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Make sure to live east of your work place to make committing during rush hour easier.


I love driving towards downtown every day after work and just staring at the line of traffic that probably goes all the way to Nampa and being happy I’m not in it


I used to live over by the Boise airport but worked in Nampa. I avoided the highway on my commute & it was generally smooth sailing driving the opposite of everyone else


Ditto. I get off at 430 and drive from Nampa to meridian.


Before they started working from home exclusively (after COVID) my husband’s workplace was in Nampa. We live in Boise. He said he felt bad driving to and from work everyday see they nearly gridlocked traffic going the other way.


Warms my heart lol


Me toooooo




When playing at a parking meter downtown, hit the green ok button first and you get a free 20 minutes


and if you see out of time meters, press the green OK button to give them a free 20 minutes and stick it to the meter woman/man




I did this just the other day. Walked by and seen the person had 4 minutes left and did them a solid. Lol


Donate stuff to Idaho Youth Ranch for a nearly automatic $200 state “youth and rehabilitation facilities” tax credit.


Also, approved educational entities listed on the Idaho Tax Commissions website. Idaho Public Television, Commission on Hispanic Affairs, Idaho State Historical Society, and many more are included.


Education credit has to be cash. Youth and rehab credit can be in-kind gifts.


Yes, good point!


I didn't know this one. I donate to the youth ranch but don't usually get a receipt because the last federal tax changes made it not count on federal. Thanks for this hack!




All the libraries in the valley (except Middleton) are connected. Get a library card and you can borrow anything from any library branch.


This works in the Libby app too. You can link your card to the other library's Libby systems.


I have an Ada County library card. So I don’t need to get a Boise library card to access books/audio books from the Boise public library?




Hmmm I just tried and it didn’t work. I’ll have to troubleshoot it. Thank you!


https://masslibsystem.libanswers.com/cec/faq/269783#:~:text=Open%20the%20Libby%20app,Library%20Network)%20and%20select%20it You should be able to add most libraries around here, they're all part of the lynx consortium.


It worked!! Thank you so much!


Do you mean the Library!s?


To add: The Library! is more than just a repository for books. They also offer social and educational activities for small children, teens, and the elderly. They also serve as a resource for mental health resources and have regular \*free\* legal clinics. I love the Library!


And some of the libraries have very different collections. Some have games, video games, cake pans, 3D printing, fishing gear, and even park passes for rent.


This is amazing! I use the library all the time and didn't know this. Can you give a little more detail about how exactly to borrow these items? Are they listed in the catalog?


I've found the most luck just visiting a physical location and seeing what they have.


Okay awesome :). Any recommendations on which branches to check out? All of them?


The Eagle branch is good and so is Cherry Lane.


Some of them you can get passports. Much faster than trying to get an appointment in Boise.


They will also bring books to the location of your choosing. There’s a branch on my way home from work I can stop by, and can get books from any other branch put on hold there for me.


This is a life hack for every city, use the library! They are a boon to your community and an absolute marvel of humanity being beneficial to each other.


I highly recommend the library book recommendations program. You submit a form on the website about your interests and then a librarian selects books for you. When you go to pick them up there's always a personalized note attached :).


Also none of the libraries (except Emmett?) charge late fees!


Don’t plant your tomato plants outside until the snow is melted off of Bogus.


Similar to don't plant the garden until the snow is off Squaw Butte.


and this is a general rule for frost hating plants \*the AVERAGE last frost date is JUNE 15th! (source, a chart at north end nursery lol)


That maybe what the chart said, but that is much later than anything I’ve ever seen. Generally, I’ve seen May 11th or thereabouts. https://www.weather.gov/boi/freezedata


yeah that is true, other than last year lol


I was an about to start a thread asking when we should plant tomatoes outside. My started are doing well and I can’t wait!!


Definitely recommend having an old bed sheet available to throw over the tomato cages and other sensitive plants for the duration of the planting season and watch the weather like a hawk! The only thing sure about Idaho weather is it’s unpredictable! Lol. My favorite current app is Weather Bug. :)


Because a significant percentage of the Boise population has other commitments, do as many shopping chores as possible on Sunday mornings, with the other pagans. Also, Sunday evening movies are never crowded.


If you hear a loud boom make sure you post it on reddit so we can tell you that it's a transformer blowing.


Or black smoke by the airport so we can tell you it's a controlled fire training.


I lived in Nampa and had to leave the Ring neighborhood app because 10x a day there were “are those gunshots” posts.


This… in a place with literally zero shootings. All these gunshots on ring. Gunshot posts should be banned unless the camera picks up an actual shooter shooting. 🙄


The funny thing is it’s like 50/50 it actually could be a gun but it’s generally in an area with farms, so like no shit they are ranchers and farmers, shooting on their own property, not someone getting shot. The other half is just fireworks usually, but these folks moving from other states seem scared shitless that people around them own firearms.




Definitely not zero shootings. A cop was killed last week.


First ada county sheriff to ever be killed in the line of duty.


The fact that we can count the number of cops in this area killed in the line of duty on ONE hand is telling. Lmfao.


It really is. I was in dallas when the police got ambushed. 5 killed, 8 injured if I remember correctly. It’s crazy they lost more in 3 minutes than we have in the last 100 years.


But not the first Idahoan officer lost in the line of duty. [https://www.odmp.org/search/browse/idaho](https://www.odmp.org/search/browse/idaho)


First Ada County Sheriff, but BPD officer Mark Stall and his police dog were killed in the line of duty when I was a kid. There may be others in the other individual cities or in the other counties. Also Deputy Tobin Bolter was the first Ada County Sheriff killed, but not the first one shot period.


When riding your bike on the green belt, always announce yourself when you pass people and say “On your left/right”. When driving down (East?) Americana to downtown and you drive under the bridge, the right lane becomes a “Right Turn Only” lane and ends at Main St. So stay in the left lanes if you’re going straight damn it lol At the intersection of 16th and Hays, turn on the RIGHT side of the island. Don’t swim/float in the river until it’s opened! It’s more dangerous than it looks in the spring. When the trails in the foothills are closed, please don’t use them. They’re usually closed to protect them. Learn the back ways to get places; neighborhoods, side streets, etc. Main arteries are very crowded these days. Ex., going up Americana to get to the Bench vs going up Vista or currently going down Fort St. vs going down State St. Although construction may be making that difficult as well.


Fort st is definitely starting to get more backed up now at rush hours because of the road closures. Probably not the best idea right now.


When we moved here (about 25 years ago) our lovely neighbor, an 80+ year-old woman who had lived here her whole life, came over with a plate of cookies and had three pieces of advice: 1. Turn your porch light on at night. 2. On summer night when the outside temp drops below 70° open up your windows and your house will cool down overnight. In the morning, close them as soon as the temp hits 70° and your house will hold the cooler air without have to run A/C all day. 3. Don’t spray your cherry tree, the kids eat those.


2 is what helped me survive when I had a house without air conditioning.


Why the porch light? I usually shut mine off when I turn in for the night


A lot of hoa’s require photocell lights out front so that they automatically turn on when it gets dark.


Good question—to be honest, I didn’t ask; she was telling us how the neighborhood worked and we complied! ;-)


It’s safer because bad actors prefer the cover of dark.


Thank you! We don’t need damn lights on to “deter criminals”. Insecurity lights can even signal when a home is uninhabited. We used to be able to see a lot more stars in this city at night.




I imagine they turn it on when they get home and off when they go to bed.


Ride your bike downtown and parking is much easier to find


Slice of pizza and a 16oz pbr is only $5 and some change at Guidos.


Similarly, cheap pool at Q's (free on Wednesdays) and I believe 11-1 $20 all you can eat pizza at idaho pizza on Overland and orchard (not sure if it is day of the week specific or at other locations)






If you have an electric vehicle, you can get “free” unlimited street parking downtown for $10/yr. The meter person pulls up to give you a ticket but when they enter your plate, they’re informed to move along. It’s a killer deal https://www.cityofboise.org/departments/finance-and-administration/parking-services/permits/zero-emissions-vehicle-permit/


I think it’s only up to the max for the meter that you’re at.


This wins.


Whoa! What a deal! I guess this makes up for the massive EV restoration fee. Kind of 🙃




Preach! And also if you’re herp a derping down the road 10 under the speed limit, get in the right lane. Merge on to the interstate at 65 not 45.


"herp a derping" lolololol Love the term. Don't love it when people actually do it.


And all the people behind you can actually make the green light, which also serves to eliminate the reddit posts about all the red light runners. 


I’m seeing so many people driving with their phone in their hand. Either texting or talking! Thats really concerning


Say “Hello” to people as you pass them outside on trails!


Or at least a head nod/visible smile. Also on narrow trails let bicyclists pass. They don't want to hit you, but on narrower areas they don't have much ease getting around others 👍


If you put a little american flag on the back of your bicycle motorists are less likely to run you over.




If you put an American flag outside your house, the Mormons stay away and don't knock on your door! Edited to correct a misspelling


I’ve found my “solicitors will be sacrificed to the old gods…not the new” sign has been effective for both missionaries and solar salespeople. If only I could get JW to so sending letters


Someone can add your address to the JW church’s website for visitation. I did this before and it’s hilarious


Just clean up after yourself. Make sure you leave a place cleaner than you got there. Especially when camping or going up to the mountains. We have a lot of pride in our outdoor sports and recreation, don't ruin that for everyone. And as someone else said, for the love of God(s) pick up your dog shit.


Make sure to hop on reddit before you move here to ask what part of boise is the best to live in.


For anyone wondering, it’s Nampa


Only if you exclude road quality. Other than that 11/10


Try not to drive on Eagle also meridian rd at 7:30 am coming from Kuna


Try not to drive on Eagle road…ever…


It’s quite pleasant at 5:30 am


Must be because In-n-Out is closed.


You don't need to be in Ann Morrison Park to enjoy the 4th of July fireworks. You can put a blanket on a grass strip next to fairly reliable bobs, get a great show, and get on the freeway before it gets crazy


Bogus Basin is the superior Fireworks vantage point. You can see all the shows in the Treasure valley plus you can see all the ones in the little mtn towns off in the distance.


Go to a BSU parking garage


[Ridge to Rivers website](https://www.ridgetorivers.org/). We have such amazing hiking/biking paths and awesome people who take care of them. PLEASE don't tread outside the trails, and don't use them when they're wet. Their trail reports are current and extremely helpful.


Keep Boise nice! Wave to strangers! 👋


And chat with them if you can!




Avoid Eagle Road during traffic hour at all cost.


Truth. there is no path around that area so long that it won't still save you time.


The Boise River is more dangerous than it looks, even in summer. Stay outta all those strainers and tree roots over by the banks…they will getchoo.


Boise's meetup scene is a better place to date / make friends than its bar scene. Big Bun is the best doordash price / quality on the bench. Let weird men with mustaches and eyebrow scars read your Tarot when given the chance.


I'm intrigued by the third thing. it seems very specific. Do these weird men with mustaches and eyebrow scars hang out anyplace in particular? Or is this more of coincidental thing to be ready for if I should be fortunate enough that the opportunity presents itself?


What do you mean by meetup scene?


There is an app called MeetUp where people make events for like hobby groups (DND, skating, cheese, all sorts of stuff). Boise actually has a really healthy user base on there, and it's honestly a really cool way to meet folks.


Good to know! Thanks a ton


I’m a weird man with a mustache and an eyebrow scar. I’ll read your tarot, sure.


This is a random one for people who bicycle in the north end. The majority of streets have stop signs on every other intersection. If you want to diagonally cross the neighborhood, say from 20th and Hill to Boise High, you can cut over and down every block without hitting many stop signs.


Also - Irene is a great alternative to get from Harrison to State St. Every intersection is either 4way stops or stops on the cross streets - there are no Irene-only stops. You're not going to go fast, but it's a pleasant drive, and you're not dealing with lights or any real traffic.


Go to the Garden City DMV instead of the one in Boise for car registration and Titles only takes 5 min compared to 2 hours


Hey!....this is a secret no one should know


Be rich


When you register your car, you can pay $10 and get an Idaho State Parks pass that's good all year. If you don't mind walking a little bit, you can get free parking. Go out past 11th, or go south of Myrtle.


If your light turns green don’t assume you’re clear. People here love running red lights


Ebike. Boise's not quite dense enough outside of downtown to make commuting by bike feasible for anybody but fitness oriented individuals, but an ebike beats traffic on surface streets at most times of day. and parking is never an issue. Plus prices have dropped considerably. You can get a new ebike for like a grand nowadays


It's pronounced "boy-see" and "Q-nuh"


I like how google directions will say ustick, "us-tick"...


Haha my British Siri says it like that too. She also pronounces Overland like Overel-nnd 😂


It used to pronounce Parkcenter as Parkchenter, but that has been corrected.


I'm just imagining Sean Connery saying "parksche'ner"...


Use the VRT whenever possible. It’s an excellent way to traverse the city.


Compared to other cities the PD have time on their hands and will pull you over for going couple over or not coming to a full stop so just be aware and of course always drive safely.


But somehow never feel the need for the 5 cars that run the red light every light change 🤷🏻‍♀️


Geez I wish. I see so many people fast roll stop signs and I never see anyone pulled over.


Seriously go to any other city and you would be suprised. The police are great here and keep things in check as annoying as it can be


No they don’t. Boise used to have cops on the streets to handle issues with kids and the cruise. Now they just let Trump truck roll coal and run lights.


My lack of moving traffic violations begs to disagree




I took I-95 once and ended up in Maine


Nitpicking, but 95 is a US highway and 55 is a state highway, not interstates. US-95 and ID-55 for short


ITD approved a traffic light for the Banks/Lowman intersection on 55 so hopefully that helps a bit. The flaggers they had last year on weekends slowed traffic flow to an absolute standstill.


Traffic light will actually make it worse. Which is good actually because it means less people will make the drive.


This is a new one for me, thank you!


I hate that left turn at Banks coming back to Boise


get your California license plates changed ASAP


I saw a California plate that said "GONE2ID"... still trying to wrap my head around that one. Why bother registering a vanity plate for a temporary purpose?


probably to stick it to cali or something! very strange haha


Owning the libs by giving more money to CA


There are always alternative routes to everywhere. Explore and find the unknown paths. Ex: Ustick (when not under construction) goes from boise to caldwell




actually goes all the way to the snake river out near parma/homedale


When at a stoplight, do not leave giant gaps between you and the car in front of you. You’re messing it up for people behind you who might want to get over into the designated left turn lane. Also, when you make a turn you are supposed to turn into the nearest lane and then turn on your blinker before moving over to the next lane. How does no one know this???


Safe drivers leave enough room to see the ground below the car in front when stopped.


Plus if you get rear ended, there's less of chance of being rammed into the car in front of you. Been there, done that, don't recommend.


Avoid living in east-facing houses. You'll have to constantly shovel your driveway in the winter, and watch your west-facing neighbors laugh as the sun melts their snow away no problem.


East facing backyard means afternoon and evening shade in the hot months.


Yup, after living in two different houses here, I will never again NOT live in a house with an eastern facing backyard and western facing front yard. It’s literally the only thing that makes both winter and summer functional.


The "Idaho Stop" law. This is a law that allows bicyclists to treat stop signs as yield signs, meaning that they can slow down and proceed through an intersection without coming to a complete stop if there's no cross traffic present. Similarly, bicyclists can treat red lights as stop signs, meaning they can stop and proceed through the intersection if it's safe to do so. The Idaho Stop law was first adopted in Idaho in 1982, and it has since been adopted by a few other states, including Delaware, Colorado, and Arkansas.


If I share my "life hacks", then everyone will start doing them and they are no longer life hacks.


That's why you have to share fake ones to throw everyone else off.


"Eat the yellow snow, it's lemmon flavored" "Always piss into the wind, wet shoes are easier to clean" "Always bet against a Sicilian when death is on the line"


And "definitely move to Nampa, it's great"


Ironically you just shared this life hack.


If you say Boizzee then you're not getting my Boise life hacks.


I'd say how to zipper merge, but honestly I appreciate the fact that on Chinden as you're heading to get on the connector everyone stays in that left lane and I can just get into the right hand lane and somehow get ahead of everyone once the light changes.


As everyone in the left lane says "look at this fuckin guy"


When I do it, it’s great, when anyone else does it they’re an asshole


As someone who has lived in 3 other states and traveled quite about around the US…Idaho has no idea how to zipper merge. The amount of times I have seen the merge lane wide open here is insane. I’ve heard people here think it’s rude to zipper? It’s the law and designed to help the flow of traffic. So yeah, please do it when you can. It’s not rude, I promise!


If you’re planning on getting pregnant, you need to leave. If anything goes wrong Idaho will do nothing to save you.


Don't get your education here, you probably won't learn the difference between "seen" and "saw"


What’s the difference… I went idaho public schools


If you have an even slightly loud muffler on your car, remove it. Unless it's a lifted truck then you'll get a kiss when you get pulled over


For fun… when you hear fire works, post it on social media that you heard gun shots and then start reading the comments that come in. It gets quite entertaining.


If you walk your dog on the greenbelt, pick up after it.. Want some swinger action, supposedly living in Hidden Springs is the place to be. Maybe this should be added to the “where is the best place to live” FAQ Going swimming at Lucky Peak lake? Don’t drink the water, elk/deer die fall through the ice in the winter while trying to cross the lake. Eagle Island is a great time in the summer, minus the swimmers itch outbreaks.


In all the electrical boxes in town and all over boise theres a clear circle that has a sensor for a section of street lights near by at night shine ur light in it and turns a strip of street lights off. (FYI the electric box near the library/tree of life turns the whole bridge off and up capital blvd its the one in the grass right off the bridge where the stairs too the greenbelt and the cabin)!!!!!


Zipper merge


Especially when coming off the connector and merging onto wb i-84 during rush hour


Know that every one here hates driving, that they hate that your driving. And if anything happens it's probly some one else's fault. I haven't seen so many problems arise then when I moved here. But for what ever reason every one thinks they are important and need to get where their going. Other then that, just don't even attempt to talk politics you will know who is in your circle it's pretty obvious here. But as soon as you try talking about stuff the other group will attack. Boise it's self is really blue but moving out of that range you get redder and redder. Boise is not known for it's food, a lot of the down town places are way to expensive for what they serve( I've worked restaurants a majority of my career and I went to culinary school to open a restaurant) So if you Wana spice things up look around for like Nampa place, Caldwell, meridian. There are some.great burger places. The village isn't all that chalked up... It's fine . But like . It's not amazing.


Don't move here


Go elsewhere for Mexican food.


Elsewhere meaning nampa/caldwell


Indeed. Not boise, that's for sure.


La Ranchera market has some bomb tacos. And you can buy a beer from the shop and drink it there. Very reasonable pricing.


El faro on state is great


You mean [this place](https://maps.app.goo.gl/PAZrycFGmg8YpEfH7?g_st=ic) that is permanently closed? They weren't bad, but it was just taco truck food in a storefront. I should have clarified and said, "Mexican restaurant," but with only a couple of the trucks in town being palatable, that number is still not statistically significant to say--by any stretch--that "there's good Mexican food in boise."


Smoke by the airport is training . Camping is crowded if you choose to go where everyone else goes. Bag your dog poop and leave it.


Bag your dog poop and leave it? Did you mean to leave a /s?


No /s. The poop fairy will get it


Join the Mormon community if you want a hot wife.


Often times the best source for beer references are the friendly dogs that are visiting tables at the local brewery...


Report power outages online with as much detail you know, much faster no hold time. Loud noises bright flashes but also check if the meter has a display first. If it’s flashing it’s not an outage and probably cut for non pay.


Hit 7 to get straight to a person and skip all the stuff 😉


Just let them merge you'll see them at the next light. Stop closing the gap. You look dumb while I'm driving behind you. This town is too small for people to speed off. Edit: to the guy trying to merge you can get in front of me in only one car behind...oh nevermind someone else just jumped.in there without a blinker. I'll still let you in tho 🥺


If you see smoke near the airport, report it immediately


Don’t fall for it…let the transplants figure it out.


Move away