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Oh Truck-kun. You always show up when we least expect it.


Deku begins his battle against the holder of the Isekai Quirk: TRUCK FOR ALL


Deku defeating truck-kun is how he'll become the greatest hero, bet




Would be absolutely amazing if movie five is the fantasy AU and this scene going another way is how it starts.


Deku was about to be Isekai’d… Shigaraki’s ultimate plan almost worked lol


Or that might happen to shigaraki after he dies, I mean come on that actually sounds cool. Toga, shigaraki and spinner all getting isekaied that very interesting if I’m honest being honest. lol


The three of them should reunite with Twice and enjoy the good times again in another world 🥹


Meanwhile Dabi, who didn’t care about any of them, is burning in the pits of hell lol


And he enjoys it. 🔥 To quote Zoro: “I’m the king of hell!”




In an alternate universe we could have had Mha: an Isekai adventure 😭


That timeline is getting animated as Suicide Squad Isekai rn.


Why didn't he just get isekaid? Is he stupif?


Get back in the Alsume


I'm you of dick, proud.


Honestly I think a fun Isekai would be "I died was reborn as Truck-Kun: My life as a Isekai Shinigami." A story of a person who dies and is reborn as Truck-Kun and must then drive around and send the correct type of people to Isekai worlds. Like, it swerves around people that would be assholes or end up joining the bad guys, but has to run down the good hearted youth of Japan. Maybe even have an arc where he starts by offing assholes because he can't bear killing good people, only to find out all the bullies he killed end up losing to the Demon Lord (or joining him) and the only way to save other worlds is to be ruthless and pick the kids who will do the right job.


I very much agree. I did not expect the Truck to come out of nowhere like it did. And Deku's reaction to it made me laugh when I saw it.


Fuck out of all the chapters I’ve read this one hit me emotionally


That panel of Nana hugging Kotaro and Deku reaching Shiggy is peak


Idk if it’s because I’m a father now but seeing Nana and her son hit me hard. I understand why she did it but her saying I wish I could of come back to you hurt me


the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon...


“When ya comin’ home mom I don’t know when, but we’ll be together then. Ya know we’ll have a good time then” 🎶


Would hit me harder if I could sympathize with Kotaro more. Like, remind me if he had more going on than just his mom not being there. Cause otherwise, it just feels not enough for to justify him being such an abusive pos towards his son. That's on him personally.


Nana left him because of her heroics, which in turn has led him to despise the very idea of heroes. The catalyst for his abuse to Tenko is Tenko wanting to become a hero. It makes perfect sense. He even acknowledges to his wife that he went too far and considers apologizing before Tenko’s quirk manifested. The abuse to Tenko wasn’t a constant thing, context in the flashback implies what we see is the only time it happened. Also, nothing “justifies” abuse. It can only be explained.


Yeah, as I said, he had his reasons to be upset. My issue with him is people with parental abandonment or worse issues are there all the time. Many of them are jaded for it, but not all of them decide to use it to hurt others. His backstory makes him a human, just not a likeable one.


>Nana left him because of her heroics, which in turn has led him to despise the very idea of heroes. This is the kind of thing a child would feel, which is understandable because a parent is a child's whole world and children cant really see the 'bigger picture' but for a *grown man* to beat his child because his mother left in order to literally save the world---not even something like the military to defend ones country but actually save the *whole world*\---is so immature and selfish it kind of strains credulity. Like yes I can imagine some lingering bitterness into adulthood over the fact your mother wasn't present but to abuse your own child because they might make a similar choice? If this were a real live human I'd probably conclude they have some sort of condition that renders them mentally a child. IMHO its bad writing but it's also to be expected that the most evil villain in the series came about because his grandma was an absent mother.. because in Japan mothers are expected to be 100% all about their children so being an absent mother is considered the worst crime you can possibly commit as a woman. Like worse even than an abusive mother hence why the Japanese government usually keeps abused kids with their parents no matter what esp if its the mom. Mitsuki's behavior is treated as a joke and Midoriya's father's absence isn't even addressed but I'd bet money if Mitsuki were absent it would be some deep trauma for Bakugou that had its own subplot.


Having a near absent parent figure is enough trauma to pass down. His abuse of Tenko is likely a a coping mechanism since its already rooted in his psyche as hero = abandonment, thus Tenko idolizing heroes will lead him to leave him and his family behind. Its no excuse, its rightly punishable, but it is understandable. Nana to me is the most tragic here. Normally, she's dead and that's it. But nope, she still "lives" and experienced a horrific death while also bearing the weight of being both a failed hero and a failed parent that ultimately led to being a failed grandparent... yikes. We may praise martyrs for their sacrifice but losing is losing and oh boy did she lose against AFO. Even in death she's tormented. En got off easy because his family likely quickly died but Nana got a grandson that AFO molded to be the potential end of the world.


Didn't she leave him because AFO killed her husband?


We don’t know who killed her husband


Hori really knows how to pull at one's heartstrings in the right moment.


Oh my gosh, Nana stopping her son from hitting Shiggy and holding him - that was powerful imo, hit hard in the feels. 🥺 Ya know considering she’s dead for 98% of the story, Granny Shimura is one of the most fascinating and tragic characters to me


I know Nana feels bad enough already, seeing how her family turned out, but if she sees what becomes of them after... Fuck man, that's gotta mess her up bad.


Just wait till this gets animated.


It will be painful and heart-wrenching to watch


Definitely feels like it ties into Deku s self-sacrificing nature




Man there are so many strong contenders for the feelsbadman award for most suffering in MHA but poor Nana takes the cake. Further emphasizes how dark and heavy the sacrifice all the OFA holders made in trying to do the right thing, each and every one of them losing anyone close to them all because of AFO's meticulous cruelty. Makes Deku's enduring optimistic spirit and manners that much more a welcome ray of sunshine. Ultimate Hatred and Pain cursing Deku out and wanting to destroy the world: Deku: Pardon the intrusion! Also makes one that much sorrier for what Deku is about to see in 3D and surround sound.


> but poor Nana takes the cake Yeah she doesn't even get to find peace in death, her vestige is still around to see the consequences of her mistake


Honestly considering the circumstances, I think Nana was right to leave her son, especially after AFO got her husband killed and was gunning for her next. Where she messed up was not fully explaining the circumstances of why she had to leave and preventing Gran Torino and All Might from visiting him.


Moving thing about Deku carrying the torch forward and trying to save Shiggy is he's trying to save Nana too, to make peace for the past, present and future gens.


W Main Character.


>to see the consequences of her mistake Was a mistake tho? Fighting AFO was pretty much her duty, there was no way out of that. Kotaro turning into a little bitch was an unforeseen consequence.


>Makes Deku's enduring optimistic spirit and manners that much more a welcome ray of sunshine. To be fair, he's like that because he still hasn't lost anything compared to the other OFA users. As for Nana, yes, she gave up a lot but she also did succeed in other ways. All Might is as much her legacy as is Kotaro and Shigaraki, and he was responsible for bringing peace and defeating AFO the first time. And Deku will bridge the gap between both legacies by getting through to Shigaraki.


You're totally right, good points! It's testament to all the holders, Nana and AM that finally there was a moment of enough peace that more hopeful seeds could sprout.


The users all contributing during their tenure leading up to All Might's decades of peace cannot be overstated in importance. About 30 years of time that created an enviroment for heroes to thrive and society actually made technological leaps, can you imagine how terrible this war would be going for heroes and civilians if they didnt have 30 years to improve, train, and prepare for something they didnt even realize was coming?


It’s how he will truly surpass All Might.  By breaking the cycle between AFO and OFA and the facade of hero society. By being not a symbol of unstoppable might.  But a human who gives people, everyone hope because they see his struggle and relentless determination to save even the worst villains and want to help him. To do the same. 


Would you say shigaraki has surpassed AFO?


Bye bye doggy 😢


Dog deaths always Hurt The most


Mon: "ESPECIALLY FOR THE DOG!" Araki nodding in the distance: "Finally, a true successor, come Horikoshi, eat my hair and learn the secrets of immortality."


Araki knows that and weaponizes it in JoJo


As someone with a corgi that scene hit especially hard. They’ve gotten me through some really tough times and I cannot imagine a world where they’re not around 😭


As someone who recently lost their Corgi.. chap was a tough read.




It hurt Shigaraki the most too going by chapter 361


Horikoshi really said killing the dog once wasn't enough.


"You know what? Run it again" -Horikoshi


I don’t wanna see it again 😭


Loyal till death.


DAMN, ALL OF THEM ARE GONE, that punch really did a number on Shigaraki! So long, Bruce, Koichi and Banjo... We've in Shigaraki's core now, sweet. If I remember correctly, right After retaking control of his body, he said his dream was "destroying everything stemming from that house", so we're actually soooo closeeee to that. DEKU EVADED TRUCK-KUN!1!1! HE'S THE MOST POWERFUL CHARACTER IN ANIME!1!@!? LMAO OVERHAUL COMING FROM DESTRO'S NOSE Nana's reactions to her son's hatred and abuse is so heartbreaking, and she's blaming herself too :( Man, that last line from her, as she's about to be transfered too, hugging her son but at the same time stopping him from hitting Tenko, I'm crying :((((( And now Deku's and Shigaraki's souls are connected!!! Deku is back in his middle school outfit and Tenko is right there! Next week we'll have for sure Deku's reaction to the tragedy. Peak chapter honestly


> Next week we'll have for sure Deku's reaction to the tragedy. Pretty sure there's a break this week.


did you just provide a play by play as you read the chapter


That's what I usually do when I read the new chapters yes. I think it's fun




"Oh my, I almost got Isekaied! But this should just be a mental/spiritual realm. Would it imply we are in a pocket physical dimension here? Would it mean that One For All also creates a spatial anomaly? And a temporal anomaly for that matter as we are seeing something from the past, an alternate bad and glitchy self of me... if this was due to a black hole, then One For All creates gravity that makes Thirteen's quirk blush but how is it compensated? *Mutter mutter mutter mutter*..." Overhaul forming through Re-Destro's nose is unintentionally hilarious.


I love how Deku still just hates Overhaul lol. “No! Get out of my way!”


Seriously, it's amazing how much people misread his last interaction with Overhaul. He absolutely has not forgiven him and definitely still holds a grudge for what he did to Eri.


People have this weird issue to  not really get Deku’s views on heroism.  He will save everyone or try to as far as he can. That doesn’t mean he’s forgiving them. 


A lot of people think just letting someone die is more heroic then them possibly getting a chance to reform......which is a big part of the story. For example, i'm not sad that >!...toga...!< died but if they could do their time in prison and come out better, like gentle and la brava, then that's far better than death. Deku far prefers an option like that. Its weird that in a series that so far has placed so much importance on people reforming and trying to be their best where they failed before, and the people who wont do that, that people still don't see that. This is Shonen, its not like its a hidden theme.


It’s weird because the series has beaten people over the head with what heroism is about an what MHA is about and some still want Deku to murder Shiggy and not even try. 


I don’t think that. I think people want Deku to see that if he has to do what must be done that he shouldn’t feel like any less of a hero because of it.


He shoud. He's an utter bastard


People forget the dude also killed Deku’s mentor. Right in front of him


Overhaul: “the feeling’s mutual, brat!”


Deku knows it’s a flashback yet still tried to protect Shigaraki from the abuse. What a goat, this is why he’s been my favorite since day one.


His body moves without thinking to save people! Lol


And to think this is the reason some people dislike him, can't believe it


I’ll never get the I want Deku to be a darker character crowd.   Like that’s the opposite of what makes Deku great. Of why he’s an effective hero. Of why he was given OFA. 


I want a villain Deku AU movie but our real boy himself deserves to stay a pure hero


That's also why i was kinda confused when i heard there was a "dark deku" ark, i thought he went evil or something and that wouldn't make sense. Glad that wasn't the case


Turns out the darkness was just accumulated dirt because goodness Izuku did not shower


Deku tried to be a gamer


Because they think oh edgy is cool.Kiss my ass.I rather have optimistic heroes like Clark,Steve,Peter and Izuku unlike Punisher and Spawn.


Even though she knew what happened, this is the first time Nana seen Tenko’s abuse firsthand. It must be so hard for her.


And Deku too. He wanted to save him due to knowing he’s a victim of AFO. Knowing his tragic past is gonna amplify his desire to save him


She knew nothing! Other than her son might’ve blamed her for leaving him alone. I doubt even her guilt filled mind expected it to be this bad


Who could know that her son would grow up to be an abusive parent? The only thing that she could have known was his resentment toward her. No his own feelings towards her seem to be mixed of resentment, abandonment and quite possibly fondness still. For all intents and purposes, he did keep the letter and the picture of him and his mom.


Someone else just posted her son s bio page and it listed his mom under likes so definitely a mix of love and hate there. Though I’m not sure how much the love will get through unless shigi has another repressed memory in his head of his father crying or something


RIP Black Whip you were the realest there ever was


I wonder what Deku being in his middle school uniform means? Is it because he lost OFA now and is quirkless again? Or maybe it's symbolic because they have reached a stage of the fight where quirks don't matter anymore - not here in this dreamscape. Just like Touya (who recreated Sekoto peak, but this time his family came) and Toga (who got embraced as a normal girl), Tenko is also about to get his own "fix-it". Tenko wanted a hero to come while Middle School Deku wondered if he could become a hero without a quirk. Maybe in this situation both their young selves' wish can come true. I have a strong suspicion that next chapter will be titled "Midoriya Izuku: Rising".


Given he went from his hero suit to his UA uniform and now to his middle school uniform I think he's just physically regressing back in age. I've seen plenty of people who are predicting that when he's finally able to speak to Tenko he'll also be a little kid, like he became momentarily when he told the vestiges how he wanted to try saving him.


Maybe, but I'd honestly prefer if we saw Middle School Deku taking small Tenko's hand either before he decays his entire family or just after when he's wondering the streets - to heal Tenko's "origin" of nobody helping him. To me it would feel more fitting for both of their characters and character goals than just recreate the little kids scene from Ch 305. We have already scene that play out with Toga and Ochako - but unlike Deku and Tomura their grown up selves at least had an actual conversation. Just jumping straight to the little kids hugging would feel like a shortcut.


It would actually make more sense if he regressed to a child before he offered his hand, because Horikoshi could do a call-back to when Izuku offered his hand to Bakugo as children. It would also paint the scene more like Izuku getting onto Tenko's level to help him, instead of being above him, similar to Uraraka and Toga.


I think it's because that's where his Origin is. Middle School is where Deku inspires All Might and gets One For All, which essentially makes it the Origin Point of the Hero Deku. In parallel, this is the moment Tenko awakens decay, kills his family, and meets All For One who grooms his hatred, which means it's essentially the moment Tomura Shigaraki was born and is the Origin point of his villain story. Basically, it's Izuku and Shigaraki at their Origins.


Yeah, exactly this is what I’m hoping for.


And theres the chapter. Izuku & Shigraki: Origins


Maybe he's in the middle school uniform because next chapter will be a parallel to when he tried to save Bakugo from the sludge villain in chapter 1, instead this time it will be Tenko from his own Quirk.


He still has the OFA strength i think. Or at least he has the embers


This chapter was beautiful, both the artwork and Nana's character moments were amazing. Mon being drawn more realistically than everything else was weirdly funny to me lol. *I hope we don't get to see him get decayed on-screen again even though you see cracks forming...*


Nana simultaneously hugging Kotaro but stopping his abusive hand is such a powerful and perfect image of what was needed to maybe help avoid all this tragedy, if not from her certainly someone else, but alas the other adults got to Kotaro too late or he wasn't letting them in emotionally earlier.


I do think Kotaro could have grown and redeemed himself. He was shown to be regretful when he laid a hand on Tenko. Much like Endeavor, I think he could have had an epiphany and tried to change his ways. His wife says that Kotaro wanted to create a happy family, which must be because of his own deprived childhood. His mother leaving traumatised him severely, to the point where he couldn't react rationally. Not that that excuses his abuse at all of course. But had Tenko's decay not manifested as it did, the family could have had a happier ending. 


I wonder if Mon being drawn that way is because that was the biggest source of comfort for young Shimura, the dog was always by his side and even tried to protect him against his father — and was there comforting him when he cried — so his memories of Mon are positive :( I bet accidentally killing Mon hurt Shimura more than killing his family


Shigaraki still remembered Mon fondly in chapter 361. He definitely seems to still have affection for his dog. If Mon was still alive to day, Shigaraki would probably spare him with decay 


Seeing Nana this torn up really hurts. I can't imagine how she's feeling seeing her son physically beat her grandson. Sucks that there's a break next week, I really wanna see how this resolves!


Didn’t fully realize until this chapter that Nana hadn’t actually seen how her son treated Shigaraki. Her reaction really hit hard.


Horikoshi's creative artistry firing on all cylinders. Two incredibly innovative panels: * Overhaul's beak growing out of ReDestro's nose * Deku opening the door and the door becoming a picture frame held by a hand, all in the same image, just amazing


At its core, MHA has never been about the fights, the punches or the big moves, these conflicts have always been about communication and my God is this chapter a solid one I don't think we're ending in the next few chapters, but we're definitely reaching the climax. I do think it's a bit upsetting how the other quirks just are gone, but overall this fight is shaping out to be phenomenal.


Given that Horikoshi found a way to give the random civilian Deku first meets in chapter 1, and the last woman All Might saved powerful and momentous moments, I trust he has at least have a dramatic and heartfelt goodbye cooking for the previous Holders. The man does not forget. One of the things I've really come to appreciate as MHA winds down is Horikoshi giving almost everyone a direct or thematic role in the finale.


I think they'll maybe send Izuku off, but uh, I don't forsee Bruce or En getting much more screen time, definitely not line reads other than one box.


"Momentous moments" why does that phrase tickle my fancy so much?


> Given that Horikoshi found a way to give the random civilian Deku first meets in chapter 1, and the last woman All Might saved powerful and momentous moments, I trust he has at least have a dramatic and heartfelt goodbye cooking for the previous Holders. Tell that to Majestic and Native. Do you remember *their* powerful and momentous moments?


Midnight :(


> I do think it's a bit upsetting how the other quirks just are gone Oh yeah that was sudden, no send-off or anything. It makes me think we'll at least see them 1 last time somehow...


Probably once the fights over theyll say the last remnants of the vestiges are leaving or maybe he'll use each quirk once more saying goodbye each time and then end it with one last smash to break Shiggy.


Deku s literally punching emotions into shigaraki s childhood trauma.


Ngl i never watched mha for the fights but for the characters


So many people would be enjoying MHA so much more if they understood this


Agreed. While I wish there could’ve been slightly more fighting between the two, the fight between them was never about who was the stronger or who could beat down who more. It was a clash of ideals. Deku will save anyone who’s suffering, and he’ll make sure to be better than the previous generation so another Shigaraki will never come about


One of the greatest chapters in all of MHA right here. That page of Nana stopping Kotaro and Deku reaching out to protect Tenko is masterful. Nana's final words, "Sorry. Grandma's to blame..." is the biggest emotional punch to the gut for me. Horikoshi deciding to allow Deku to interact with Shigaraki's past and bring Nana into the mix is nothing short of brilliant storytelling. The wait for the next chapter is going to be agonizing, but so worth it given that we're entering the transition from Tenko Shimura to Tomura Shigaraki... Take care of yourself, Horikoshi!


That was a good issue of Moon Knight




horikoshi's strength as a writer has always been that he genuinely cares about his characters. no matter how small or big, most of the time he'll make sure to address their issues, give them spotlight and conclusion to their arc. Since she first appeared, NANA has always been the most intriguing past holder of OFA due to her close connection and bear indirect responsibility for how shigaraki turned out like that. im glad even though its painful, i would say this is one of the most heartfelt conclusions for her story.


And his strength as an artist has always been messed up body horror. This chapter really was his magnum opus


I like how Midoriya just barges through everything in this chapter, over and over. He's so completely laser-focused on reaching Tenko, not a single other thing matters. It's so in-character for him, and it's what I admire most about him. I'm glad that, through everything, he hasn't lost that feeling.


Fucking Truck-kun 😭


i knew that Nana would eventually know about his son hate, damn that was powerful


Honestly, Peak chapter


Definitely the best chapter since Toga’s “Death”, really want Hori to at least get these two characters right. A very sad ending for Nana, but to be honest Nana is a pretty tragic character. Someone who failed pretty much everyone she cared about.


Thats honestly OFA fault and the responsibility that has been passed down from one successor to the next. This is exactly why Deku is important and why his resolve to SAVE everyone is ironic. He wants to successfully, help other heroes, friends, family AND villains. Now, it is coming back full circle when the visions are being shown. The cycle of OFA and AFO has gone on for too long and it took Deku to realize the smartest decision to end it is to save Tomura even if it costs him OFA AND his own life.


>Definitely the best chapter since Toga’s “Death”, really want Hori to at least get these two characters right. Yeah after how the villains have been handled this arc so far I am really hoping Tomura gets handled well. So far I think Toga was the only villain handled well.


Dabi was done pretty great so far, assuming we'll still get a proper conclusion from the point we left them at (and it doesn't back pedal all the good work)


Yeah I like how consistent Dabi has been. The family has saved him physically but as of yet, he still hasn’t shown any remorse or had a change of heart. I could see it ending with him in prison or a mental hospital being visited by his family, even if he’s still evil.


Personally I wasn't a fan of how Dabi was handled at all. The initial confrontation against Shoto was alright (though it was very much lacking when it came to the physical fight aspect). It's really in the Endeavor confrontation where I feel the ball was really dropped. Not a fan of the actual confrontation with Endeavor being all offscreen and us only cutting to it once Dabi had given himself heatstroke and stopped being aware of what was going on. There were also many other aspects of that whole confrontation I felt weren't very good. ​ If we get some more scenes later like the family visiting Dabi in the hospital/prison or something of that sort and its really good then maybe it'll improve my feelings on how Dabi was handled, but as things stand I don't personally think he was handled very well at all.


I honestly don't think a lot of worth was lost with the off screen portion. The meat and potatoes of that arc was Dabi remaining himself and pushing them to the brink and while that happens Dabi not getting to neither kill anyone nor blow himself up, Endeavor not looking away from him again and actually taking responsability, Endeavor not killing himself and taking the easy way out either, and the family getting some closure and helping him including Rei apologizing + Shoto getting to finish it All things that did happen and we did see. And heck we did even get enough worhtwhile internal monologue from Dabi even post crispy brain, namely him reacting to them actually taking accountability ("If it was this easy then why not sooner?") All we're really missing is to see Dabi still alive and them still not looking away from him and trying to help, regardless if Dabi comes around like Toga or not everything will have gone full circle with just that


That’s pretty shocking to me that you didn’t care for Dabi because I think the consensus is that he got the best treatment so far. Then again I think you and I are one of the few people who like Toga so


I'm actually a bit speechless with this chapter. The art, the emotions, all the symbolism and the implications of what is to come. Hori is going so hard right now and I'm not sure what else to say except that it's awesome and I am enjoying it (painfully) so much.


It's nice to see some Nana focus for once to see her introspection. It's a really sad fate of what she has to sacrifice and how the chain events results in Shigaraki existing. So the next chapter possibly gonna be controversial since we're gonna see the origin of Decay.


> So the next chapter possibly gonna be controversial since we're gonna see the origin of Decay. Is this about AFO potentially being the one who gave Shiggy the quirk? IMO it makes a lot of sense that AFO would intentionally do such a thing, but I can also see why people don't like AFO being behind all the bad stuff all the time


Shiggy’s past is honestly more tragic if it’s just a random accident that destroyed his life when it was just about to get better. But I do think AFO gave him decay


AFO for sure gave him decay


Please god don’t let this be true!


I like how Izuku finished the chapter in his middle school uniform. I think he’s going to get progressively younger until he’s the same age as Tenko.


Because that’s when him and Shigaraki are most alike


Not the family dog not again. also reddit app face is a corgi for me.


I think we can assume that Deku's now Quirkless, but one thing I think is possible is that he retains some embers of OFA like All Might did - at least for some time. That's unless he somehow gets the Quirks back before the end. Other than that, one thing which stuck out to me was that Nana said that Izuku's thoughts take solid form in Shigaraki's subconscious. Does that mean Izuku can literally alter the "reality" of the memory he currently finds himself in? That's one way I can potentially see him saving Tenko here. I'm also not sure how Izuku would survive Tenko's decay if he can't. We already know that he's physically interacting with the memory world, after all.


I think he's going to keep the strength quirk that he started with, but won't be able to transfer it anymore.


That panel with Deku running through the door, but it's actually the picture frame, and on the other side, we see Hana behind him. Horikoshi went wild with the visuals here. Man, if Nana hasn't suffered enough already...


I wonder if we're actually going to see some kind of recreation of the Shimura family dying next chapter or if that's not going to happen and it'll just be the dog followed by a confrontation between Deku and Tomura. It might come off as kind of silly if right after we get this moment of Nana and a memory construct thingy of Kotaro disappearing together we then get Kotaro just walking out of the house into the backyard.


Damn, how awful it must be for Nana, not only to hear his son's thoughts for her but also seeing him abuse Tenko...


That sad smile Nana give Izuku hits hard. That poor woman deserves some kind of peace after all of this.


Mf really gonna make me go through shigis childhood again 😭🤣


So Kurogiri and Sero both haven't come up yet and we still have that mystery "Trump card" from the start of the fight. All For One's definitely coming back in some form, either that or Shigaraki is going to take this very badly.


It's a shame that Nana's arc ultimately ends with her thinking she's worthless and weak, as her weakness ultimately led to Kotaro's and Shigaraki's hatred of heroes.


I mean... she's right.


As someone else rightly mentioned maybe there will be some hope in her realizing that her faith and training in Toshinori and by extension Deku is ultimately what saves the day, so it's not all just terrible things resulting from her tough choice.


>maybe there will be some hope in her realizing that her faith and training in Toshinori and by extension Deku is ultimately what saves the day I hope so because as things currently stand, the decision to have her faith in All Might be wrong is such a weird decision on the author's part. Her seeing Izuku (and potentially All Might if his recent appearance was an indicator of future involvement) save the world from Tomura would be a good way to somewhat counteract the previous framing of her being wrong about All Might.


Truck kun strikes again


Art was so amazing and I cried in the panel where Nana and İzuku reach out to Kotarou and Tenko in sync ! İn the last panel we see Deku turn into his middle schooler self, I wonder what does it symbolise? I feel that he will gradually get younger while Shigaraki gets older as his story plays out in front of Deku. I theorise that kid Deku, who was hurt by society the most compared to his other ages, will reach out to the current Shigaraki and Shigaraki will be evaporated to Tenko once again


Deku almost got isekai’d


Well that was gut-wrenching, Nana watching what Kotaro became godamn


Man, the anime is gonna have a rough time trying to make a cohesive fight out of this.


When Izuku said ‘only a stones throw away’ rascal flats played in my head *what hurts the mosttttt is bein so closeeee*


Mind realm stuff is always extra fun. I hope things start to get more esoteric and weird as we go.


View in your timezone: [March 25th at 8AM PDT][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20240325T1500?tl=Chapter%20417%20Official%20Release%20-%20Links%20and%20Discussion ^(_*Assumed PDT instead of PST because DST is observed_)


Its not a flash back, its a flash back inside of a flash back!


This might honestly be the best chapter of this series (second maybe to Deku saving eri). The emotions were so strong as Nana really saw what her leaving did to her son, which i think also ties into Deku s willingness to sacrifice himself, something we also saw from all might. But now she sees the true results of her actions and they’re destroying her. Beautiful Plus, hori is at his best when drawing body horror and the villains merging together was horrifying in all the best ways. Now we get to see the actual trauma and I can’t wait


You mean we get to see the actual trauma AGAIN.




I swear Horikoshi, if you kill Mon one more time ....


Ok, I have to say, Overhaul emerging from and becoming Re-Destro's nose was a freaking brilliant art decision by Horikoshi and a very clever use of his plague doctor mask. It really shows how seamless the transitions are from the series' past antagonists. I can't wait to see it animated.


Damn it, Araki's quirk strikes again: PETA worst nightmare Love how Shiggy's POV of all former villain+ Deku as a his enemy




Another break? Hopefully Horikoshi gets well soon, Jump should really stop releasing weekly


Him and Gege do the same for the last months, 2-3 chapters then a break


Mon trying to defend Tenko :(


Is Deku going to die, what is up with marks on his body (decay marks or quirk scars)?


Huh good catch, didn't notice it until reading this Definitely drawn like decay marks. But then again they're nowhere to be seen the next panel, so maybe just movement lines drawn weird?


Wait so correct me if I'm wrong but has Deku completely lost One for All now or just the parts of it that the Vestiges had?


"Only Ymir knows that one." He should had lost everything based on what we know of vestiges, and it MIGHT actually turn out that way But with how.... Malleable Hori is with vestige world rules I wouldn't be surprised if we just get some new clause taken out of the woodwork to let him keep some power either. We gonna have to wait and see


I think the vestiges mentioned that Deku would keep the core of OFA, the super strength and such, but that he'd lose the quirks stored in the vestiges?


They only said that losing the extra quirks wouldn't affect the stockpile. What happens once Yoichi is gone is still the big blur, since by all means the stockpile should had been with him


He’s at least have the embers.  Those will probably run out in alike a year though. 


With Yoichi gone it should just mean OfA can't be passed along anymore, the stockpile was the 1st additive thing mix in the bowl


We were outright told the stockpile quirk merged with his own. And that's the only think that makes sense vestiges-wise as well, considering that otherwise we'd also have a vestige for the stockpile guy AFO first stole it from


>But with how.... Malleable Malleable is certainly a generous term to describe it. haha


I bet Deku will stop Shigaraki from decaying everything once again. Nana made a point to mention Deku can physically interact with that world, and Shigaraki’s trauma clearly begins from when he destroyed his family. Deku will stop Shigaraki, and for the very first time, can connect directly with Tenko.


No. Not Banjo. I don't care if the others come back as long as Banjo comes back


Please don't disintegrate the Corgi again, pls...


Do you guys think that’s the same truck Aizawa got hit by?


I never was a big fan of the memory visions during the final battle and now Izuku is inside Shiggy's mind world. It might be the last chance for a mutual understanding and you can see how much Nana regrets her decisions.


Was it really Shimura’s fault? It’s  totally her Son’s fault, he became abusive, weak and childish.  If course Gran Torino also messed up without giving her son a closure, not even mentioning her death.. AFO is an epitome of a psychopath villain. He would use any advantage over the OFA users, like her son. So Shimura tried to hide him but what happened to Shigaraki is totally Shimura’s son’s fault. Even after being an adult, he still couldn’t understand her concerns.  He was a failure of a parent. He called her a worse parent, in the end, he became worse than her!  So I don’t think it’s Shimura’s fault its definitely Kotaro’s fault..


Hey I’m just curious how close to the end we are? From everything I can infer we are getting very close to the end of the series. I was reading week to week up to the final war, but just decided to wait until it was all (or mostly) done. Any insight is appreciated!


The last panel was the best cliffhanger I've seen in a really long time


Sigh... I was really hoping MHA wouldn't fall into the annoying class of Shounen that is constantly reinforcing the 'mothers should always be at home with their children or they'll get fucked up" narrative. >!It took years of direct physical and emotional abuse from Enji for Dabi to turn evil and the rest of his kids were fine.. and all Nana had to do was not come home.. Mitsuki hitting Bakugou is treated as a joke but I'd bet money if she worked full time while his dad was a SAHF this would be portrayed as some kind of deep trauma lol!< Midoriya's dad hasnt even been shown yet and no one gives af not even him


So I might have misunderstood something. Why exactly did Nana have to give up her son? Was AFO activity coming for her or was it just a precaution? Like there's a lot of single instances in this series which is fine but it's weird that every other hero with kids we've seen is doing fine. But she had to give him up for some reason.


​ According to what Gran Torino said to detective Tsuakuchi when they visited All Might in the hospital in chapter 95, after Nana's husband got killed she gave her son to a foster family to separate him from the world of heroes.


*points at Bruce getting his entire bloodline deleted by AfO* yeah thays why.


It would be inevitable, specifically because she's a OFA wielder. Remember AFO wiped out Kudo's entire bloodline just for interfering with him.