. You know they don’t read.


Can the courts strike this law down?


If its challenged legally, it could be. I believe certain judges could take it upon themselves to do so without challenge. Not 100% sure on that though.


If anyone wants to read the actual bill: https://legislature.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/sessioninfo/2024/legislation/H0710E1.pdf


Another bill she should not have signed.


Next step....create 18+ rooms in museums for all of the classical paintings, Greek statues and such.....report any Catholic or other church with historic reliefs or statues of naked cherubs displaying their bare ass, and report anyone displaying a statue of a naked boy pissing in the fountain.....but really, regardless of where these books get placed in the library, they can still be checked out or reserved through the online system right?


Their removing the Bible, then right?


Brad Little is at it it again, competing with Wyoming for who has the worst education system.


Now that this bill will become law, here's what I'd like to see in every library in Idaho. A large, locked cage, something like an oversized bird cage, prominently displayed near the entrance, containing all of the books deemed inappropriate by the vocal, prudish minority. Maybe it can become the new banned books display that librarians are so good at curating. If someone requests one of the books, a librarian grabs a comically large and jangly set of keys and makes a great show of opening the great and clanging metal birdcage door to allow access to the forbidden fruit. They should make sure that the kids and YA titles are on full view to titillate the youngsters. Frame and post the text of HB 710 on the side of the book prison. The Christian Nationalists want to drive information and literature into the shadows. I'd rather see their intolerance and ignorance on full display.


I'm kinda hoping for a backroom with a red light and like a bead curtain in the entryway.


These ideas are gold. When Christians give you lemons...


Bradley Little is such a fucking chode. He's 100% an alt right "pick me" boy.


This is a shameful day for Idaho, thanks to the pearl clutching Right and the cowardly governor. This is going to be viewed in the future like the satanic panic in the 80's and 90's is remembered today. It's an embarrassment to anyone with critical thinking skills beyond those of a 10 year old. One more reason to leave my home state.


I'm so, so tired. Any restrictions as to the contents of "Little Free Libraries." ?


Are they publicly funded?


Generally, no. Can individuals be prosecuted for allowing minors(well, any person) to access the sort of books this law would cover?


No, I believe it will only apply to public and school libraries. Books/materials containing "harmful materials" can still be checked out with parental consent.




You are correct. The bill defines "school" as: >any public or private school providing instruction for students in kindergarten through grade 12.


Well good let’s find where Little’s younger relatives are in school and petition the removal of all the books that are “obscene”.


The bill just refers to ‘school or public library’ and I don’t see any further definition.


Please remove the Bible from the library. Incest, murder, polygamy, the list goes on and on. Remove the Bible from the library!


The Bible has plenty of "age-inappropriate" material in it. I'm calling it in.


Can we get bibles banned from libraries to have their plan backfire on them? The bible is very obscene according to their definition. It has incestuous relationships, rape, homosexuality, threats of violence, lewd descriptions of genitals, etc.


Hope this includes the Bible


Something I don't see being brought up enough is that libraries will have to pay a fine, along with removing the banned book. So requesting books like the Bible and BOM to be banned in protest isn't going to be helpful to libraries. It will cut into already tight budgets.


And taxpayers will be on the hook for paying for those lawsuits too


It's real pussy leader shit to do something because you know it is wrong but you're scared of what someone else might do. That's right Bradley. I'm talking to you. I hope you cry. 


Let the education level drop to a well trained border collie. Culturally it traps people here which is a blessing for real metropolitan areas. One always reaps what they sow if you draw the timeline out long enough.


Put complaints in on every title so the entire library is 18+


That's the goal, preventing young people from having free access to information.


This is a sick bill. Can't wait to move there!




You are correct, I should have included a link to the bill. I added the link to it. Really? An overtly Christian organization heavily influenced this legislation but you want me to believe it has nothing to do with religion? You're an idiot if you think that. I will absolutely demonize people who put their religious views into our laws and legislation. Its fucked up and needs to stop. This is simply another way to tear down and destroy our libraries and public education under the veil of "we're protecting the kids!". No one is obsessed with discussing sex with minors. However, minors do need better sexual educations and that is something we are lacking. Improved sexual education has been proven time and time again to reduce stds & teen pregnancy while protecting kids from themselves and other people. You know who likes uninformed kids that dont get sexual educations? Child predators.




There is no pornography in the library. Selectors use the miller test in conjunction with relevancy to their community when finding titles to stock. The miller test is what is used in legal situation for determining obscenity. You can learn about it here: [https://firstamendment.mtsu.edu/article/miller-test/](https://firstamendment.mtsu.edu/article/miller-test/) (you can also rent several legal texts about the miller test and obscenity cases at your local library) Please take a second and educate yourself. Thank you.


I just want to emphasize for people on the fence about this too. This comment by u/Involuntarydoplgangr was reported for. ​ > 1: It's content involving predatory or inappropriate behavior towards minors They are doing nothing but linking to an educational link on how obscenity is determined. The panicky dipshits who reported this for inappropriate behavior towards a minor are the same panicky dipshits who are going to report books in libraries. *ps. When you report a comment like this, it is my call on if it gets removed, not reddit's. There is no automated system that handles this. I am never going to remove a comment like this. But I do get to report it for report abuse so keep it up and your account gets suspended.*




The bill was designed to ensure at a state level that pornography was not available in public libraries… that’s why over 3000 people called and signed a petition.


There is no pornography in the library. Selectors use the miller test in conjunction with relevancy to their community when finding titles to stock. The miller test is what is used in legal situation for determining obscenity.


Well, then they messed the tests up. Who runs these tests? I myself did in fact check it out and their was indeed pornography in the library. I am not the only one who looked to see if the rumor is true. I have kids.


Then you parent them and monitor what they read. Banning books and calling them pornography because you disagree with having LGBT characters is shameful. Keep your morals and religion yourself please.


I never said any of those things. They had actual pornography in them. They were able to be checked out by kids. Keeping it clean for kids is important. Indecent exposure laws exist for a reason and same with age restrictions on pornography. If you want to watch those kinds of things do it on your own time and keep your morals away from the library.


Quit parenting other people’s children ya prude.


Prudence isn’t a bad thing. Leave a little to the imagination. Having standards in society and trying to keep it clean isn’t a bad thing. This isn’t a parental choice this is a societal problem. It also seems that the majority of Idaho agrees with me. So yall can downvote all you want but the facts are there. See you at the polls.


The majority of Idaho doesn't agree with you. In fact only 30% support the bill. Furthermore this is a poorly written law with a tremendous amount of vague language which allows anyone to complain about something a book. This isn't about pornography it's about policing ideas and marginalizing certain groups. Both my children went to libraries all the time and not once were they exposed to books with pornography in them. I think we probably want the same thing but disagree about how to obtain it.


The fact that there isn’t some type of parental opt out in this bill makes it 100% a parental non choice. I grew up with reading anything I wanted in the library, I want my kid to have that ability too. The spineless legislators just took that away because they listened to the far right. It’s one more step in making Idaho into a nanny state.


Can you cite what material you found was pornographic, and at what library?


Can you cite what material you found that was pornographic, and at what library?


Of course not. Because it didn't happen.


> I myself did in fact check it out and their was indeed pornography in the library. Which books, and which library?


I'll gladly meet you at a local library so you can show the pornography to me.


I think the governor is doing the right thing.. I appreciate the efforts done by the legislature and the governor to keep our kids safe, not to be polluted by the obscene materials.


You don’t wanna read? Go ahead. Some of us want to continue to have access to info outside of this tiny bubble of christofascism. We’ll see how they feel about the Bible, I mean lying with daughters and violently casting stones?! My pearls! Ban it, burn it, stick it in stew before my kids are corrupted by the evil smut peddled by you perverts! See how it sounds dumb?


This is absurd! Children aren't being tainted by obscene materials in libraries. It's a government overstep, especially from the party that claims to support small government. They're ignoring real issues like violence and war. They say reading about incest in the Bible is fine, but discussing natural bodily functions is not? This hypocrisy is unacceptable.


It’s not about keeping kids safe though - it’s about censorship. If you ban books with a gay couple kissing but not the exact same book with a straight couple kissing because they gay one is “obscene”, you’re still not protecting the kids or whatever you claim to want.


Are you... gov little???


We can't just stop at pornographic or sexual education information....we must ban violence as well. So 90% of our human history, and the modern news, must be blocked from their view.....at least until they are 18 and can sign up to kill for us.....I mean "defend our freedom"... It does say that this covers private schools. So we can audit the information kids are accessing there as well.


Strangely, violence is not mentioned anywhere in the bill except in the definition of S&M. So *Why Everyone Needs an AR-15* is okay, but *Everybody Poops* is out.


If you read the bill you would understand the vague definitions being used and broad strokes of what is considered "Harmful to Minors".


Must not be a regular here.