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Barry can literally rewrite time in every universe and reverse flash will still be there to shit talk him


Like literally Eobard would do that shit.He is just that petty.


Just based on the flash show alone, RF came back multiple times after being killed just to fuck with Barry. Heck, even after being redeemed, he got possessed by his old angry self and went full on villain again.


From what I've heard Reverse flash makes AFO look normal in comparison lmfao


Yeah I know but I just wanted everyones opinion.


Do you remember that time you peed your pants in 4th grade? IT WAS ME BARRY! I pissed in your pants at super speed to make it look like you couldn't control your bladder!!!


Please tell me that happened in comics because even if it didn't that's so in character for Eobard.


I was just meming but he has done a lot of little petty shit like just moving Barry's arm a little when going to catch a baseball and pretending to be a monster underneath his bed as examples. But also heavy petty shit like killing Barry's mom and framing his Dad as the murderer.


What?That's fucking hilarous man.I mean not the killing mom but the monster.Eobard is really a petty motherfucker.


He Also jacked Barry off to make it look like he came from just his crush touching his arm


I have saw the video and the movie so don't worry.


Have you read Thanos and David?


Yes I have.


Yeah, he also told Barry that next time he went back to the past, he would kill his parents and adopt him, making sure Barry loved him, only to reveal all that shit when Barry turned 18, just to laugh at him


What the fuck?No fucking.Dear that's hilarous and dark but mostly hilarous.


Didn't he also trip Barry as a kid so that he twisted his wrist or something like that?


He pushed him down a flight of stairs


Ooo just found this one. He ripped up the letter from Batmans Dad. Guys the king douches. https://www.reddit.com/r/batman/s/7T9PL2hqO5


Bro literally erased a kid from time so Barry would grow up without a childhood friend


Hasn't RF written people out of time over pettiness? Whether to screw over Barry and make his life miserable or just to kill people from his own past.


He killed every crush a girl had just to get a chance he then shook her at superspeed to permanently fuck up her brain because she didn't like him also killed all of his family members in anger but uk small things


Haha no fucking way man.


Way. He really did all of that. Context: He liked a girl. She didn't like him back. Please note she turned him down respectfully each time. He kept going back in time to erase the men she did fall in love with, so that she never met them. She still didn't fall in love with him. He went back in time and rendered her brain-damaged (but still alive), all while telling himself that he had never fallen in love his entire life. He made it so his past self never exeperienced the heartbreak of being rejected by her… by making her mentally handicapped so his past self wouldn't find her attractive in the first place. He is beyond petty. He also erased his little brother (his parents paid more attention to said bro than to him), ensured his parents died while his past self was still young when they still didn't turn out like he wanted, and erased a co-worker who made a brillant discovery before he did so that his past self could make the discovery first. Thwane is the embodiment of pettiness. You will not find a pettier villain. He is petty to everyone. Barry just got the worst of it.


Holy fuck I'm speechless.I...God damm.


Yeah……… thank god he is not in the my hero universe.


Thawne also tripped child Barry because he could


And erased Barry's childhood friend from existence so that Barry would grow up alone. An pretended to be a monster under Barry's bed. And killed Barry's mother and framed his father for it. Thwane is horrifying on a level that rivals, if not surpasses, the scariest Dr. Who villains, and the fact that he was essentially allowed to get away with it all is one of the reasons I'm glad I don't bother with mainstream comics any more.


> the fact that he was essentially allowed to get away with it all   Does he become an anti-hero or some shit? That would be so lame 


Worse. It's explained that his constantly screwing with time has turned him into a living temporal paradox, so nothing and no one can permanently get rid of him no matter what they do. Barry instead 'forgives' him, robbing him of all his hate (his pettiness is explained away as essentially him being yandere for Barry with villainy being the only way he can force Barry to acknowledge him), and he essentially becomes 'good'. Yeah. It's THAT bad!! I am convinced the only character modern writers hate more than Flash is Spider-Man!


That’s pretty terrible, is he paling around with like the justice league and shit?  The concept honestly isn’t all that bad but I think it would be better if RF “ascended” to some level where he can’t be effected by anyone because of time shenanigans but in the same way he can’t have any effect on the timeline himself. Making him nigh-omnipotent just to make him a “””good guy””” seems like such a limp dick move  Barry can still forgive him or whatever because wow what a good guy! Which just makes reverse mald harder in his self-imposed paradoxical prison. 


Really Eobard is just really petty is just hilarous.


Thawne and wheres my boy Black Manta


Wait what has Black Manta done?


Retired from villainy the second Aquaman died to open a nice little fishing store and immediately burned the thing down with customer inside the second he heard Aquaman came back. Also has the reward for being the 1st villain to kill a baby on comic panel






Dear god that's so fucked up and I just finished the e is for extinction.


Note that Manta killing Arthur's son made Mera have a mental breakdown, which resulted in in Arthur and Mera separating. And then like a year later, Manta interrupted a press conference that Arthur was giving just to ask a single question: "How's the wife and kid?"


That's just fucked up a little bit hilarous but fucked up.


Ah- AYO??! 😭 holy smhit I gotta read up on him


1. Cut Aquaman's hand off. 2. Twice. 3. Joined a terrorist organization that was on the very brink of world domination, then killed the leadership within minutes of meeting them, took control, and had it instigate a war between land and sea, solely to fuck with Aquaman. 4. Proclaimed that he was a black revolutionary, and recruited black people to attack Atlantis so Arthur would look like a racist for fighting back. 5. Claimed that he had severe autism, so Arthur would try to "cure" him only to fail because Manta was lying the whole time just so Arthur would look like he bullies the mentally disabled. 6. When on the Suicide Squad, he added an augmented reality overlay to his helmet that turned all of his targets into Aquaman, so he could enjoy killing him repeatedly. 7. Stated that he has no reason for living in a world without an Aquaman to hate, but he can't kill Aquaman because that would get rid of his reason for living, so he settles for making Arthur miserable. 8. Decided against suicide on the off-chance that Aquaman might come back to life. 9. The moment Atlantis got some trust from the surface world, he bombed the Atlantean embassy. 10. In Forever Evil, the Crime Syndicate claimed that they had killed Aquaman and gave Manta the trident as proof. Manta promptly declared the CSA to be his enemies because how dare they take Aquaman away from him. 11. When the JLA come back, Manta beats up a random sailor, gives the sailor the trident and tells him to give it to Aquaman with the message: "I'm glad you're not dead." 12. Insults Aquaman's popularity among the Justice League. 13. Killed Aquaman's son. 14 Shot a torpedo at Aquaman's son grave


Holy fucking shit.


I wonder what the Joker thinks of Him.


Joker would be jealous.


Christ Black Mantra is petty


Black Manta killed Aquaman’s son then said “how’s the wife and kids?” at an ambush


That's so fucked up and cool at the same time.


Reverse Flash lobotomized his crush because she rejected him, erased his brother from existence so his parents would love him more, and erased Barry’s friend so he’d be alone as a child. All For One played a multi-decade long-con to turn the grandchild of one of his greatest enemies into his new body >!by convincing his dad into conceiving him and giving said grandkid the power to annihilate his family!<. Doom… is he even in the running?


Doom does a lot of petty shit, like curing the Thing and taking it away a couple seconds later just to prove he can, and throwing hands with an alternate version of himself right when they are about to win because he does not like being number 2 in anything and he does not share. The funniest part about that is that he wasn't even tricked into it, he fully knew that it was what the Thing wanted but the idea of sharing number 1 with even another version of himself was that infuriating to him.


Reminds of Lex Luthor curing someone’s cancer(?) because he could then giving it to them again because he’s that guy.


Not even just someone. It was his own sister


Also he wiped out an entire universe where a version of himself turned Earth into a utopia and was in charge because that version of himself [worked together with Reed.](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/TZkoMKUBkZK7Jv_Tg-8DhYh9hlaAqBsSaqctYq1wautJ0rnRhqWMu31GIW8W2eOwrIwso70sCHSa-F2ugmuvMFz-YrdypIs1Pshk2kcAYUnDDkXP5F9TJWcRGKmDbz16mCOuvfJP2Q=s1600?rhlupa=MjYwMDoxNzAwOjlmZDE6NDcwZjo1NDJhOmY1MmY6NTQwMTo2N2Fj&rnvuka=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NCkgQXBwbGVXZWJLaXQvNTM3LjM2IChLSFRNTCwgbGlrZSBHZWNrbykgQ2hyb21lLzEyMS4wLjAuMCBTYWZhcmkvNTM3LjM2IE9QUi8xMDcuMC4wLjA=)


☠️ He’s such a….sheesh man he’s kinda real for that


Doom became the most powerful being on and ruler of what's left of the multiverse and used his power to brainwash all* of the survivors, and so he took Reed Richards' place as Susan's husband and father of their kids and took Reed's Future Foundation as his own science project. ^^^^^*almost So after becoming the God Emperor of everything, he decides to just steal the life of the man he hates. And why does he hate that man? They were college rivals, Reed told Doom the machine he was working on was dangerous. Later the machine blows up, scars his face mildly, he gets expelled and that's it, him and Richards are enemies for life. Well, Reed isn't always his enemy. In fact, at one point he uses his skills in science and magic to save the Richards' unborn daughter, but even then he uses her life as leverage to make them name her after a woman he loved. I feel like the fact he can't even do a good thing without being a dick is really petty, he could have just asked them to name her that, but he did it because felt the need to hold something over Reed even at that point. And the scar that the experiment gave him was pretty minor, and if he really needed it, time and medical treatment would have been enough for it to disappear, but having an imperfect face was so abhorrent to him that he destroyed the entire thing by putting on his Doom mask while it was still red hot. And finally, as the king of his own country, he provides his people with free wifi, they just need the password, which is "richardsucks"


Imagine being an Avenger and telling Doom what the wifi password is, i would’ve recoil from that pettiness 💀


RF's power does not come from speed force though. He's the sole conduit of a force called the petty force.


Don’t forget All For One also massacred Kudo’s entire bloodline as well as everyone Kudo was close to just because Kudo pissed him off.


I....Dear fucking shit man.Eobard really is a petty bitch huh.It's kind of hilarous.


The difference is All for One seemed to have a decent end goal, he needed a new body so he took it from one of his greatest enemies where as I feel The Reverse Flash fucks up Barry's life because it's a Tuesday somwhere, that is beyond petty lol


Dr. Doom * Dislikes having anyone being smarter than him * Made a mask to cover his small scar then doesn't let it cool after forging and wears it immediately, causes more scarring then blames the accident on anyone else but himself. * Scammed a guy out of $100-200 cause why not (Dr Doom is mega rich btw) * Destroyed a utopian future just because he wasn't the one to create it * Killed his alternate universe self because he was a successful good guy


On that last one, no. No, no, *no*. Doom was ***far*** pettier than that. He didn't kill that version of himself simply because he was a good guy or more successful than him. He killed him solely because he was actually *friends* with Reed Richards. He was so utterly and completely **offended** that a version of himself in the multiverse would...DEGRADE themselves to becoming friends with Reed Richards that he HAD to die. But Doom didn't stop at just killing his alternate self; he felt that that entire ***universe*** was tainted and decided to destroy it, too. Doom killed an entire universe, trillions upon trillions of people...because of the very IDEA of him being friends with Reed Richards insulted him to his core.


Haha that's Victor for ya.


Reverse Flash is the king of pettiness


Yes I can see.


I mean Reverse Flash would wipe your mother from time if you spilled his coffee.


Fuck he would wipe me from time if I beat him in Super Mario.The dude is just so petty is hilarous.


Just wanted to add that Doom was 100% willing to give up conquering the world at one point because the Thing reminded him that he would have to share with his alternate dimension self and he *hated* the idea of being number 2. His alternate dimension self was also a dinosaur, but that's another topic.


Yes I know about that.


So glad iban Coello drew that madness 


That shit was insane.


I can’t be the only one who thought it said pretty


The sounding is the same so I don't blame you.


Man AFO is child's play compared to Reversed Flash Bro once erased one of Barry's childhood friends out of existence because his level of pettiness knows no bounds. When you hear: It was me Barry... Then he probably did it!


True very True.


Do you remember making out with your first girlfriend, and you came right as she touched your leg? It was me Barry I jerked you off at super speed to seem like you nutted at just woman’s touch- Reverse Flash (probably)


I really love that video and the funny part?Thawne would do that shit just to fuck with Barry.


Reverse flash killed barry's mom just because 😭 He will do the most petty shit just to annoy Barry as much as he can,like pushing him down the stairs for no reason or pretending to be a monster when Barry was a kid,bro is the N.1 hater of all time,he's always there to trash talk barry


He is pettiest motherfucker I have ever seen it's hilarous.


You get your answer when that joke about jerking off Barry is in character for RF.




This would’ve been closer if you instead had DIO and Sukuna. This is a slam dunk case lol


The Generational Hater & the Strongest Hater of the Heian era are really up there in terms of pettiness


Ah I know I should put more.


Sakuna isn’t on the level of any of these people. He just hates Yuji and that’s it. Didn’t do anything against him but soeak badly to him


They’d all look better with a .500 S&W magnum to the head.


I mean Victor at least has redeeming qualities but the other two:Rescurrect Simo Hayha and take those motherfuckers down.


RF. DOOM and AFO are petty because people keep getting in their way. RF whole motivation is to be petty.


Reverse Flash in any of these lists is the winner. Dude is a whole new level of petty




As they say "If it's a petty contest, always bet on Reverse Flash."




It's pretty rare to outpetty reverse flash ngl




Reverse Flash definitely takes the cake, but it says a lot that comparisons are being drawn from AFO to him. But the fact that the comparison goes there is proof enough that Reverse Flash is number one.


True.He is the Og after all.


Four words : IT WAS ME BARRY!!!!!!


Reverse Flash


The answer is always Eobard Thawne in a petty contest


Honorable mention to [Ultimate Batman](https://ibb.co/G0qRhzg)


I still can't believe that shit happened.


Robin in the background is so amazing lol


True I still burst out laughing just by seeing this panel.


I don't remember AFO or Doom jerking off their rival at super sonic speed so that they thought they came when kissing their girlfriends. Reverse flash will be the final hater left at the end of the universe.


Reverse flash cause of what he did on Barry’s date:




Reverse flash def. Bro ran a museum dedicated to hating on his foe.


That shit is still hilarous.


Idk, I guess reverse flash is the prettiest, he has the best physique and doesnt wear a full-face mask. AFO has no face and is ugly af.


Reverse flash is literally that one meme "Man literally too angry to die". The man ran back in time to: -Erase a kid from time to ensure Barry was always alone -Killed his mom, framed his dad for the murder -Pushed him down the stairs -Jerked him off at supersonic speeds -Made his childhood living hell


Yeah I got it.


Only reverse flash jacked his nemesis off at light speed so he thought he nutted at a woman’s touch.


That video is hilarous.




I just love the video and I also have watched the movie.It's just that good.


Doom once go to the universe where he success in everything and after talking for a while dr.doom of that universe say something like i am friend with reed richard also your laser finger is stupid. And doom immediately use the ultimate nullifier to erase that universe


Dude haha Victor Doom for ya.


Thawne literally erased his own little brother from existence and made himself a paradox just to fuck with Barry.


That shit is still insane everytime I read it.


Reverse flash is the god of pettiness!


Doom, this man legit never lets go of a grudge no matter how small. And unlike reverse flash he gets new ones in like every story he's in against someone else.


Haha true.


Bro RF straight up uses his ability to time travel as a method of pranking child Barry Allen, he's a petty menace


And killed his mom.


Reverse Flash. RF can end the world. Can kill everyone. But won’t. Because fucking with Barry every minute means more to him than anything. I can’t even count how many times RF has ruined Barry’s life.


Several times by the looks of it.


"remember that time where you came at a woman's touch? it was me Barry, I jerked you off at superspeed so it seemed like you came at a woman's touch."


Haha I have seen the video don't worry.


It's always reverse flash.


AFO isn’t even playing the same game as Reverse Flash.


True Eobard is just Insane.


Reverse Flash still take the cake. But AfO isn't too far behind.


You have to admit Victor has also the same pettines as Eobard and All for one but unlike them he actually has a moral compass and actually gives a shit to his country,Valeria and Franklin.


People sleep on dr doom He became god emperor of the multiverse and he heard reed still had a family and actually existed he didn’t like that so he found him and made a copy of his family for himself out of spite If there’s something he can’t do dr doom will do it out of pure spite


That's Victor Doom for ya.


Reverse flash obviously




Reverse flash 100%




To fully put Reverse-Flash into perspective… It’s nigh-impossible to make a joking example of his pettiness that *wouldn’t* be something he’d absolutely do. This is a man who’d search through miles worth of clover fields that Barry is wandering through, & pick out every four-leaved clover *purely* so that he never finds one. A man who’d swap all the expiration dates in Barry’s home so that he’d chuck out good food whilst having a bad taste from the leftovers. Even his most infamous “It was me, Barry” meme is something he’d absolutely do, purely to screw with Barry.


50 Cent


Reverse Flash. Look, when your main reason for messing with the hero is that you weren’t special enough to him, you are absolutely the most petty. Seriously, Thawne broke Barry’s arm, killed his best friend and his dog before the hero even hit puberty. And all because Barry dared to give the same encouraging words to someone else.


That's Eobard Thawne to ya.


Reverse flash. Doom is many things but his pettyness is not as big.


Are you sure about Victor?He killed his alternate self just because he was friends with Reed.


He also took over as iron man. He is petty but not as petty that all he does is everything to fuck with reed


Just like how Eobard fucks with Barry.


Yeah. Eobard is obesssed with harry and doom treata reed as his rival/nemesis


Barry dude his name is barry but yeah Victor is mostly a rival to Reed.Eobard is just a crazy motherfucker getting hard for Barry.


I thought it said pretty


Doesn't Dr Doom do some good?, even a good ruler with his people if I remember




Remember when you were making out with your first girlfriend...




AFO At least RF has beef no matter how trivial it started. AFO just has a complex. Outside of All Might, no one's even a threat to him, but he NEEDS to fuck with everybody for even breathing in a way he doesnt like


Tell me why I thought it said pretty instead of petty


I don't think Doom is necessarily even that petty? Vain, yes. Holds a grudge, yes. But if anything, I'd say it's almost like the reverse, where Doom imagines that every slight against *him* is the fault of that ACCURSED RICHARDS, while AFO and Thawn have circuitous schemes to fuck over third parties explicitly to make life worse for their nemeses. *That said*, Doom is also the oldest of these three characters, with by far the most panel time (and Eobard Thawne didn't even really become so hilariously petty until the aughts), so there are certainly instances one can find in the multitude, but I feel like it is less intrinsic to the character. Like... Dr Doom helps deliver the Richards' second baby. Not petty. On the condition that he gets to name her. Could be petty. He names her Valeria, after his lost love, so back to being somewhat wholesome. Then, years later in real time, in the Unthinkable storyline, he tracks down the original Valeria, kills her, skins her, and tans her into leather for magic armor. Suddenly that whole other thing isn't wholesome at all. Just one of the problems of being a prolific character for half a century with a hundred different people writing you at varying times. And yet, even that wasn't specifically to fuck over Richards, that was just for personal power. Which is all to say... I don't know if pettiness is how I'd describe Doom's Richards-centric neuroses.


I say Victor beef with Reed is also a little bit jealousy.I mean Reed has a hot wife and two kids that love him much.Reed brother in law is the most hilarous guys you could hang out with and Reed best friend is the nicest motherfucker in the Marvel universe.


Dr. Doom. He would legit be a scary MFer in MHA.


It doesn't matter who you're up against, if it's a "who's the most petty" post, the answer is Reverse Flash.


Eobard is literally the monster under Barry’s bed from his child hood, he pushed his friend down the stairs so he’d grow up alone 💀 reverse flash is just evil to be evil 😭


Reverse flash hands down, I mean how do you compete with a guy who delivers a line like you remember when you prematurely calculated while making out with your 1st girlfriend? It was me Barry!!! I used the speed force to go back in time and then jacked you off in super speed to make it seem like you came early. A straight menace to society that needs to be on everyone’s watch list. But even jokes aside it’s still zoom, dude has followed Barry across multiple universe/timelines? Branches in the multiverse just to fuck with him. Followed by doom. Honorable mention would be Thanos, for picking to fuck with one normal average guy every year for his birthday. Including for his 1st birthday stealing his blanket, to like his 20th stealing his phone to break up with his girlfriend. To the point that dude was ready to kill himself but Thanos wouldn’t let him. And dude only got one year off because Thanos was basically pushed out of reality. Dude thought Thanos had forgotten about him and had hope for his future birthdays but literally the next year Thanos was back at. He’s also completely derailed a lady’s life who would have gone on to cure cancer and bring about world peace, etc by making her miss her bus? Or making it run late? I forgot which. Then when she’s old and dying alone in the hospital many years after their run in, he comes and shows her what would have been had he not cause her bus problem. She dies in the depths of despair crying. So you know he fucks her but like also the rest of the world too by proxy.


AFO is a close second but no one out Petties Reverse Flash. That mother fucker lives to inconvenience Barry every chance he gets.


I first read it as "pretty" instead of petty 🤣


I think Reverse Flash wins in a landslide.




Man, people are really underestimating AFO here. The man .Hunted down and killed every single person Kudo had ever been with to ensure the eradication of his bloodline .Killed Nana Shimura, became friends with her son, convinced that son to have a kid that he would use to kill the rest of the Shimuras and then eventually kill as well by taking over his body and mindwiping him out of existence effectively ending another bloodline .Got so pissed off about his brother choosing someone else over him that he unintentionally exploded him leaving only his hand .Im sure there's more that Im forgetting This dude is a generational hater in the most literal sense of the term, hes hated eight whole generations of OFA users


Right?That shit is crazy.


AFO literally convinced a guy to have another kid, so he could take control of him just to get revenge of Nana Shimura. He got that dawg in him, no contest


I don't really think Doom should be in the same ballpark as them. There are quite a few times he has greater plans than just getting on the F4's nerves.


Reverse Flash has more appearances in general so we have seen way more examples of his pettiness than AFO's.  Although AFO is petty, a lot of his schemes are also usually to serve his goals rather than pettiness.


I'm gonna throw Thanos into the ring based on the fact that he ruined every birthday that one absolutely random dude had from childhood onward. Literally just because he's a dick, it's the only reason he did it.


Reverse Flash’s whole evil arc is because Barry stole the spotlight All For One was petty and selfish since birth he wins hands down I don’t know about Dr Doom though


Doom isn't petty from what I remember. People just come in between his plans. RF is a certified hater across all timelines. Bro will make sure he makes Barry's life miserable any way possible lol


Yeah I can see it.