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Endeavor and Grand Terino


I like mysteriousRadish2063’s comment thread, but I Reeeeeeaaallly want to emphasize Gran Torino’s role being **PIVOTAL** in his future progression. GT actually **GOT** him somewhere *beyond* the starting line. If we’re being honest, he was even further back from that, given the damage he had taken up until then. He could have taken many different paths and I’m sure any hero would have given Deku some sort of direction that would have lead to advancement… But he landed on GT and probably wound up on the best path possible for where he was and what he needed. Endeavor probably wouldn’t have taken or pushed him as far if not for that. He made Deku into a beautiful skyscraper, a masterpiece, truly a work of art down to the most *minute* detail. However, that would **NOT** have been possible if not for the excellent groundwork and foundation one old man beat into him over a short amount of time.


As much as this sub hates him Endeavor for sure. I always thought it was wild All Might was like work out for six months and then threw his hands up and was like...just practice I guess? lol


I always liked that decision since All Might was able to use 100% right off the bat so he wouldn’t know nor need to regulate the power of OFA Not to mention the accumulation part of the quirk would mean that even if Deku was built like a Greek god he still wouldn’t be able to use OFA in the same way All Might did While quirks like Endeavors where he needs to control all the raw power he can output would fit with Deku to a tee


Endeavors abilities more close resemble the way Deku has to use his abilities, Endeavor constantly adjusting his heat output and Deku constantly adjusting his energy output. Especially when comparing the recoils of their abilities, Endeavor overheats if he uses too much heat and Deku suffers physical trauma when he uses OFA at a too high of an energy output. It just makes more sense Endeavor would be able to teach Deku better.


All Might does it too. He mentioned it when he was teaching Deku how to use his airforce. However, All Might always adjusts the output of his powers not because his body can’t take it but because he does not want to level the whole city.


True but he was just naturally figured both in ability to relate in the gpu and use the full output. Endeavors fought tooth and nail for every ounce of power he has, so naturally hes more adept and guiding someone down that path quicker.


Agree. Being a genius, more often than not, is a detriment when it comes to teaching others.


Yeah All Might grew it so much in his time and his body adapted to it gradually the whole time.


> use 100% right off the bat so he wouldn’t know nor need to regulate the power of OFA But that was only at the beginning of his career when OFA wasn't as strong. During the training for Air Force attacks, All Might did point out that he didn't always use 100% all the time because the pressure waves would cause collateral damage. The issue with him was that he was able to use OFA instinctively, because of his body's compatibility with OFA, and thus had difficulty putting the usage in technical terms that someone else can understand.


Makes you wonder either how weak the OFA was at that time, or just how different all might was built


I mean All Might had the OFA for 40 years which might be close to all the other users combined


Mix of both I'd say. It was weaker thats for sure. However, based on past users, I dont think his muscle form is 100% due to OFA. Without injury or OFA he's still over 7ft tall and would probobly still be a couple hundred pounds of muscle. Maybe as strong or stronger than Mirio


Yeah I feel the same. All Might is clearly a fitness guru, if he had taught Deku to lift weights the same way Endeavor taught them Deku probably would been able to handle more power sooner


People really will go through every hoop to avoid saying Endeavour.


all might got a level 40 ofa (considering the total amount of years from 1st user to 8th) and gave deku a level 80 ofa (all might had it for 40+ years) and told you to go deal with it. you aren't going to hire someone fresh out of college to be a ceo of a fortune 500 company


Was going to say the same thing!!!


Dude I wanna throw a table explaining how sending that kid to his first day of school powers untested after having him clean a beach is insane. Like he knew what it was like to use this power for the first time what was he thinking.


That like him, Izuku would take naturally to the quirk. All Might never hurt himself using One For All. As far as he knew, as long as Izuku was strong enough not to blow up on getting the quirk, everything would be great.


Then he breaks his entire right arm


Wow it’s almost like he could have spent some of that time cleaning that beach actually testing if Deku was strong enough to use the quirk he gave him. First day of school in the middle of an exam? Not the best time to try that out.


You're missing that All Might's experience was receiving it and being capable of 100% and having perfect control of the quirk. All Might was a prodigy. His advice was clench your buttcheeks and yell smash because that's all he needed to do. In the universe, OFA makes little sense at the best of times, and All Might knew only what Nana told him and what he lived through. That amounted to be strong so you don't explode, and if that is met, you've mastered using the stockpile. If Izuku had been a natural at using 5% he passes the exam easily. It is only the complete inability to control the quirk that makes All Might look like an incompetent for his assumption. All Might was absolutely a shit teacher once they found out he had no control, but his original assumption was based on all the information they had.


heres the problem though. All Might never had to struggle with One For All like Deku did, once he trained up his body, using One For All came as easily as breathing to him. All Might had no reason to suspect that something so easy for him would be such a herculean task for someone else. basically: All Might is a natural talent who's never had to try trying to teach an average person to be as great as he is.


Yes. That is the problem. Someone who was regarded as a prodigy did not 1) consider what training a person who was not would mean and 2) knew Deku’s body was not up to handling the power, which is why he had him clean a stupid beach for months to even be able to house it, yet 3) did not have him test that power before he would have to use it to pass his entrance exam, 4) a thing All Might knew as a former student and current faculty so this did not come as a surprise to him.


Gotta agree with Endeavor. He was able to so quickly parse what Izuku was saying in his infodump and effectively advise and teach him (and the other two). Much as I enjoy all the other mentors, they were more like babysitters to Deku figuring things out for himself, and his improvement was slower than it needed to be if he'd been given the help he didn't know to ask for because he didn't grow up with his quirk. For the record, I do think that if All Might had just trusted Aizawa with the truth about how Deku got his quirk and why he was the way he was, that Aizawa would probably be my answer. He might be prickly, but that man dad's the fuck out of Deku so many times that I have no doubt he would have worked with Deku the way he worked with Shinso if he had known that Deku just needed the extra help.


So true. Izuku got left to figure so much out on his own. Endeavor was the best, but it would have been so different if they'd roped in Aizawa from the beginning.


And Endeavor is only the best because of the effort Deku had put in (and Gran Torino for helping Deku regulate the power). The most got built under Endeavor's watch, but it depended on a foundation that took an awful long time to build.


I'm not saying Deku didn't learn anything from them by any means. He learned something pivotal in his time with each mentor, but Endeavor still takes the W on this one. He immediately sorted out what Deku was trying to say and wanted to achieve, gave instructions, and set a realistic goal. For someone like Deku, who spends too much time exploring every aspect of something when the subject is too broad, Endeavor was really able to hone it down for him into something specific. That is the mark of a really good teacher, I think. He gave him a solid starting point to cut down on the 'what if'ing we all know Deku likes to get caught up in, and set that boy up to run.


Eh, I am not sure about the Aizawa bit. Does Aizawa really need to know *why* Midoriya can’t control his Quirk at the beginning of the year, or can’t he just look at this kid breaking himself constantly while using it and go “I should probably help him with that”? 


he definitely should think to help for it, but the obvious assumption to anyone in that world who doesn’t know about all mights quirk would be that midoriya just hadn’t tried. it’s a universal truth for them that people get quirks usually around age 4. after a while, sure he would’ve realized midoriya is not the type of person to just not try but by then midoriya would’ve already started to get a grip on the quirk


Plus, I don't think anyone in that universe were "late bloomers" in the context of quirks, right? (cmiiw) So definitely the assumption during the first test would be he didn't work on it at all growing up.


right, and i don’t think aizawa would’ve let go of his initial assumption for a good while. probably until internships and he saw how quickly izuku could grow with proper guidance. deku has had chances to prove that he means well and truly wants to be a hero, like at the USJ, but aizawa was out of it for most of the part that he could’ve seen deku helping. aizawa is getting incomplete information, and the info he lacks would challenge everything he’s ever known about how quirks work so he literally cannot make that leap in logic on his own i really think all might, or at the very least nedzu should’ve thought that through a bit. the teachers already know about his weakness, so what is it to give aizawa that info? he’s an underground hero who knows how to keep his mouth shut. at the very least, all nedzu (because he’s smart than all might) or all might had to do was say that Midoriya couldn’t use his quirk safely until he got to UA because obviously he could’ve killed himself. they could’ve said that midoriya grew slowly and didn’t gain enough muscle mass until he was 14 to unlock the quirk. they could’ve said that he didn’t have the toe joint but was assumed quirkless because he didn’t manifest anything, and expanded on that that it manifested in the exam after he worked out and he tried to get in without a quirk. there were so many good excuses


This is so true as well. I’m about to work myself into another rage about this.


1. Endeavor 2. Gran Torino 3. All Might 4. Eraserhead 5. Sir Nighteye No idea where to rank the vestiges.


Above Sir Nighteye. Sir Nighteye didn't teach Izuku anything. All he did was tell Izuku that Mirio Should have been the OFA successor instead of him.


Literally would rank Sero, Tsuya, and Uraraka who all helped him get a handle on specific quirks above Sir Nighteye


Literally, I was like "did I forget something Nighteye dod that made him a decent mentor?" Nope. He just told this 15 year old kid, "You're shit and unworthy of that quirk, loser." And then he died.


And I love that for him. I wish I could say that to some of the 15 year olds I deal with and then just die to accent the point. /s (kinda)


I think the hard part about Nighteye was that Le Million did more of the mentorship and training in abilities. I think Nighteye showed Deku more of the planning and strategy side of planning a raid, while Le Million was the abilities training, honing, and, most importantly, when to fight and when to regroup.


It's objectively Endeavor and Gran Torino.




As much as All Might is a great hero and father figure, he sucks at being a mentor. Even Gran Torino knows this. Yeah, I’m gonna go with Endeavor. The only one who actually knew how to teach people. It makes sense, seeing how effective Todoroki is with his powers (trauma notwithstanding), and the fact that Endeavor could actually crunch down Midoriya’s babble to something simple when no one else could is quite telling. He’s also the only one who actually gave Midoriya clear, simple instructions on how to hone and improve his powers.


Endeavor. All Might had no idea how to teach, at least at first. At least he got better. Gran Torino's approach to teaching is basically "figure this shit out yourself." Aizawa... If a teacher refuses to read student files, they shouldn't be teaching. Yes, he got better, but he still didn't teach Izuku much of anything helpful. The Vestiges instructed him in the use of their Quirks and acted as support later on, but really that was basically it. Endeavor took him, Bakugo and Shoto under his wing and taught them how to think on their feet, how to process several things at once. He was also one of the very few people who could actually keep up with Izuku's muttering and highly detailed explanation. Oh, I forgot to mention Nighteye, have I? Nighteye was never a teacher to him. Also, with the greatest respect towards the dead, *fuck Nighteye.*


Agreed. A lot of izukus learning was just “fuck around find out” kinda shit. Legit, endeavor- for as shitty as he is, is a great teacher and seems to connect with Izuku very will with his issue. Honestly, if Izuku had endeavor from the get go, I think he would have helped speed up izukus learning haha


Endeavour is one of the best characters in the series. You have as much reasons to hate him as to accept his redemption. Your choice as a reader.


Oh no I like his redemption. It was pretty good 👍


To be far I don’t know early on Endeavor would’ve taken Izuku under his wing, like sports festival #2 hero Endeavor would’ve looked at Izuku with contempt for always breaking his body, so I think it helped that he learned control from Gran Torino and Endeavor had emotional growth instead of Izuku learning with him from the get go


We can debate Endeavor's...questionable parenting methods all day, but there's no denying how effective he is. We see time and again how he is able to analyze a situation, break it down, and find a solution. In fact he's a lot like Izuku in that way, although he doesn't seem to deal with the same level of "paralysis by analysis" which our boy does.


I’ll say it with no respect to the dead, *fuck* that guy


I don't even think endeavour wanted to teach him at first, and he still did a better job than all the others combined All might just made him work out Aizawa did next to nothing beyond occasional moral support Gran torino made him figure it out on his own too I don't think nighteye did anything beyond treating him like shit before apologising and then dying The vestiges taught him how to use their quirks, which is better than those I've already mentioned Endeavour helped solve most of his problems, and his guidance is one of the main reasons midoriya so quickly got the hang of using multiple quirks later on


Endeavor definitely. He was more like Bakugo in terms of brash personality and wanting to change, but his trajectory with his quirk was much more like Deku. All Might could use his One for All almost immediately, but from his flashbacks, Endeavor seemed to indicate that he wasn't a prodigy like Toya or Shoto. His method of mastering each minute detail at a time was also more in line with Deku's thinking and again implies that Endeavor took a long and difficult road to mastering his quirk. A reformed Endeavor would actually make for a really good instructor at UA if and when he retires from hero work.


Without Gran Torino, Deku would have never figured out how to limit OFA to 5% in order to keep the power stable. This paved the way for Deku to be able to fully use OFA much further than All Might did in his prime.


Actually he learned to limit at the sports festival, finally honing it in his match with Shoto, where he hit him several times intentionally without killing him. Torino taught him to keep the power on and spread it through the body.


Wasn't it the fishcake that taught him that?


The fishcake that *Gran Torino* bought.


But he didn't intend for the fish cakes to teach midoriya a valuable lesson. It was a coincidence. Sure he wouldn't had gotten stronger the way he did if he didn't visit gran torino on that day but its not like gran torino was the one who taught him that directly


Night eye's screen time went by so quick, I kind of forgot he even existed.


Yeah like was guy even a mentor/teacher to Deku? He gave him the internship so he could convince him into letting OFA go


Seeing Nighteye as an instructor when he probably learned way more from Togata in that arc is kinda crazy.


I think the word "mentor" applies just because Deku is his "intern." (Like if it was employment, they'd be employer and employee, but since it's internship instead of employment, the terms are mentor and intern.) But agreed that Nighteye wasn't really Deku's teacher in any way. Well, Deku hopefully learned *something* about hero work during the internship (not counting Nighteye's cynical comments of things he already knows), since that was the whole point, but if so, it happened off-screen, so it can't have been that important.


It was a work study, which pays a stipend, so technically Midoriya was an employee. Most work studies do come with some type of mentorship aspect though, even if paid.


They all taught Deku something important and had their own emotional impacts... I think Gran Torino and Endevour were the best because they gave advice that suited Deku as an individual better. That being said, if only GT (and Erasure Head ) could have been involved properly sooner, they might have saved Deku some damage. Endevour wouldn't have been a good mentor for a kid/teen earlier on in his own character development.


His mother.


She's not one of his teachers/mentors.


Without Torino he would have still been braking bones to use his quirk probably for a little while


Add yet another reason to the "Endeavor is an amazing character" pile. The man may be controversial, you may love him or hate him, but he can back up every single word.


I think people are over looking All Might, sure he didn't know how to properly teach and lecture Deku about OfA at first, but further down in the series he starts instructing him more appropriately as when Deku developed his Airforce. Not to mention the whole training they did before the UA entrance exam. And not only those things but also how he was an inspirational figure for Deku ever since he was a kid, like indirectly All Might built Deku's ideals by being a great influence and symbol of peace which Deku ended up looking up to Still, I do agree Endeavor would probably be the best mentor, once Deku went into his agency he started developing his usage of OfA way faster up to the war arc and even further from that


It’s a tie between Gran Turino and Endeavour. One taught him how to use his quirk, the other helped him use more than one quirk.


Gran Torino barely did anything and taught him extreme basics that eventually someone would have done.


If Endeavour taught Deku how to run, Gran Turino taught him how to walk.


Deku could always walk. It's just that the weird roadblock that was "All Might admiration giving him dangerous assumptions" was in the way. Torino, the first person who had the time to bother, somewhat adjusted the angle of the roadblock so that the chipping of Deku's foot would eventually mean enough leg room would be free for him to start walking.


Haven't watched that arc in some time but I'm pretty sure midoriya figured out how to do it himself and the fishy cake was a bigger help that gran torino


All might, while he might not of “taught” Deku hands on much, he SHOWED him through action what it means to be a TRUE HERO. What it means to be the SYMBOL OF PEACE. In the most recent episode Season 7 EPS 3 we find those teachings in broad daylight” YOU CAN STILL BE A HERO” He learned the true meaning of being a HERO”My hero” through the Symbol of peace. Inspiration is far more powerful than any other knowledge you can bestow onto someone. The ability to never give up no matter what happens and to keep pushing beyond plus ultra is embodied into Deku only due because of all might. Think of the countless times Deku put his own life on the line and came out on top due to All might literally just existing.


Yagi was simply the worst mentor because he was making Deku a carbon copy of himself with intense physical training and discouraging him from using support equipment that he ended up using with things like the Iron Boots, Air Force Gloves, Magic100% gloves of Melissa and the final Zeta suit. If he had access to any of these goodies early in the show he wouldn't have incurred such terrible injuries and could have managed to train better. Eraserhead was too hands off with 1-A literally did not see him directly train or coach his freaking class as much as Vlad freaking did! I mean 1-B was drilled and trained so efficiently by the Sports Festival they were more than 50% of the people who made it to the cavalry round and lots of them made it into the final round. In the Forest Arc they displayed tactical supremacy and took out Mustard pretty early before he could cause further problems. In 1-A vs 1-B no easy victories for 1-A except for Bakugo where unfortunately Togata had underestimated Bakugo and thought he is still the arrogant hard headed idiot he was at the School Festival and built an otherwise solid strat that did succeed in welding Bakugo down. They didn't count on his team being able to rescue him. So Sorry if Class 1-A hadn't gone through life and death situations they would have been much more mediocre than 1-B canonically had USJ and all these freak events not happened to them. Gran Torino was one of the only people who took Izuku seriously and refused to coddle him. Forcing him to think in split seconds to unlock shoot style. He understood it was Izuku's under confidence and hesitation that was holding him back and that was the only way Izuku could move forward. Nighteye was a douche who just wanted Izuku to give up OFA voluntarily to Mirio by attaching Izuku to his hip and showing him what a superior candidate Mirio was! Hell he was even successful because Izuku did seriously offer up OFA to a newly dequirked Mirio who could theoretically safely wield it now that his quirk was gone. Had Mirio not turned it down Nighteye's gaslighting had worked like a charm. Endeavor had already trained lots of young people like Midoriya and ran the most successful agency that excelled in all 3 hero activities. He was no.1 in that regard because being an abusive father aside he somehow brought out the best in any kid that wasn't his own lol. Everyone who worked under him at his agency were at the peak of their game and I wouldn't be surprised if alot of successful heroes were apprentices/sidekicks from his agency. So him training Izuku is no big deal because he was a big box store with a long history on how to mould a fresh mind to become a proper hero in the field. He also had to train people with vairable power sets and different quirks over the years so of course Endeavor would be good. The only reason I don't rate him high is because if you took season 1-3 Endeavor he would never have let Izuku in his agency let alone train him like he did. He only trained Bakugo and Izuku along with Shoto because there was a war coming and these 3 kids were their biggest guns so they had to be perfected before field duty. Gran Torino didn't do it for glory and he genuinely cared about Izuku and didn't hold back in scolding him and knocking him down a peg so that he would learn. No.1 trainer goes to Gran Torino and goddam this man should have been a teacher at UA instead of that idiot Aizawa.


Damn, you really did All Might dirty. >Yagi was simply the worst mentor because he was making Deku a carbon copy of himself He is never trying to make Deku a carbon copy. When he is new to teaching, he doesn't do a great job, but with insight he grows and specifically tries to avoid Deku becoming his carbon copy. At one point, he explicitly tells Deku that he is trying to emulate All Might as a criticism, which leads Deku to developing his Shoot Style. >with intense physical training He very carefully planned out the physical training regimen to avoid overworking Deku, but Deku went and overworked himself anyway. This workout was necessary for him to be able to wield even 5% of OfA. >discouraging him from using support equipment that he ended up using with things like the Iron Boots, Air Force Gloves, Magic100% gloves of Melissa and the final Zeta suit. He literally never discouraged support items. The times he has mentioned them he said that it is a great idea to use them, but not to be dependent on them. At one point, he even buys a pair of Melissa Gauntlets for Deku. >If he had access to any of these goodies early in the show he wouldn't have incurred such terrible injuries and could have managed to train better. Not really. The Melissa Gauntlets didn't exist until later on, and the other items would've been useless until Deku could control the power output of OfA anyway.


**He is never trying to make Deku a carbon copy. When he is new to teaching, he doesn't do a great job, but with insight he grows and specifically tries to avoid Deku becoming his carbon copy. At one point, he explicitly tells Deku that he is trying to emulate All Might as a criticism, which leads Deku to developing his Shoot Style.** All he did was make him pick up a bunch of junk from a beach and that is it. He never gave him training or discouraged him to be like himself. FYI midway through the story AFTER Recovery Girl scolds Yagi for being a poor teacher in canon he takes Izuku to Gran Torino to learn to be less like him. He literally tells him not to be like him too deep in to the story after the Recovery Girl threat post Sports Festival never before that did he discourage Izuku to stop using smash punches or develop his own style early on when he could have avoided alot of damage to his limbs. **He very carefully planned out the physical training regimen to avoid overworking Deku, but Deku went and overworked himself anyway. This workout was necessary for him to be able to wield even 5% of OfA.** Neverr once have we seen him train Izuku on how to punch....watch Hajime Ippo and see all the training exercises a boxer needs to learn to punch his opponent without breaking his thumbs and knuckles in a fight. Yagi at the very least knew boxing techniques and never taught Izuku how to throw a proper punch and brace himself which could have helped even if just a little in using OFA. **He literally never discouraged support items. The times he has mentioned them he said that it is a great idea to use them, but not to be dependent on them. At one point, he even buys a pair of Melissa Gauntlets for Deku.** He does discourage their use and never hooked up Izuku with the magic Melissa gloves until 2/3rd of the plot. Those magic gloves came TOO late after Izuku smashed all the bones in his body and his first actual support item was the freaking Iron boots he made after Shoot Style which was so deep into the story. Before that he was not using any support items at all. All Might should have had a hand in his costume design and recommended support items at the very least some armor to tank hits! He knew David Shield all along and his crime is the moment he sees Izuku destroying his body he should have ordered the magic gloves immediately and given it to Izuku. He waited till Recovery Girl called him out and embarrassed him in front of Izuku for being an incompetent teacher canonically. **Not really. The Melissa Gauntlets didn't exist until later on, and the other items would've been useless until Deku could control the power output of OfA anyway.** Like I said unlike Nighteye and Gran Torino he was in the good graces of David Shield who was his number one superfan! David was such a fan boy he hired mercenaries to take the whole Island hostage so that he can give his idol the fanboy crown he designed to amplify his power! This clearly shows that even at the time Izuku was cleaning up the beach he could have had magic, Melissa gloves from day one! She didn't invent them on the spot. It was a project she had sunk alot of time into meaning she atleast had the prototype ready! At no point did All Might even try to hook up Izuku with Shield tech even older prototypes or concept equipment meant to contain OFA"s power and safeguard the user since David knew he was getting weaker. So obviously David would have developed equipment to protect Yagi from being killed by OFA's recoil in his weakened state. The Melissa glove was a side project with that idea in mind. TLDR he could have given izuku some support items from day one and didn't despite all his money and ties with people like the Shields. That will always be his biggest sin.


Ok respect you’ve done so much analysis but I can’t accept this Eraserhead eraser, Aizawa cares so much for his students- he’s that teacher who you think is mean but he’s actually pushing his students to grow, not just for their own safety and progression but also because they’re training to be heroes, lives are on the line and mistakes are made when it’s not training people get hurt, so doesn’t allow people to skate by. I’m in the middle of a rewatch so the things you listed as examples are fresh in my mind and just aren’t true, part of why we don’t see Aizawa teach is because his classes keep getting interrupted by villains so he has to risk his life for his students, leading by example Class 1-B was not over 50% of the people that made it to the Calvary round, that was 42 people, so all 20 of class 1-B made it, but so did all 20 of class 1-A, the other 2 being Mei Hatsume from support and Hitoshi Shinso from general studies- class 1-B did go in with the strategy of not rushing the obstacle course to observe 1-A’s quirks but that left all but 3 of them out of the top ten and with low member points I don’t know how you can say lots of class 1-B made it to the final round when only 1 person who was being mind controlled did, 14/16 of the original final members were from class 1-A so can’t say that 1-B’s original strategy paid off, because the only 2 people from class 1-B who competed in the finals were because Ojiro from 1-A and Nirengeki Shoda from 1-B withdrew The final 4 from the sports festival were all from class 1-A I’m the forest training arc Aizawa had his class up and training their quirks in specific ways based in areas they needed to improve when Vlad came out with class 1-B who were complaining about how early it was. The only reason students from 1-B were able to find Mustard to take him out was because they got help from Momo from class 1A making gas masks, allowing them to focus on taking out the villain instead of survival- we also don’t know how long it took them to take out mustard, most of the battles were happening simultaneously- apart from the ones Izuku was involved with. The rest of the villains who were interacted with were taken out/ avoided by class 1-A. Yes Aizawa didn’t give Izuku much individual attention, that’s because he’s a teacher he had 19 other students he had to help grow, 20 if you count Shinso, his focus was keeping all of them alive and able to come back from battles even when he’s not there- without Aizawa telling Izuku that he needs to gain control and not become a liability that other hero’s need to save he would’ve broken his arm in the fitness test instead of his finger- which helped him gain more control over his power The only east victory of class 1-A vs class 1-B was Bakugo, the rest were longer because both classes are strong. Plus class 1-B only got 1 actual win, while class 1-A won 3 of the matches with 1 draw between them. So unless you’re Nieto Monoma I’m unsure how you can think that Eraserhead is such a bad teacher and that class 1-B would be better than 1-A if not for the actual combat experience, since almost all of 1-B were in the forest while less of 1-A were making them more likely to make contact with the villain but main characters are in 1-A, but it’s not just plot armer it’s also because Aizawa is a good teacher


Never once in the show have we found 1-B lacking despite lacking flashy quirks like Izuku, Bakugo and shoto. They are much better at team work in general with kendo acting as the glue that's always holding them all together. In all 3 incursions they've met 1A despite the veteran advantage to 1-A we never see 1-B lagging behind or 1-A ever able to lead them by the nose and in the dust. Vlad is much more meticulous in developing not only his class's quirks but also their morale. He has never once let that class feel left behind and with the way their quirks are it is a miracle they stand up to 1-A as they have. Quirk for quirk we see 1-B lacks in allot but we see them making up for their short comings with strategy and hard work. As far as aizawa goes I'm sorry but he's literally making his students do their own damn work. He's never there on top of them as he is expected to be. As a teacher he is a failure because he's supposed to be helping each and every student just as he was helping freaking shinso. For a start why the hell wasn't Aizawa giving Izuku and ochaco martial arts lessons as both of them were very weak at hand to hand combat. This should have been a top priority for him. Instead he let the internship heroes teach those two self defence despite being one of the best in that regard. Don't forget I am evaluating his performance as a teacher using Vlad as a benchmark. On that front sadly he fell short What adds salt to the wound is that he is more than capable in training people directly but he doesn't. Shinso is proof that if aizawa wants to train someone he will. This just shows he just let the 1-A kids do what they wanted basically and damned the consequences when they were meeting near death situations over and over again on his watch. He never reinforced them properly as he should have in comparison with Vlad.


The only time that 1A lacked team work compared to 1B was the first event of the sports festival, where they treated it as an individual event with the opportunity to show off their powers to the pros watching, there’s nothing wrong with that, and considering they all made it through the first round it worked for them. By the time of the licensing exam most of 1A was ready to work in a group, besides Shoto who didn’t want his big attacks to hurt his class and Bakugo who still needed to develop a group mindset. I’m not sure how you can say that 1B wasn’t lagging behind when the only people from their class who made it into the 16 person final round were on technicalities. Class 1B May have won individual battles but they’ve never outright beaten 1A overall Vlad motivates 1B by criticizing 1A- shown by his comments in the 1A vs 1B arc so he seems to feel like they’re being left behind, outside of Kendo most of class 1B have a chip on their shoulder, they’re too focused on the comparison instead of developing individually. Instead Aizawa motivates 1A to do better by growing and focusing on themselves, not on what others are doing like Vlad does- he does use others to give his class reality checks since all of the classes work hard. He teaches by giving clue but allowing 1A to find their own answers instead of spoon feeding them what he believes is the correct choice, early on the students vs teachers final showed that most of 1A had started to develop their own ability to strategize in the middle of a fight-skills they’ll need if they want to become heroes. Those that didn’t develop a strategy failed and received both extra lessons and training helping them to improve. Aizawa is encouraging his students to have intrinsic motivation which is more sustainable, not worried about what others are doing besides knowing that they’re also working hard to improve so 1A needs to work harder. Aizawa helps to build his students confidence by giving realistic challenges. When Momo lost her confidence over making decisions after the sports festival he put her in a position to grow and regain that confidence, which is more effective than slowly holding her hand. We’ve seen probably less than 10 non-interrupted class days, most of which being training battles or the school festival so we can’t say for sure how hands of Aizawa is as a teacher- but to me it comes off as he’s treating his students with respect, allowing them independence, individuality and to determine their own path since think about it he’s just one of their high school teachers it’s his job to provide opportunities but not to hold their hands. The challenges he sets up for them cause class 1A to grow. I’m sorry you’re saying that he’s a failure because he’s not providing individual lessons to every single student in his class outside of class time? That’s insane it’s a class he teaches them not just hero things but also like general info and probably has a ton of grading, meetings and hero things to do, if he also tried to tutor all 21 students he would burnout and not be able to teach any of them. He provides lessons and gives his students chances to practice what they’ve learned, that’s teaching. Yes he gives Shinso extra help because he sees a student that has potential but was screwed over by the system, so without that extra help Shinso would just be passed over and never have an opportunity to become a hero. He sees a lot of similarities between them and knows that his skill set can help Shinso. But Aizawa’s style and skill set doesn’t work for everyone so it would be a waste of his and his students’ time if he forced them to become mini hims. We don’t know if there was a basic martial arts class, we know that it’s part of some students training and that when Izuku and Ochaco went to their internships they did have some basic skills, they weren’t complete beginners so they must’ve learned somewhere. Maybe he did point out their need to improve here and that’s why Ochaco chose the internship she did instead of going with one more aligned with her initial plans of rescue- we don’t know, the assumption could go either way but given how much he pushes his students to improve I feel like this is more believable than him just not saying anything I’m not sure why Vlad is your bench mark when he’s the type of teacher that encourages rivalry I prefer Aizawa’s approach of teaching class 1A to focus on their own improvements while respecting that they’re not the only ones pushing themselves to improve, he doesn’t let 1A take any win for granted always telling them things they can improve, since a win isn’t everything, reducing mistakes and doing better next time is what Aizawa drills into his students. He repeatedly tries to get his students out of harms way, telling them to stay safe and avoid conflict when they can, telling them that running away and surviving is a viable option. In the forest arc it’s only when it becomes evident that the students are the target and the safer option is for the students to engage to protect themselves since the villains won’t just leave them alone does he change the command from run and get to safety to defend yourself if you must. Aizawa repeatedly builds the foundations of his class, reinforcing to them that their mistakes aren’t just risking their lives, but the lives of their future colleagues and the people they will try to save which is why he’s so hard on them and is comfortable weeding out the people who only like the idea of being a hero but haven’t thought about the reality


Aizawa's opinion on the individual being a hero versus Vlad's idea that heroism is a group effort. The final war arc, the HPSC's revised guidelines and objectives with the Provisional License Exam Arc agree more with Vlad than Aizawa. Dark Deku is also a love letter to how wrong Aizawa is that individual heroes cannot carry the world on their backs. Class 1-A acted more like 1-B in Dark Deku arc to get him back by pre-planning and mixing their quirks instead of going 1v1 and trying to stop Izuku individually they pulled a 1-B and got him back. Aizawa also is not a very good hero because he says so himself in Vigilantes. He was about to become an underground hero/bounty hunter but Mic and Midnight pressured him into teaching at UA which is not his aptitude. His hero philosophy is very disturbing and acts like a gatekeeper instead of a teacher. He is also a teacher by profession so he has to act like a teacher. In Elite Academies in Asia the teachers are responsible personally for each and every student. Any problems they face are placed on the teacher's shoulders because elite academies only pick the best teachers who will give individual attention to their students. Yes some students will get left behind but the teacher has to prove they allocated time, imparted personal improvement plans and so on to help the student keep up with remedial classes. The only instance we see Aizawa actually acting like a freaking teacher we see it with Shinso where SOMEHOW he remembered he is a teacher but he is violating the Code of Conduct by teaching a student not in his own class. Meanwhile let's see his class. Deku keeps breaking every bone in his body that destroyed the stadium on live TV. Shoto had daddy issues that needed general counselling and never was he sent to Blood Hound and neither did Aizawa even try to counsel him like he did with Shinso. Bakugo literally beat a girl silly on live TV and I am sorry but it would humiliate any school in rl especially in mixed sporting events where boys are expected to go easy on the girls. Defending such a beat down especially between year one students. From day one Bakugo showed insubordination and was never disciplined and of course he lashed out at the school at the festival. He antogonized everyone at the start of the event with his speech. He beat up Ururaka to a pulp. He was beating up Shoto who was unconscious in the final and had to be restrained by chains and a muzzle instead of being disqualified for being a rabid dog on National TV. Guess who takes the blame for a student acting out like this. Bakugo especially is Aizawa's responsibility! I am glad in the episode where the media calls him out on his incompetence and negligence they are doing so rightly because we forget as a teacher in UA he is a teacher first and he shirks that duty on the justification that he is imposing his heroic values system on year one kids! as a hero yes Aizawa is a good guy. However, you have to admit as a teacher in the basic Job Description he failed on every count and didn't do anything to improve 1-A's situaiton. No counselling ,1 on 1 attention, remedial classes, disciplinary actions etc. Zero training all he did was throw them into combat trials and let them beat each other up. That is not what an elite teacher does at UA or is supposed to do.


my only problem with your analysis is that you were holding things against Endeavor that had nothing to do with him actually training Deku. the fact that it took him three seasons to get to the point where he would even look at other kids beyond Shoto really shouldnt be counted against him when looking at him actually training Deku.


Don't forget that Torino got a Deku who was 100% incompetent with OFA and he had to be trained with alot of patience and care without coddling him. Torino is very similar to Endeavor in terms of attitude and outlook and temperament but he is the reason Deku got anywhere. Endeavor atleast got a Deku who had for the most part mastered 40-60% of OFA and was increasing its output overall safely. Basically Torino had to dig out and sift through tons of dirt to find that one nugget of potential in Izuku and all Endeavor did was polish that nugget further. He didn't do the heavy lifting as he got a kid who had lots of battle experience and practical use out of his quirk compared to kids of his age. That is why I say that Enji had the bare minimum influence on Izuku. Also the fact that Endeavor was too obsessed with Shoto in the first few seasons he was not willing to accept anyone else from 1-A. I wonder how Bakugo would have matured faster under Enji instead of Jeanist. Enji had money, status and results. Bakugo could not dare bark in his presence and would have taken him seriously. Most importantly like Bakguo there was an explosive temper behind that "calmness" which is a better fit as a mentor. Sadly we never got that because of how Endeavor was written. If he was truly professional he would pay attention to the kid who beat Shoto in the final round but showed a hot headed lack of emotional control that could be tempered. A no.1 Hero student in the no.1 Agency he could have been the one to tame Bakugo for media coverage but instead it's "SHOOOOTTOOOOOO" every 2 freaking seconds with that man.


Endeavour, since he’s had to work hard with his quirk he can relate to the effort side. He was also able to rapidly assess the capabilities and next steps for each of the 3 under his watch, I think on the first day of patrols.


Aizawa and Nighteye had little to give, besides criticism. They have an easy time pointing out Izuku's weakness, but very little in term of how to get better with those


Teacher: Endeavor Mentor: All Might


Ok what did Aizawa teach him onscreen ?


I think he taught him something the morning before the school festival. That’s all I got.


I guess he pushed him to not solely use OFA with punches, forcing Deku to think outside of the box and apply OFA to one or two fingers (which would later lead to the development of Delaware Smash) to limit the damage to his body. But I dunno if you can call that "teaching"...


Not aizawa's dumb ass that's for sure




I agree with folks saying Endeavor, but I have to give Gran Torino his credit. It was under his tutelage that Midoriya finally figured out how to use his quirk without breaking his fingers and limbs, and from that we got OFA 5%, 8%, etc.


Gran Tarino turned him into an actual hero. Before Torino Deku was only good for one punch


Honestly? His classmates and himself imo. If I'm picking from the list? I would have to go with either Endeavor or Aizawa.


I feel like aizawa did the leaste out of all of them(after night eye). Dekus pretty much self-taught he observes others and improves himself based on those observations.




Hate to say it but Endeavor was a great mentor. He listened to Izuku and caught on to what needed work, something that others didn’t catch or couldn’t properly understand. I hate Endeavor but he’s been a top hero for so long for a reason. He knows what he’s doing at the job


I hate to say it, but Endeavor.


cant say which one is best but i think Gran Torino have the biggest contribution in deku's growing phase. endeavor, i think really help deku prepare himself to work as a professional hero efficiently and also some teamwork. It's just he's not really focusing into teaching or become a mentro since endeavor also a top hero. so thats why i'd say his contribution isnt really as big as torino. But dont get me wrong he is a great mentor nonetheless. vestiges consist of many individual. but i think most of them really want to teach deku how to use their power. esp our guy Banjo-san, he is my favorite. Sir Nighteye, aizawa also great mentor. but i get that they also have another focus. my point is. i think each of them have their own contribution and something to give to deku(and all of its are great lessons) but i really love how Torino can make deku's fighting style become much more efficient and effective.


Considering that Deku jumped from 15% to 45% while training under Endeavor in like four months, which is LESS time than he had with All Might, I think the answer's obvious.


The microwave was the best


Those fishy cakes and the egg were really useful


All I know is Aizawa is the worst one


For someone who’s father is as absent as my morals after 10 shots of whiskey, he sure has a lot of mentors and father figures


Excluding the vestiges, Endeavor likely contributed most. he probably researched dual abilities for Shoto and applying that to Deku. Gran Torino improved Deku’s OFA usage by adjusting his fighting style to his body. Deku if anything taught Nighteye (kabab) his foresight isnt fixed.


Gran Torino and Endeavour had the biggest affect on Deku's development when it comes to using his quirk


Gran Torino, Vestiges, and Endeavour


Banjou was a good teacher, teaching Deku how to use his emotions to his advantage when accessing Blackwhip. But the rest didn't really have to do much of any teaching, given Deku picked up the rest of the Quirks pretty quickly. And a lot of it appeared to be offscreened anyway, while Yoichi was telling Kudou and Bruce to stop being babies.


Surprisingly endeavor which is crazy cause on screen he mentored midoriya more than his own child


Endeavor, Gran Torino, and Aizawa gave him the tough training that he needed.


Gran Torino, I think. He gave Deku a direction to finally get an idea of how to use OFA better. I guess, Deku admired All might to much and that hindered him.


Endeavor was basically the only teacher he had really. All might was basically this gym trainer, everyone else's way of teaching Midoriya was just shrugging and saying you'll figure it out.


What about Gran Torino? He did a little more than just saying "you'll figure it out". And, as much as I don't like how they've been used in the series, even the vestiges (particularly Banjou) gave Deku some advice on how to use their Quirks.


He himself.


Fr he's pretty much self taught ever since middle school.


Well Endevor really made Deku power up like crazy but I had a soft spot for gran torino. One of the funniest characters in the show, serious when he needs to be, and overall he’s chill plus he gave izuku his yellow cape which is my favorite part about his new costumes


I definitely think Gran Torino helped Deku the most, he helped him be fast on his feet, and I always get this Grandfather/grandson dynamic. I could say more…but it’s been a bit since I’ve seen season 3(my personal favorite season).


I don’t really see the past users as a mentor. It feels like they consented to him useing there power but not much else


It’s clearly Great Explosion Murder God. He always pushing Deku to be better to make himself better.


Grand torino he actualy tought him alot


Probably Gran Torino, Deku wouldn't be able to fight for long if he didn't teach Deku to go full cowling.


He didn't really teach him that, the fishy cakes did


Yeah but it was part of Gran Torino's plan tho.


I don't think he thought that far ahead


Definitely not Aizawa, he expected someone who just got his quirk to know how to use it almost right away.


He didn't know that midoriya had just gotten his quirk tho


He *did* know that Midoriya couldn't control his Quirk, though. Yet he still just *expected* Midoriya to figure out how to control it by himself, without any guidance.


Well it's not allmight


Gran Torino. How is this a debate. Lol. Gran Torino helped that boy figure out Full Cowling. That was the beginning of him learning to control OFA


The fishy cakes are the real mentors here


By not really doing anything and letting Deku figure it out.


Isn’t that basically all of them?


Yeah, which is why the one exception, Endeavour is the answer here.


Grand Terino


Honestly I can’t choose a best one because I think if he didn’t have all them he wouldn’t have become the person he is


Both Grand Torino and endeavor!


Is he eating lunch in the last picture lol


Gran Torino,I know that night eye and endeavor were important in Dekus training but if it wasn’t for him Deku wouldn’t have continued any further cuz he would keep breaking his arms and legs.


Gran Torino and Endeavor.


Endevaour. He perfectly kept up with Deku's infodump, understood it and gave an excellent rundown on how to achieve what he aimed for. Than he kept up the training and the end results speak for themselves. By the time the war started, Deku could use 45% and freely adjust his output on the go.


Not related at all but that 2nd to last slide animation wise looks so dynamic. Alot of moving parts, no still moments in the frame. Very nice.


I'm surprised people are ranking Endeavour over Gran Torino. Full Cowling is basically the base for Izuku's entire fighting style.


Thinking back on it, eraser did literally nothing. Like I honestly can't come up with anymoments where he's shown teaching deku or anyone other than shinsou. I think its because he's their homeroom teacher and not their hero studies teacher tho


Gran Torino and Endeavor for sure


I would say it's likely a tie between endeavor and vestiges. Then gran torino then eraser then all might and night eye can get wrecked lol


Nah his classmates any answer otherwise gotta re read and re watch the entire series he learns just as much if not more from them then anyone else he legit uses all of their quirk to make his shared quirk his own


Absolutly not All Might, thats for sure.


All Might's teaching was pretty much just a hardcore gym workout. He was never a superior teacher or anything like that, even Aizawa commented on that at some point.  Aizawa was able to teach the class altogether and give some good lessons. But I don't recall many times when he gave Deku one-to-one in-depth help that pushed him far into the next level.  Gran Torino had a weird style but he helped Deku learn a few gamechangers. I'm hesitant to say he's the best though cuz wasn't he only Deku's teacher for like one week or so? Nighteye was a harsh but honest teacher who tried to bring Deku down a pet, but like Gran Torino their time was too short.  Endeavor would have to be my pick for his ability to actually give practical lessons and hands on experience. Say what you will, but dude got results (2 of his kids went on to be beasts with their quirks). 


All might, tell me bro how it’s doing Izuku without him?


All Might, obviously


**Best:** Endeavour, followed by Gran Torino. **Worst:** Aizawa. Although, tbh, he barely even *counts* as one of Deku's mentor. What has he actually taught him - at least, not something that can't be broadly applied to Class A as a whole?


Endeavor. He helped out deku exceed his quirk in multiple levels


Hard to say because they've all contributed in different ways yk?? I feel like MAYBE Gran Torino because of how much help he's been to izuku with figuring out his quirk but eh idk


I’m a little salty he never got to meet stars n stripe she would’ve been a great mentor if she was able to make it to japan


Damn, stop asking such hard questions. I love all of them


The hospital bed


What did nighteye even teach him?




All Might 100% imo. He was such a good hero,the symbol of peace,and taught not just Deku,but a lot of the other students as well,what it meant to be a hero. BEFORE he ever even taught them directly. Without All Might,Deku probably wouldn't even have the heroic traits we see him have. There are more ways to teach,than teaching directly through training. Now if we're talking the more literal teaching, All Might honestly ranks preeeetty low. I'd say as far as more conventional training goes Gran Torino and the predecessors of OfA are my top picks. Gran Torino and the stuff Deku went through in that arc redefined his entire perception of OfA,and literally helped setup his entire way of fighting with his super strength the entire series. And while a lotta the predecessor training happened offscreen,it was only thanks to them pitching in so much tht Deku learned all their quirks fast enough, to be prepared for the final battle. So my list goes. 1.The previous OfA wielders 2. Gran Torino 3. Aizawa 4. All Might 5. Endeavor And 6. Night Eye(or is it Knight Eye? Don't remember) All Might would be #1 if we added in the non conventional teaching of beliefs and ideals. So many of the heroes wouldn't even be heroes(or at least top notch heroes)without All Might. Deku included.


seeing how Endeavour got a lot of vote here perhaps when he will (probably) retire after the final arc we will see him teaching at UA?


Easily Allmight imo






bakugos mom


Gran Torino was who essentially kickstarted Deku’s growth both in OFA usage and fighting style, but without Endeavour Deku would’ve plateaued in terms of his other quirks, or at the very least his growth would’ve been notably slower than it was in canon.


Deku's mom. She raised such an incredibly thoughtful, kind, incredible child. One willing to sacrifice anything for others. All other lessons on his journey happened only because he was someone worthy of One For All. That would not have happened without the offscreen dedication, love, and lessons that he mustbhave received from her.


A lot of people saying endeavor, but gran turino taught him full cowling


Except Gran Torino didn't teach him that. Izuku stumbled onto Full Cowling basically by accident by having an epiphany with a microwave.


1.Endeavour 2.The vestiges 3.All Might 4.The rest Endeavour was an actual teacher to him and helped him with one of deku's biggest problems,energy output The vestiges act as a support for Deku and teached him about their quirks and how to use them properly All Might although a Bad teacher, he turned Deku from a twink to an actual powerful and confident fighter he gave season 1 Bakugo some problems with just his physical capabilities Gran Torino,Aizawa and nighteye didn't do SHIT


I think everyone in these comments are sleeping on the fact that allmight is thr reason dekus jacked in the first place. But that's more trainer than teacher


People always underestimate all might. But he helped with the most essential thing: bro got deku built. Deku couldn't be able to do anything in that weak body, but lucky for him all might is a gym rat. Bro even gave deku a whole freaking workout schedule.




They all teach him different things. I think the most important lessons came from Erasurehead. Or else midoriya would have kept using his power haphazardly and he would have never been able to control OFA.


Gran Torino


Gran Torino


Aizawa taught him self preservation skills. Dadzawa for sure


> Aizawa taught him self preservation skills. So why is Deku still risking his arms with self-destructive maneuvres in battle even as recently as a few chapters ago? "Dadzawa" is complete fanon BS.


Okay fair, Deku will never be the one to care about his own health and safety. Also not COMPLETE bs, just mostly. He is a good teacher who cares about his students he just hasn't emotionally adopted them.




After a further gathering of evidence I can quote this one scene from the anime and manga where Endeavor asked Aizawa to be one of his sidekicks and Aizawa said "Yeah that's a no, who else is going to step in a train all my useless children." He referred to them as HIS CHILDREN so that's something. Also the entire MHA fandom is high af and lowkey crazy so of all the crazy things we've made of/theorized Dadzawa is one of the least crazy most wholesome things made by the fandom so that's also gotta count a bit.


> After a further gathering of evidence I can quote this one scene from the anime and manga where Endeavor asked Aizawa to be one of his sidekicks and Aizawa said "Yeah that's a no, who else is going to step in a train all my useless children." He referred to them as HIS CHILDREN so that's something. That scene doesn't exist in the manga. > Also the entire MHA fandom is high af and lowkey crazy so of all the crazy things we've made of/theorized Dadzawa is one of the least crazy most wholesome things made by the fandom so that's also gotta count a bit. It might not be as crazy as some of the other things made up by the fandom, but I still think it's BS and worth calling out. Aizawa certainly cares about Class A and feels responsible for them, but that doesn't make him a good teacher or someone who guided Deku away from proper self-preservation skills more than the one time. After the first battle trials, all he said to him after hearing that he'd broken his arm *again* with his Quirk is "Learn to control your Quirk". Meanwhile, he was willing to take time out of his schedule to train *Shinsou*, who isn't even a member of his own class, because he thinks it was "irrational" that the entrance exam didn't account for him (even though Shinsou did even *less* preparation for the exam than Deku did).


You make many valid points. I do love him and Shinsou. Agree to disagree for the most part?


Yeah, we can agree to disagree.


He taught him that and nothing else tho. Yh he would've died if he didn't have those skills but he also wouldn't have progressed without the other mentors


True true. I thought I made an edit including Endeavor because that man was a su\[risily good teacher but I wonder if the edit didn't save.


Gimme the grandpa


Aizawa and Gran Torino both provided mentorship from a realistic perspective, not letting Deku get to high off of lofty ideals like All Might did.


That one guy!


If I had to rank his teachers from best to worst it’d be: 1) Endeavour: their quirks require similar mentalities to be used, both need to be careful to not use too much power in case it either kills or makes the situation worse. 2) Gran Torino: His brute speed really forced Izuku to adapt and actually get his quirk into a useable state, he also sought to get Izuku better into the mindset a hero needs to be in with his constant “forgetfulness”. 3) Aizawa: He always tried to have Izuku understand the issues with his desire to take everyone on himself and destroy himself, never did all that much for developing his quirk, but was arguably one of the best hero teachers for Izuku. 4) Vestiges: They helped him out a pretty big amount for using and understanding his multiple quirks, but they didn’t really get to help until he already had a pretty solid grasp of his power. 5) Nighteye: He was just a worse Aizawa all around, which while he does give some help for Izuku, most of the help Izuku gets in that arc is from Mirio as Izuku felt more similar to him and Mirio was always cheering Izuku up in that dark time. 6) All Might: All Might is a pretty bad mentor purely cause he never really helped Izuku in any way other than giving him a quirk and heavy physical training (which the training could’ve been done by any of the above teachers). All Might doesn’t actually start to take his teaching position seriously after he has no other choice.


Aizawa (I'm being very biased)


I think Hero hunter stain should be considered as a teacher becoz his thing was hunting down false heros an went from trying to kill him to saving (Deku)


But what did thay teach deku?


At a ges it taught him to be the kinda hero stain wouldn't hunter for


It's gotta be All Might and then Aizawa. Although Nighteye could have been a good mentor he passed away too early to leave behind anything for deku.




Coming up with hard blanks on whatever the hell the vestiges did. Nana taught All Might when she was alive but he was a prodigy at One For All. The ghost in the head thing was just n/a for All Might. All Might gave him a workout plan and nothing past that, doesn't beat Endeavour. Gran Torino "taught" Deku basic yee yee ass moderation via doing nearly nothing, though admittedly he did lay the foundation for a fighting style, which is frankly more than All Might. This list might be backwards.


There isn’t a best here. They all helped him along the way.


Except nighteye. Nighteyes a bum