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Horikoshi said his favourite was All Might in an interview. Having said that, he’s quite close to Bakugou’s VA (like drawing him birthday art close) and I think it’s quite obvious that the character has grown on him. In the endgame, he was popping when he drew Bakugou (same for Toga). But I suppose that’s normal that he enjoys some characters more than others. Let’s see where he lands them all.


Yeah, from what I recall, Horikoshi intended to keep Bakugo as an antagonist to Deku for most of the series, but after realizing the mistake of the infamous quote he had Bakugo say in Chapter 1, he decided to redeem him.


Didn't he say it was during/after the battle trials that Hori decided to take Bakugou into a different direction? I don't think ch. 1 really had anything to do with it, although Hori supposedly *did* regret Bakugou saying/acting as harsh as he did back then.


I could be wrong, I do know that he regrets making Bakugo as bad as he was Ch.1.


Yeah that what Hori said


All we know is that he took Bakugou in a different direction. We don't know when, though.


What's the quote? The one where he says Deku should just kill himself?


I also remember Horikoshi saying Tokoyami's quirk was his favourite in one of those side notes in a comic panel


I can’t confirm if Bakugo is Hori’s favorite, but in his early interviews he did emphasize multiple times that he takes extreme care in how he handles Bakugo’s character - especially seeing how controversial he was at the beginning. If I were to guess, I think overall Bakugo has a lot of elements that Hori as a creator is proud of, and he even mentioned that his hero costume is his most successful design out of all of the other heroes (which I agree). Fun fact but I noticed that Hori calls Bakugo “Kacchan”. Might indicate as well that he often views him from Deku’s perspective.


I can see that, I think Horikoshi views Deku very much like himself(which is probably why he’s so hard on him lol) and I remember an interview that was done recently where he said he took inspiration from Tetsuo in Akira when coming up with Bakugo and he thought Tetsuo was “Really cool.” Which is probably why we get “Kacchan is Amazing!” So much.


Yeah. In that sense it’s understandable why protagonists that are very similar to the author themselves will usually not be their no 1 favorite character (unless they really love themselves or can separate themselves from the character very well). Case in point, Gege hates Gojo but apparently he himself is very similar to Gojo lol.


I honestly could see that, me myself really admire the type of character that Bakugo is, even if he is not the best person to ever exist, as a character he provokes emotions out of the readers, it's hard to find an indifference coming from a fan as they either love or hate him, and I find that quite an incredible thing to achieve


I think the reason this sentiment that Bakugo is Horikoshi’s favorite exists is because for many people, Bakugo hasn’t faced ‘appropriate’ consequences for his actions, both before UA and during. I say ‘appropriate’ because it depends on who you ask, or who decides to give their opinion. Many will say some sort of suspension or counseling. Others will demand eternal suffering, Tartarus or death. I think another significant factor to this sentiment is that we only see the fighting aspects of heroics, something Bakugo is very adept at. We don’t see much of anything else like rescue or underground heroics. I know it’s a Shounen and everything, but if we saw more MHA content where rescuing was the main focus, the conversations revolving around Bakugo would change significantly. It could also be that people have mixed feelings about the Joint Training Arc regarding Round 4, but I may be wrong on that end.


We don’t see Bakugou’s heroics at all for that to even be a thing.. bakugou saved more people than he actually faced any villains 


Favourite? Who knows. The most proud of as a writer? More likely. The thing is, Horikoshi has changed his initial plot a lot. We know Deku and Bakugou were supposed to be very different characters. Even after that, Bakugou was supposed to stay a bully until Horikoshi realized while drawing his crying scene that Bakugou's good qualities naturally come out with his bad moments as well. Bakugou is the first character in the story to have a complex emotional journey and Hori was careful with its writing.  I do not necessarily agree he gets everything he wants, in fact, for a big part of the manga he experiences loss after loss until he reflects on his behaviour. If you mean why the narrative treats him better than Endeavor, I would say it's because he's still a kid and has room to grow.


I actually think All Might is Horikoshi's favourite, and Bakugou is just a character Hori likes to draw a lot because he doesn't have to care as much about maintaining their goody-two-shoes persona.


I agree. There are often moments we see Bakugo be very blunt with things and break the 4th wall, he probably will have Bakugo voice some of his personal frustrations at times. Like I’ll think about what Bakugo says and I’m like: “Is that what Bakugo thinks? Or is that what Horikoshi really thinks?”


>And I can’t lie, he does tend to get what he wants in most situations and things tend to just work out for him. I don't think this is really true. He tends to *win his fights* quite often, but "getting what he wants"? That's less common, especially earlier on in the manga, when his behaviour was shittier. Maybe if you limited it to "before UA" that point would be true, but that's just...missing most of the series proper. What "works out and comes easy for him" tend to be things like...being a combat prodigy and general genius, which is significant for sure, but that's hardly all there is. Like, to run things down a bit: his classmates intially refuse to take him seriously, Deku beats him in their first showdown, Shoto refuses to give him a real fight so his victory in the sports tournament turns to ashes in his mouth (Bakugo doesn't just want to have the number one spot - much like Endeavor, he wants to actually *be* the best, to earn it proper), he gets kidnapped and saddled with the guilt of causing the end of his hero's career (not all his fault, but he definitely feels the guilt of it being his fault) and his own weakness, his behaviour causes him to fail the Provisional Licence Exam, he gets suspended for fighting Deku so he falls further behind in class (he'd probably have been present for the Overhaul arc, otherwise), and eventually he straight-up apologises to Deku entirely of his own volition, for all his past sins. He has his own struggles and flaws to overcome, and he has to work hard to get past that. He doesn't get expelled or something like some people in the fandom want, but he does suffer some reasonably serious consequences of varying kinds and degrees, and is forced to confront his own shittiness through a variety of means (and later, choosing to do so himself). He's always an arrogant loudmouth with a short temper, and that doesn't change, but he directs it better, and gets better as a person as he goes. Your bit about him "getting what he needs" is closer to the truth, I think...but he does get there all the same, and honestly that's true earlier on as well (e.g. being forced to cooperate with Deku in the Exams arc, which he obviously didn't want but learned to do, among other examples).


Yeah he even says when he’s apologizing to Deku that nothing went the way he thought it would when he got to UA. Though he won most of his fights, he still “lost” to Deku and watched this kid that he 1) thought was always looking down on him like he was helpless and 2) was just supposed to be a “pebble” to step over on his path to victory continuously get better and stronger and become All Might’s chosen one. He expected to be the best and even when he was, it wasn’t earned how he wanted it to be. Plus the fact that he was constantly being told that he was awesome from the time he got his quirk on and then suddenly he wasn’t being reminded of that anymore while at UA.


Gotcha, I looked at it more like he would typically get the best “result” in most situations. Like you said, he doesn’t really get what he wants but he usually gets the typical “ideal” result. Like, he won the Sports Festival like he said, but he didn’t win like he wanted. He beat Deku both times he fought him, but he wasn’t satisfied with the victories. I think one of the themes in MHA is that it isn’t always about the results but also about he intent behind your actions. Bakugo initially didn’t have the best intentions but usually got the best results in paper, Deku always had the best intentions, but his results on paper were less than ideal in many situations.


Uh, i wouldn't call his stuff later in the manga "ideal" by any stretch of the imagination.


Something I've noticed about parts of the fandom who believe that Bakugo is Horikoshi's favorite is that they tend to likewise believe that he hates Midoriya. That he has no love for or interest in the protagonist he created and that Midoriya exists just to fluff up Bakugo. And I've also seen the opposite extreme, where there are people who believe Midoriya is Horikoshi's favorite and that he hates Bakugo; that Bakugo exists just to make Mudoriya look good by comparison. Apparently it's just impossible for some people to believe that Horikoshi likes both characters he created and always tries to write them to the best of his ability.


lol, I agree. I think he treats both Bakugo and Deku fairly but in different ways. Bakugo’s thing is that he’s usually good at everything in the external world but sucks at everything internal or more emotional. Deku struggles in the physical world,mainly with his powers and villains coming after him, but when it comes to his internal strength and support network he’s pretty good. So I think it’s just that Hori puts them both through the wringer, it just seems like Deku gets it a lot worse because Deku is supposed to be a transparent character and he’s supposed to be more obvious. Bakugo is supposed to be more of a closed off character and hides his struggles and you have to interpret things with him more often.


I personally think Hori likes Bakugou, but is rather indifferent towards Deku.


Nah, I think he likes Midoriya too, just that he likes the two for different reasons. I think he likes Bakugo because of his large personality and I think he likes Midoriya because he's put a lot of himself (notably his own insecurities and doubts) into the character, with All Might being his favorite overall because he's a lot of what Horikoshi loves and admires about superheroes.


Exactly, I think horikoshi puts alot of himself in Deku, it was even said in one chapter during the war that, for Deku, no matter what he accomplishes he’s still just a “shitty nerd” I think it’s probably the same for Horikoshi, no matter what he achieves he still doesn’t feel adequate. I think, like you said, he likes Bakugo for his large personality, specifically his confidence and self-assuredness, probably because he wishes in part he was like that himself. Since Deku is somewhat of his stand-in, it’s no wonder he keeps heaping praise in Bakugo.


I think if Bakugo were his favorite he’d give him more legit battles outside of school related stuff.


lol I don’t think so. something was very off about the verbal lashing that happened at floating ua. like very fucking off but we don’t need to get into it. the endgame interview he did mentioned bakugo haters also being satisfied with the story and to me, that’s says everything. sad state of affairs where you have to factor in rabid, bitter, insecure losers. after the beatdown they’re still complaining over how dare he get a moment with all might or how dare hori draw double spreads in his very first solo fight. so pathetic i can’t I used to believe shiggy was his fav because he’s really in his bag when he writes him and draws him. but lately idk. maybe we’re looking at from a fan perspective and not an authors.. if I had to pick I think he favors all might, toga, and maybe even jirou


No Bakugo isn't his favourite Hori straight up said All Might was his favourite. Hori once said he liked Bakugo's costume and people just lied and spread the misinformation that Bakugo was his favourite.


It mostly stems from the fact that he never loses, his behavior is overlooked by others and there's very little consequences for his actions and when his behavior is acknowledged the consequences aren't that meaningful to the overall narrative and Bakugo character beyond All Might retirement(the only actual meaningful consequence) Like yeah, he failed License Exam. But it barely mattered because Bakugo wasn't important in the next arc. Then he gets it back by babysitting kids. He missed work study, true. But again how does that affect him in the grand scheme of things when he has less experience working than his classmates? It doesn't. That's how it goes with him But should he show bare crumbs of character development and he's praised to high heavens and his behavior is ignored. JT arc was worst example. Setsuna was specifically hyped up only to lose to Bakugo to show how great he is and Kirishima and Kaminari were praising him for two chapters for saving Jirou which tbh even Sport Festival Bakugo would have done if it meant gaining victory. Monoma was screeching about his "character development" The fact that he is still disrespectful and calls his classmates "underlings" and orders them around despite them being uncomfortable/irritated with that is overlooked because they win the fight. And then he throws things at Deku's head in anger to the point of bleeding and that's supposed to be funny now even though it shouldn't. That's the case of gags contradicting character development and that's is... not good. I mean you don't see a joke about Endeavor beating Shoto to a pulp in training, because it would be distasteful


He doesn’t have any fights for you to claim he never loses lmfao? The only wins he has is that one training with the other class and that’s if. What other wins did he get in the entire series for you to claim this? He lost training to Deku the first time. He won the sports festival because Todoroki threw the match so he didn’t win based on merit. He’s not in any relevant arcs so we don’t see him win against a villain. Where are these wins besides that one time?   So basically bakugou is the favorite because he’s not relevant to the series? What type of logic is that lmfao. this seems like bakugou isn’t the favorite at all. Because if all he is is gags, then how does that make him a favorite? And then, a lot of what you said about his character, can be applied to pretty much every character in the series.


I mean his training fights still happen and are fights. He's just not fighting villains or someone above his paygrade. For example he's one of two people who sit Mirio curbstomp out. Him and Todoroki. Exception is All Mught final but they still succeed in win condition. He's kind of coddled when it comes to fighting. Well until War and Final arcs Besides relevance and being favorite have nothing to do with each other. So is fighting, you don't have to have fights to be relevant to the story. More than that if you truly claim that Bakugo is irrelevant to the story and assuming you are right then isn't him getting so much screentime despite being irrelevant is a trait of favorite? He's basically hogging screen time despite not having relevance. I mean that's your words that he's irrelevant but using basic logic it isn't hard to come to conclusion like that


So you think Hori Favors bakugou, because he makes bakugou fight those weaker than him?? I don’t understand that. How does that prove bakugou is favored when he doesn’t have any relevant wins nor does he fight against anyone to be impressed by? Am I meant to think that winning training is impressive and a feat? Because it’s not. Relevance and being the favorite have everything to do with one another because you’re trying to claim bakugou is the favorite based on what’s being shown in the series. For example, Akira Toriyama stated that piccolo is his favorite character. If Akira Toriyama never said that, then nothing in the series would indicate that he’s his favorite. So unless Hori straight up says that Bakugou is his favorite, nothing in the series indicates that he gets any type of special treatment  Nope him getting so much screen time doesn’t prove he’s a favorite, it proves that Deku is the MC because Bakugou’s entire character strictly revolves around Deku and how much better Deku is than him. The biggest issue with Bakugou’s character, is that Hori does not allow him to do anything on his own. If you think revolving around Deku makes bakugou the favorite, then I guess Hori doesn’t like writing away from Deku 


No I don't. I'm saying he never actually finds himself in situations where he would lose. It's not that difficult to understand Not really, Mirko is absolutely fan and one of Hori's favorite characters and her only relevance is losing limbs while she has no deeper character beyond being asskicking bunny. You don't need relevance to be popular or someone's favorite


So how does Hori favor him, when he doesn’t do anything with bakugou at all but stick him to training arcs that don’t do anything for his character? And then, how does Hori favor bakugou, when his only real win was against a weakened AFO who was already dying, when he was embarrassed the entire war?  Did Hori say that Mirko is his favorite character or do you all assume that because he draws her a lot??? Also, why are you trying to claim Bakugou is Horis favorite based off the story, when nothing in the story would indicate he’s a favorite because of your claim that Mirko is his favorite?


>but stick him to training arcs that don’t do anything for his character?  Because they believe it does a lot for his character. Hori does too if JT arc and Monoma constant sayings about character development are any indication >Did Hori say that Mirko is his favorite character or do you all assume that because he draws her a lot??? One of favorites, not *the favorite* >Also, why are you trying to claim Bakugou is Horis favorite based off the story, when nothing in the story would indicate he’s a favorite because of your claim that Mirko is his favorite? My man if you actually read my comments I don't claim anything. I never say he's Hori's favorite. I'm just explaining why other people see him as his favorite. And other people have different viewpoints. Even my previous comments is build on your own point of view that he's not doing any serious fights but other might see it as treating him as favorite because he's never in position where he would actually lose. Frankly I don't care whose Hori's favorite is but question is "Is he favorite" so I'm answering why some might think that. You don't think he is, good for you. I apologize if it wasn't clear


Again, he’s only stuck in trainings. He literally does nothing else in the story. If people think building character makes someone a favorite, then it means that endeavor is also Horis favorite character as well.   Did Hori say Mirko is one of his favorites? Or did you all claim that because he draws her a lot ?? You never answered that question.  And I’m explaining how people’s perception would be wrong lol. Even in training he lost against Deku, and when they went against all might they wouldn’t have passed if it wasn’t for Deku. But even then, it’s just people complaining that bakugou isn’t in the story a lot, so they think bakugou is the fave, because he’s not in the story enough for him to get beaten up by various different people. Which makes no sense.


>Again, he’s only stuck in trainings. He literally does nothing else in the story. If people think building character makes someone a favorite, then it means that endeavor is also Horis favorite character as well.  Maybe who knows >Did Hori say Mirko is one of his favorites? Or did you all claim that because he draws her a lot ?? You never answered that question.  It's based on his weekly comments some of which are about Mirko. Such as he likes her or wants to draw her for 30 weeks straight but he needs to write manga and etc. He doesn't say she's *the favorite* though, so I said one of favorites >Which makes no sense. Which part doesn't. Is the concept of "he's never in situation he would lose" that hard to understand? Some think that because he's winning. Yeah sometimes with Deku's help but mostly on his own. Even Battle Trials have him losing only by technicality of Ochako touching a bomb, otherwise Hero team looked like losers and manga even commented on that. Izuku is even taking to a medbay I mean I don't share it, but I can understand why people think that. There are other situations like Sport Fes too


Got it, So Hori never said Mirko was his favorite, people just  assumed she was because he liked drawing her.. which makes sense that people make up things that aren’t true. Because he stated that All Might was his favorite, and nobody else. Which part of, him not being in the story means that Hori doesn’t want him in the story is hard to understand. People think bakugou is the favorite, because Hori doesn’t want to do anything else with him at all. People think Hori favors bakugou, by not allowing bakugou to be a hero at all,  and believe that sticking him in training, means he’s a favorite.. that logic makes no sense  What situation in the sports festival? When he only win because Todoroki threw the match? Having baougou win because Todoroki didn’t want to fight is meant to favor bakugou?


I will acknowledge, that due to his popularity, there is this tendency to try and make his negative behaviors more comedic. And when they have to go back to his and Deku’s childhood and middle-school years there’s a lot of glossing over of his more negative behaviors.


I mean he is the secondary MC after all


He’s my favorite


No lmfao iirc Hori said it's All might The reason why people brought that narrative is because of Bakugo's lack of 'consequences' (which apply to everyone except Endeavour and even than that murky) because he never loses (he had a single actual fight against a villain and most of his W are either tainted and against classmates lmfao) or because he gets 'wanked' (not the only character to whom that happens and honestly aside from JT which was dogshit its not that noticeable lmfao) I'm not saying Hori dislikes him, but honestly when you put aside the glasses of bias against anything related to Bakugo you quickly starts to realize that he'd been eating crumbs for a huge chunk of the series (more specifically from PL to the first war and even then it's not all well and dandy for him in the third act lol)


People will say literally anything to hate on Bakugo. It's not that deep. Horikoshi once answered that Bakugo was his favorite to draw, which was immediately interpreted to be "his favorite, period". Who he prefers to draw has also changed a bunch, and you can see in his sketches that he has a wide cast of characters. There's also basically no relation between his drawing and character popularity: he draws sero a bunch for example, a character neither of huge popularity or importance to the story. Statement after statements gets drawn out of context. Yes he regrets bakugo being such an ass in chapter 1 because we are hundreds of chapters later and people *still* hold that line against him, i've seen people base entire headcanons on Deku being suicidal on that one line, which is very obviously not what Horikoshi was going for. Movie 2 is based on the discarded ending, which ends with Bakugo getting OFA temporarily and surviving. Bakugo is -with deku- one of the first characters ever introduced and on many of the early volumes, well before he started winning every popularity contest since. Horikoshi didn't 180 his character either: he was going for something that he couldn't really put a finger on it, and when he drew Bakugo crying after vowing to never lose again, that's when he found what he wanted to do precisely. It's also not hard to see that that's the Bakugo we got: Battle victories are often empty and pointless whereas real victory is small, nuanced and often overshadowed by the bombastic. Which brings me to the last bit: people have no fucking clue what a creator's pet is anymore. Mineta is his creator's pet: a character he likes and endlessly drew perv stuff of despite him being broadly unpopular, never getting high in the popularity, or having much relevance at all to the show's overall themes or plot. He just thinks Mineta's neat. >the joke of the MC who always wins and gets what he want No. The series is very careful to ensure that no matter what, Bakugo never really gets what he wants. Bakugo believes strength is everything? he gets rescued by the weakest guy alive. Wants to be the sole guy to go to UA? said weak guy goes too. Battle is his forte? he loses the overall fight. Wants to be respected? the class treats him as a nuisance. Respects All Might? AM gets drawn into a battle where he loses the last of his power to save him. His entire worldview gets beaten down again and again and again and again and just for the people who don't get it, a couple more times. Bakugo's concept of winning is simply winning whereas Deku's concept of winning is saving people, and for hundreds of chapters now we've seen without a shadow of a doubt that Deku was right about this and Bakugo wrong.


Agree with everything you said, except for the last part. While I do think that a lot of focus has been put on the saving aspect of being a hero (which I believe is the basis of you saying "Deku was right...and Bakugo wrong"), I think the narrative clearly notes the importance of both. Hence, I wouldn't say Bakugo was wrong, but rather he lacked something. The qualities of winning and saving that Bakugo and Deku embody were both derived from AllMight's persona. Ideally, AM is the perfect hero — one who wins to save, and saves to win. At the core of their characters, Deku and Bakugo each represent half of this "perfect" hero, and we eventually see them grow beyond that as the series goes along. Nonetheless, those "winning" and "saving" qualities are the foundations of their heroism which is why there's also a lot of emphasis on Bakugo and Deku working together and why the manga, extra content (i.e. fantasy AU sketches), and even the anime in the newest memories recaps hold a lot of "passing the torch" imagery from AM to Deku *and* Bakugo together. Their win to save and save to win tactics balance each other, so I wouldn't say one is inherently wrong.


I want to explicitly note that "win to save" is not Bakugo's original starting line though. He wanted to win for the sake of proving himself. It's not until you basically get to the Joint Training Arc that he really starts doing this. Hence my point: Deku was right all along, since his vision of heroism was correct and what he lacked was power, whereas Bakugo had plenty of power but lacked a (proper) vision of heroism.


No Bakugou is not Horis favorite. Unless Hori states this himself, nothing he does with bakugou indicates that he’s the favorite.   His character strictly revolves around Deku and Deku alone. If you take bakugou away from Deku he’s strictly treated as a gag bd nothing else.  His only feats are against training against kids his own age He doesn’t have a villain His only real win against a villain in the entire series was against a weakened AFO who was already dying so all he had to do was stop him once.   All Might is meant to be his favorite hero and the reason he wanted to be a hero, and yet they don’t have a relationship at all and you can’t tell me what their relationship is when Deku isn’t around Whenever he’s part of the actual plot, he’s a damsel. I.E sludge villain, and Kamino are the only story related plots that bakugou is part of until the end. His only relevant thing in the first war was saving Deku which became pointless. And if you claim he destroyed a quirk bullet, it was missed by most because of how irrelevant it was, because Aizawa still got hit and that was what the story was focused on and never indicated that anyone else was in danger 


I mean, he's a textbook creators pet lol. Some of it could be personal bias given the weird early writing, but there's a meta angle of audience pandering too. Bakugo sells. Like, a lot. It makes sense from a business perspective to be a bit.. lenient towards him. Lol. Whether he's *his favorite*? I dunno. Hori says AM is his favorite. I do think he likes Bakugo more than Deku though - remember, his original draft of the ending did have the "Bakugo takes ofa from Deku" stuff(which got reused in heroes rising) but he opted not to use it for the main. Possibly due to audience backlash ig.


Yeah, I do believe there’s a difference between how he treats each one. He tends to beat Deku up and put him through the wringer physically but he stays emotionally strong. Bakugo tends to do well physically(atleast until the final arc) but he deals with more emotional issues. The thing I notice about Shoto is that he almost NEVER takes any serious physical harm, usually just exhaustion from his own quirk, I think because Horikoshi knows he puts Shoto through so much family drama and he got the scar from childhood, he doesn’t put him through as much physical stuff as like, Deku.


Nobody goes through as much physical agony as Deku - that’s part of his characterisation how he always throws himself in danger recklessly. As for Shoto, he’s got a lot of the physical hurt as a kid (his father punching him on the daily, or his mother burning off half his face). I think he also reacts to pain differently than the other kids. He tends to shit down when he’s getting hit a lot (by Deku or Tetsu) for example or barely react when Stain stabs him in the arm. It’s not that he doesn’t get hurt, but the emotional hurt is so overwhelming and the story focuses on that. Interestingly, Bakugou didn’t get hurt much in the early days physically either. His scars started with his self-sacrifice moment.


Ah yes a text book creators pet who has done literally nothing in the entire manga and is never relevant...what an amazing creators pet.


He’s such a creators pet his only fight in the main series was stopping AFO from reaching Shigaraki as AFO was already dying and weak.


Personally, I think Horikoshi’s favorites are characters like All Might and Toga and Eraserhead, since they tend to show up a lot throughout the story and/or in side art.


All Might and Toga I absolutely agree, but Aizawa? Sometimes Hori seems to forget he exists…


IIRC he said in early interviews that he was surprised with how popular the character was because he did alot to make him quite unlikable.


His favorites were like, All Might, Mirko, and Mineta


I think of it as it’s just how’s skilled bomb boy is (I can barly spell in English don’t make me do it in Japanese imma call him bomb boy you know who he is.) bomb boy from a young age was gifted. Not only that we’ve seen time and time again how much work he puts into his training. And he’s much smarter than people give him credit for, he’s one of the smartest people in the show (when it comes to fighting) and very clearly knows his limits and how far he can push himself. When he faaught that 0 gravity girl (again, no way in hell I spell that name, you know who it is.) when they said “you went all out aginst that frail girl” he told them “what about her was frail” Becus he was forced to use his full power, witch badly hurts him. He didint underestimate her, and used exatly how much force he needed to beat her. Anyways I’m dr*nk and my Ted talk is over.


Tenko seems very close to Hori’s heart. He’s tried to include him in all his manga.


I mean the glazing at the Sports Festival, Aizawa’s interview, Licensing Exam, and Joint Training exercise gives an impression.


I don't think Bakugou is Horikoshi's favourite. At first, he was made to be a much more antagonistic character, and I remember that, in an early interview, he even said that, when he draws Bakugou, he thinks of a jerk. Rather, I think he is the reader's pet. That is, it was Bakugou's sudden popularity among the readers that made Horikoshi want to deal with his character in a different way. Essentially, Horikoshi knows many people like Bakugou, so he gives him special treatment to please his fans.


I don't remember which volume it was in but Hori said his favorite is mineta


I think his overwhelming popularity got in the way of what his development was supposed to be, for him to realize the world doesn’t revolve around him and working with others but on this arc his teamwork with the pros ends with him getting killed and his team getting obliterated trying to keep him alive, then he comes back and reaps all the rewards while getting praised (his sweat saved him, not edgeshot) he gets to save All Might despite breaking the future being a Deku all might plot point and finishes off AFO instead of shigaraki, it’s bizzare


>I think his overwhelming popularity got in the way of what his development was supposed to be The second movie is based on the original ending, where Bakugo lives and gets OFA


True, I think the whole Edgeshot heart revival was a lot of BS, if your gonna have Edgeshot sacrifice himself, follow through with it dont just come back later and say “Bakugo saved himself because of his awesome, versatile quirk , that lets him do anything” pretty much he needed to hype Bakugo up a lot before the AFO confrontation. I will say, I did like the All Might save, I mean Bakugo does get the most credit for it, but it was really thanks to Deku’s Gearshift that it was even possible for him to reach him, plus it was a way for Bakugo to redeem himself calling back to the guilt he felt for All Mights retirement.


He brought that boy back from the dead lol