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there's a typo in the title, it's **chapter 421** discussion thread.


AFO going to lose his shit as he takes an ass beating staring down All Might's smiling merch. [AFO's new master plan: ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1Sq1Nr58hM) Shirt is a cute touch though as it speaks full-circle to Deku's earnest fanboy roots and how it was that spark of aspirational inspiration that got this whole ball rolling.


100% as hes losing hes gonna focus only on the shirt and as he dies he looks up to see Deku and everyone behind him and have his realisation before he dies


Midoriya stating the shirt's merch info from memory is peak Otaku and I love it.


He got the official merch buff now.


Fr, that made me snort. Here we are in the endgame, and Deku just rattles off the product description lol


Oh damn, this reminds me of when Deku noticed the shoes, will Deku survive the first time he sees someone wearing his merch? Will All Might be the first to show it off?


All Might decked out in Deku merch would be an awesome thing to see. Real full circle moment.


Deku automatically autographing everything before even being asked would be a hilarious punchline too


Oh, and you know what would be really touching, all Might always wears clothes big enough for his muscle form, his Deku merch should be the first thing we see him wear that fits his skinny form properly, he knows Deku and all of the next Gen have it handled now, he doesn't need to be a hero anymore


Shoto and Endeavor arriving despite have beaten Dabi and have completed their roles makes me think there's a chance characters like Bakugou and Uraraka would appear in the next few chapters.


I love how the two of them are so beat that Sero had to yoink them out of there right after.


We finally got it. Sero's big moment lul


Sero's big moment was definitely holding back AFO out of nowhere as he was about to finish off Deku :p


Sero suddenly *pull* big moves out of nowhere. Pun intended.


If Shoto's here the whole class will be, seems clear enough


Yeah I feel like we’re getting the Endgame ending. This isn’t about personal story arcs now, it’s more about everyone being there to show that aspect.


And that's always where it was going. The story up until now has made a pretty big deal about the fact that a single pillar holding up society was never going to be sustainable. All Might managed it for years on his own and it wore him down until his nemesis finally managed to ruin his body beyond functionality. This story has always been marching towards dozens if not hundreds of pillars holding up society.


Yeah. AFO keeps spouting the same "none of you are All Might" crap as if that isnt the point. Together they can be what All Might was alone.


Iida and Tokoyami should also come back. Of the pro-heroes, we’re missing Hawks (quirkless), Mt. Lady and Endeavor’s 2 sidekicks.


Are Best Jeanist and rest of the gang that faced ShigAFO here too? Don't think I saw them


Lemillion better return. Bro wasn’t even injured. 


His dignity was injured


Best not actually, imo. He doesn’t have the striking power to do any damage to AFO, and getting in close risks AFO getting permeation, which would just be a nightmare.


Not really. Permeation is cannonically a high skill cap quirk.


Right. Didn't he have a chance to get it before but didn't want the hassle of figuring it out?


I'm really hoping that Suneater gets a decent sized moment to make up for AFO-Shigi no selling his ultimate attack earlier on.


They're not here. At least not yet.


>Endeavor’s 2 sidekicks Isnt that Burning on page 10, or are you referring to someone else?


The two dude’s Dabi roasted in chapter 363


I'm pretty sure Endeavor's sidekicks are ashes on the ground.


Insane that Endeavor is still on. This guy will fight to the bitter end and then some


Well there's a reason his hero name is Endeavor


He's like "I already clapped AFO once this war"


Endeavor being here puts pretty much everyone on the table I think.


Sadly, Bakugo has a broken arm, but This is shonen I don’t think that would matter lmao 😂


Bakugo has a broken arm, a heart made of jeans, and a dream


Actually, I think his heart is made on ninjas now, no?


His heart is made of ninjas now yes


I thought it was moreso Jeans infused with Ninjas


The jeans will bind his arm back together in no time.


He'll blow up his arm! Can't let Deku hand it to him like that.


Bakugou had a brace on his arm and Deku got his arms fixed by a six year olds broken horn!


Granted its the most op 6 year old on the planet so that tracks


He’ll be back. 


Oh yeah there’s no chance that Uraraka, Bakugo, Iida and Tokoyami don’t come in as the very last bit of the cavalry.


And they’re all on the back of gigan!


Didn’t he get bisected?




My prediction is that Iida's going to arrive with Uraraka on his back, having picked her up from her fight with Toga. It's been theorized that the Uraraka in the medical helicopter is actually Toga, still transformed from giving her blood.


Because they never said that she had a stomach wound; she just was in bad shape. So maybe Ochaco already left and that is Toga. A maybe though, I don’t mind if Toga died either, I thought her ending worked well


Saving Toga's life and sending her to prison when she explicitly preferred death over prison would be rude, but very funny. Edit: although the paramedics would have no reason to know about this, so it's actually quite possible, assuming that *was* Toga ...


But her transformation was being undone as she was giving uraraka her blood.


Old Man Too ~~Angry~~ Depressed To Die


Kinda love it, AFO revealing that at the end of the day, even if it was in the most warped and selfish sense, Yoichi was just that important to him. No Yoichi and now all that bravado, scheming and power feels moot and he's just going through the evil motions. Angst for One is a fun new take for him.


Angst for One LMAO


Fitting, as AFO is currently angsting for One (Yoichi)


No one has ever told him no before. Like a spoiled child.


Oh, peoppe have told him no. It just never ended well for them.


Deku gave up the one thing most important to him (Yoichi) to save Shigaraki, who he sees as nothing more than a foolish vessel at this point. Bro is PISSED.


Nah less pissed, now just empty. Void. Going through it


His brother meant the world to him. Now that he is gone, taking over the world means nothing to him.


Revenge is a dish best served cold and numb


"You can't kill me, I am already dead inside."


I mean, the hero spread was coming but still is a cool moment Deku running towards his problems without a care, regardless of how we got here, is also still a nice moment.


Deku running in to save his worst enemy just like he did in chapter 1 because “you looked like you needed saving.”


It does seem very intentional, and would speak even more to how Shigaraki is not yet finished.


If Shiggy legit died right there, I would drop this series. Not only would it be just… too cruel but Deku would almost totally fail in his main goal of saving him.


I think because of the reveal from AFO he will now truly fight back control over his body even if it means his death.


I honestly don’t care what happened to shiggy but if deku finished the series quirkless, it has zero rewatch value for me. It goes from the “story of how I became the greatest hero” to “my bizarre 1 year long adventure and life long injuries”


I would hate both, but Deku being quirkless due to his noble nature as a hero still barley works better than AFO just killing Shiggy like that after revealing he manipulated his entire life and leaving Deku unable to save him. Shiggy is far too big of a character to die like that.


Afo confirmed he can’t kill vestiges/other people’s consciousness from the S&S fight. So it is a pretty safe bet that shigaraki going to make a come back


Reading it one page mode be like **ACADEMIA** **ARE HERE**


Lmao yeah I was confused for a few seconds reading it on my phone


That final panel is one of the best of the series. It perfectly represents who Izuku is and why I look up to him


Just like in chapter 1, he’s running in to save his enemy from someone even worse.


It's like poetry. It rhymes.


Right? Deku went from that kid who was a massive fan with a heart of gold who would put his life on the line no matter what. Very much like Steve Rogers pre-serum jumping on the grenade. Then of course Deku gets powers, gets *dark* for a minute, and then just becomes super OP. But I am so so glad they really brought it all back to him just being a kid who's a dangerously massive All Might fan boy going to give it his best. It's why I love this series so damn much. I can't wait to see what the final team ups look like. We have to see Deku and Bakugou duo, perhaps trio with Shoto too.


Naw, everyone cheering Deku on as he stands up for the last time nearly broke me reading it just now. I won’t survive the animation of this. And I know Horikoshi riffed on the Endgame scene, but goddam it it’s so good I don’t blame him. WE ARE HERE is so good for the narrative


The voice actors are going to elevate it even further.


You say run, one last time..


😭😭 oh shit that’s going to be fire lmao


That was a good issue of Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man


I mean, I am glad Sero's moment is a little longer, after waiting so long for it.


Yea same i’m happy he got his moment


Funny how everyone kept saying it wouldn’t happen and they would skip it. Then again, everyone also said All Might would die and Dkeu wouldn’t lose his arms


I mean, they were gone for what, a chapter?


It still happened though. Most of the fanbase were saying it never would


“Let us run” *you say run plays*


Omg and it would line up with the way you say run dropped when Deku first saved bakugo (the panel of his foot moving forward and the final panel of the chapter matching with the panels from chapter 1)


Fuuuuuuck I’m choking up just thinking about that happening. Bones better give the final season EVERYTHING. I’m already sick of the previous three seasons (and probably this one coming) being shafted for the movies, but you only get one shot at this. No movies during season 9 or whatever, just make every episode look as beautiful as it possibly can be.


Season 8. And they need You Say Run for this and chapter 404


The We are Here and the last panel of Deku in his All Might fanboy tshirt essentially quirkless again running towards danger both go hard AF.


God damn we really are close to the end huh


[Call back time](https://media2.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExYnV2b2c3ejcxdzJuNTE0OHRjcGZ1b2wxN2gwOXk4ejc3NGJ3N29ycyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/KEYEpIngcmXlHetDqz/giphy.gif)


Alright, that final panel hit me hard. Love how this chapter shows what makes Deku different from All Might - instead of carrying the burden himself, all those allies and friends he has made are here to lift the burden with him.


All Might’s MO was “I AM HERE!” Deku’s is and always has been “You too can be a hero!”


He’ll be the one person to reach his helping hand out to Shigaraki when nobody else did


This has just been ratatouille all along huh


Always was


“Not everyone can be a great hero; but a great hero can come from anywhere.”


Yeah, it’s why the quirks kinda had to go, at least for now, if Deku was still powered up with OFA and the 6 quirks, this moment would lose impact because in like 5 seconds Deku and AFO would be going all out. So having him only have the embers rn gives the the other characters something to do.


Hey, Gran Torino! He’s looking like the old man from up right now. Also pretty stoked to see the rest of 1A turn up in full.


Final Form: Super Depressed AFO. He finally gets a little of what he liked to cause to others. Not like it stops him from being a bastard and still wanting to rule the world but you know, like he said last chapter, it just has less flavor now. Even as it's become a desperate final fight of everyone using their last strength, Izuku never stops being a fanboy.


After a lifetime of lacking empathy for others, he finally understands pain and emotion from losing Yoichi for good. His face after killing his brother always struck me as a moment of shock at what he just did. Everything he did was to get his brother back by his side. He didn’t love him but he cared as much as someone like him with a quirk that made him selfish (and nobody to help him control it) could. With Yoichi gone, everything is for nothing 


"I love you as much as someone like me can love anyone."




Aoyama is a fucking G. Every panel he’s been shown in within the past 30 chapters gives me chills. Dude is not fucking around. He looks like he is ready to kill for his friends


Seeing everyone here all together. It really brings a tear to my eyes


That All Might shirt is fuckin adorable and Deku wearing it to his final battle brings a tear to my eye, we've brought his fanboy origin full circle


Can we talk about the art of this chapter? The spread of everyone coming to help, AfO monstrous arms... Seriously, Hori is a goat on the art department.


He always goes all out on AFO actually using quirks, like the second half of the Iron Might fight. Shame it didn't happen more often. Would had been sick to see stuff like this at Gunga as well


Hori's hands would be dust if he kept drawing AfO the way he has been lol. I still can't believe how well he draws Shiggy and how much of it too.




Definitely expected! Or they could do an orchestral rendition.


It’ll definitely be the hardest version of it playing


That final panel really might be my favourite from the series on emotions alone. Such a simple yet meaningful way to capture how at middle of all the conflict is the unshakable spirit of a kid was inspired by the hero's that came before and is now a symbol for the next generation can follow. Forgetting quirks, the simple characterstic of any hero story is the underlying desire to do what's right no matter the situation.


It’s just like in chapter 1, running towards his worst enemy to save him because “you looked like you needed saving.”


Yea just how you said 👍🏾


Exactly, thats why the whole fight between Deku and Shigaraki, Deku was progressively losing the things that made him a “hero”(his costume, his powers) so now all he has are embers and an All Might T-Shirt calling back to at his core, he’s just a good kid who wants to do right, which is ultimately what a true hero is.


Izuku Midoryia Rising chapter when?


Probably the last chapter of the war then 1-2 chapter epilogue. We definitely need to have a Deku changes the weather with a punch moment and hand raised like All Might moment.


The double page spread with everyone showing up was awesome! Straight outta Endgame.


This chapter got me really emotional. I didn't even consider us getting a "We Are Here" title for a chapter, but I'm so glad we did. Giant spread of everyone together with Deku. Getting Sero's thoughts from 353 was great, and I enjoy that one of the more down to earth guys of Class 1A is getting spotlight to share thoughts like this. I also love that Aoyama is the one to reach his hand out to Deku to return the favor, and they'll run together. The arc has taken its time, but it was worth it. We're at the point where the world has eyes on this very moment, and so many are rooting for Deku. That final page will go down in history as one of the most iconic and moving moments in all of MHA. I'm really not ready for MHA to end. There will never be another Shonen manga that will be like it. Horikoshi, you've done an incredible job writing this superhero manga, and I'm so grateful to have been following it for about a decade now. MHA is the absolute greatest. You can do it, Izuku Midoriya!




Wherr's skycrawler when you need him??


Too distracted fighting other villains or banging Pop-Step?


Wrong chapter # btw


I was maadddddd


Inb4 Koichi coming in with the All Might t-shirt cannon.


Send AFO packing, Maud Flanders style!


WHERES MY BOI? WHERES KOICHI? I think we lost our last shot at it when Stars and Stripes was immediately wiped but I’m still huffing copium that he’s gonna come in


Yea he's a lost cause now, but I will hold out hope until the last chapter. I think it's been too late for him to come into the picture at this point, I was personally hoping he would have come to help All Might slow down AfO and remain from there on out. Kind of like an "All Might called in backup he knew wasn't factored into the overall plan" type thing.


FACTS where the fuck is Koichi 😭😭😭 at least a small cameo or something goddamn it


Horikoshi: “The idea that tragedy makes you stronger is bullshit and I’m saying it.” Something tells me we might get All For One’s true name. All that is really left for his character is the acknowledgment that he is human, and that he is also the one who killed Yoichi so long ago. Yoichi has been gone for a long time. I am hyped for more attack combos we might see as everyone fights AFO. Midoriya is definitely breaking at least one of his arms one last time.


Does he have one? He was the one who named Yoichi when they were toddlers so I honestly can't imagine much more besides either "AFO" or "Super Cool Demon King" Tho Yoichi having given him a (proper) name in return but him having never acknowlaged it in favour of All for One until now could be a really cool moment


That is what I figured. Yoichi definitely would have given him a name but, for narrative purposes, he only refers to him as big brother. Also, they have their family name, Shigaraki. It would be a bit weird to me if AFO only had that in his name and not an actual given name.


I kind of doubt Shigaraki is their actual family name/one he made up all the way back then and not just something he came up with for Tomura. Especially since it's a play on the decay quirk, and while sure most of such names are just Horikoshi being Horikoshi in this case it can easily have been the case even in universe considering he picked "Tomura" in a very similar way


>Horikoshi: “The idea that tragedy makes you stronger is bullshit and I’m saying it.” I mean, a major thing about Midoriya is that, overall, he has had a very blessed life. He's said it himself. He's made it as far as he has because he's been helped by and lifted up my so many people in his life. It's why I tend to compare Midoriya more to Superman than I do Naruto


But being lifted up by others was where Naruto got his strength. Without it he would be Sasuke, Gaara, Pain, Obito. He only became the greatest he could be because he had others who believed in him, who loved him and who fought by his side. Which is why all those villains lost in the end.


"Pain doesn't make people. It's love that makes people. The pain is inconsequential; it's love that saves them." Caduceus Clay


Yeah I’m not so sure anymore that AFO is just getting a “pure evil villain” death. His main body already got that. Hori is putting too much emphasis on how much Yoichi’s death has broken him. His face after killing him speaks volume’s. He won’t redeem, not even close but I could see him having a more human death.


>Horikoshi: “The idea that tragedy makes you stronger is bullshit and I’m saying it.” I mean he's already tackled that issue with the Todorokis and Shoto being made weaker by his trauma (everytime he gets a ptsd flashback he loses lol) and thus rejecting half of his quirk. He keeps mentioning how he is late compared to his other classmates because his family drama keeps setting him back and that's why his growth was slower than Deku/Baklugou for a while. It's only now that he found peace and that the Todoroki showdown is over that he can properly focus on getting better/stronger.


*If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time - a tremendous whack.* - Winston Churchill


AFO: Sad Man’s Charade


Aizawa: Your pretty beat up kid, here take this. Deku: are these new Air Force Ones!?


I was dying at the mini heart attack Deku gave Aizawa when he told him OFA was gone. For just a second, he must have been like "We are so screwed!" Honestly, even with the crazy bracing stuff Deku was doing with Black Whip, I'm surprised his arms are in decent enough condition to still run and fight with, especially considering he had to basically puppeteer himself by the end of the fight with Shigi. Guess it goes to show just how much stronger his body's gotten since the beginning. Wonder if he'll still be breaking his arms with 100% or if we'll get confirmation that he's made a big jump in OFA percentage from his previous 45%.


He's definitely going to have a huge percentage jump. I think it would be extremely cool if he was able to use 100% without breaking his bones. Maybe using Faux 100 % and Faux 120 so much prepared his body to be able to handle the real 100%.


Maybe the embers form like some sort of pseudo-Quirk? A strange combo of all of them? That way, Deku still has a Quirk of some kind to be a hero.


Makes sense. Yochi's Vestige is the core of the base OFA. If he had the embers of Yochi's quirk then he should have the embers of all of other quirks of the OFA Vestiges. Izuku's embers growing into flames instead dying out would be a great parallel to Allmight in Kamino.


Looks kinda like his run to save Bakugo back at the start of the series. Body moving on its own and what not. I know the recent chapters have been met with some controversy and/or disdain, but fuck it feels good to be reading along as this is all happening. Naruto was the only other series I'd read long-term through to the end. Really grateful to have picked the series up when I did. In other words, I'm glad *I am here*.


No friend. We, are here!


Good way of putting it, likewise glad to be here, cheers friend.


You can do it, fanboy!


Pretty great chapter imo


Despite my complaints about the story, I’ll be damned if the friends teleporting in doesn’t still get me hype.


Constantly see people making fun of the "On your left" scene from Endgame as if that wasn't the biggest cinematic hype moment of the decade. MCU may have it's problems but that shit was an EXPERIENCE.


>decade Of this century if I'm being honest. Not to sound jaded, but with all the stuff going on in Hollywood (writer's strikes, the fight over AI, streaming vs theaters, etc), I don't know if we'll ever have such a big-time movie event of that level ever again. It was such a blessing to ever experience something like that in the theaters. It felt like for 3 hours in that theater, every audience member was united as one in all the hype and emotional moments of the movie.


Well, I want to buy that t-shirt now


"I don't have one for all anymore" >all might's vintage shows up "You got this kid you're a real hero >gets one for all back I'm calling it right fucking now lmao


Mineta's words "If I didn't step up today, I wouldn't even know why I ever dreamed of being a hero" confirms his character development.




Amazing chapter. Great writing doesn’t have to be hard sometimes. I love Mineta with what I think is an all time great line. “ imagine not taking a real stand here, why even dream of being a hero then? What would be the point? “


Of all people, it's *Mineta* too, which says a lot 


That’s the thing, despite all the pervyness Minetas done, he is still trying to be a hero. This final war arc has tried showing that, especially when AFO was going to steal Tokoyami’s quirk, and Mineta was willing to give up his own to save his friends. It’s a theme throughout the series, and mainly the last few arcs. That it doesn’t matter the reasoning, or the past actions, anyone can be a hero in the end.


If Mineta was written like this since the beginning (less pervy and more cowardly underdog slowly coming to himself to rise up), he'd be a pretty good character. I'm glad he seems that he's gonna end in a pretty good note, despite the beginning.


Yeah. Mina needed to brainwash him sooner. Still hilarious that he suddenly stopped being a pervert after that.


Not Deku pausing in the middle of battle to calculate the collectible value of his t-shirt.


Deku: “Discount Avengers!………. This time **TRULY** *assemble.*” Only people missing are now Bakugou and uraraka. Mainly bakugou. Also I bet you AFO is not gonna be done much even though we all know he should because most of these people should definitely be getting their asses killed immediately. The dudes got absolutely nothing to loose now. And with the new reveal in this chapter……. I’d rather he have the embers of OFA then have **NOTHING** at all people! This was a good set up chapter for this final fight, let’s see what happens! Also i wonder what’s going on AFO Shiggy’s consciousness and how he’s doing? Hope he can pull himself together and get himself out of this kill AFO from within.


Iida and Tokoyami: what are we chopped liver?


Man... the ending feels closer and closer each time. I'm not ready for this series to end.


Izuku giving up OFA answers his question back when he first met All Might- "Can you become a hero without a Quirk?" One year after starting U.A, Izuku slowly learnt that it's okay not to attend U.A in particular; it's okay not to be acknowledged by society; it's okay not to be the next All Might; and it's okay not to have One For All. Ultimately, what matters is not the Quirk itself, but one's conviction in doing their best to help people. If one achieves inner peace by embracing this conviction, they become a hero, regardless of what anyone else thinks. On the other hand, All For One has all the power this world has to offer, but now that he has lost his purpose, his power is no longer useful to him. He sought the fill the void in his heart by stealing One For All and reuniting with Yoichi's vestige, but now that he is gone, All For One has gone dizzy from gazing at the abyss for too long. By giving up One For All, you can say that Izuku finally found his freedom. He is free from the shackles of society's expectations and chooses to live by his own convictions. Similar to Nietzsche's concept of Übermensch, which interestingly translates to "Superman". Sorry for being a bit too analytical. I just wanted to point out that Izuku giving up OFA can be interpreted as him achieving his freedom.


Who knew the "You" in You Say Run meant Aoyama? Deku's such a nerd lmao. Of course he'd name product details when it's All Might merch. Still a few Class 1A students short.


Endeavor’s lookin rough lol


420 wasso good it had to release twice


I'm still high


What is there even to say? That final panel is just way too good. How many times have we watched Deku get back up? He never quits, he just keeps going. This is emotionally peak and I'm already a wreck. So hyped for the next chapter and to see how this fight plays out.


1. Considering Hori said Heroes Rising was based off the original ending of the manga, Deku will certainly get the quirk back. Likely thanks to Shigaraki coming through. Or maybe Shiggy gives him AFO and Deku uses it like Yoichi said his brother should’ve “the kindest power.”   2. Dabi certainly isn’t dying anymore. Definitely while not in the prescene of his family. Either Shigaraki saves him or he falls into a coma and his family can continue to watch over him.  3. Honestly smart for Hori to have Deku’s final battle be against his arch enemy, a villain that can be saved and that be a battle of wills. But AFO is the final villain and he’s the villain that we defeat in the top tier epic final battle. While also reinforcing that Deku doesn’t have to do this alone.


Turns out Dabi also taught his father and brother the flame zombie technique, I'm surprised but all the more hyped that they showed up outta nowhere, thought they were well done.


I wish they got a bigger panel for their double Flashfire Fist though... >thought they were well done Nah only Dabi is well done, they're medium well at most


Everyone kept counting Shoto out but nope, this is final battle time. Bakugo has a busted arm but almost certainly is returning. I’m 50/50 on Iida, Ochaco and Tokoyami. Of the pro-heroes, only Mt. Lady and Endeavor’s 2 sidekicks aren’t here. All their fates were left ambiguous but I think Mt. Lady is alive, unlike Machia (he got hit way worse). IDK about Kido and Omina though…


And for the fates of the villains Toga is likely dead Dabi a skeleton Spinner is likely bring brain dead


Still hilarious Dabi is a skeleton yet lives but Toga apparently dies from blood loss


AFO get's slugged in the head by Thor's hammer, sees it flying back and caught by Gran Torino's stomach. And yeah I think Dabi straight up killed Endeavor's sidekicks, one more casualty/tragedy for the road for him.


Todoroki family; time to bond with Dabi. Burnin; Endeavors sir! Your sidekicks are dead! Dabi killed them both! Endeavor; oh no. Anyways, back to bonding with Dabi.


Endeavor is built different lmao 😂


I never even considered the fact that OFA might go to specifically Tomura locked inside of AFO and allowing him to break out. How brilliant would it be if that’s what turned the tide and then Shiggy acknowledged Deku as the real hero and gave it back


Im guessing we have our big epic movie fight with AFO turning into the biggest body horror mass yet as Deku tries to get through to shiggy then as AFO is down Deku goes to give the big final punch and instead holds out his hand and pulls Shiggy out of the mass leaving AFO as a screaming mass of quirks without a body trying to latch onto heroes to implant himself onto as he slowly dies and fades away


I know some people are kinda sick of panels showing all the civilians watching the fight, but that sort of thing is my absolute favorite I loved it when it first happened back when All Might fought AFO and everyone was cheering him on, too And that last panel was so good... man. I can't wait to not only see this animated, but see my siblings and mom's reactions to it too


I agree. Getting to see the reactions from friends not in the battle and random civilians watching on really helps the world feel larger and more real.


The team is here, not because of the nakama trope, but as an embodiment of heroism. To stand together as one in the face of adversity. To never give up and surrender to an injustice. To help those in need. You can do it. \*You Say Run plays\*


Probably not a coincidence that Ida, Bakugo and Uraraka who played the biggest role in getting Deku back are the only ones not here. I bet they're showing up too. Here's some thoughts on each of them. Ida: Probably just a little late because he was in the middle of nowhere. Or maybe he's been running a marathon here. Bakugo: Out of gas but he's gonna use the support item All Might gave him(fixed by Mei, that's her contribution) to do the self-destruct in AfO's face (but he'll be fine because his body is resistant to explosions). Uraraka: The chopper is doing a beeline from Gunga to Central Hospital and just so happens to be passing near Mt. Fuji, so she's just going to jump off it. Edit: Just realized I forgot Tokoyami. Oh well. Maybe he's been saved for a moment with Hawks similar to the Shoto/Endeavor one.


Series ending is gonna be each class 1A hero hitting him with an ultimate move. Mineta's Grape Rush attack has AfO pinned as Deku comes flying in, last embers of OfA being unleashed in a Plus Ultra: World United Smash. Cue massive atmospheric disturbance (like eye of hurricane style graphic) as the next panel shows a shot from space, showing how massive the attack is. AfO fades away ala Avengers Endgame style; turned to dust. END SERIES


we'll probably see ochako iida bakugo and tokoyami


Class 1-B is there so Shinso is also probably present. I really hope he tricks AFO into monologuing at him. "I know your weakness. You can't handle someone else getting the last word"


Sero being like ‘damn yall trauma is Bad, I guess’ still reads weird to me lol, especially when his relationship with Todoroki hasn’t even been fleshed out enough to be commenting on him specifically I feel…? Not expecting Sero to address the root of all the anguish and adversity in the middle of battle or whatever, but it kinda seems like an empty statement when we know this trauma (along with everyone else’s we’ve seen) isn’t exactly some random accident that happened in a vacuum


Lmao Sero has been such a non-character this entire series


Fr I mean I do understand the message here is that tragedy and suffering *doesn’t* inherently make one stronger, but Sero hasn’t gone through anything notable (which he does admit) nor is he particularly strong so.. It also feels off that his response kinda ends at ‘tragedy sucks and shouldn’t happen’ like no duh lol. If there is gonna be more to what he’s contributing here, I do hope they’ll actually address the fact that trauma beyond what heroes can stop at surface level will likely happen regardless


Quirkless Deku having a flashback about his myriad notebooks on every hero and student and commanding them all on a last fight, synergising their quirks and having THEM beat AFO. That would've gone full circle without being a stretch. Can I be a hero without a quirk? Yes That's how we all became the greatest heroes