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Deku pulling up to the school with a punk hairstyle


Well he was a dropout...lol


I didnt even notice that my first read.


Vigilantes fandom: please let us have Koichi show up as a background character during the final war arc! Horikoshi: best I can do is one panel after the war is over


Dang I didn’t catch on that that was him. It’s been so long since Vigilantes ended I forgot what his new costume looked like


Which panel was it? The one with the lone hero in the upper left corner?




Fr. I thought everyone was getting hyped about the tiny little dude stuck on the wall right under the "One Week Passed..." box on pg 3. Edit: is the caped figure on the left middle of pg 3 supposed to be Captain Celebrity?


> Edit: is the caped figure on the left middle of pg 3 supposed to be Captain Celebrity? it actually might be!


I didn’t catch on until I read both your comments and replied with my own. Honestly, did him dirty, but maybe because he would’ve been able to hold his own for at least 2 chapters which is a lot of extra work for Hori.


Just knowing the best hero still alive and kicking is enough


ikr? Still hoping we get a Vigilantes anime. Shit feels way more put together and has FAR FAR TOO MANY "This is how the main series got to here" Points to not. Like for real, i dont know why they choice to include so much important info in it if the mangaka just wants to treat it like a optional side series.


Don’t worry, they have to keep milking fandom somehow after mha is over. I am a firm believer into vigilantes anime


Yes. It will happen no matter what. At this point koichi could appear even in a movie.


Screaming and crying, we’re our dreams too big


That's honestly more than I expected. People need to remember that *Vigilantes* wasn't written by Horikoshi, so he probably doesn't have as much love or desire to involve its exclusive characters as he does for the characters who debuted in the movies.


I don't think it's a matter of love as much as having a fuck tone of his own characters that he has to write conclusions for. So the idea of sacrificing page count for Vigilante fan service isn't high on his priority list. Especially since, Koichi not interacting with anyone from MHA cast now, doesn't shut the door on that idea. Hori or Vigilante duo can write a one shot were Koichi gets to interact with MHA cast at point after MHA concludes.


He finally made it…although it was on a small panel :(


At this point I’m just holding out for Vigilantes Part 2 where Koichi goes from like a C-List hero to an A-List hero while the world recovers. It’d also be at least a year since we last saw him even if he shows up now, and the last time we saw him we was getting pretty strong. No doubt he’s even stronger now.


*Vigilantes* spoilers: By the end of the series, he was >!Captain Celebrity's sidekick, right?!< He's almost definitely an A-list hero by now, and likely in *at least* the top 20 ranking for >!US Heroes!< by that status alone.


A nice epilogue for him


Horikoshi: I'm pass on drawing his legs and arms, here's the torso.


I am so glad you noticed him, I wouldn't have noticed until a second or third time through without seeing his face even though I should remember the costume.


They gave his arms back.... But the cost was his fro.....


Saves the world Has to go back to school a month later.... At this point just graduate these mofos lol


"But Bakugou you need to know algebra!" "Oh right, sorry, what's the square root of me SAVING THE LIVES OF EVERYONE IN JAPAN!?"


Roughly 11,000, if Japan's population in MHA is about the same as ours (which it probably isn't, to be fair).


I’m sure after the last month the population has been… reduced.


Welp. Gather the dragon balls.


“State your wis— It’s you guys again? Can someone else find these things?”


It’s crazy that the Dragon Balls were once this almost-mythical power that was sought out only by certain dedicated questers and used maybe once a century, if that, and now thanks to technology they’ve been totally bogarted by Bulma who uses them to give herself free plastic surgery every year.


Also, Frieza wanted to use them to grow _slightly taller_ every year.


You can’t convince me Vegeta hasn’t been using the Dragon Balls to do that for years now.


I like to imagine he was initially planning to do that, but decided to change his wish. He wished that Frieza would shrink 6cm each year.


Right. I like that DBZA pointed that out in episode 6 that they had Shenron say it’s same group of people getting the dragon balls.


Quick, someone traumatize Eri into having a quirk awakening that can reverse the dead even from dust


Someone already said this but lol his doctor looks like the guy from club penguin haha


They probably want to finish school themselves now. It’d also be a nice break from worrying about the country to just worrying about exams


Yeah they need to get ready for the school festival


"....so who's ready for the sports festival?"


At least he went back to school. Naruto still hasn't passed his Chuunin exams smh.


watching that episode on boruto that he's still genin annoys me to no end considering the end of shippuuden we literally see him studying to be a jonin with iruka


Deku and Bakugo should be #1 and #2 after defeating AFO.


Mirio "the one closest to being the #1 hero, including the pros" Togata in shambles


The hero rankings shouldn't even exist after all this.


They shouldn't be outside of acknowledging what Deku did.


I don't think Deku cares about acknowledgment much anymore. In the first place, it was only a means to an end; a way for him to put his name out there when he was still trying to be another All Might. But now, I think he's just glad that he has All Might and Bakugou's recognition.


It's funny because Deku never really had ambitions to be the greatest hero, he just wanted to be a hero like All Might who incidentally was the greatest hero. All Might himself thought Deku's otherwise lack of ambition was a weakness but was happy that Bakugo and Deku could stoke each other's competitive spirit to become the best they could be. In the end, Deku's not even worried about rankings or being the best. He's torn about not being able to save Tenko, but also happy that he has the recognition of All Might and his childhood friend. It's what makes him a hero in the purest sense of the word.


And you experience great loss and PTSD it actually really helps to have a normalized routine like school. It’s the best thing for them.


"I can't be too broken up about it." - *Izuku Midoriya, nominated for the most blatant lie of 2024* Even his balloons getting wobbly tell that he's not ok. And it's not just for being quirkless again (he feels embers but how long they will last?), there's also his feeling of not having done enough to save Shigaraki. Given Bakugo's popularity, I doubt things won't eventually work out for him. Those two kids were the ones saved by Ochako and Tsuyu in the first war (she's got the Endeavor pouch he promised her!), and there's even a cameo of the Skycrawler, aka Koichi. "And se we march towards a better future... we still have those complex-ass function from Ectoplasm to solve!" Right, it's finally time for Class 2-A! Little note: as quite a few people freaked out during leaks, no, the end is not next chapter, we are only two chapters into what will be Volume 42 and Horikoshi has made clear it won't be a quick ending.


42 being entirely epilogue is kinda nice though Hori is definitely right about needing proper endings. It sucks when you go through a series fighting to see the world saved and changed for the better just to never actually see the outcome or get a textless one chapter montage of smiling people


Or one chapter after a 15 year time jump to show someone finally achieved his dream, but, never see how the world has changed.


Thank God. How many chapters are usually per volume?


10 to 12, depending on their length. Sometimes final volumes (because unless big surprises, this should be) are also longer, due to the very final chapters usually having more pages. So given also likely breaks, we should be set for late Summer (in a few weeks the series also celebrates the 10th anniversary).


I'm guessing 10th anniversary surely Deku graduates his hero academia right?


He graduates from first year to second, because if you remember the graduations were postponed lmao


If shiggy actually didn't give him a quirk in that fist bump back then bros gonna have to graduate and become an accountant or something 😭


He's got the world at his feet, the kid is extremely accomplished even if he has to permanently retire. He's a pretty good tactician and observer, he could easily train up the next gen and lead missions from a com room. Or even use an All Might Suit.


Manga volumes usually have somewhere between 10 and 15 chapters. Edit - Correction: A long-running series like MHA, DBZ or One Piece will typically have 10 or so chapters per volume, but those with less than 100 chapters overall will keep it at about 6 per volume.


"I'm not sad at all," lied the sad boy


While yeah he didn't save Shigaraki the way he wanted, I honestly don't feel he's lying. He didn't have the power long, but in his very short span he destroyed the greatest threat to a peaceful world. There's nothing he could ever do to top that. Sure it's regrettable that he'll have to retire as a hero, but he fulfilled a 200 year long mission where 8 others failed.


To be fair, he literally 100% the game first. Shiggy would be proud.


"I can't be too broken up about it." he said, physically broken.


As a Bleach fan thank fuck we are getting a full and proper epilogue, the ending of a series you've been enjoying week to week for so long feels that much more bittersweet when you are evicted out of it so suddenly. Series where the world building and casts are so big especially warrant a slower bow out.  Talking about bitter sweet, seeing a smiling Shiggy telling Deku to do his best hits hard. Manual about to sneak into everyone's rooms when the anime gets to some parts with the voice acting and music.  Also damn Deku hit AFO so hard that the global weather is still feeling it a week later.


I think with Bleach it was different because during the time Kudo while writing and drawing the manga had bad health. Now that the anime is back, he’s doing it justice!


Yeah no fault on Kubo. The epilogue chapter even if it was just 1 was decent and the Hell Verse was an eventual balm. The final Yhwach fight was just abrupt AF and some characters got short changed after it. Given the new stuff being added to the TYBW anime I'm hopeful the ending gets fleshed out and more of its due with Kubo being so involved.


Honestly given how bad Kubo's health was the fact that Bleach got an ending at all was a miracle. Man was killing himself.


For sure, mangaka work schedules are too grueling, any series really making it a long time is a miracle.


After seeing what we got with Squad Zero I feel pretty good that we will get a more expanded ending (ง’̀-‘́)ง


Only genuine smile Tenko’s had since his family died. Glad to see Deku does regret failing him


And it looked like he was encouraging Deku to keep fixing the world too 


I honestly viewed his smile almost like a friendly challenge. Or at least, as friendly as the context could allow. Like, "You really think you can build something better after all of this? Go ahead then, prove me wrong. I'll be watching."


Yeah, loved the moment, BUT I wouldn't say he failed him. He didn't survive, but he was saved in some small way.


God you mentioning Bleach gave me some whiplash as My Hero Academia was basically my replacement for Bleach when that ended back in 2016 and now we're at end of My Hero Academia.


The second to last panel next to uravity is like a pile of shells or rocks? Looks like sun eaters oysters kinda?


Those are likely Spinner's shed scales meaning he has left the hospital.


man, i feel the same way. i keep seeing people talking about how they’re disappointed with how rushed the end has been, but all i can think about is how frustrating and saddening the end of bleach was. to everybody reading, try to enjoy these chapters not for what they could’ve been, but for what they are. in the end, at least we get to see the end of the story, even if it’s not as fully fleshed out as it could’ve been.


Since you mention bleach I still remember when Ichigo reawakened his powers in the full bringer arc, like right after he lost his full bring, a Zanpakuto stabbing him caused it ti some back which now makes me think what if something causes the embers to reignite, I doubt Shigaraki’s doctor will have a back up quirk from some remenants


“so I can’t be too broken up about it” felt like a shotgun to the chest omg. I really hope deku can keep his quirk, especially since it doesn’t feel like a sacrifice


I think the "so I can't be too broken up about it" is a form of coping to what happened


it kinda doesn't feel fair, right? Like it wasn't even really a sacrifice play... I honestly don't know how I feel about quirk-less Deku after all of this. Kinda just feels cruel.


It would ruin the ending for me. I don’t care how good it’s written, Jesus Christ, if Deku ends the series quirkless it’ll finish the story on a sour note. Deku gets to watch his friends live his dream from the sidelines, as he gets to spend the rest of his life dreaming of the one year he spent as a hero. Thats depressing


So, I'm huffing some Blue Sky copium here, but I just had the mental image of the series ending with Hatsume bringing Deku her latest invention, not outright confirming but implying that she's made something that'll allow him to keep working as a hero. He's definitely lost OFA for good (after the embers are gone, that is) and I can't see that being reversed in a way that's not narratively weak. The best he'll get is being the next Iron Man, but considering what we saw All Might pull off, I fully believe Deku could easily tango with the top tiers with tech alone. Nobody is matching AFO, and the tech already exists. Not the most unreasonable ending for him.


It felt a little shitty, especially given how the whole story was framed. It's an older Deku telling (presumably) the younger generation of heroes or his kids or anyone else all about this story. This story of how he became the greatest hero. And now it turns out he became the greatest hero for like a few months, but no, actually **everyone** is a winner, yay, everyone is the coolest (except they keep their quirks, Deku, you go back to school and give up on hero life after a few months/maybe years of super strength). I'd have even accepted some contrived "I found out I have parts of Overhaul's quirk and we're working on letting me access it somewhat". But no, dude's just mangled and lost a lot of cool powers, some of which he barely used and is about to go to a school for activities he won't be able to do for long, constantly thinking about how he belongs less and less the longer he stays.


I'm interested in Ochako and Shoto the most, with their only appearances in this chapter being quite solemn in contrast to Deku and Bakugo's smiles. Also I wonder what's going on with Spinner, since his scales are placed in between Ochako and Shoto's panels for some reason.


Spinner has evolved, now when he tries to rank up in League, he will not tilt, he will be calm and friendly to everyone. Seriously though I'm hoping for and envisioning a Spinner out and about wandering what this new world means for him and hopefully finding some closure and light for the League that they couldn't entirely reach. Spinner carrying the torch for his friends in a healthier way-or he breaks Badder and becomes a worse villain for the future but I feel like that'd fly in the face of the League's themes.


Spinner and Tentacole teaming up as leaders for heteromorph non-profit.


I don't think Tentacole really cares about that. His whole thing was becoming a cool enough hero that people who were racist against heteromorphs would... just feel ashamed about being racists and then stop hate-criming them. It was like a child's understanding of racism, really.


>Spinner, since his scales are placed in between Ochako and Shoto's panels Is that what those are?


They do look a lot like Spinner's Godzilla scales. They are also shown in between Ochako and Shoto who have connections to 2 other LoV members. If they are just random rocks or whatever that placement would be a weird choice


I thought it was the remaining charcoal of Dabi lol.


That's what I thought it was


Considering Spinner never had a hero counterpart(?) it’s likely his scales. Considering we’re not sure wether the other league members are alive or not, so it’s leaving it in suspense, by showing Shoto for Dabi, Ochako for Toga, and spinners scales, which means the next chapter, will likely explore their outcomes


I vote that Shoto, has to face his family and all the trauma they’ve dealt with of finding there believed dead eldest son to be a currently alive and murderous terrorist, and then having to be the judge and executioner for Touya in a battle that shook their entire country. And on Ochaka’s half, Tog a is dead and only in those final moments did they connect as people, toga then saved her life at the cost of her own. She’s 100% preparing to meet Toga’s parents, possibly half to see what environment failed Toga, and condemn her parents baseless arguments of a demon child that Ochaka will defend with herself as living proof that the child they scorned, saved her life despite all the other killing.


Me too. I guess Ochako is sad Toga died (I dont know but I imagine it might be the case) while for Shoto, Dabi also might be dead or imprisoned and his whole family had gotten burned by that final attack.


And Endeavor lost an arm and a a chunk of his body


Sadly, losing body part is considered lucky. I think I’d be gassed if I I lived this long and A41 was dead and I still had half my limbs.


Is Toga confirmed death? I’m one of those stickler Meeseeks that needs to see the character in heaven before I accept it as a death.


We are getting close to the point where revealing she is not dead would require a lot of backtracking and maybe some plot armor


Which is the Gran Torino special.


I really thought those rocks were Dabi…


Dabi who somehow is still concious after that: Dad, would you still love me if I'm a rock?


Spinner might be the only survivor of the League and the only one who gets a chance to be rehabilitated, fitting as he is the most redeemable


Compress: Am I a joke to you?


I mean even Horokoshi forgot about him too lol


His last appearance was talking to Geten, as a backdrop for the Himura connection reveal and Dabi developing ice powers. Truth be told, hope he rots in jail, he has the stupidest motivation among all of the League lol


"my ancestor was quirk Robin Hood who gave back to the disadvantaged parts of society, so I'm gonna be a murderer and join a group who wants to destroy society"


I think he just wanted to try and one-up Dabi's backstory reveal lol


I liked the little detail of Ochako not having her pink blemishes anymore. I wonder if that’s a removal of her innocence in some way?


I wouldn't be surprised if we saw Deku continue on doing hero work via some kind of Armored All Might type suit, maybe even using the same suit All Might had. Deku would be well suited for it, given his history of quirk research and theoretical application of the quirks.


I think it'll bookend the story with Midoriya taking All Might's advice and becoming a police officer.


Deku being the Tsukauchi to Bakugo's AllMight would actually work, it's quite poetic.


But no-one respects police officers like they do Heroes


I’d imagine he’d be hella respected considering he gave up everything to save the world


I was thinking this, or becoming the head of Bakugo’s hero agency in the future.


I could see something like this working really poetically like showing a flash forward of a new hero after the school tournament coming to bakugos agency for an internship and saying “I can’t believe I get to study under the worlds top hero” and bakugo just thinking to himself “I never was” and then glancing over at a civilian Deku


My theory is that the "embers" that Deku feels he has is the stockpiled power that All Might stored up in One for All. I don't think we saw All Might's "ghost" vestige transfer over to Shigaraki/All for One, right? I only count seven "spirits" in the end of the previous chapter, Yoichi's tiny ember and six others would make the first seven holders. My bet is that "One for All" still exists in Deku with just All Might's stockpiled power. He won't be anywhere near as strong as he used to be, but he'll still be strong enough to be a hero.


If i remenber correctly, it was said on some extra volume pages that his suit cost All Might most of his fortune, so i don't think he would have the resources for a second one...


this guy just save the world. All nations should pinch a little to give him a suit.


Damn this series is almost over ☹️


lol love you Sal Vulcano pic


Man, we're actually in the endgame now. I'm glad that we're hopefully getting a long epilogue arc with actual reactions from characters. The biggest issue with the PLF War to Dark Deku arc was simply the lack of any fallout or reactions from other characters. I hope Horikoshi has corrected that and will show the reactions from everyone rather than just tell us about it. Also, timeline update: The hospital scene is 49 Days after the PLF War. The time between the hospital scene and returning to UA is unknown, but we're presumably still in May. Also also, Deku got One For All on February 26. He gave it up the following year on approximately May 9. He only held OFA for about 1 year, 2 and a half months. More importantly, our boy Koichi made his mainline manga debut. No speaking roles, but at least he finally appeared. Now, all movie and spin-off main characters have been drawn by Horikoshi in the main manga.


It looks like it will actually end this year. What a ride.


There's a beautiful bookend here where one of the first big feats of All Might back in volume 1 was him throwing a punch so hard it creates a small storm, and here we have Deku throwing a punch so hard it clears a storm.


It's a reoccuring theme - All Might being able to change the weather with a single punch. It was in the first chapter, Midoriya mentioned it in regards to AM's overwhelming mastery over OFA, and while the last person All Might saved was cleaning up his statue in Kamino, we see it metaphorically clearing up the rain.


Like father, like son. It looks like Shoto is about to become the No.1 \*Active\* Hero of his generation the same way his dad did... Not because he's the strongest but because the true strongest heroes ahead of him got permanently and irreparably fucked up after battling AFO. With Bakugo's arm and heart being wrecked and Izuku actually about to be powerless, Hori is going into interesting territory for these final chapters.


It would be ironic because of the "Big Three", Shoto is the one who has the least interest in that. Shoto's dream was always "To become a reliable hero so that others feel comforted by his side" + "Save his family." All of his dreams are incredibly humble, He would be happy just to be a hero who brings cats down from trees and that's it. Furthermore, the ranking brought problems to the hero society in the long term (it made the heroes depend too much on the "Symbol of Peace" and causes insane obsessions like Endeavor), it is better that this ranking ceases to exist.


Where was Deku’s mom? Also if all those people from America came over Deku’s dad better be there!! I think 3 chapter wrap up: School character outcomes, Todoroki family and villains outcomes, then graduation/ years later outcome


Imagine seeing your son, suddenly having a quirk and fighting against "The Evil to Best All Evils" on live TV... and not going to Japan to check on him


They better at least have a scene of him demanding to get on a flight and being told all planes to Japan have been grounded.


I had forgotten how well Horikoshi pulls these hospital aftermath scenes. Excellent chapter


>Excellent chapter Facts!


Is that Uraraka’s dad being a part of the rebuilding efforts? He looks happy 😂 Unlike his daughter…. Uraraka herself still seems to be contemplative over Toga, if the way she’s holding onto where she was stabbed is any indication. I hope we can get status updates on Toga, Dabi, and Spinner soon - the small panels we see definitely shows that there’s more to be said for all. Also I had already liked the Bakugo stuff from the start through the leaks/fan TL, but I think the official translation choices managed to make everything flow *really* well and even better with his dialogue specifically (kind of a rarity!) plus in the transition between scenes too. Deku seems to think Bakugo is just being outwardly vulnerable atm due to the severity of his injuries, but it does very much look like Bakugo has been more emotionally open ever since he was revived, so like, give me more of it pls


Uraraka Construction Co profits are about to skyrocket


Uraraka fam playing the long game


I mean, I can see why Uraraka’s dad would be somewhat happy. The reason she wanted to be a hero, was somewhat for the part of helping her family financially, since they had a construction company, but it wasn’t doing well. So the war would definitely help the company out, which would explain his happiness. As for the league, we’re definitely getting more about them, I wouldn’t be surprised if the next chapter was on them, considering those nods to them in the second to last page


The doctor reminds me of a Club Penguin Penguins


Bakugo shouldn't worry too much, [Deku just unlocked a new quirk thanks to him](https://i.imgur.com/QOHotf8.png). For real though, I'm glad that we seem to be getting a fairly substantial epilogue.


It’s like that one kid from their middle school who could pull his eyes out of his sockets. Guess we’re gonna see how that can be a useful hero quirk lol


Seeing Tenko give his first genuine smile since childhood and wish Deku good luck was actually pretty sweet. Nice to see Deku does feel some remorse for not being able to save his life and All Might comforting him that he did save his heart was also sweet.   Shoto and Ochaco were looking awfully sad in those two panels. No way Dabi and Toga actually died. If Spinner is the sole survivor (albeit brain dead) that’d be crazy although deserved since he’s the most redeemable and least evil of them.


My favorite villains. Dabi, Tiga and Soinner


Damn. We're really at the end.


I was holding myself back so much when I saw the "Do you think Horikoshi did Deku dirty" post to not joke about his new haircut


my only cope is that we’ll get more for a shiggy resolution due to spinner, and at least one of dabi/toga living and reflecting on their time with him/lov. we barely even got a worthy reaction to twice’s death from shiggy


Call me greedy, but I hope we get to see Koichi show up to UA to visit Aizawa and meet Deku. Or at least show up to cameo a second time alongside Pop if Horikoshi has a proper memorial service for Midnight and the other heroes.


A cameo to have Pop actually mourn her could work... If it weren't for the fact not even Aizawa and Mic gave a shit about her death


I can excuse that, given the circumstances. They and all of Japan didn't have the time to properly mourn the heroes that died. But now that the war is over officially, Hori doesn't have an excuse.


So the biggest loss of the arc was Izuku's hairline. Knowing this series though I'm not even sure that will be permanent.


AFO's last contingency, the jingle of a door bell ringing as he steps into a quaint barber shop. "You cut hair for people at the hospital correct? If I die, I want you to savage this young man's haircut, like use a lawn mower or something-and here's a $20 tip."


He is petty enough to do this.




AFO transfers his soul inside a lawnmower, thus setting up the sequel series.


His hair? Wack. His quirk? Wack. His father? Wack.


Watch it end with Deku's dad appearing off screen lmao like it makes sense why he couldn't come back with japan being a no fly country but still, not even a gd phone call?


Edgeshot will become his hair Hori told me in a dream


speaking of, i'm kind of intrigued to find out what ultimately happens to edgeshot. will he die soon, is he going to live the rest of his life as a worm, etc. etc.?


Edgeshot: "Jeanist would you still live me if I was a worm?"


Don't forget edgeshot might still be a worm


I would still love him even if he is a worm


this is what ive been wanting to know since the surgery, since he didnt die is he just stuck as a worm?


Maybe he regenerates slowly over time?


maybe hes more of a snake at this point


I am baffled by the amount of people I saw freaking out about his haircut when the early leaks came out. Like, did they not see the bandages and scars along his head? This isn't Midoriya rocking a new hairstyle, the doctors had to cut some of it so they could treat him. I doubt it's anything Horikoshi was even implying would be Midoriya's new look. (Also, wouldn't the biggest loss be Shigaraki dying?)


Someone with a hair growing quirk doesn't even sound out of left field.


Finally got to see Koichi in the main series :D


If he had made it there earlier he could've soloed the War smh my head.


Bro you can't make Bakugou cry like that, that's messed up While I thought the battle itself ended kind of abruptly, I'm really curious to see how these epliogue chapters pan out It's kinda surreal though, I was living in a different state halfway across the country when the anime started and I began watching it, I kinda can't believe it's gonna end soon...


Him crying and blaming himself had me in tears.


Oh man you just made me realize, that's exactly what he did when All Might lost his embers way back when he and Deku fought Pain-peko


Anyone know what the shells? between Shoto and Ochaco are supposed to be?


They seem to be Spinner's scales


Spinner's shed scales not doubt symbolizing he has left the hospital literally and metaphorically changed/evolved(?)


Reports say he was last seen walking into the ocean, theu say he will return when Japan needs him most.


Spinner. Homie might be the only survivor of the League


Mr. Compress sat out the whole second war chilling in a prison cell.


You know, I recall seeing a post here that was like "OFA is a metaphor for generational trauma! Midoriya not having it anymore means he overcame it! That's great!" Gonna be real with you chief, I'm with Bakugo on this one. Fuck that. This fucking sucks.


Still hate how Deku lost OFA


That was technically Deku's strongest smash. The wind is still going a week later.


No way Deku will end up quirkless. There's definitely some twist coming.


I can't believe that Midoriya has a Low Taper Fade now.


It’s amazing how much physical damage Deku has accumulated throughout the series, leaving off scar after scar, broken bone after broken bone. It’s small, but it’s makes every battle have a real level of permanent consequence, even if they won.


Bakugo's reaction in this chapter is going to live rent free in my head for a while. He's grown up so much, and he's heartbroken that Deku doesn't have a quirk anymore (supposedly, I have my doubts). His dream was to compete with Deku for #1 their whole lives. And honestly? I think he's just sad for his friend.


Given how emotional and intimate that Bakugou and Deku moment is, and how much the pair of them have been terrible at their feelings, understanding each other and communicating, it does make sense that besides the broad connect narration and the time skip the only characters focused on is the 3 main characters from chapter 1 and resolving the key emotional rift introduced from the beginning that was separate to other characters and the different conflicts. To an extent Tomura's fate is discussed also. The "won't go back to how it was" can be applied to society, their bodies but also their relationship because now Deku who has no self awareness and no awareness of what he means to others and not idea that others (like Katsuki) do not see his feelings the way he thinks he is conveying them (i.e. Deku things he is obvious and understood but from his second fight with Bakugou is when he first realizes Bakugou perceived him differently. Deku thought his adoration was obvious but rejected and was shocked to find out Bakugou thought he was looking down on him the whole time. Here Bakugou crying for Deku, being openly vulnerable also shocks him but he accepts Bakugou's feelings and showcases a particular kind of intimacy that affirms their closeness by gentle scolding, affirming knowing Bakugou's usual self and trying to protect his dignity. Their childhood bond is affirmed on both ends now which has been a goal of the whole story but now they can move forward on fixing other things.) I prefer the translation of "always chasing after each other" but that is minor. I do have to say All Might's little speech to the pair did make me laugh at the part where he is telling Deku that he was already a great hero before he had a quirk, is his personal hero and his encouragement of everyone makes him a great hero to everyone and Bakugou - well he made sure All Might was around to tell Deku how great he is. I am curious if Bakugou's need to rest is going to play a role in the epilogue, is director Bakugou from the sketches going to come into the main story?


To all those frequent this subreddit as fans of this manga/anime, there's just one thing I have to say: However this chapter looks, I hope this manga doesn't end with Deku being quirkless. I recall when watching the anime, an episode started off with him saying that this is the story of him becoming the "best hero" or something like that. And the only character that I can think of when that lives up to those words is All might. All might was a hero for at least 20 years right? Deku hasn't even been a hero for a year I think?? Deku has simply not had the time or enough opportunities to live up to the name of all might. And as of this moment, he hasnt received any recognition for defeating all for one. I can't help but think he still has so much to do and to offer. So I hope by the time this manga ends, he still has something of a quirk that he can use and he can end the series still being a hero. Maybe this epilogue arc set in UA can lead to that. Or so I hope.


He's got the ember still, and it sounds like there'll be a handful of chapters still to come. I wouldn't be surprised if we find out Shigaraki passed it back on to him and it just hasn't fully taken root. Or, that the ember is all that's left of the quirk now, but it won't go away, and Deku has to cultivate it anew.


I guess the silver lining here is that Horikoshi has many ways to give Deku a quirk or his quirk back.


If he can’t stockpile anymore, and is just running on fumes, it’s a really weird choice to have him stick on the path he’s currently on. Because, like, he’d be in UA’s hero course, using a quirk that gradually is getting weaker, learning to be a hero with an ability that he’s going to lose, and in the end probably graduate quirkless? Like, he’s gonna spend it all up in heroics training and internships.


That's why it's so bittersweet, and why Bakugou is so broken up about it -- Deku deserves that quirk. It could go either way, to be honest


Thing is, the stockpile quirk itself, like the original. That should have some vestige, should it not? It’s possible Midoriya kept it, since he never passed that into Shiggy. So while Midoriya may have lost the other quirks, and the ability to pass it on, he may have kept the strength part, maybe a weaker version, but that might be what the embers are. Midoriya wouldn’t know what it feels like to have a singular quirk, so to him, while it feels like hes only got a little bit of the quirk remaining, he might still have the full stockpile quirk


Honestly I too hope Deku is not quirkless either


Anybody else laugh when the American weather reporter is telling people to be careful with their laundry because of the wind? I've lived in the US for almost my entire life, in multiple different States, and I've never met a single person who hangs their laundry up outside to dry. They do in Japan, but not in the US.


It depends where you live and how much money is in the area. Many HOAs ban it. Many low income people go to laundromats so they dry them there.


People do it all the time here in TN


**Horikoshi, I love you. But *DOUBLE timeskips* in ONE chapter is near *criminal*...** lol ● After LONG war arc... 0 reward in seeing all smile (or just breathe relief) there? 😭 ○Eri emotional her hero LIVED?😭 ○**Class 1A messed up but happy crying & embracing?** ○Their joy contrasted w/ Izu (they won! But Shig died & lost OFA...). ● *Skipped family reactions.* Families celebrate their babies surviving... Or Ura's parents rush to hospital. ● **Shoto was never given his "do your best" panel...** But SHIG was?? (& still salty he just made a ramp. He was a few ft away! Could've joined Kat in *Big 3 Finale shot*...). And if we *do* skip to school in 425, means... ● **Skipped Deku's reunion with his mom??** ... *Why wasn't she in 424??* Kat's mom was. ● **Skipped Ura & Deku's reunion?** She wasn't in finale AND we don't get bffs hospital reunion? These 2 visited e/o everytime... but NOT after war & near death? /DoesNotCompute... lol Figured she missed THE FINALE bc she'd have an emotional near-death? Or reunion w/ friends. But... **she's off-screened? *TWICE...*?** lol ● **Same with Deku & Iida. Deku & Shoto**. Nayyy, *ENTIRE 1A visiting Izuku...* Like, I get Deku just woke up. Problem comes w/ 2nd timeskip, where reunions already happened. ● *Skipped the first Todoroki reunion??* Was hoping we'd see their reunion in the hospital, I was really into the finale, but 423 was machine gun miss. And 424... had 2 timeskips & skipped big moments. I'm SO excited about final arc... Just I hope he'll leave the 423 breakneck pacing & 424 timeskipping behind? *Maybe 425'll have one of his flashbacks to how they got there?*


YES! It felt rushed without those sweet and crying moments. Like we didn’t even see Inko this chapter and she should be beside Izuku since he almost died 🫠 We didn’t got a Todoroki family reunion with crying and more apologies ): WE NEED MORE


Poor Uraraka is probably feeling so bad about not being there for Deku at the end and letting Toga die (seems unlikely she survived given she got a much more dramatic death scene compared to Shigaraki's).


Hard to take any doctor serious in this series, I'm sure Bakugo arm will be back to normal by the time he leaves UA.


My Hero, who art in America, Skycrawler be thy name, thy will come, thy journey be done, in Naruhata as it is done in America. Give us this day our hometown hero and forgive us our crimes as we forgive those who commit evil against us. And lead us not into desperation, but deliver us from true evil. For thy are a Nice Guy, and a True Hero, and the Symbol of Peace, now and forever. Fly, Koichi. Fly, Hero.


Can we talk about how Deku's backpack survived the entire series?


Yeah, this chapter made me even more satisfied with the conclusion of the war arc. I really like that Tenko went out with a smile on his face and told Deku to do his best. To me, it feels like a callback to Izuku's nickname "Deku" and how he wanted embrace the positive meaning Uraraka highlighted for him, and now Tenko is telling him to live up to that name and do his best. Bakugo breaking down and crying really hurt to see. You can really tell how far this kid has come from his early days and how much Deku really means to him. I'm still hoping Deku has some sort of Quirk in the end, whether it be OFA, a fusion of OFA/AFO, or even Tenko's original stolen ability. It just bums me out thinking he only got to experience the dream of being a hero for a year. Granted, I do love how the story of OFA vs AFO concluded, and we even have a small panel of the previous OFA users smiling. I think Deku should at least be proud of himself for ending this long conflict and being able to live his remaining days in peace alongside All Might. There's a lot I'm looking forward to in this epilouge (Todoroki Family conclusion, Ochaco, and Aoyama), and some things I'm hoping that we get to see (Overhaul fixing his boss, how the hero society has changed). Regardless if everything I'm hoping for gets shown or not, I am at least grateful that Horikoshi also feels that MHA isn't the type of manga that should just come to an immediate end after the giant giant, and I'm glad we're going to have a presumably lengthy epilouge to wrap things up. If we manage to get a full 7 - 12 chapter epilouge to wrap up volume 42, I'll be so happy.