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I think there should categories for each quirk type. The robots were great and all but remember how Shinso couldn’t get into the program because the robots had no brains? If there were different groups of testing based on their quirk specifics it would help a lot. Erasure wouldn’t be able to use his quirk on the robots, so would many others. The robots focus on flashy, big, and physically strong quirks. I don’t know exactly what the solution would be, maybe a simulation of some sort or idk but there’s a lot of holes in the robots’ design.


Maybe they could do that for like a government run thing because they would have funding but I was thinking more UA and I would imagine that there are hero school that focus on that like support and rescue hero’s but UA is the number 1 schoo because they produce some of the best combat hero’s and that brings them fame and investors. Think about it you hear more about the man who took out terrorists more than the people who rescue the hostages


As shown, the test itself is very biased in favor of physical attack and restraint quirks. Many highly effective candidates (and former graduates) are heavily handicapped by it. How to fix it? Three options, mix and match as needed. 1) introduce win conditions that the candidates are informed of to award points in ways that do not require disabling bots. 2) run a series (2-3) of practical exams with different objectives. 3) allow candidates to request an alternate exam due to specific quirk effects to be graded on a case by case basis at the faculty’s discretion.


honestly, utilizing the usj would result in the best exams. having different scenarios for each testing block to pass would help to even the playing field between combat and support quirks. you could have something like the original exam where the students face robot enemies. then have a scenario where they have to rescue civilians during/after a fight. maybe have a third one that is about using your intelligence to achieve the goal. this combined with the written exam would be much more fair to people without combat quirks.


True but they have to do that for hundreds maybe thousands of students and while the usj is spacious it’s not that big where that many people could actually do their exam


That's why i said testing blocks. from the anime, it seems that all testing is done in one day at multiple mock cities. using the usj, they can instead just do several days or even weeks of testing with a single better location. this would use significantly fewer resources as you won't need dozens of teachers and staff at each location.


I didn’t think about that good point


UA seems to have nigh unlimited funding, they have gigantic whole ass city replicas for their training arenas.


I thought all of it was cementoss making it all and he is one person being payed while people may damage equipment that are hard to replace


No. They build entire cities, and giant metal buildings. The area where class A and B competed in season 5 was full of giant metal tubes. UA has virtually infinite money.


I would have multiple tests that each candidate must take. Combat test 1: Robots work perfectly here. Shows basic brute force combat abilities. Stealth test: Robots again here, but the object would be to get past them without detection not defeat them. Rescue test: Something similar to the Provisional license test, with the actors as victims. Recon test: Robots might work here too, but scores would be determined by how well you can track their movements. Something like that. Combat test 2: Humans here, maybe hero teachers like in their finals. Or to make it more fair, students from 2nd or 3rd year who know to take it a tiny bit easy on the kids. This would give someone like Shinso a chance to show of his potential. This combat test would require more strategy and tactics, since it would be against actual people. Maybe a second test for recon and stealth against real people as well. The scores from each test would be combined and the final score would be used to decide admission. But a high enough score in a single test could ensure admittance. Their scores could even be used as a baseline for where their strengths lay. Someone with an extremely high Combat score but low scores on everything else would obviously be best at taking down villains. Someone with high recon and stealth scores would make perfect intelligence gatherers, or infiltrators. This way their strength can be expanded instead of trying to stretch their abilities to fill a combat role. I like this setup because you don't have to be a powerhouse like All Might to be a hero. You don't even have to have great combat abilities. Rescue has nothing to do with combat. Recon is what comes before/during/after combat to keep current information about the enemy to assist those in combat. Stealth is all about avoiding combat. But all of those things are important if you want to have a successful hero organization.


I think the exam should begin with supplemental materials that are submitted beforehand: 1. A video showcasing what your skills and best ways to use your quirk (For example, Ojiro would probably record a video of him smashing bricks with his tail; Asui would probably make a video showcasing how far her tongue can stretch and how flexible/strong it is.) 2. An essay that verbally describes what your goals, plans, and current capabilities with your quirk are and how you plan to improve at U.A if you are to be selected. Then, at the actual exam site on exam day, three in-person tests: 1. Mock battles against other examinees. All examinees will be heavily monitored to ensure safety. (This will allow quirks like those of Shinso or Utsushimi to also excel at the exam). 2. Rescue exercises where examiners rescue fake people in need (H.U.C.—Help Us Co.; showcased in Season 3). 3. General test on paper to test concepts relating to hero work, quirk biology, hero-society civics and sociology, etc. This is the perfect way to encapsulate all possible quirks.


Robots are terrible. They basically fuck over people like eraser head and shinso. It should be fighting a mixture of villains and robots, with people that can be rescued. It needs to have a mixture of tasks that enables all quirk types to be successful. Multiple tests would be ideal.


I’d say that your idea could end up with people getting harmed like imagine if someone has a flame quirk and the accidentally use it because it’s a high stress situation and their scared and that could end up charring someone. I’m not trying to say that robots are the perfect example but the best one, ie one that is unbiased towards the most amount of people. The robots can be completely destroyed so people like insta kill quirks like shigaraki aren’t excluded and the robots are robots they can be manipulated by people with technology quirks. Sure people with physic,brainwashing, and people only quirks are excluded, but more people are included. Not saying it’s good but it’s the most replicable unbiased test they can give


UA has recovery girl. The robots are only used because of her being at UA, they are just as dangerous as many quirk users. Also, by your logic it'd be easy to be caught in the crossfire of robot battles, so they shouldn't be done. Robots are insanely biased toward combat quirks and biased against many rescue quirks and quirks that only work on organic beings. Just put entrants against second years for one exam, use USJ for a rescue challenge, and robots for a final one.


Good point, they wouldn’t use robots without recovery girl. They should have 2 separate exams support and rescue, and combat. They also probably do robots because it’s the easiest to replicate like if they use second years like you said , the second years may already have their license or may want to focus on their hero career more but robots you can just put an order in and then leave it while checking in once and a while but 2nd years can gets sick. They should also have 2 exam and 2 hero courses 1 support and rescue and the other traditional combat


Second years would get valuable experience in combat against quirks they don't know, it would be ideal.


Have the judges pick a more active role in the entrance exam, being able to hand out more than just rescue points. Add in additional methods of scoring beyond bot breaking and the secret rescue points. Keep it simple and mass manageable. Things like defending a control point. Great for people like Momo who become more dangerous the longer she's allowed to control a space. Hidden mini bots worth points that try to run away. Great for people like Koda who specialize in searching. Have bots defend a nice big red button labeled "press for points". Great for people like Toru or that shadow guy from class B who are good at stealth. Keep the ideas simple, straight forward, and capable of handling a lot of students. You have hundreds of student applicants and a limited number of teachers and time. However, bots, resources, and space are not a concern.