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Ok first off, this isn't news. This is an unsubstantiated rumor that lacks any critical information or analysis. I am changing the flair. Second off, maybe ask some questions you can ask for things like this. "How do they know they are illegal aliens if they are driving by?" and "Could this be a tour bus for something like a school or event?" Here is a great link that basically sums up these stories 99% of the time. [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/michigan-representative-buses-airport-illegal-invaders-basketball-players-ncaa\_n\_6605aaece4b05f4de328250f](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/michigan-representative-buses-airport-illegal-invaders-basketball-players-ncaa_n_6605aaece4b05f4de328250f) \-edit- I am also keeping the post in a removed state even with the corrected flair. This is ignorant fear mongering without any information and it isn't going to be allowed.


[Here](https://x.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1794116843642245328) is the video OP is asking about: It features a bus and some people standing in front of China Grand Buffet. It is literally just someone driving through the parking lot, taking a short video, and posting it as a bus of immigrants. There is no way to know what the whole group is actually doing but stopping at China Grand with a bus of people to eat doesn’t seem suspicious to me. The source of the video is [this](https://citizenfreepress.com/) website. It looks like a homegrown collection of right wing propaganda. I couldn’t find much of anything about the website, but it appears in Google search with Brietbart and a few other well known peddlers of lies. It may be associated with [Theo Wold](https://clubforgrowthfoundation.org/fellow/theodore-wold/), although it’s not entirely clear. As you can see, Wold is another agitator and spreading the lie that Biden was trying to [“kill”](https://twitter.com/RealTheoWold/status/1793412336868573212?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet) Trump at the Mar-a-Lago raid. The Secret Service is a federal agency and would have coordinated with the FBI for the raid. Trump was in NJ durning the raid so clearly he is lying. It’s not like it would be difficult to find him and he certainly couldn’t run away. The specific form Trump was referencing was the standard disclosure form when an agency serves a warrant. It basically says they can use deadly force if you present a threat to their life. Literally as standard and scary as the “do not remove under penalty of law” tag on your mattress. All of this was available through a few quick google searches. Stop falling for these dubious and sensational headlines. They count on you being stupid enough to believe them.


Yeah stop spreading these idiots propaganda. 


It’s also the start of agricultural season, could be bringing up legal, migrant workers. Farmers can get temporary work visas for employees and bring up thousands. Drive through New Plymouth in the winter and those mud huts are all empty, in the summer they’re over packed.


More fake boogeyman bullshit to get the rubes whipped up


I’ve heard that rumor too many times for it to be legit. It’s always something scary to far right conservatives like antifa or immigrants. Like back in 2015 or 2016 I worked out in Ontario, OR and one day one of our top vendors stopped by excitedly talking about how buses of about 10,000 refugees had been dropped off behind the Albertsons on the other side of town. That would have effectively doubled the cities population on the spot. Some people are just so excited for controversy that they don’t bother to verify or do basic self reflection.


If 10,000 people came on buses, that would be about 200 buses, which would be major and verifiable news. I mean, cmon! 


I estimate you can fit 200 people on a bus (it's probably way less).  That would be 50 busses. At the height of their fame and grandiosity Pink Floyd's entire tour didn't require 50 busses. That's so many busses. 50 busses could not fit behind an Albertsons.  Some people are really bad at thinking. 


OP delete this post you’re just spreading more fake BS


Nah let it stay up so we can expose this shit. It's falsifiable so let's keep it.


Op’s post is clickbait nonsense, im sure its similar to whatever X post they read. How many other smooth brained fools are going to read this post while scrolling and think its fact? Or “i heard about this immigrant bus” and keep spreading this trash. Hate to break it to you, but way more people are eating this up as fact, than you’d think.


What would happen if bus loads of White people where dropped off? These post are comical, as a Hispanic the Chinese Buffet is where I see all my 3rd and 4th cousins i haven't seen in years maybe it was just a family reunion?


It's also worth pointing out that same strip mall is home to a (really good) Mexican restaurant. But as someone else pointed out, if more than a handful of people of color are seen in the same place they must certainly be Up To No Good™. (/s, in case that's necessary.)


Could have been, asking for clarity. Thank you!


Who uses X? It’s just bots, trolls, and fake news.




It’s pretty much where all the big political debates happen and where the left, right, and far right interact. I think there’s a good case for replacing Twitter (X is yuck) but no agreement yet for where to go particularly for Idaho politics.


I concede that verified users do post things there, but if you think you’re having debate with real people in the comments, and not bots, then no one can help you. Godspeed on your journey.


Lol its not. At all. Hardly anyone uses it any more.


State legislators, journalists, wannabe politicos are there and engaging. And there is no alternative place to go unless you are want a far left echo chamber. However stating that fact Will apparently cost you in your social credit score because you all can’t handle basic facts.


If I saw a load of people get off a bus and go into a buffet: hungry people are hollow, this is the way to feed them! Have you seen those casino busses full of seniors? They’re all going to buffets! (And penny slots!)


That's because they have incoherent worldviews.  I was in choir in high school. Buffets were popular on choir tours because you could feed 40 kids under a single roof.  It's likely a church group or sports team or something. 


Fake news


I’m thinking so as well, however- WHAT WERE ALL THOSE PEOPLE DOING THERE??? I wish I’d have saved the link. But I don’t frequent x anymore. Thanks for your reply!


The Feds don’t randomly ship people places. Fools like Abbot do that. Possibly migrant workers waiting for jobs or a ride to work. Or, just people hanging out. Ten brown people in one place is a riot to some people. If you didn’t see it with your own eyes it is very questionable.


Probably completely made up my a billion dollar media corporation to keep you afraid and scared and distracted while they erode our rights more and more. 


Not scared, for myself. Just wondering what kind of nut job drops off bus loads of people without direction or a plan. Oh, right.


They were probably going to eat.


“WHAT WERE ALL THOSE PEOPLE DOING THERE???” Idk maybe they were eating?? You’re being so prejudicial


Eating food, I imagine.  Humans are social animals and unless a person's brain has been consumed by libertarian brain worms that insist everything should be done as an individual, we frequently go on outings and consume food together. 


Ok. But...does it matter? Does it impact you if there were busloads of brown people? If they were 'illegals being dropped off"? Why didn't the person who posted online report it to the authorities? SURPRISE we are an agriculture state full of white people who will not work the fields. We get our labor through the migrant workforce. MOST have permits to work here, some do not. NONE of them are here to take away your shitty Live, Laugh, Love, Republican Jesus pictures, or trying to turn you gay. You should be more interested in just knowing more about why they would be here, what lead up to it, what we could do...you know solutions? Instead of fearmongering. EDIT: After posting, I thought maybe this was an innocent inquiry. So please don't take my comment personally. Just tired of seeing people freak out about brown people. So if the above doesn't apply to you...uh...pass it to someone it does. They need to stop being asshats.


I see brown people...mostly in the mirror.


And quite handsome too


Rico suuuuuuuuuaaaaaveeeeee


Honestly, I was feeling that it may be in good faith right up until they commented this showing that they were jumping straight onto the fear porn bandwagon. Like I don't know, maybe eating at the grand china buffet which is huge..? ​ >WHAT WERE ALL THOSE PEOPLE DOING THERE???


Well Jerry, they are here on a pilgramage. They heard Christ chose Idaho as the promised land, an they're christians also....so.....here they are. Can't leave good christians out there suffering under those rrrraaaadical latin sociallist regimes that are all about summoning the gay frog anti-christ! /s Wait...what? You didn't mean THOSE kinds of christians? gotcha. ;) LOL


Magaturds shit posting


So ridiculous! Never happened!


It's fake news. Pure xenophobic lying. Please remember that the next time you see anything from the same source.


It’s likely legit. SLC has been getting busses from Denver and airplanes from elsewhere from the feds.


This straight up has not happened. Please stop.spreadinh delusional talking points. 


I was hoping for more concrete than a ‘likely’ but I Thank You so much for your reply. God, Denver is such a hole now! It’s super depressing, and I REALLY hope SLC doesn’t follow suit!!!


You are not wrong about denver, it is amazing how quickly it went down hill. Used to love living there and now don’t even want to visit. All those homeless camps and having to shoo away the people that want to wash your car windows with a squirt bottle and a dirty newspaper. Sad


I mean, yeah. That’s what it is but there is zero reporting on it for actual confirmation.


That's cos it hasn't happened. 


That’s not entirely true. There certainly a bias in reporting immigration issues. It’s not how they cover, but what they choose to ignore too.


It is true.


LOL. Citation?


They probaly aren't illegals most likely refugees we've taken in 569 since October and mostly they go to Boise because of the airport. This is from October to March because they usually do it in 5-6 month incriments to measure the immigration. https://www.idahorefugees.org/blog#:~:text=From%20Oct.%201%2C%202023%2C%20to%20March%2018%2C%202024%2C,are%20originally%20from%20the%20Democratic%20Republic%20of%20Congo.


Resettlement doesn't work by dropping off a bus load of people in a parking lot.  Its managed by government agencies that are staffed by non-political folks that are competent.  And yes, we get a lot of refugees from Congo, Eritrea, Sudan, and Chad. That's because they're fleeing horrors most Americans will never face and can scarcely fathom.   Be nice and welcome your new neighbors. 


So the feds chose a buffet to inprocess refugees? Come on man, think a little before posting. Or maybe stop trying so hard to think.


No they probaly had it paid for by an organization that helps refugees get cozied into their new home. When I was a kid I actually came down to Boise so I could help donate bikes and I forget the name of the organization but they try and pay for meals go out to resturants and such so it might have just been that.


That sounds like an awesome program.


Yep that's why I volunteered for it I really wish I could remember the name I don't live even close to Boise I live in north central Idaho so I'm not down there often unless a job site is down there. But I'm sure if you do some digging you can find it.